HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938_07_18 Town Board Minutes SPLCTrL FEEITIN— OF TILE T(DA" BOARD'
TO '1At OF i ! ]AR OiIE CK, IEz.T YORE
=_L, JULY 18, 1938
At the :Municipal Building, Larchmont Avenue, Larclavont, Il. Y.
8. 45 P . L.
The meeting a✓as called to order b-Ir Supervisor '1lcCulloch at
Present : Supervisor lr"cCulloch
Counciln:ten Bates, Griffin, I,iand.eville , I'r.eg].nnisS
Absent : '_-one
The presence was also noted of Town Clem Pa-yne, Town Attor-
ney Delius and Town Engineer Poote .
The Supervisor recommended a resolution authorizing the
Larchmont-IMarra.roneck Joint Garbage : --sposal Commission to file an
application to the united States of America through the Federal Em-
ergency Administration of Public I°Jorks for a .rant to aid in financ-
in , the construction of a Garbage and Refuse Incinerator and desig-
nating Harr-1,7 E. Goeckler, ayor, Larchaont , 1% 't, and Bert C. EcCulloch,
Supervisor to
furnish such information as the Goverrmient may request .
Be it resolved by '-the Town Board, Town of Mar_aroneck, Vdestchester CO . ,N.Y.
Village Board, Village of Larchu2ont, Westchester
Co . IQ. Y.
Section 1. That Harry E. Goeckler, Mayor, Village of Larchniont
Bert C . P;icCulloch., Supervisor, Town of
_ Mamaroneck
be and then are authorizeo_ to execute and file an application
on behalf of Larch_mont-I,4amaroneck Joint Garbage Disposal
--- Commission to the united States of America for a grant to
aid in financing the construction of a. Garbage and Re_"use
Section 2. That Furry E. GOec"Cler and Bert C. i!'icOulloch
they are hereby authorized and directed to furnish such
information as the United States of America through the
Federal Eraergen.cy Administration of Public a�for< s ma.y
reasonably request in connection uaith the application
,which is herein authorized to l,e filed.
The fore.-oing -resolution ,vas moved by Council hnan I-andeville ,
seconded by Councilman Bates and adopted b;- the following vote -
AYES- Supervisor I!'cCulloch
Councilmen Bates, Griffin, I:"and.evilie,
P. e inniss
ilG-.�S- _.one
Councilman lbeginniss reioorted that he had been to Albany
with ComPtroller Vito Luceno and had. received full information con-
__ cerning the New `Tory State Enipl07-ees' Retire--ment System. He recorci-
mend_ed. that a meeting of all of the employes and elected officials
should be held so that the plan could be explained. He recommended
— the Weaver Street Fire House as the meeting place and that a date
be set to suit the convenience of all.
The Board. authorized Councilman ;ieginniss to call such a
-rneetin .
At 9;15 P . Tat, the board unanimously, resolved to adjourn.
�" '� Z'
Town Cler'
At the Town Offices, 158 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y.
8:00 P. M.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at
Present : Supervisor McCulloch
Councilmen Bates, Griffin, Mandeville, Meginniss
Absent: None
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne, Town
Attorney Delius and Assessor Smith.
The minutes of the meetings of July 6, July 12 and July 18,
1938 were approved as read.
The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who
wished to address the Board.
Mr. Howard Sonn, attorney, appeared on behalf of Samuel
Cohen, President of the Warranty Realty Company. He stated that a
project was pending whereby thirty (30) acres of property owned by
the 'Warranty Realty Company would be developed by the erection thereon
of multi-family dwellings and that it was contemplated that the entire
tract would be divided into seven (7) separate parcels. He presented
a map showing the proposed development. He stated that 8.01 acres
of the property is in the unincorporated section of the Town of Mama-
roneck and that it would be necessary that the zoning laws of the
Town be changed so as to conform with the present laws affecting the
remaining acreage which is in the Village of Mamaroneck.
