HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938_12_07 Town Board Minutes 0,
At the Town Offices, 158 West Boston Post Road_, Mamaroneck, N. Y.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor IdlcCullocb at
8: 00 P. Iii.
Presents Supervisor EcCulloch
Councilmen: Bates, Griffin, Mandeville, I4ieginniss
Absent: None
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne, Town
Attorney Delius, Assessor Smith, Comptroller Luceno and Town En-
gineer Foote .
The Supervisor stated that in accordance with notice duly
given, it would be in order for the Board to receive bids for the
collection of garbage, swill, et cetera, from Garbage District No. 1
of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year beginning January 1, 1939.
The Town Clerk presented the affidavits of publication of
the notice which were ordered filed.
The Supervisor inquired if there were any persons who
desired to submit bids who had not already done so.
There being none, he directed the Clerk to open those bids
which he had already received.
The Clerk thereupon opened the bids which showed as
Donofrio & Staropoli - ;;;10, 900. 00
Sganga uk Lopreato - 111200.00
James Staropoli - 13,100.00
Caruso z,, Sestito - 9, 944. 68
After consideration action on the bids was deferred.
The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who
wished to address the Board.
There being no one, the Board proceeded with the regular
order of business .
Councilman tandeville reported that the highway equipment
had been prepared for snow removal long in advance of the unexpected
fall of snow which occurred on Piover�ber 24, 19382 the result being
that the department was in a position to start at an early hour and
that all the highways had been cleared in time for the commuters
and other residents. He added that the men had done a fine job.
Mr. Pandeville recommended that the second item of the pro-
posal submitted by Charles F. ;mink, architect, on March 9, 1938,
for professional services in connection with the Petigor project be
The proposal reads as follows:
s#2. "For professional services necessary to assist
Mr. Cowham as supervisor, during the period of
actual construction, my charge will be $350. 00. This
service will consist of daily visitations to the job
giving such instructions and establishing a careful
procedure of inspection, as will be required to ob-
tain sound construction, and other details, meeting
the requirements of Town Ordinances. "
On motion by Councilman mandeville, seconded by Councilman
Bates, it was upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED that the second item of tree proposal sub-
mitted by Charles F. Mink, architect, on llaarch 9,
1938, for professional services in connection with
the Petigor project be approved.
Councilman Bates reported that the Sewer Department had
completed all of the work planned for the year 1938 and that they
were now doing maintenance work.
Councilman Griffin reported that the Park Department was
completing their work for the year within the budget allowance .
He presented the following welfare reports for the month
of November: (1) Monthly Statement of Obligations Incurred for
Home Relief; (2) !`Monthly Report of Case Status of All Home Relief
Cases; (3) Monthly Report on Home Relief Cases and Obligations In-
curred; (4) Monthly Report of Administrative Costs and Personnel;
(5) !,,!ilk Report; (6 ) P1lonthly Report of Life Insurance Adjustment
Bureau; (7) monthly Report of Number of Unemployed Employable Clients
Receiving Relief at End of 1vlonth; and (8) Analysis of Home Relief
Expenditures. The reports were received and filed.
He pointed out that the case load in November rose to 315
including 269 home relief cases and 46 veteran relief cases. The
case load in October was 291 including 249 on home relief and 44 on
veteran relief. Expenditures rose from 1210, 981.19 in October to
$12,247.86 in November, 1938. He stated that this could be expected
because of the additional demands for fuel, clothing and similar
items at this time of the year. He added that medical costs had
dropped from X598. 58 in October to �j565.75 in November, 1936.
Councilman 1+1eginniss stated that there was nothing to
report other than that a request had been received from Junior High
School students for permission to assist in the administration of
town affairs for one clay. He recommended that this request be
-- granted.
On motion by Councilman lriandeville, seconded by Councilman
Bates, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that a date convenient to all be set aside
for this purpose.
