HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_06_06 Town Board Minutes REGULAR I_TFTITG OF THF TMVIP" BOA-RD TMITT OF YATLAR017CK, l_MTW YORZK HELD LD JU17 6TH. 9 At the Torn Of-F_Jce , 1118 Wept Boston Post Roqd­ HPM.Prnneck. !T, Y. The meeting ­ c_ lle ' to orler by Su-oervigor KcGulloch at 8:05 P, DII Su-rrvisn- lfccull-c"I', Counc' lmcn B-4­_ , Brenn,7n, 1-ilf,n 7r-'- The -orcs encn ­?� also notr-7 or Tr,,--r Cle=rk K"Tin -r,� T,0717n 6tto-ncv Dcliuq, The Yninutr - of the meeting of June 2nl 7;-:7,-over` Ps Drint- p Cr,un-4-1-Mar B-en= re-oorted on m2tte-F,„ He, Sl,^+Pfj that h^ h2- inireqtig-+ rl t c of M-r Ca C, Ve--rri' t, to Yflpl<F that -,-;orticn of -vVp^ve- St-eEtl, Cn =_onlV KnTlIn - Ole' I P-7er- Street M� i-oent to IT-r, -Ijir-rittlS -Cqllence F nne­,­ strect, cn�, anEd t'-Ilpt he -ecoramcrc3 -­.=v-I t- tl�- pni-i c�,ez Cnmmil rn 1� -ho h-7TC ri u- i-t i on o-e-- q­h in tiers, Brennan Pl--- ­Dorte,9 on the matte- of a -p-_ o-OoPed change in thc route of the 1--chm-rit. G­Ien- Bus Line : Afte- d ! -cuFeinon. it -­- u-non motion b - ilrR B7tes, secon' ed. by RESOL72D, ?THFPFAS. ? -eti,` -r. has been -C-Cei7PO by thi_,� Br­� ­(tu= s+IinL7 'n'rmTe in the rout,- ofthF La-chm nt G--,?ens Bus Line o-ce,_­tEr9 by th, County T=s-oortat-ion Com-pony- nc),.-,r ther-fo.rel. be it RFSOD(77D that 9 -oublic he^rilng on the "_,qupe_ t to charge 31' tlh L-1-crffnent G­rlen? BU.-. Line o-oe­ tee� by t1-1r COr C-=nv be hel', on F­i ` 'Y . JUTv 6th, ounty - (I - .- - at 8 P, M. in thp To-n OPficesm 118 W­t Doeton Poet Rom-, , bTT ^nd before tl,, i.- To-n Boa­,I ° be il FU7T_-,T7R RPSOLIFFT) t'­t the Tor-n Clerk be he herpb%, is , J-ccts,i n h-ve -c)ubl* , ,e-I in both Uh- Dpi_7v, Tipieq c, rl c 17r rubli •,hpl in the To'i n -an-' tha V! 71 �17e r-c in th- LF-_chrion' Times. -- ­eeklv ne s-o^ e- ,Dubli -'ner' in the Dill._-- of L--chmont. To-n of HT,mr^,­n-cr„ Fuit?'01- notice Of he ,ring as -or� n­e-! by the Tr)­n Attn-n--v. Cnvn-ilm-n B-'P- 7----oortec on matters , He -O)-_­ented, an e-ti,rn­a --P thr coqt of t-kJ=z c7-o- of th, qe ­ege situg" cin on Knoll - ,,-ood Drive . as or-o­ed lov Fn-7ine-r -A, J, Fr, in 7,corl­nc7 T-ith the r-snlutilnn of th- Tc-n Bn--71 at its meeting on Junn 2nd . Th= estimate set fo-th n cost fc-2 materials . eoLilument and eu-m�liep . incl& inlg truck- ing and engineering~ ch-?-L7cs but e elusive o" lab­ ch-,-,gc5 . in the ct,l a­,,,nt of The pllo­erl I �bn- set fo-th as $866. 95, n-P it ' r'0 th- Dr-m i� to ._C)a7 25% ?Ilr' thr-- CnantY Fmerr�ency 1,1 ­k B=e-7u i - to '-P71 the b-1-r.c- , Su-ne­inten ent of Se,,, Coi___,4 n Of the urr' e-tal, inc cn the basis of 7 0 o t e t S a St4 mite' loon rant _on by Ilr, Bates , secon ?e-' by lar. :.TeQJ_nni_sF . it -,as unpinilmousIv RTSOLV7D that 7 r­Iift qt-tion be c-ns '=ct-,l on Knoil-or)cl Drive in COT) C' estimate submitted by 7n7ineer A. j, Foote , -high estimste has been g7nr-ved by Sune-intenden+ of Se-ers 07-in, Councilmen Griffin reported on -elfpr- matters, He stater) that the To-n Hall will be ready for occupancy by the Public Telyare Deportment as On site of its office, within