HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938_07_06 Town Board Minutes REGULAR .FETING OF THE TOIN BOARD TO eIv OF I:IA AROSiE'CK, KEW YORE HELD JULY 61 1938 At the Town Offices, 158 'lest Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 8.00 P. h . Present : :Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Griffin, Mandeville , Meginniss Absent: None The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne , Town Attorney Delius, Assessor Smith, Comptroller. Luceno and Town Engineer Foote . The Town Clerk submitted the minutes of the meeting of June 15, 1558, which were approved as read. Lessrs. Frank P. McGeough and Victor J. Dries appeared before the Board to inquire about the Pluming Code . Supervisor EcCulloch informed the gentlemen that the code had been adopted and that the Town hoard was prepared to appoint the members of the Examining Board of Plumbers . He asked if they were candidates for appointment to the ;Board and they both replied that they mould like to have their names considered. Supervisor McCulloch asked if there was any one else who wished to address the Board. There being no one the Board resumed_ the regular= order of business. Councilman. Rand.eville reported that the work in connection with removing the tree, the poison ivy and the repairing of the hand rail at the ramp on Ply-mouth Road was complete. He also reported that the highway department had completed the work of re-surfacing: the parking area at the railroad station. He reported that there had been a considerable- amount of complaints about the street lights in the apartment house area on north Chatsworth Avenue and that he had talked with Town Engineer Foote and Chief of Police Paul Yeric! concerning same . Also that he had requested the iestchester Lighting Company to reduce the candle-power from 400 watts to 100 watts . He stated that Chief of Police Yerick would like to have a copy of a resolution covering this change . Lo. Mandeville pointed out that the Police and Par's Depart- ments had requested the new arrangement of lights. On motion of Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Bates, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Engineer and the Comptroller be authorized to order the Westchester Lighting Company to reduce the candle-power of the street lights in the apartment house area on North Chats- worth Avenue of the Town of Mamaroneck from 400 watts to 100 watts. Kr. Mandeville also reported that the streets of the unin- corporated area are in good condition. Mayor William H. Johnson and Trustee B. J. Santoro of the Village of + amaroneck were present at the meeting. Councilman I'andeville asked the _,va-v-or if the Village Board of the Village of Mamaroneck would reconsider the offer of the 'Town to rent the street sweeper for the purpose of sweeping the streets in the unincorporated section once a month.. Mayor Johnson replied that he thought that the request was for the use of the sweeper once a week. He stated that this was the reason why the Village Board had not consented to the arrangement . He said. that the sweeper was laid up for repairs and that the Village Board would reconsider the arrangement after the same had been placed in operation. Councilman Bates reported that the work in connection with the storm water drain at Forest Avenue was complete . He also reported that work had been started on the storm water drain on Mohegan Road. He stated that he wanted to determine the amount of money available before proceeding with the work of repairing the drain in the rear of the fire house property. Councilman Bates presented a letter dated July 6, 1938., received from Walter C. Burbank in which he made application for a sewer connection at the property 'known as the � illiam T. 'Wood Estate . on t'_ne Boston Post Road. FolioTrrin- some discussion the matter was laid over. Counc-i_lm.an Griffin reported on parks . He stated that there were a lot of details which were not necessary to bring up at the meeting but that he would like to report that the park department had done good work on small park areas at Rockingstone Avenue and at the entrance to Rouken Glen. He also stated that there was some talk about the small park at the end of .9hado.