The Supervisor read a letter dated �ovesnber 28, 1938, re-
ceived from afabel T. Powell, requesting permission to pay at a
reduced rate of interest certain taxes, the liens for which are
held by the Town.
Following some discussion, on motion by Councilman Bates,
seconded by Councilman Mandeville, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, ti-at the Receiver of Taxes and Assess-
ments be and he hereby is authorized, empowered
and directed to accept payment of the following
taxes on Section S. Block 81, Lot 10, the liens
for which are held by the Town, in the face
amount of the liens plus interest computed at
6 per cent per annum, provided payment is made
within thirty days:
Year of Tax Year of Sale Anou.nt of Lien
6® 38
23. 00
33. 01
The Town Clerk read a letter dated 1vovember 25, 1938, re-
ceived. from R. i'Mt. MIcLaughlin of the County of Viestchester Department
of Health, in which he suggested that the Board consider the enact-
ment of such ordinances as may be necessary to control or prohibit
the use of vehicles as living quarters in t'_,is community. He pointed
out that the use of auto trailers as living Quarters will greatly
increase during the operation of the 1939 Mew York World' s Fair and
that unsanitary conditions may be caused by improper storage and dis-
posal of offensive refuse .
Following some discussion the letter was referred to Town
Attorney Delius to be considered along with other suggested amend-
ments to the Ttown' s General ordinances.
The Town Clerk read a letter dated. November 17, 1938, re-
ceived from Prank C . l!!_oore, Secretary of the Association of Towns
of the State of New York. He referred to a proposed bill extend-
ing the tern: of office of town superintendents of hi.p-hways from two
(2) years to four (4) years, which may be introduced in the Legis-
lature of 1939. He stated several reasons why the Association of
Towns was onnosed to the bill and requested that the matter be sub-
mitted to t'he Town Board so he may be advised as to the attitude
of the Board.
Following some discussion, the Clerk was instructed to
send a letter to Secretary !;:core advising him that the Town Board
wished to be placed on record favoring the two-year term for town
superintendents of highways.
A letter dated November 15, 1938, from Edward E. Hoxie of
Larcbmont, concerning the proposed Museun of Arts and Industrial
Crafts, was received and filed.
Councilman Griffin presented two petitions dated December 7,
1938, from the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll.
On motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman
Bates, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
'WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented a petition dated
December 7, 19383 for the correction of the assess-
ment roll for the year 1937, taxes of 1938, pursuant
to the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of
the Laws of 1916, as amended, known as the Westchester
County Tax Act; and
04EREAS, after due consideration this Board finds it
desirable to grant said petition for the correction
of said assessment roll;
RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the year 1937,
taxes of 1938, which shows property now appearing on
the rolls as follows:
Section Block Lot
4 18 9A,10A,11 Florence idac'Xhinney
Land Imp. Total
$5,600 579400 $13,000
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the
provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33:
Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total
4 18 9A,10A H. 0. L. C. $' 5,500 $7,400 $11, 900
4 18 11A Florence idiacWhinney 1,100 1,100
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the
year 1937, taxes of 1938, which shows property now
appearing on the rolls as follows:
Section Block Lot Owner
1 6 130,131,
1330, 134, Rockcliffe Est.Inc. 815, 000
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the
provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33:
Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp.
1 6 130,1315
135, 142D,
1 6 142A, 142B
Rockcliffe Est®Inc.
