HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938_05_18 Town Board Minutes PUBLIC HEARING AND REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK HELD MAY 180 1936 At the Town Offices, 158 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y. 8: 00 P. M. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at Present: Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Griffin, Mandeville, Meginniss Absent : None �i The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne, Town Attorney Delius, Town Engineer Foote, Town Assessor Smith, Comptroller Luceno and Building Inspector Cowham. The Town Clerk submitted the minutes of the meeting of April 6, which were approved as printed. The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who wished to address the Board. Mr. Sheldon L. Pollack, attorney for Yonkers Bus, Inc. , addressed the Board, again urging that a notice of public hearing be published pursuant to sections 66 and 67 of the Transportation Corporations Law, upon the application of the Yonkers Bus, Inc. for a permit or license to operate buses between the Town of Mamaroneck and the City of White Plains . He stated that the City of New Rochelle had already granted permission for the extension of their line and that the Village of Larchmont had set a date for a public hearing. He filed with the Board a written application specifying the route and other details. The Supervisor referred to the objections to the route which had been mentioned at the previous meeting. He added that he had been informed that the County contemplated doing some work along Weaver Street . Councilman Meginniss stated t +we +e ..., ; ;OI, e t�efhe could not see that it would be for the convenience of the people . He added that the traffic. on Murray Avenue and Weaver Street is already quite heavy and that the residents of that area would. object. Mr. Pollak stated that it was his opinion that the number of objections would be few. The Supervisor asked if there was any one else who wished to address the Board before opening the public hearing to consider the proposed Plumbing Code. The regular order of business was suspended and the Clerk read the notice of public hearing on the Plumbing Code or Ordinance which he stated had been published according to law in The Daily Times. The -hearing was then declared open. Mr. Frank McGeough first addressed the Board and sug- gested the following changes to the code as printed: Article 3, Section 32 to be changed so that it will provide that any person who either resides or has a place of business in the unincorporated area shall be entitled to a license without examination. x Article 8, Section 104, to be eliminated entirely. Building Inspector Cowham replied to a question concerning street work by stating that it is covered by the General Ordinances. Mr. William McGuire next addressed the meeting suggesting the following changes: Article 3, Section 32, to be changed so as to provide that any person who resides, has a place of business or has done plumbing work within one year in the Town outside of Villages, shall be entitled to a license without examination. The Supervisor then asked the plumbers present for their opinion on the desirability of changing the code so as to contain a provision that a plumber may obtain a license without examina- tion who holds a license in any village, town or city which has adopted a plumbing code having a similar or reciprocal provision for plumbers holding licenses in other villages, towns, or cities. The plumbers present expressed themselves in favor of this change. Mr. Thomas 0°Keefe stated that the plumbers of the Village of Larchmont, the Village ofareck and the Town. of Mamaroneck were preparing a reciprocal/ or "la''ll'll of the Town of Mamaroneck. Mr. McGeough made a recommendation that all range boilers and other hot water tanks be installed with an automatic shut-off valve. The following plumbers were present : Victor J. Kriss, 37 Barnum Road, Town; Fred Beckley, 77 Post Road, Larchmont; R. J. McGeough, 779 Forest Avenue, Town; Carl Tortorella and John Iannuzzi, 77 Myrtle. Boulevard, Town; Nilliam K. Fordyce, Senate Place, Town; and E. K. Ortiz, Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck. The Supervisor then declared the hearing closed and the Board thereupon went into executive session. At the conclusion of the executive session the regular order of business was resumed. Councilman Mandeville reported that it would be necessary to have an extra light at Plymouth Road. Upon motion by Councilman Bates, seconded by Councilman Griffin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Westchester