HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938_07_12 Town Board Minutes SPECIAL ! ETIPIG OF THE TOWIT BOARD
FEELL JULY 123 1938
At the Town Offices, 158 'Vest Boston Post Road, T:%larnaroneck 11. Y.
2; 00 P. ,i.
The meetin was called to order b Supervisor LlcCulloch at
Present: Supervisor ",.cCulloch
Councilmen Bates, Griffin !1�andeville, I'dleginniss
Absent ddone
The presence z.,oas also noted. of Town Clerk Payne, Town
Attorney Eelius and Town Engineer Foote .
The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who
Washed to address the Board.
--r . Frank Gagliardi of the office of Clark, Gagliardi,
Cunningham and 3aileq of 's'Vhite Plains, iVev York appeared before the
Board on behalf of Horris H. Petigor. He stated that his client
had been successful in hurdlin_; all obstacles in connection with the
proposed Petigor apartment house development knovun as the Larchmont
Gardens Housing Project, also that the Federal Housin., Administration
had approved and was about ready to close the rnortgageloan. He stated
that t'_n_ey vvvere faced with a, new problem and that it was because of this
that it was necessary for him to appear before the Board. He explained
the situation as follows.
The Town, although it has generally approved the project,
has done so only on condition that tree outstanding tares be paid and
an amount be deposited with the Town to cover the owner° s share of
the cost of the pro-posed =1V. P , A. project . He stated that the owner
will not have the necessary funds to pay the tales and the owner' s
share of the cost o� the improvement until he receives the proceeds
froaa the loan. He requested_ the Town Board to waive the conditions
mentioned and to file the proposed project with the Federal Goverment.
re stated that he had visited the A . P. A. authorities at r',Ihite Plains
and that he had reason to believe that the government would approve
the project .
The Suoervisor stated that he would like to have some
assurance or com_Ynitment from the Federal authorities that the project,
if submitted, will be approved in the usual way. He advised that the
Federal Government had discontinued other projects and that he would
like to have the assurance that the same reasons would not be given
for the discontinuance of this project after operations had been
started: also that there be some statement from the Federal Govern-
ment that they are familiar with all of the circumstances before ap-
proving the project .
Councilman Feginniss recorcmended that the Ton Board -require
Lir. Morris Petigor to furnish the Town with a letter stating that he
would not hold the Town resron.sible for the co_u-oletion of the road in
the event that the app-11 cation had been filed b the TO-�vn and that the
proposed road has not been coripleted.
Supervisor h.eCulloc'_a pointed out that it would be necessary
that a deed co-nveyin - a strip of land for the road to the To;in be
prepared. Ie stated that this deed should not be accepted, until
final arrange_-cents are complete .
Following a length,.; discussion it was decided that Town
Engineer Foote be instricted to prepare the protect proposal and
that the Supervisor be authorized to submit the proposal to the
0. P . Al . authorities at '.white Plains and Albar-,T, _:err York.
nr. Gagliardi stated that he would accompany the �3upervisor,
''-he. Supervisor advised that the proposal would not be
sianedd Lurti 1 he was sj-re that there was a coz-pletc understanding,
of the circumstances in connection Idth the same .
The Supervisor reported that the Board. of Su_oervisors had"
approved an agreement between the Bonnie Briar =Bolding Coi:_pany, County
of Westchester and 'To-mn. of ivlamaroneck, in connection with the widen-
ing of eeeaver Street which provided" that the County acquire certain
propert7= no;,,r owned by Bonnie Briar EDld.in` '.'o_: pany and that a portion
of the right of way of Weaver Street as now existing be abandoned.
This contract, he stated, had been submitted to hire for si; nature ,
On motion i-lade b7r Councilman Hates seconded by Councilman
Griffin, it was
RESOIv'D that the Supervisor be authorized to
si-pn the agreement betvreen Bonnie Briar -Bolding
Company, County of destchester and Town of
Mamaroneck, proviiding for acquisition of rights
of way for widening Weaver Street in the Town
of I,iamaroneck, includirS the abandonment of
portions of 'Seaver Street as now existing, as
provided therein.
A vote Lein; taken upon the foregoing resolution resulted
as follows, the Supervisor, not voting.
AYES. Councilmen Bates, Griffin, Yande-vilie and
Me '.inniss
IT0ES: tione
Councilman Ivleginniss presented the following financial
re-oorts which were ordered filed_. (1) Statement of Estimated- Revenues
from January 1 to June 30, 1933; (2) Sua- ary of Receipts and. '-isbu-rse-
ments from Januar-, 1 to June 30, 1935.
Councilman Handeville reported that the r:igh?,-la-r Depa.rt_rlent
had co.noleted the work in connection °.ith the re-surfa.cin of the
parking area at the railroad station at a cost Of %LLJ144.38. He re-
quested that the Highway Depa.rtraent be reimbursed for this expendi-
ture , Following, sorre discussion the -;latter was referred to the
Supervisor and the Con_ptroller for study,
At 3.20 r. Y. the Board. unanimously resolved_ to adjourn.
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