Supervisor EcCulloch informed Hr. Sonn that the property
in question was zoned in what is known as Class "Ff° in the Zoning
Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck. He asked if this property
was acreage .
Mr. Sonn replied that it was and that this was the first
attempt to develop the sane.
The Supervisor inquired if the Town would be called upon
to supply improvements.
Ioir. Sonn replied that they would make arrangements to con-
nect with the improvements on Mamaroneck Avenue in the Village of
Councilman Mandeville inquired about what arrangements
would be made for a sewer connection.
Mr. Sonn stated that he was sure that they could connect
with the sewer on Mamaroneck Avenue in the Village of Mamaroneck.
Councilman Meginniss inquired about the type of construc-
tion and the number of families to each unit .
Mrs. Samuel Cohen, who was present , replied that the style
of construction was to be English Tudor and that there *mould be
eight (8) families to each unit .
Mr. Meginniss inquired about the number of units.
IdIr. Sonn and sirs . Cohen replied that they did not know
the exact number of units which were contemplated for the project.
Councilman Meginniss suggested that there should be more
detailed information furnished before the Board should proceed to
consider the application.
Supervisor ivicCulloch advised Pfir< Soren and Mrs. Cohen that
the Board of Appeals for Zoning was preparing a new map and recom-
mended that the matter be referred to the Zoning Board and that
Mr. Sonn furnish the Board with complete information concerning the
proposed project.
The Board approved of the Supervisor' s recommendation.
The Town Clerk presented two letters dated July 28, 1938
and August 3, 1938 received from Mr. Samuel Cohen, President of the
Warranty Realty Company in connection with the proposed development.
Mr. Victor J. Hriss appeared before tbp nquire
about the procedure in submitting informera-' lations
of the Plumbing Code . He was refp-- to-r.
The Super -' wished
to address }v
'VA ssion.
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Ol .Y � ,� Y o 3 •° �.
A f`
(W�' d
Rocky Ro: F+'+ ° y
�1 y' m
East Garde °„ V.
lYy V
Hickory Gro
W.L.C. Pole
It it it it
West Garden Road:
-leaver Street:
Fernwood Street:
W.L. C. Pole
2 LiLTht 377 Trim trees
5 509 ° iF
7 Light 380 Trim trees
W.L.C. Pole 38 Light 53 Trim trees
W.L. C. Pole 1 Light 174 Trim trees
' N
A f`
(W�' d
Rocky Ro: F+'+ ° y
�1 y' m
East Garde °„ V.
lYy V
Hickory Gro
W.L.C. Pole
It it it it
West Garden Road:
-leaver Street:
Fernwood Street:
W.L. C. Pole
2 LiLTht 377 Trim trees
5 509 ° iF
7 Light 380 Trim trees
W.L.C. Pole 38 Light 53 Trim trees
W.L. C. Pole 1 Light 174 Trim trees
' N
West Garden Road:
-leaver Street:
Fernwood Street:
W.L. C. Pole
2 LiLTht 377 Trim trees
5 509 ° iF
7 Light 380 Trim trees
W.L.C. Pole 38 Light 53 Trim trees
W.L. C. Pole 1 Light 174 Trim trees
' N
West Brookside Drive:
W.L.C. Pole 13 Light 41 Trim trees
N.Y.T. " 6 place new light
East Brookside Drive:
N.L.C. Pole 13 Light 244 Trim trees opposite
Stratford Road:
Maplewood Street :
Light at Oakdale Rd. trim trees
W.L.C. Pole 2 Light 158 Trim trees
Murray Ave . -
W.L.C. Pole 17 opposite Maplewood Street
place new light
Forest Ave . :
Rockland Ave. :
Avon Road:
W.L. C. Pole 2 Light 223 Remove
Forest Ave. East of Weaver St . trim all
trees to Rockland Ave .