Helen Wilmarth
114,000 - x$14, 000
1,000 - 1, 000
On motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman
Bates, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
wEEREAS, the Assessor has presented a petition dated
December 7, 1938, for the correction of the assess-
ment roll for the year 1938, taxes of 1939, pursuant
to the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of
the Laws of 1914, as amended, known as the 'Westchester
County Tax Act; and
WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds it
desirable to grant said petition for the correction
of said assessment roll;
RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for tine year '1938,
taxes of 1939, which shows property now appearing
on the rolls as follows:
Section Block Lot Owner Land IM . Total
1 6 1302131,
135, 142A,
Rockcliffe Est .Inc. 8815,000 - $153000
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the
provisions of Subdivision 1 of Section 33:
Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total
1 6 130,131,
133A,134, Rockcliffe Est. Inc. $ 6,500 - 6,500
135, 142A,
Councilman Griffin stated that he had been requested at
the last Board meeting to inspect certain property known as Sec-
tion 65 Block 26D, Lots 153B and 154, owned by Mrs. Albert B. Liptak
of Rye, New York. He reported that he had inspected the property
and found it to be unimproved and situated fronting on a dead end
street known as Highwood Wa79 Larchmont Village . He said that it
was rocky laud and that there was some question as to the sale value
of the same .
Considering this and reasons given in Mrs . Liptak' s appli-
cation for permission to pay certain tax liens on this property at
a reduced rate of interest, it was upon motion by Councilman Griffin,
seconded by Councilman Mandeville, upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assess-
ments be and he hereby is authorized, empowered
and directed to accept payment of the following
taxes on Section 6, Block 26D, Lots 153B and 154,
the liens for which are held by the Town, in the
face amount of the liens plus interest computed
at 6 per cent per annum, provided payment is made
within thirty days :
Lot tio.
Year of Tax
Year of Sale
Amount of Lien
79. 99
153B &
67 .45
Dr. Nm. H. mills, appeared before the Board to ask that
funds be made available for the continuance of the activities of
the Town of Mamaroneck Adult Recreation Council during the year
1939. He pointed out that the project has been under way for
four years and during that time juvenile delinquencies have been
reduced virtually to zero. He outlined in full the activates of
the Council and stated that in addition to providing recreation for
the young people of the community the project events were witnessed
by more than twelve thousand people last year.
Supervisor 'iJicCulloch reported to the Board that Dr. Mills
had given a tremendous amount of his time to this work and that the
Council had done a fine job. He explained to the Board that there
has been a question of whether or not the 'iiorks Progress Administra-
tion would continue this project; also that no fund had been placed
in the 1939 budget which is to be submitted December 16 , 1938 to a
public hearing. He did suggest that the project might be included
with other minor N. P. A. projects to be bonded next year.
Following some discussion during which ,4r. ideginniss ex-
pressed his displeasure at "any more bond issues", it was upon
motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Bates,
upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Recreation Project known as
',"V. P. A. Project Ma-54 be included with other
proposed projects for the year 1939.
Dr. tsi ill 3 suggested that more members be appointed to
the Council.
Councilman Griffin suggested that he come in with recom-
Town Attorney Delius reported on the matter of the appli-
cation of Mrs. 'filbert Miller for permission to pay certain tax liens
at a reduced rate of interest, which matter had been referred to
him at the last meeting.
Following some discussion it was upon motion by Council-
man Griffin, seconded by Councilman Mandeville, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed_
to accept payments of the following taxes on the
following described property, in the face amount of
the tax, provided payment is made within thirty days,
to wit:
Tax Sale Amount
Section Block Lot Year Year of Tax
8 54A 13 1934 1935 $84.41
1935 1936 49.34
The Assessor and 'Town Attorney stated that they recommended
the settlement of the certiorari proceedings instituted by Palmer
Amusement Corporation, to review the assessment upon a parcel of pro-
perty in the Village of Larchmont, known as Section 6 , Block 10,
Lot 1C, on the basis of a reduction in the assessment from x;53,000
to �li4b,000 for the years 1936 and 1937 .