P few je-s ,, in connection -! tY -nifn­ matters the Suite-vi.,T Oeclq­rl that he believed it -avid Ocilitnte the MministrPtion of th, welfare office if an Yvi7o-7 Committee -x-e to be 77paintov tit_ cooperate wit" and onsint the Public 7elfrr- Officer, Eton motion by Mr. Useinniss , ancvneed by Mr. Griffin. it wI9 unanimously R7SO!VWD that the Sunervi­ be and he herelov is authorized to appoint an Ovi- cm WelYnTs Committee to ssi-t and coarerpTe Tith the Public Welf,re Officer, W Griffin reported on Perk mptte-e. He StFtef that Chain man Domes of the Park Commission would ilkn t- have the title W the YOnds or swxl Da-I areas located in the high--y= veqted in the Pe-k Commission. The Park Commission Y at present RF-vic!ng thepp P-aps- or" -ill onntinue to do so . Hr. Griffin WHO. The Sune-vi -or Noted that the meeting -nula oroceed to a hearing on the oupstion of thT correction of the 79-essment roll for the year 1933-1934 so as to include th property of the Village of Mp-proneck locatO along the Post Road for the ru-oose of the Ymr,7-n-ck Valley Se--- District� Hr, Anthonv Spn-?ne . Cn7poTation Cornsel Or the Village of addressed the Bon-3 reqwstinR an of the hear- imp un t4l the nixt To-n Bon-& meeting on June 10th. The rerun-et -as unanimously grpntsd' The Supervisor Ptnt?V that the meeting --vij vrocW to -- howring on 7 qua-t! cn of the correction of the Annappm-nt R-7 ! for the ver! 1973-32 on as to include the property of Wpatchpate" County on the Post Rapt . The To 7n Attornev st,00 that he had reschad an agreement -SAV the County Attorney on? Writory Ss7sw Commisnion r-g=ding th� aqPessm=nO of the se-we 34snosal niont on the Post Rnrs � gro teat the mount agreed upon as $500 ,000 f= tha buildinFq and $5n" 50P for the land Won motion made by Wuncilman Griffin and SEcondel by Councilman Botqq . it unanimonslor RFSOLV7D, that the assessment roll of the To-n of HmmProne0r, for the year 1933-1934 be correctel an as to include in the Mamaroneck V,107 Be-pr Column the following nrnpe -tv of the Wootph-seer County SPritnry Swer Commission- Agsensel Value Sec. Blk, Lo+ Numbers , Land Imptw Tots! 9 54 I 11 11 6A,6B,6Cn7 , 8a 11 11 9.10,11AZIB $507,50o QnOlnoO S1.007'50c'j 0 0 l2AOl2BjI3 , lAA 14371IA6 .17� FUTITHPR R7SOLVFDt that the Receiver of Taxes be instructed to issue a bill end receive the tones sc -saesss? OccOrOin917- PUYTHOP PPSOLVFD, thp+ payment be qcce-t& -Ithout rewltv if ­oPi? within 30 OFys from ?^+e of bill, The Supervisor stated that after further consideration of the matter be believed it advisable K issue to Se-e- District No. I a Certificate of indebtedness in the sum of $44 ,346. 25. which in the amount that 7?s borrowed from Sever District No� 1 for the payment to the County of Westchester of the ?mount due it for the Boston Post Road iMP007emFnt@ "'hick 79s One and. payable from general Town fund,. He stated that where- as the Resolution of this Board Plopted on the 2n? day Of Tay, 1934 had. authorized the borrowing of this aum from Sever District Yon 1 out of available funds resulting from the sale of trunk line sewers to the County for