W.L. C. Pole 26 Light 321 Trim trees
It U qe It 31 �r 324 �¢
tr Ea tr 34 ° 325 ° P
it tr n 36 rr 326 re n
N.Y.T. Pole 6 remove light
Oxford & Dundee Roads:
Dundee Road:
Weaver Street :
W.L. C. Pole 8 Light 527 Trim trees
W.L.C. Pole 2 Light 448 Trim trees
VV.L.C. Pole 65 Light
At Harmon Dr. remove
of Weaver St.
N.Y.T. #2 - Pole M T
at intersection of W
Hill Dr.
W.L.C. Pole 38 Light
to pole 39 at corner
W.L. 00 Pole 43 LiPt
N.Y.T. t
W.L. C.
248 Trim trees
light on West side
16 place new light
;aver St . and Maple
53 should be moved
of Fernwood Rd.
55 Trim trees
57 tr rr
58 tr et
North Chatsworth Ave. :
W.L.C. Pole 35 Li§ht 252 Remove
H ° rr ti 39 42 Trim trees
Birch & Valley Roads:
W.L.C. Pole 7 Light 217 should be moved
to pole #8
Valley Road:
Place new li§ht on pole #6
rr it rr Q #2
Glen Road;
Place new light on pole #2
Wildwood Road:
Lookout Circle:
W.L. C. Pole 3 Li§ht 204 Trim trees
rr ❑ U Tr 5 ° 934 n PI
N.Y.T. Pole 4 Light 307 Trim trees
Edgewood Ave. :
W.L. C. Pole 2 Light 239 Trim trees
Hillcrest Ave. :
Chester Place :
Carleon Ave . :
Meadow Place :
Howell Ave. :
Hawthorne Road:
W.L.C. Pole 8 Light 240 Trim trees
Light 162 corner of Moran Place trim trees
N.Y.T. Pole 1 Light 352 Trim trees
353 Fr it
Place new light in middle of block on West
side of street
N.Y.T. Pole 10 LiPt 114 Trim trees
356 U ie
W.L. C. Pole 2 Light 350 Trim trees
Councilman Mandeville stated that the "6estchester Light-
ing Company would do this work without charge to the Town.
The Board instructed the Town Clerk to write a letter to
the Nestchester Lighting Company, requesting that they proceed with
the work as recommended by Councilman Mandeville .
Councilman Meginniss complimented Mr. Mandeville for his
work in this connection.
Councilman Mandeville also reported that Town Engineer
Foote had set up a project proposal for a storm water drain from
-- Town property to the Boston Post Road through Ferndale Street .
Following some discussion it was upon motion by Councilman
Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Bates, upon roll call (the Super-
visor not voting) unanimously
RESOLVED, that Supervisor McCulloch be authorized
to sign the project proposal for a storm water
drain from 'Town property to the Boston Post Road
through Ferndale Street.
Councilman Bates reported on the work in connection with
the storm water drain at the rear of the Weaver Street Fire House
property. He described the work and stated that it was progressing
as rapidly as could be expected.
Councilman Griffin presented the monthly statement of ob-
ligations incurred for home relief and analysis of home relief ex-
penditures for the month of July.
He stated that although the total expended for relief in
the month of July was °'11,496, 36 as against $12,714.22 in June, there
is little chance of the situation becoming much better. He referred
to the arrangement which allows for supplemental relief and pointed
out reasons why fi. P. A. workers are taking advantage of this arrange-
ment rather than seek extra employment .
He read the following letter dated July 27, 1938, received
from Public Welfare Officer DeVinne :
Town Board
Town Office
Boston Post Road
Eamaroneck, N. Y.
In checking the finances of the Welfare Department
I find that for the past six months of 1938 the Veteran Depart-
ment has expended v$17,649. 39; leaving the sum of $2,350. 61 in
the appropriation. To date during this month that department
has spent $1,734.21 and they probably will spend the difference
of $614.40 by the end of the month, thereby exhausting their ap-
Will you please advise me what your wishes are in this
Very truly yours,
Charles D. DeVinne
CDDeV:EW (Signed) Public Welfare Officer
Following some discussion concerning the deficit in the
Veteran Department, it was upon motion by Councilman Griffin,
seconded by Councilman Bates, upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Veteran Relief Officer be
authorized to continue to provide relief to
the veterans until a further appropriation has
been provided for the balance of the year 1938.