-7 Lane . He pointed out that this park was outside of the park district . Councilman Griffin presented the following reports of the Public 'd' elfare Department �.hich were ordered filed: (1) Statement of Obligations Incurred for Relief for the Month. of June, 1938; and (2) Analysis of Home Relief Expenditures for June, 1938. He reported that the case loaud for the month of June, 1938 was 326 as against 319 in the month of :day, 1933; also that the ex- penditures had increased from ;;12, 620.52 in !,lay, 1938 to '12, 714.22 in June , 1938. He stated that there was a decrease in the riedical cost per case due to the new arrangement of having a supervising phy- sician. The total expenditures for medical attention for the month of June, 1933 was "1, 002.16 as against : RESOLVED, that the assessment 'roll for the year 1937, taxes of 1938, which shows property novr appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot Owner Land I Total 8 8 57 to 62 Tillie Pll. Chagaris �a,2 900 - �2 900 be corrected as follovre, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33; Section Block Lot, Owner Land. Imp. Total 8 8 57 to 60 Melba Brodj;1, 900 - 91, 900 8 8 61,62 Leroy Zubler L—vT 1,000 - 15000 FUnTIP RESOLVED, that the assessment 'roll for the year 1937, taxes of 1938, which shows pro- perty now appearing on the rolls as follows- Section 31oc'_-- Lot Owner Lend Im";"). Total 1 28 14 to 17 Eugenio Brondoli ` 1,200 100 1,300 be corrected as folloVws, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 330 Section Block Lot Ovmer Land. Imp. Total 1 28 14 Eugenio 3rondoli 300 300 1 28 15 ° " 300 100 400 1 28 16 300 300 1 28 lei 300 300 PURTIER RF'SOLS7ED, that the assessment roll for the year 1937, taxes of 1933, .vhich shows pro- perty now a_ppearin on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot Owner Land Tota.1 8 92 1 to 7 Eugenio Brondoli ;;6, 500 - ` 6, 500 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 8 92 1 Eugenio Brondoli 11,200 - : 13200 900 900 8 92 3 f1 21 900 900 8 92 4 °` R 950 950 8 92 5 It if 15000 1,000 8 92 6 Euclide Brondoli 750 750 8 92 7 " 1, 800 800 FURT: R RESOLVED that the assessment roll for the year 1937, taxes of 1938, which shoves pro- perty nOV�r appearing on the rolls as follows: Section :dock Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 4 41A vhn. T. `wood Estate 5 69,300 E13,500 y'82,800 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision. 5 of Section 33: Section Mock Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 4 41A BVm. T. ';food Lstate . 68, 200 la3, 500 "81,700 4 41A 12 Lief Arup Inc. 15100 15100 Councilman L:_eginniss 'reported on the expenditures in con- nection -sit h 'vI. P . A. projects. ue recommended that the Town Clerk be instructed to send a letter of appreciation to former Fire Chief Richard B. LeVino for the services rendered. b7T him during the three years that he had served. as Chief of the Fire Department. Followinz some discussion it was upon motion by Councilman Yeginniss, seconded by Councilman Bates unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be instructed to draft an appropriate letter expressing the ap- preciation of the Town Board for the services rendered by Richard B. LeVino during the three years 1nrhich he served as chief of the Fire Department of the Town of E'Iamaroneck. Supervisor McCulloch informed the Board that the Town had. paid 9450, 000 on the `4100,000 Tax Revenue Note due July 1, 1938, FURTHER RESOT q D, that the assessment roll for the year 1937, taxes of 1938, which shows pro- perty now appearingE on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 1 17 - Paul C. Schwantes 7, 500 y#:8, 500 ,163000 be corrected as follows,in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of :Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land LL�p. Total 1 17 - Paul C. Schwantes ;47,200 X1$8,500 x'15, 700 1 17 1 Gladys Deutsch 300 300 17 RTiER RLSOL�.rLD, that the assessment roll for the year 1937, taxes of 1933, which shows pro- perty now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Block_ Lot Owner Land Ibip. Total 1 37B 170 to 173)Ivaple Gardens Corp. ls6,000 - 63000 181 to 184) be corrected as £ollows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Section 3lock Lot Owner Land. Imp. Total 1 37B 1770 to 173 Taft Realty Corp. 41,33006 - Y 33000 1 37B 181 to 184 Zelma Goflin 3, 000 35000 FT-= HER H SOLTED, that the assessment roll for the year 1937, taxes of 19385 which