Lighting Company be and it hereby is authorized to install for the Town of Mamaroneck and charge the Town of Mamaroneck the contract price therefor, one (1) 100 candle-power street light at the stone re- taining wall at the northwest corner of Plymouth Road. Councilman Mandeville reported that 395 catch basins in the unincorporated area had been cleaned at a total cost of $326.25. He pointed out that the cost per basin was less than $1.00. Councilman Mandeville also reported that Town Engineer Foote had received a letter from Claude A. Latimer, acting Village Manager of the Village of Mamaroneck, advising that he had referred the request for the street sweeper to the Board of Trustees of the Village and that they had decided that due to the fact that the sweeper is kept quite busy on the village streets and inasmuch as it would mean only part time labor for an additional man, they should not enter into such an agreement at this time. The Supervisor referred to a conversation held with Mayor Johnson and suggested that Mr. Foote file the request again, so that it may be reconsidered by the Village Board. EN Councilman Mandeville reported that a complaint had been received from Mrs. L. Piccoli about the street light in front of the Stonecrest Apartment. He stated that the matter had been referred to the Westchester Lighting Company. He also reported that all of the funds for Clean-Up Week had been used; that there was a good job done and that all of the streets were in good condition. Councilman Bates reported that the drain work at West Forest Avenue was being finished that day and that the work at Campbell Place would be completed within a week. He also stated that the men on the other jobs were doing good work and that he expected all of the work to be completed within_ six weeks. Councilman Griffin reported on parks and welfare. He presented the audit of home relief by the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration for the period April 1, 1936 to September 30, 1936 and also for the period October 1, 1936 to June 30, 1937. He also reported that the State Department had approved the employment of a supervising physician by the Town of Mamaroneck at an annual salary of $1,200 and that the approval is given for the temporary period of three months beginning not earlier than June 1, 1938. The future action on this physician will depend upon an analysis of the records kept during the three months . Mr. Griffin recommended that the Town Board adopt the plan of appointing a supervising physician to be in charge of administer- ing medical attention to the needy, as approved by the State Depart- ment for a temporary period of three months; that the salary for this position be fixed at the rate of $100 per month and that the duties of this officer shall consist of the supervision of all medical attention, including medicine and hospitalization admini- stered to patients through the Nelfare Department of the Town of Mamaroneck. Treatment by physicians selected by patients shall continue as in the past but the supervising physician shall exercise control over the amount of treatment required in each case. He shall have the right to visit a patient with the attending physician. Following some discussion, upon motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Bates, it was upon roll call unani- mously RESOLVED, that it is desirable that the Town Board adopt the plan of appointing a supervising physician to be in charge of administering medical attention to the needy, as approved by the State Department, for a temporary period of three months; that the salary for this position shall be at the rate of y$100 per month and that the duties of this officer shall consist of the supervision of all medical attention, including medicine and hospitalization administered to patients through the Welfare De- partment of the Town of Mamaroneck; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that treatment by physicians selected by patients shall continue as in the past but the supervising physician shall exercise control over the amount of treatment required in each case and shall have the right to visit a patient with the attending physician. J. Councilman Griffin recommended that Dr. Ellsworth Smith, 91 Beach Avenue, Larchmont, be appointed supervising physician of all medical cases in the Welfare DepartmuAOR 'tithe Town of Mamaroneck at a_ salary _at the, rate of $100/ e nomi3inated Dr. Smith for the position. Councilman Meginniss stated that it was his belief that the head of a department should be supported by the Town Board and