Supervisor ivicCulloch recommended that Councilman Griffin
and Public Welfare Officer DeVinne make a complete study of supple-
mentary relief and submit estimates of any possible deficit in the
Welfare Department, including the Veteran Department .
A petition dated August 3, 1938, was received from the
Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit
the apportionment of taxes.
On motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman
Bates, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, WHEREAS, the Assessor has
petition dated August 3, 1938, for
of the assessment roll for the year
of 1938, pursuant to the provisions
of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916,
Down as the Westchester County Tax
presented a
;tie correction
1937, taxes
of Section 33
as amended,
Act; and
WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds
it desirable to grant said petition for the
correction of said assessment roll;
taxes of 1938,
on the rolls as
Section Block Lot
6 41 38 to 43
the assessment roll for the year 1937,
which shows property now appearing
Owner Land Imp.
Tangredi West. Homes,Inc.03, 800 -
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the
provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33:
Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total
6 41 38,39,40A
6 41 40B,41 to
Tangredi West.Homes Inc.$1,800 - 91,800
Everlast Homes Inc. 2,000 - 22000
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for
the year 1937, taxes of 1938, which shows pro-
perty now appearing on the rolls as follows:
Section Block Lot Owner Land
8 54A 9,10,11 Albert Miller 41,500
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the
provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33:
Section Block Lot Owner Land
8 54A 9A Ivy Reid $1, 000
8 54A 9B,l0,ll Albert Miller 500
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for
the year 1937, taxes of 1938, which shows pro-
perty now appearing on the rolls as follows:
Imp. Total
Imp. Total
- 1,000
Block Lot
53 14 to 17
Louise R. Canini
$9, 000
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the
provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33:
Home Owners Loan Corp.
15 to
17 Louise R. Canini
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for
1937, taxes of 1938, which
shows pro-
perty now
appearing on the rolls as
1B to
4B,11 Warranty Realty Co.
be corrected. as follows, in accordance with the
provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33:
Imp. Total
95000 $111750
Imp. Total
- $1,500
Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total
8 16 1B to 4B Louis Zingesser & W 800 - $ 800
8 16 11 Philip H. Dreissigacker 700 700
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for
the year 1937, taxes of 1938, which shows pro-
perty now appearing on the rolls as follows:
Section Block Lot
2 8A 61
Jos. Acampora B1drs.Inc.$3,500
be corrected as follows, in accordance with the
provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33:
Section Block Lot
2 BA 61B
2 8A 61C
commended that Glick-
for the year 1938, in
in the 1938 budget.
Imp. Total
- $3,500
Owner Land Imp. Total
Jos . Acampora B1drs. Inc. $1,750 - $15750
Ivan S. Flood 1,750 1,750
Meginniss reported on Town finances. He re-
�reedman be appointed as the auditors of the Town
accordance with the appropriation made therefor
r y
On motion by Councilman_ Meginniss, seconded by Councilman
Mandeville, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Messrs. Glick-Freedman, certified
public accountants of New Rochelle, be and they
hereby are appointed auditors of the Town of
Mamaroneck for the year 1938 at the compensation
set forth in the budget, namely, $1,000.
The Town Attorney reported that the Larchmont-Mamaroneck
- Joint Garbage Disposal Commission had acquired the property necessary
for the incinerator site and that the closing of title had taken place
on July 12, 1938.
The Town Attorney recommended that the Board adopt the
following resolution in connection with the proceedings to foreclose
certain tax liens owned by the Town affecting property known as Sec-
tion 9, Block 50, Lot 18B.