shoves pro- perty now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section '-lock Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 2 9A 4013,402 Leicester Sherrill 111, 300 15 000 ,;26, 300 403 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of Subdivision 5 of Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land Inip. Total 2 9A 4018,402, Leicester Sherrill Y 8, 950 `,15, 000 '4!;23, 950 4038 2 9A 403A Leon C . Stowell 21350 25350 Councilman L:_eginniss 'reported on the expenditures in con- nection -sit h 'vI. P . A. projects. ue recommended that the Town Clerk be instructed to send a letter of appreciation to former Fire Chief Richard B. LeVino for the services rendered. b7T him during the three years that he had served. as Chief of the Fire Department. Followinz some discussion it was upon motion by Councilman Yeginniss, seconded by Councilman Bates unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be instructed to draft an appropriate letter expressing the ap- preciation of the Town Board for the services rendered by Richard B. LeVino during the three years 1nrhich he served as chief of the Fire Department of the Town of E'Iamaroneck. Supervisor McCulloch informed the Board that the Town had. paid 9450, 000 on the `4100,000 Tax Revenue Note due July 1, 1938, and that the balance had been re-financed by selling five ( 5) ta0,000 notes at the interest rate of three-quarters (3/4) of one per cent. Ie stated that these notes could be paid off at any time. He stated_ that tae tax collections from July 1 to date amounted to 53 , 000 and that there was a possibility that the Town could comclete the payment of the :;,50,000 notes before the end of the year, thereby eliminating the necessity of including same in the 1939 budget , P: ayor Johnson, Trustee Santoro, Corporation Counsel .Sansone of the Village of Mamaroneck, and Corporation Counsel 11acWilliams of the Village of Larchmont appeared beefore the Tovjlan Board to discuss informally a proposed bill providing for the re-distribution of the income tax revenues between Gestchester County towns and villages. The Board. suspended the regular order of business . Pollowin' the discussion the Board resumed the regular order of business. Town Clerk Payne read a letter dated June 15, 1933, received from K. C. Van Sciver, Clerk to the Board of Education, -with which he enclosed a copy of the following resolution -vihich was duly adopted. by the 3card of Education at its meeting held June 14, 1938° ` 'Whereas . 'there appears to be an outstanding -unpaid school tax levied September 1930 against the pro- perty now owned by curs. Mary 1;)oore, and designated on the tax maps of the Town of La:maroneck as Section 9, Block 41-11, and `,,Whereas, the said tax was levied. while Union Free School( ristrict No, 15 Town of Yam_aroneck, iJ. Y. , was the owner of said property, and `Whereas, the same was thereafter. in January 1931, conveyed by the :School District to furs. Hoore; "t?o. therefore, be it "RESOLVED, that the Towan of 1flarnaroneck, T', y, , be and. it hereby is authorized and directed to cancel of record the said school tax for the year 1930, originally for the stun. of `;102.45, and which, -with interest , costs and penalties, stands unpaid in the amount of ' 164. 00, upon the tax records of the District; and. further "RESOLVED that the Clerk of the District be and he hereby is authorized to transmit to the Town of luamaroneck, a certified copy of these resolutions," Comptroller Luceno informed the Loard that there was some question of a refund. The Board therefore referred the matter to the Comptroller for a report. The -'own Clerk read a letter dated July 1, 1938, received from Comptroller Luceno in which he referred to the 1929 school tax _ on property owned- by Fred H. Small lcnoJfn as section 6, Block 58, Lot 2. "'he report of the State auditors sl-. ows the tax unpaid. In view of the fact that 1-r. Small presented the cancelled check, the --- Comptroller recommended that the tax be cancelled. On motion by Councilman kleginniss, seconded by Councilman Bates, it ,,.,as unanimously RESOLVED', ,!HER satisfaction of tax upon Lot 2, paid_, which tax of the Receiver it is ?:S proof has been made to the this Board that the 1929 school Section 6, Block 58, has been appears as unpaid upon the books of Taxes of the To-.