that Pdr. DeVinne had recommended the appointment of Dr. Francis J. Murphy, 144 Beach Avenue, Larchmont . He placed his name in nomination. The Supervisor stated that he was in agreement with Mr. Meginniss and that he too believed that Mr. DeVinne' s re- commendation should be followed by the Board. A vote was then taken upon the two nominations. J. The following voted for Dr. Ellsworth Smith: Councilmen Griffin, Bates and Mandeville . The following voted for Dr. Francis J. Murphy: Supervisor McCulloch and Councilman Meginniss. Supervisor McCulloch then moved that the appointment of of Dr. Ellsworth Smith be made unanimous and the motion carried. Councilman Meginniss reported that he had received a re- quest from Town Comptroller Luceno concerning certain transfers within the 1937 budget. On motion of Mr. Meginniss, seconded by Mr. Mandeville, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, WHEREAS, there are certain unencumbered balances and over-expenditures in the 1937 budget; and WHEREAS, the Comptroller has requested the following transfers within the 1937 budget to adjust accounts to the end of the calendar year 1937; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Comptroller and the Supervisor be and they hereby are directed to make the follow- ing transfers within the 1937 budget as of Decem- ber 31, 1937: TRANSFERS FROM OTHER APPROPRIATION ACCOUNTS GENERAL TOWN From- Town Offices - Telephone $141.58 To: Town Clerk $67.75 Elections 16.39 Receiver of Taxes 47.B5 Justices of the Peace 9.59 OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES From: Police - Telephone ° 110.55 To: Board of Appeals Garbage The Supervisor to ested that a resolution be 50,000 Works Project Notes amount of such notes. $90.92 19.63 Lked about the To'wn' s finances and sug- offered to authorize the issuance of for the purpose of renewing a like Councilman Meginniss introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $50,000 WORKS PROJECT NOTES (PENDING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS) FOR THE PURPOSE OF RENEWING A LIKE AMOUNT OF SUCH NOTES, OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK. W RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARO- NECK, IN TEE COUNTY OF WESTCFESTER, NEW YORK, as follows: Section 1. To pay the cost of furnishing labor, materials, supplies and equipment and incidental expenses in connection therewith for public improve- ment work relief projects in the Town of Mamaroneck undertaken through or by the authority of the Works Progress Administration of the Federal Government, including the renewal of a $25,000 Works Project Note, dated February 1, 1938 and numbered WPA-9, and matur- ing June 1, 1938, and a $25,000 Works Project Note dated March 15, 1938, numbered WPA-10 and maturing June 1, 1938, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to issue temporary notes of the Town of Mamaroneck (pend- ing the issuance of bonds of the Town) in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding §50,000 pursuant to Chapter 782 of the Laws of 1933 of the State of New York, as amended. Each of said notes shall be desig- nated "Works Project Note". Section 2. The following matters in connection with said notes are hereby determined: Date: June 1, 1938 Maturity: September 1, 1938 Denomination: $25,000 each Numbers- WPA-11 and WPA-12 Form: Substantially in accordance with resolution adopted December 2, 1936. Place of Payment: As determined by Supervisor The Supervisor is hereby authorized to determine all matters in connection with said notes, the determina- tion of which is not provided for by this or subsequent resolutions, and his signature upon said notes shall be conclusive as to such determinations. Said notes shall be signed by the Supervisor, shall have the cor- porate seal of the Town affixed thereto and attested by the Town Clerk. The Supervisor is hereby authorized to sell said notes at public or private sale at not less than par at the best interest rate obtainable, not exceeding six per centum (6%) per annum, and to deliver same to the purchase: upon receipt of the pur- chase price, plus accrued interest from the date of the notes to the date of delivery, or to exchange said notes for the surrender of a like principal amount of outstanding Works Project Notes for the renewal of which said notes are issued, plus accrued interest from the date of the notes to the date of the exchange. Section 3. Any instrument issued pursuantto this resolution shall be a general obligation of the Town of Mamaroneck, and the faith and credit of the Town are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of. — the principal of and interest on said obligation, and unless otherwise paid or payment provided for, a tax sufficient to P rovide for the payment thereof shall be levied and collected. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately. On motion of Councilman Meginniss, seconded by Councilman Mandeville, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: AYES; Supervisor Councilmen- NAYS- None McCulloch Bates, Griffin, Meginniss. Mandeville, The Supervisor stated that he had received requests from Luigi Demaria and lm'rs. Ethel Ross to pay certain tax liens on pro- perty owned by them with interest at 6 per cent. Upon motion by Councilman Meginniss, seconded by Council- man Mandeville, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to accept payment of the following taxes on the following described property, the liens for which are held by the Town, in the face amount of the liens plus interest computed at 6 per cent per annu*, pro- vided payment is made within thirty days, to wit: Section Block Lot Tax Year Sale Year Amount of Lien 8 78 15 1934 1935 48.01 1935 1936 28.38 1936 1937 33.48 2 16 35 to 39 1934 1935 21.65 each The Town Attorney stated that of certiorari proceedings instituted by PORATION, to review the assessment upon Village of Mamaroneck, known as Section for the year 1937, on the basis of a re $82,500 to $75,000. he recommended the settlement CHAIN STORE SECURITIES COR- a parcel of property in the 9. Block 19, Lots 9A and 10A, iuction in the assessment from Upon motion made by Councilman Bates and seconded by Councilman Griffin, the following resolution was unanimously adopted, Councilman Mandeville not voting: WEEREAS, heretofore and on or about the 14th day of October, 1937, a writ of certiorari was obtained by CHAIN STORE SECURITIES CORPORATION, owner of Section 9, Block 19, Lots 9A and IOA, to review the assessment upon the premises owned by it; and WHEREAS, return to such writ was duly filed by the Assessor and Board of Review on or about the 15th day of November, 1937, and no further proceedings have been taken; and WHEREAS, the Town Attorney and Assessor recommend to this Board that the proceedings be settled and discontinued upon the reduction of the assessment for the year 1937, from $62,500 to $75,000; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment for the year 1937, upon property known as Section 9, Block 19, Lots 9A and 10A, assessed at $82,500 be reduced to $75,000, provided the certiorari proceeding now pending in the name of Chain Store Securities Corporation, be discontinued without costs. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to sign the necessary stipulation to obtain an order of the Supreme Court providing for such reduction. The Town Attorney reported that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Larchmont had denied a permit to Frank Guadagnola to operate buses in that village. Councilman Meginniss inquired about the charge made by the Town in connection with the franchise and/or consent granted to the County Transportation Company, Inc. Comptroller Luceno advised that $300 per year is the amount paid by the County Transportation Company. Following some discussion concerning buses, it was upon motion by Councilman Bates and seconded by Councilman Griffin, unanimously RESOLVED, that application of Town Attorney not later than notice of this paper. a public hearing be held upon the the Yonkers Bus, Inc. , and the Ls instructed to prepare and publish the 21st of May, 1938, the usual application in the official news- The Town Clerk read a letter dated iAay 7, 1938, received from William E. Thrasher, General Superintendent of the 'Westchester Joint Water 'Morks, No. 1, in which he referred to the following resolution which was enclosed: "WHEREAS it appears that the Town of Mamaroneck by its Assessor has heretofore for the year 1937 included upon the tax roll of said Town certain property of the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1 known as Lot # 4 of Block 62 of Section 8 upon the tax map of said Town and has not exempted said property for said year, although by reason of the same being owned by the dater Works and exclusively used for the purposes of the Water Works it is by law exempt from taxation and that the purported lien of said purported tax is about to be advertised and offered for sale, "NOW, THEREFORE, be it "RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck and the Assessor of said Town be and they hereby are requested to exempt said property from taxation as provided by law, and cancel and annul said tax and the lien therefor and