Upon motion made by Councilman Griffin and seconded by
Councilman Bates, the following resolution was adopted (Councilman
ldlandeville not voting) :
NIIEREAS, heretofore and on or about the 14th day
of October, 1936, and the 15th day of October, 1937,
respectively, writs of certiorari were obtained by
Palmer Amusement Corporation, owner of Section 5,
Block 10, Lot 10, to review the assessments upon the
premises owned by it; and
WHEREAS, returns to such writs were duly filed by
the Assessor and Board of Review on or about the 15th
day of November, 1936 and the 15th day of November,
1937, respectively, and no further proceedings having
been had; and
WHEREAS, the Assessor and Town Attorney recommend to
this Board that the proceedings be settled and dis-
continued upon the reduction of the assessment from
153,000 to ''45, 000 for 1936 and 1937;
RESOLVED that the assessment
1937, upon property known as
Lot 1C, assessed for 53, 000
provided the certiorari proc
the name of Palmer Amusement
continued without costs.
for the years 1936 and
Section 6, Block 105
be reduced to y45, 000
aedings now pending in
Corporation, be dis-
FURTIMR RESOLVED that the Town Attorney is hereby
authorized and directed to sign the necessary stipu-
lation to obtain an order of the Supreme Court pro-
viding for such reduction and refund of any excess
taxes paid.
Town Attorney Delius presented and read the proposed agree-
ment by and between the Town of itdamaroneck, party of the first part,
and Ida L. Parent and Portchester Savings Bank, parties of the second
part. He stated. that the purpose of the agreement was to obtain
permission to enter the land referred to for the purpose of doing
certain work and making certain improvements to the brook and/or dam
upon said property for the purpose of preventing damage in the future
by flooding of said brook or stream.
Following some discussion concerning this and other condi-
tions along Sheldrake River, it was upon motion by Councilman
11andeville, seconded by Councilman Griffin, unanimously
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized, empowered and directed to sign the
agreement by and between the Town of luarnaroneck
and Ida M. Parent and Portchester Savings Bank
to enter the land referred to for the purpose of
doing certain work and making certain improve-
ments to the brook and/or dam.
The Supervisor presented a letter dated "November 7, 1938,
received from Sanborn & Bogert, consulting engineers of New York
City. fl4r. Sanborn advanced several suggestions as a basis of a
report and program for dealing with the flood condition along
Sheldrake and 'Mamaroneck Rivers. The letter was ordered filed
for reference in further discussion on the matter of flood control.
The Town Attorney reported that he had obtained from the
various owners and mortgagees of property fronting on Woody Lane,
conveyances and releases sufficient to vest in the Town, title to
this property for highway purposes, and that the same had been pre-
pared from preliminary searches made by the Title Guarantee & Trust
Upon motion made by Councilman I, andeville, and seconded
by Councilman Griffin, the following resolution was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Town of ivlamaroneck accept the
conveyances and releases for a dead end street
running northeasterly from Rockland Avenue ( such
acceptance to be for highwalr purposes subject,
however, to the approval of the Town Attorney and the
continuation of title searches covering the property
described) which property is more particularly bounded
and described as follows:
ALL of that lot, plot, or parcel of land lying, being and
situate in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County,
New York, known as Hillwood Place, (now Woody Lane ) and a
portion of "Plot S" as shown on a certain map entitled "Re-
subdivision of Plots P-R-S as shown on map entitled Iufap of
Lawrence Hill". made by the A. J. Foote Engineering Cor-
poration dated June 11, 1930 and filed in the office of
the Register of Westchester County on June 13, 1930 in
Volume 74, Pap 24 of iMaps, and also as shown on a certain
map entitled Pap and Profile of Woody Lane" made oy the
His°hway Department of the Town of P11amaroneck, Westchester
County, 1�ew York, dated July 13, 1937 and intended to be
filed in the Register' s office of Westcnester County, said
plot, lot or parcel of land being more particularly bounded
and described as follows:
BEGINDlING at a point in the northerly line of Rockland Avenue
where the same is intersected by the westerly line of Hill-