-in of Mamaroneck, RESOLt:H]D, that the 1929 school tax on Lot 2, Section 6, Block 58, amounting to ',61.21 be cancelled; F13RTHIR RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes clear the tax rolls in accordance with this resolution so that said tax ay appear to be paid. The Town Clerk reported that tax bills and checks covering certain tax arrears had been received from r%arion H. Bean, Catherine Colantino and Emilio Poccia. He stated that the owners had requested permission to pay these arrears with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. On motion by Councilman 1=eSinni ss, seconded by Councilman Griffin, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereb%, is authorized, empowered and directed to accept payment of the following taxes on the following described property, the liens forwhich are held by the Town, in the face amount of the liens plus interest computed at 6 per cent per annum, pro- vided that the aproperty is unimproved and that pay- ment is raad.e within thirty days, to wit- Section Block Lot Amount Owner Tax Year Sale Year of Lien 1 28 43,44 'clarion `_. Bean 1933 1934 ;b19.26 1934 1935 26.62 1935 1936 21. 16 1936 1937 22. 02 1937 1938 22. 67 9 46 1B,2A5 Loretta Colantino 1933 1934 25,17 9B 1934 1935 79. 54 1935 1936 46 .79 1935 1937 66.23 9 63 1,2 Emilio Poccia 1932 1933 6. 18 1933 1934 7. 96 1934 1935 14. 08 1935 1936 8.90 1936 1937 10. 24 1937 1938 47.10 The Town Clerk read a letter dated June S. 1938, received. from Stanley G . Lehigh, advertisinz manager of The Daily Times, in which he called to the attention of the Board certain ordinances con- cerning; the distribution of .handbills which are in effect in other communities. He enclosed a copy of an ordinance . FollowinE some discussion the matter was -referred to Town Attorney Delius. The Town Attorney recoilvnerded the followings resolution which was moved by Councilman =:4andeville, seconded. by Councilman Griffin and unanimously adopted; 7LR AS in foreclosure proceedings -instituted by the Town against Jeanette B. Boehm, the Referee , duly appointed for that purpose by order of the Supreme Court, executed and delivered a deed to the property described as Lots 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28, Block 80, Section 1 on the Assessment IvTap of the Town of Mamaroneck; and _TF REAS the said Referee has applied to the payment of certain taxes and tax liens owned by and due to the Town of I�larearoneck, together with interest and penalties thereon to the date of sale , the sum of -,`;:1, 301. 94 which taxes are required to be cancelled by the provisions of Section 54 of the 'rIIestchester Count--IT Tax Act; RESOLVED, that the following taxes and tali liens are hereby cancelled- Section 1, Block 80, Lots 245 255 26, 27 (assessed as one parcel ) Tax Sale Amount 1933 1934 180. 65 1934 1935 231.47 1935 1936 167.20 1536 1937 157. 66 Section 11 Block 80, Lots 24, 255 26, 27 and 28 (assessed as one parcel ) 1937 1938 193. 99 � Section 1, ;lock 801 Lot 28 (assessed as one parcel) 1933 1934 56.17 1934 1935 72. 07 1935 1936 52.01 1936 1937 49.04 Section 1, Block 80, Lots 24, 251 261 27 and 28 (assessed as one parcel) 1939 141. 68 The Supervisor stated that in connection with the contract made with. the Public Works Administration for the extension of the water mains of the Westchester Joint 'dater Works , No. 1 to Rye Lake it hat been necessary to secure the opinion of an outside engineer and that they had secured the services of Mr. Malcolm Pirnie, one of the leading ,cater engineers of the County. He recommended the payment of a claim in the amount of `,,333.12 which had been presented to the Board, the charge being for work done under Stem A of the con- tract with Malcolm Pirnie . On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Bates, the Supervisor not voting, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the payment of X333.12 from water revenues for the services of Malcolm Pirnie in connection with the Public forks Administration project for the extension of the water mains of the Westchester Joint 'Water Works, No. 1 to Rye Lake, as tailed for under Item #2 of the contract with Malcolm Pirnie, be and it hereby is approved. Supervisor McCulloch informed the Board that it was in order to discuss the appointment of a Plumbing Inspector and members of the Examining Board of