On motion by Councilman. Mandeville, seconded by Councilman
Griffin, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, proceedings to foreclose certain tax liens
now owned by the Town of Mamaroneck affecting pro-
perty known as Section 9, Block 50, Lot 18B on the
Tax Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, which property is
located at Mamaroneck Avenue, within the incorporated
Village of Mamaroneck, are now pending; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Mamaroneck owns certain tax
liens upon the same property representing arrears
of taxes due it which were heretofore levied against
said property; and
WHEREAS, this Board has suggested that an agreement
be made pursuant to the authority granted to the
town board by Section 48 of the Westchester County
Tax Act, Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916 as amended
by Chapter 133 of the Laws of 1935 and Chapter 457
of the Laws of 1936, and pursuant to similar authority
granted to the village board by Chapter 755 of the
Laws of 1936, providing that upon a sale of this pro-
perty in an action to foreclose the liens of the Town
of Mamaroneck, this property be sold free and clear of
Town, School and Village taxes and assessments and that
the proceeds of sale, after paying the costs and ex-
penses of the sale , if insufficient to pay all taxes
and assessments in full, be divided between the Town
and Village of Mamaroneck proportionately to the amount
due such Town and Village as of the date of sale; and
WHEREAS, this Board considers it to the best interests
of the Town of Mamaroneck to enter into such agreement
to the end that the property may be sold free and clear
of all taxes, and the proceeds of sale, if any, divided;
RESOLVED that this Board (the Board of Trustees of the
Village of Mamaroneck adopting a similar resolution)
hereby agrees that the property known as Section 9,
Block 50, Lot 18B on the Assessment Map of the Town of
Mamaroneck and also known as Section 9, Block 50, and
Lot 18A on the Assessment Map of the Village of Mamaro-
neck and which is generally bounded and described as
ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land,
situate in the Town of Mamaroneck, County of Westchester
and State of New York, known as Lot 965 on a certain map
entitled 1°Map of the Land as laid out in lots for
property of the Westchester Manufacturing Society,
situate at Mamaroneck, New York, surveyed July, 1811
by William Bridges, C. E. " and filed in the office
of the Register of the County of Westchester as Map
No. 670 and bounded and described as follows:
On the north by Lot designated on said map as Lot
No. 97; on the east by the road known as White Plains
Road, now Mamaroneck Avenue; on the south by lot known
and designated on said map as Lot No. 146 and a por-
tion of Lot No. 147; on the west by lot known and de-
signated on said map as Lot No. 95.
Excepting therefrom all that portion of Lot No. 96
shown on the above mentioned map bounded and described
as follows:
Beginning at a point in the boundary lines between
Lots 96 and 97 on aforesaid map, distant south 811 329
west 139.19 feet from point of intersection of said
boundary line between Lots 96 and 97 with the westerly
side of Mamaroneck Avenue as established and shown on
said map of the proposed widening of Mamaroneck Avenue,
Mamaroneck, New York, made by John M. Farley, C. E. ,
and dated February, 1911 and running thence across
Lot 96 south 80 131 1511 east 49.99 feet to the northerly
side of Lot 147 on said map; running thence along the
said northerly side of Lot 147, south 810 321 west 26
feet to the easterly side of Lot 95; running thence
along the easterly side of Lot 95, north 80 139 1561
west 49. 99 feet to the southerly side of Lot 97; thence
along the southerly side of Lot 97, north 810 321 east
26 feet to the point or place of beginning, and known
as Section 9, Block 50, Lot 18B on the tax map of the
Town of Mamaroneck.
may be sold in proceedings now pending for the
foreclosure of certain tax liens owned by the
Town of Mamaroneck, free and clear of all Town,
School and Village taxes and assessments, and
that the proceeds of sale, if any, after paying the
costs and expenses of such sale and of the proceed-
ings to foreclose, if insufficient to pay all taxes
and assessments in full, shall be divided between the
Town and Village of Mamaroneck proportionately to the
amount due each as of the day of the sale .