that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to said Town Board by the Clerk. " The Supervisor recomrended that the same be turned over to the Town Attorney so that he might confer with Nunn Brewer, attorney for the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1. It was so ordered. The Town Clerk read a letter dated May 16, 1938, received from Mrs. H. L. Faulkner, 290 Weaver Street, requesting a change in the zoning. The matter was referred to the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk read a letter dated May 11, 1938, received from K. G. Van Sciver, Clerk to the Board of Education of Union Free School District No. 1, in which he enclosed a certified copy of the budget of the school district for the ensuing year. The — budget was ordered entered in the minutes as follows: BUDGET The following is a statement of the sums necessary to be raised by tax for Teachers' Wages and other necessary expenses of the Schools: .yy GENERAL CONTROL Salaries, Superintendent of Schools, Assistant to the Superintendent of 49350.00 Schools, Treasurer, Clerk, Clerk to 17500.00 Superintendent, Clerk to the Assis- 3250.00 tant to the Superintendent, Atten- 8000.00 dance Officer $21851.00 Treasurer' s Bond 375.00 District Meeting and School Election 500.00 Postage and Stationery 250.00 Superintendent' s Expense 400.00 Transportation, Attendance Officer 300.00 School Census 500.00 Auditing 500. 00 Legal Expense 1600.00 Cards, Reports, etc. 500.00 Parent Education 200.00 INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES Salaries, Teachers, Supervisors, Principals and Principalst Clerks 491900.00 Evening School 5800.00 Text Books 7500.00 Instructional Supplies 12500.00 Commencement, Music, etc. 500.00 Record Forms, etc. 800.00 Expense of Principals' Offices 200.00 OPERATION OF PLANT Janitors' Wages 49350.00 Fuel 17500.00 Nater 3250.00 Light and Power 8000.00 Janitors' Supplies 6500.00 Telephone 2100. 00 Trucking and Window Cleaning 3000.00 MAINTENANCE OF PLANT Upkeep of Grounds, Repair of Buildings, Repair of Heaters, Repair of Furniture, Other Repairs and Replacements 25500.00 Mechanics 3600.00 Supervisor of Maintenance 3700.00 FIXED CHARGES Insurance 8500.00 Pension Fund 29000. 00 Taxes and Assessments 15500.00 DEBT SERVICE Bonds 142500.00 Interest on Bonds 138451. 00 Collection Charges 323.75 Short Term Interest 1000.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY New Land and Buildings, Improvements on Buildings and Grounds 3000.00 New Furniture 2500.00 Instructional Apparatus and Other Equipment 3000.00 Library Books 2800.00 Fire Retarding Alterations and Electrical Wiring at Central School 23900.00 AUXILIARY AGENCIES Salaries, Librarians, medical In- spector, Nurses, Dentist and Dental Hygienist 16750.00 Library Expense 200.00 Nurses' Supplies, Dental Supplies and Glasses 400.00 AUXILIARY AGENCIES (Continued) Bus, Prilk and Lunches , 4 2500.00 Recreation and Athletic Supplies 6400.00 $1065401. 00 Less Estimated State School Money 155000.00 t 910401.00 Less Cash Available from Contingent Fund $40000.00 Less Cash Available from Unexpended Recreation Fund 5400.00 45400.00 TOTAL BUDGET $ 865001_00 Mamaroneck, New York April 71 1938 K. G. Van Sciver, Clerk Board of Education, Union Free School District No. 1, Town of Mamaroneck, New York The Town Clerk read the following letter dated May 4, 1938, received from K. G. Van Sciver, Clerk to the Board of Education: Mr. Robert D. Payne, Town Clerk Mamaroneck New York Dear Mr. Payne: In accordance with the provisions of Section 250 of the Education Law of the State of New York, I hereby notify you that the following Trustees of this School District were today elected for a full term of three years beginning the first Tues- day in Jul-, , 1938: VS:L Rocco V. Migliaccio 213 Villa Avenue Mamaroneck, New York Harold A. O' Callaghan 3 Travers Avenue Mamaroneck, New York Cordially yours ( Signed) K. G. Van Sciver District Clerk The Town Clerk read a letter dated May 51 1938, received from Dr, rum. G. LeFurgy, Chairman of the Americanism Committee of Larchmont Post 347 of the American Legion, in which he extended an invitation to the Town Board to participate in the Memorial Day cere- monies which were to be held in the Village of Larchmont . The report of the Received of Taxes and Assessments for the month of April was received and filed. The report of the Town Clerk for the month of April was received and filed. The report of the Larchmont-Mamaroneck Humane Society, Inc. for the month of April was received and filed. At 10:30 P. M. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn. � � " Town Clerk