Plumbers as called for in the Plumbing Code duly adopted June 15, 1938. Following some discussion concerning Mr. Rutledge -'�_'-. Rate of the Department of Town Engineer, it was upon motion by Councilman Bates, seconded by Councilman Mandeville, upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that Rutledge H. Rate be and he hereby is appointed Plum'binS Inspector of the Town of hama-roneck to serve at the pleasure of the ;own Board at a salary not to exceed 1500 per 'annum. Supervisor QcCulloch pointed out that the Plumbing Code calls for the appointment of one member of the Town Board.. He therefore recommended that Councilman Yandeville be appointed a member of the Examining Board. of Plumbers . Upon motion by Councilman Bates, seconded by Councilman Griffin,- Hr.. ha.ndeville ,not voting, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that Councilman Owen A. Mandeville be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Examining Board of Plumbers of the 'Town of Mamaroneck, as provided for in the Plumbing Code . The Supervisor stated that the Plur-ibing, Code calls for the anpointr, ent of the Town Engineer as a member of the Examining Board of Plumbers . Upon motion by Councilman Bates, seconded by Councilman, liandeville, it taras upon roll call unanimously RESOLIiTTD, that Town Engineer A. J. Foote be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Examining Board of Plumbers of the Torn of Yamaroneck as provided for in the Flumbin;_ Code , The Supervisor recommended the appointment of Dr. ''1iVm. G. LeFurgy as a. meriber of the El;ar:ining Board of Plurabers . On motion by Councilran r:and.eville, seconded by Councilman Yeginniss, it was upon roil call unanimously 3ESOLVED, that Er. "vffa. G. LeFurgy be and he hereby is appointed to serve as a. raember of the Examinin.- Board of Plumbers of the 'Town of 21araaroneck for a term of three years e:;pirino July 6, 1941; at an annual salary of x50.00. Following some discussion the Board decided to appoint Fran_. F. McGeough and Victor, J. P_riss as raembers of the Exarrinins Board. of Plumbers . Upon motion by Councilman Idandeville.. seconded by Council- man Bates, it was upon roll call unanimously PESOl_VF'L', that Franc_ F. iaLcGeough be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Examining- Board of Plumbers of the Town of i'amaroneck for a term of one year expiring July 6 , 1939, at an annual salary of '50.00; and be it FURTTr= TCES0L` ED, that Victor J. -riss be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Examining Board of 'lumbers of the Town of iiamaroneck for a tern of taro years expiring July 6, 1940, at an annual salary of x_50. 00, Supervisor :'icCul had been set for the title used. for the purpose of an been several postponements would be in order and that set for same . Loch advised the Board that July 12, 19333 closing for the property which is to be incinerator. He stated that there had. but he was quite sure that everything the closing would take place on the date He also advised the Board that the Federal government had allowed sixty days from the first of July for t:e purpose of filing applications for Federal loans . He suggested that the Town Board and the Board. of Trustees of the Village of Larchnlont hold a joint meeting at the earliest possible date . The rie_rbers of the Board authorized the Supervisor to make arrangements for such a meeting. Councilman Megins iss reported on the New York State Employees' Retirement System and stated t'nat it might be necessary to go to Albany to get full details in connection with the same . Following some discussion it was upon motion by Councilman Pi-andeville, seconded by Councilman Bates, unanimously RESOLVED, that Councilman Eeginniss and Comptroller Luceno be authorized to go to Albany, New York, I or the purpose of securing complete information concerning the liew York State Employees' Retirement System. The report of the Receiver of Tares and Assessments for the month of June, 1938, vras received and filed. The report of the Building Inspector for the month of June 1938, was received and filed. The report of the To-,m Clerk for the month of June, 1938, was received and filed. The reT3ort of the County Health Department for the month of T'ay, 1938, was received and filed. At 11- 30 F. L. the Board- unanimously resolved to adjourn. Town Cler