the Mamaroneck Valley Sever and Provided for the allowance and ppvment of interest at the rate of 510 per annum up to the time of owlayment to Sewer District No® 1 and established a credit on the books of SeTer District No. 1 and a debit on the books of the General Town, he recommeni- sA he issuance of a formal Certificate of Indebtedness to be sated May 4th, 1934 (the date when the p0ment was made to the County) and payable at the Trust 0--ory of Larchmont on Hay 4th, 1935 for $44,346. 25, with interest at the rate of 5% per annum, Now, on motion of Councilman Yeginnies , secrzded by Councilman Griffin, it was RE'SOLVE'D, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized, em,owered and directed to issue and sell to Sewer District Yo. I of the Tenn of 7 7onnst, the follaTirg Certificate of Indebtedness for the euxii of h44, 346o25 71aich certificiOn shall be -purchased. by Sever District Yom I out of the funds r-cei-e" from thy County for the F?lp of trunk line se7x7s� PURTH7R R7SOLV7D, tv;t swi § Certificate be doted KnT 4th, 1934, to maturn Inv 4th, 19359 oryeble at the Trust Company of Lorc4mont. Lo7chmont Ne- York, and. bear interest at th- r-+- of 5% 0;W n - and and tvp + such ce-tific7t- be in substpntiollv the following form: ( MIT b�qqr FUVTH7R R7SOIV7D, thof the qP4V Certificate of Inoebtednass shall be ? generol -n" unlimited. A- Patton of the To7n FA the full faith FnO credit of thy Town -75 hereby olvAn' to the punct-r o77ment of the nrinclual and intereFtos said Certific7te as the some shp7l become due . FURTH?R RFSOIV7D, tha t thy Supervi-or be on' he here - by in ?UtYnr? 7eA, eclWwerCd MC M-ectev t Iu-choose gpia Certific,ty of Indebteln-ga To- -r! on bet-if of Sever District Un. 1 of the Ty-n no H--?70nach -n to mak, navmen' for th; pur&Pne of Y- Y Csrt4f' 0-+' 0-t of the funds received from the County of Westchester in connection -Aty the sale of Trunk line Se-ers of Seer Di -trict Yo. 1, FbPT177 -,R7S01V7D- tvpf the Supervisor be and he hereby in authorimed , emnn-erel or' "irecte?, anon the purchase of tbF aforesaid Ce-tiflcFteo to PevoFit PnA hold the =rms on the vrope,ty of Sever District Noy I of the Town of hPmFrcnSnY, FURTH70 R7SOL77D, that thy Sunervivnr be nd he hereby is nit tho7i7ed. emno-e7ed ond directed to feoo9it the Proceed, of the sale of said certific-te of Indebted,- nesn in the Gene-P! Fund of the Town for the vu-nos of prying or reimbursing the Gener,l Fund for the amounts hereto 047FWeA nut of the Gener-1 Fund on account of the sums Cue the County for the riZhts oo -Py P1=7 th- Boston Post Ron!, To,-,!n Attorn-ey Del'_us informer?_ the. Bo-&-� tllat in eccol-!',,-?nce ­i +'n lnstructi= heretofore 2iven to 'him he h,--­1 officigIs of tl­ Vi!7_-?-e Of on the mptte-- or ')n vil-Ipere fo- se-:, Cr fpcilitie-F. He qL^t` that in 4 th hi- c-nfe-rmc,-.s nn -,Pree-m.-nt hi,a been -or­o^rerll -n^ ex^cat-1 by tb�-- Vilj--7 of He r-colmt-aendeE n17-orcvp!