FURTHER RESOLVED that if the Town of Ialamaroneck, as
plaintiff in said foreclosure action, become the pur-
chaser at the sale, such property shall not be resold
by the Town of Mamaroneck or its Supervisor until after
the price and the terms of sale be approved by the
Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck, and that
the proceeds of such sale, if made subject to the ap-
proval of said Board of Trustees, after payment of com-
mission and other expenses of said sale, including also
the usual fee of a title insurance company for insuring
title of this property to the Town of Mamaroneck, shall
be divided between the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village
of Mamaroneck proportionately to the amount due each as
of the date of such sale , plus the amount due the Town
and Village for taxes or assessments thereafter levied
upon such property.
The Town Attorney presented a letter dated August 3, 1938
reporting on a letter dated June 8, 1938, from Stanley G. Lehigh,
advertising manager of The Daily Times, concerning an ordinance pro-
hibiting the distribution of Handbills; which letter had been re-
ferred to him at the meeting on July 6, 1938. He called to the at-
tention of the Board the provisions of Section 1, Chapter VIII of
the General Ordinances which in part provides as follows: fl**, ;1;;
no person shall deliver or peddle advertising matter or so-called
hand bills upon the streets, roads, highways or public places of
the Town or by going from house to house or otherwise except he
be a representative of the United States Government, New York State
Government or some political subdivision thereof, acting in the
carrying out of his regular duties, unless a license and badge so
to do have previously been obtained by him or her from the Town
Clerk, 11;,;r=s;e *11 cr
In view of a recent decision of the United States Supreme
Court, he recommended that the Town ordinance be amended in respect
to requiring a license in order to distribute hand bills.
The Board instructed the Town Clerk to send a copy of the
Town Attorney' s letter to Mr. Lehigh.
The Supervisor read a letter dated July 20, 1938 from
Governor Herbert H. Lehman requesting the Town Board to suggest
a representative to serve on a committee of citizens for the pur-
pose of studying the problems which have arisen because of the dis-
continuance of the New York, Westchester &, Boston Railway.
Following a discussion the Supervisor suggested that
Councilman PrMeginniss be appointed to represent the Town on the
Governor' s committee, because of his previous work in connection
with the Committee on the New York, Westchester & Boston Railway.
On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Council-
man Griffin, it was upon roll call ( Councilman Meginniss not
voting) unanimously
RESOLVED, that Councilman E. B. Meginniss be and
he hereby is designated as the representative
of the Town of Mamaroneck to serve on a committee
of citizens to be appointed by the Governor for
the purpose of studying the problems which have
arisen because of the discontinuance of the New
York, Westchester & Boston Railway.
The Town Clerk read a letter dated August 2, 1938, received
from Mrs. Minnie Adamec, 444 Boston Post Road, Rye, New York, request-
ing permission to operate a tourists' house in the residence known as
"The Foy House" located at 194 Boston Post Road next to the Loyal Inn.
After discussion the Board laid the matter over with the
request that the applicant furnish a better description of the pro-
The Town Clerk read a letter dated July 13, 1938, from
Mr. Thomas Hunter, manager for Mr. John J. Murdock, owner of the
Johnethel Realty Corporation, requesting permission to erect eleven
14For Sale" signs on various pieces of his property. Mr. Hunter sub-
mitted with his letter a blue print showing the exact locations of
the proposed signs.
The Board discussed the matter at length and referred it
to the Building Inspector for a report.
The Town Clerk presented a letter dated July 6, 1938, from
K. G. Van Sciver, Clerk to the Board of Education of Union Free School
District No. 1, listing the officers who were duly elected at the
annual meeting of the Board of Education held Julv 5, 1938. The letter
was ordered filed.
The report of the Building Inspector for the month of July
was received and filed.
The report of the County Health Department for the month
of June, 1938, was received and filed.
At 10:45 P. Pal. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn.
Town Clerk