wood Place (now Woody Lane ) as shown or_ the above mentioned
map of Lawrence :ill; thence running along the westerly line
of Hillwood Place North 400 509 30" lest 191.39 feet to an
angle point in said. street; thence continuing along the
westerly side of Hillwood Place, (now ,Woody Lane ) north
300 45' 20S° West 72.43 feet to a point of curve, said curve
not being tangent to the last described 'course and having
a radial nearing at said point of curve of north 190 149
21" East; thence through said "Plot S" on a curve to the
right having a radius of 35 feet, a distance of 47. 04 feet
to the point of intersection of said curve and the prolonga-
tion into said "Plot S" of the southerly line of a one foot
reserve strip as shown on the above mentioned filed maps;
thence again through "Plot S" and also alon, the southerly
side of said_ reserve strip north 400 41' 406 east 55. 95
feet to a point on the easterly side of Rillwood Place (now
Woody Lane ) ; thence running along the easterly side of Hill-
wood Place, south 300 45' 20" east 128.74 feet to an angle
point in said easterly side of Hillwood Place (now `lood.y
Lane ) ; thence still along the easterly side of Woody Lane
south 40° 509 30" east 219. 09 feet to the northerly line of
Rockland -Avenue- thence along the northerly line of Rockland
Avenue south 816 539 22" west 59.41 feet to the point or
place of beginning.
The Supervisor informed the Board that the Trustees of the
Neaver Street Chapel Froperty had submitted a proposal for the sale
of a parcel of land at the intersection of Palmer Avenue and Weaver
Street to the Town of Mamaroneck.
Following a lengthy discussion, it was decided that the
Town is in no position at this time to arrange for the expenditure
necessary to purchase same .
The Supervisor stated that due to the illness of Receiver
of Taxes Dillon, it has been necessary that Deputy Receiver Orsino
be on duty full time without lunch period. He suggested. that
Alexander Finson, bookkeeper and assistant in the Tax Office, be
appointed temporary cashier in the Tax Receiver' s Office .
Following some discussion during which the members of the
Board expressed their wishes for 1,1r. Dillon, it was upon motion by
Councilman Bates, seconded by Councilman Griffin, upon roll call ,
RESOLVED that Alexander Finson be and he hereby
is appointed temporary cashier in the office of
the Receiver of Taxes with no increase in salary
and. that a public official' s bond, substantially
in the same form as the Tax Receiver' s bond and
in the amount of 1;10,000 for the term of one month,
be approved.
The Board thereupon went into executive session.
Following the executive session, the Board resumed the
regular order of business.
It was decided that action on the rids for the removal
of garbage and refuse be deferred until a later meeting.
Following some discussion concerning the construction of
the water main in the road in the Petigor property, it was decided
to lay this matter over until a later meeting.
Town Engineer Foote reported. that while in search of a
quarry site, he had contacted the attorney for the estate of
Babette Reinstein and had_ received four copies of a lease for the
property situated at the corner of Boston Post Road and Winthrop
Avenue, and known as Section 4, Block 36, Lots 17 to 21. He stated
that under the ruling of uV. P . A. the Town designates the sites
that are used as quarries whether or not they are on public or
private lands and that the owner nas to give an easement or lease,
three copies of which have to be filed with the fi. P . A. office in
tiunite Plains. He stated that there would be no charge to the Town
for the privilege of removing the stone which can be used for curb-
ing and fill for the new road through the Petigor property. He also
stated that he was anxious to start work at the site as soon as pos-
sible . The Board referred the matter to Town Attorney Delius with
the suggestion that he look over the leases and require the owners
to furnish the insurance necessary to protect the Town against pub-
lic liability and property damage.
The report of the Building Inspector for the month of
November was received and filed.
The report of the Plumbing Inspector for the month of
November was received and filed.
The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of
November was received and filed.
The report of the Town Clerk for the month of November
was received and filed.
The report of the County of Nestchester Department of
Health for the month of October was received and filed.
At 10:45 P. M. the Board unanimously resolved to
Town Clerk