_ of the Pgreemerit %'nd Dre- spn,ed, it t- the T'n•"n Bomi­cl� Unon mot on by 11r, B7-_linan. sec-ricle-1 bir Mr. Griffin it taps unanimously R_TSOL�FTD� tne To­n Attorn=17 I­onrt� tl` in �ls inpt-ouc+J,-rs heretofore 2:i -Ten him 2n �gi-ecment h­z been b= +-­een thcn To-'r of ll"'�=Onec�, vlll ,,oe of coirc -inT th= raptte- of f,cijj,ti.eF ' cpi ^' -preermen+ ha,i been ellecute^' tive - of the Villa--e of Sc-l-sle ' 211(9. l I!HT R7 AS. the Tn7,Tn Attn-(,nnlr r=ccmrfienl = tI,,t t'hJ7 Tc),,,,n Boar-' ---orove of thee-!'Pfore - be it TRFSOLVTD= tl­tl June 6th, lg5A rrp 11 t I_, To� lo-7 ull To ,- Att-=�7r • bFt-ee-n "I of Ygyngronpck 2,rrr t'rl- Vill-,-e 0{' C07-e-inP' the pl-tter of r ci-�7,nc­l ­ f eeer cilitieQ be 2rl it he by iq ?1D-orover? ' Pr,d be it PUPT__HFR R7SOlVFP-D t1-9+1 the -nil the To? n CIcrk be ­nt_ they her-lov --uthorized9 enr-­rere,i 2nd. r9irccteC +0 Execute -n of iapmaronecic. _ecu- -,?i � Ll - -ent on behnif of t�i� To- Th, T077n 2tto-12-7 infc-Ill-" -,he Bn­d, V­t tlh- ne7-7 To-•n 1-=-- th(-- -r--ent seqFion of the Legi -i�-tu­ bv Ch7nte- 667, -)f had been ­mer�lerl �t emlov nn' '-,q-3n t-o con- th- Lp­q of 1950 to -oe-rriit t u?-,!Tn�; tc -o st-?bles . to be -�P� on e fee b� ­i �, tll� Br S u-r)e n--,Y- o tll- c-imtv in ­hih tuh t,)7,n. i-` oc�^tc` The Sjjr,e-7i_-Or il'IfOrl'll- ,3 11 1 n I o We q s r e,-I the Bce-^ l. t't V­ BOF -� of SU-ne "v97r� O-P '11 0 u tr f " tch.- te r nqolutlon -op-Illittill,_ t^'rqq- t7 erjolov c­riSt^bl - ni-bore out- He 7a(.,nmme-r)-Ie` tl'-t tll- Boa-­� --occe" t- tl t`rr 0 c s,t m b I -- Br-nn-n n o,Tai n to J m Y-^r­av of 930 P^ Av e nur-, ld2rn�-onppk , ^r�. 1'.'ir® Bctee seconrlp,t th(-- nomin-t4nn- ll-, Llcc'lllni­ -a­_Linnted Lester Cw of 09F BO-nton P(-)qt Ro?-z• L --.Inrmr7nt,, Tiro G?_4 rfiit CpConrl. Fll tin- nc)-:Rlll` on. ,T ntl-e n nTlill- o -7-e--- _0- ent On -Mo t 4 r j U�.,j np d F on, m it =,ni nu 7, r F,79OL77D tl--' fT ol I? ', 0 P?Imn Avenue lrl,m_^-nnnck, P11-1 e, r D-�­ct n-F' 295 B-ton Post Lester ,� 2. 1 - Roe-, , L-clinont- be 2n,' tt­il hereby — ?o-inter. l r,cn- -bj,79 of uh T n­rn of L,-tom­on(2ck ;-n ncco`__'r­l r Ch 74 ? ) -nte­ 66_� f tlo- Ol be tl,^+ th-7 be b,nq,eA in tlln= -nanl-,nt of $7_ 00n Etch, thr _oqt of obt- ining 9r,il bonl to be bnrne bir tom" �.­n-t-bl_­� - -Irl be i+ F=HT'P. T-72SOLV7D tb^t t',^ei- to-r,j-o office be " the -,le­u­ n4' th- In-^n Bn�- "I- t�­t their c-,-zaence tlel-,, ^'.Ll t' e9 u-jon nU:-jif'Ting 7c *bpA b­ ,­,n thei- f; 7inp b(,nl ­'It" I'll- T-n Clerk ­4 bnn,' t- be- tln- r7�,rri7-1 o� the Torn Atto-_-n-T, , inn u-,)or tTlei- t�kinF tlo- ---nq t4lUt4C)jjpl �tUto- -,T oath of offiep. Yr. Yanmy oj?r,ssed the Board anO thanked it for its notion in appointing him constable, The follo7ing rnsnlution was noved by Yr. Brennan, seconfecl by It. heginnins W unanimously approve? , ATS01VTD, WH7R7AS, this Bopnd at its meeting on April Qlst 7pow" a resolution authorising the employment of addition- a! help in the office of thy Receiver of Taxes Or Assess- mints pt a P^I,nr­ of t­"enty-fi7e follr7s ($25, no) a -eek- no- therefore , be it R78OLV7D that Harry C. Boy9en, at ore Sent emnlovej in the office of thy Town Comptroller . be and ha hereby is pp- Pointed -qqivt?n+ t- the Receiver of `Payee FnO Assessments at P F00-Y 00 t7e-t7-07e &0llR7V ( 125 , nn) - 7eph: an' by i+ FURTHF7 R7SOL77TD that ATrr7 C, Bnysen be bon"e? in the 7mount of $10,000, Vo cost of game to be F Proper Town chy-on ! -n3 be it FURTHFR RE'SOLVE'D t"-+ A!-7-nse- Pinyon be ant he hereby is 7=qnniny;S bonkknener P+ a qY17-v of $1, 08000 , year in thy office of the Town Comptroller to fill t": voconcv crpates bv the transfer of Hsr7v C. Bovqen, efFactive as of Tune 1 Yn. -Domericr Ponce of 2 DjUnn Rnaj P31-77ned the Boprd -4th rafewer-e to his claim in thy ?mc-nt of W117 , 25 f-7 nnnstruntin�, - cpnc-ite on' frive7?7 at hip np-nllne station at the obove address. The matter -F, raferrV to thy Clerk to Vk up with former Superintendent of Highways 1 . John , Colon, Ths Clerk informed thy Bonn? that the typing an indexing of the final copies of thy minutes of the meetings of the To-n Board had been brought up to ?Ftr An -mt-_'m-te Opted June 5th ,,as receives from the 7estchss- ter joint Wa ter To7ks No, 7 in the ?mount of $98. 21 as the coat of in- 7011ing anoro7impteiv WO feet of 2 inch Pipe an Shelso?ks PlFcn , loon motion by Yr® Bytes , seconded by Yr� Griffin, it we- UnPnimOUS17 R7SOLVFD, WHTR7AS, On estimate Aptel June 5th. 1934 has been racei-eO from tv Westchester Joint Woter Works Yo. 1 in the onornt of 098721 for installing 100 feet of 2 inch pipe on ShPlAr?ke Placer being On er-tenaton of the stub from Bonnie Brian Lane : the Town of Hom=neck to excavate On? back fill the ditch ronuirsO for the laving of this nine a-& thy Wpte- Work, to nrovile OF piry ?nf necessary fittinng in nlycP7 nv�-r: therofn-e , be it R7SOLVED that the Weetchenter Joint Water Works Yn. I be Or! V herobv is pufhprime!' . cmc o-ersA PnO directed to in- stpil for the Torn of hempToneck PnA to ch-rge to the Town of Hamaronnch t"a actual cost Vergof as ;-ne­­VinV Fns Fn7rovej by thy Boo-A nf Tru, teen on soV Westchester Joint w4- WTV Noo 1 the main on ?bo-e jescrived. Thy "-no-t of the Public We— Office- On the month of ho wpm receives ins alone on film, The report of thy Town Clerk for the month of May was r-- cei-el Ona leemsan ffla. A KnAm in the amount of $24. 77 for refunj of taxes on Sec- tion 1. Block 19 , Lot 15 "p- receive? from the LO•,,:7re"s Hortg,ge Guarantee Corporation of Mount Ve-npnx The cl-im -,F referred tc the Comptroller, A letter Onte Yov 15th was receives from R. J, 7hitnev - Hynwa-onpck Village Hanage7, renu­ting thn Town BoovO to urge - r-consider-1 i ation by Vy Wr Depn7tm7nt a' itq f ecision unf,vP7-bis to thy improve- mont o Ti H7-wronack Hw7bor� Upon motion by Mr. B-feq , seconded by M,, Br-nn7r it was Unar IMOUSIv RESOLVED, WHEREAS, the Boar! of Trustees of the Village of Ypner7n-c", deeming it to be to the best interest not only of the Villyge of H?-?ronech, but for the County of 7eatchenter that the east an? rest brsin7 in Ymor-n- ck H...,-.o7 be 37=nrv& nO, 107TREAS, sy-h Ar-"zinc -o4i affo7? boating and anchorage facilities to the reY44ents of the To-n of hpngronnck as -ell as to th- r-siFents of the County of Westchaste-. and. WHEREAS, -s have been notif4 -0 bv the office OF the Divi- sion Engfneer of the War Deportment that a re-cort has been made unfavorable to the improvement: no- therefore be it RESOLVED t%F + -e . th- To-n Board of the To-n of Mpmproneck4 hereby a77e-1 to Q- Board of Engineers for Rivers and H?-bo-v t- -aconniAer thin " ecinion on" tress f?va"?bl7 upon thin vrojnct, A lette" A -4e? Yov 98th ­0 r7ceive' from homaronock Lodge Tn. 145" B� Po 0, Elks inviting tha To-n Boar! to ptte• f its Pips Day Fe-vi-ey an Tune lAth . The invitation --- accepted �ith t4nnkF and P71 mnmber- of tna Board 'via conlo do so -ens urged to attend: A l_ tier Arted May 24th aq receives from the Police Commission of the Town of MnmarnnecV in regr-d to tv, a77lic? tion of Shirley Goode for permi7sion to run a janc- hallo The letter 77s 71aced on file, A circular letter Vatev Hy7 7th =9 rncei-e" from HPYz Wolff in regard to the inventioation OF 700, charged by oublic utili - 0 -9, The letter -,- nipcoO on file. A letter date& Hay 17th was 7noei-ef from Fulen, Stebingev together -ith a petition doted April Atli , 1934 n4yn& by 711 of the property o7n;7F -4noF nnf fronts on the epsterly end of HP49crobbic Roqv r- raunsting t1vt the np7s of this road be changed to OBapnP,10 201P that P street FiSn wont be in-011-4 at thp ccrnpr of cy40 ,ad and Huguano4 Drive. Upon motion by yr, Bote9 , seconded by HrA Griffin it Un=nin0UQ17 RESOLVED that the name of Ha7d-c-abbla Road be PrX it hereby in charged to BPrnp-j Road , A l7t+e2 " YtsO E-7 lath 77F 7ncei7e4 from C. W Yrndv , ICW100ew of Rouken Glen , in regard to tie matter of street lights and the Pccentrn?s of that vortion of Bonnie Briar !one e7tending from Weaver Street to 0?k3111 Rnif. The matter of street lights won referred 0 Sune"inten" er+ He"ola far investigation or& rnnor0 The matte- of accepting Bonnie Briar. Lana -no !oil over, 'Th..- Supervi7nr ng •eated th-4 the Board take -ction in the matter of oppointing Jay H, or No-Pen as Veteran Relief Officer PnO. the f ing of a spipon; for him, The matte ' -an unaninougly referred, with noyne" to a committee consisting of Mr. Griffin. H1. Heginnins and Supervisor McCulloch. The To-n Attorn=7 reported t4a+ We " & Wein' attorneys of Port ChwotF renrFFenting t"s vurchn9er of th- 1952 07 !inns at qvin of -19!7 unon no-pe7ty o7nnj by the Callmhor 2-tvtn , had m-'P -a 00cunst for the refund of the purchage price nine interest on? costs for tic 1 s son that in or action to for-Yove then, Mena -hinh they hal commences or -nw-e7 had been inte7nos& attaching the Vol ijit7 Of the sale. He oto+es 0> 0 Pfte- conferring -jtv the Recei-er of Taxes about the matter hin opinion -we t,vt tin money should be r-funded but after P conference -4th Yr. I-ving Weino they hel nurchp-& the 1953 Zero non the come gone-Q , -hicb 7erp qoi- to them H-7 03rV , 1932 "/95 Wein YrA Wein no- renuent that rpfun" be mofe to them of the difference between the amount nVA b7 them fo- the 19M liens plus interest Pnr,9,- costs and the Prount of the 1933 liens vOich they hP3 rurchasel at the recent sale. Unon motion made by Councilman Griffin, and seconded by Councilman Bates the following resolution -PR unprimousT7 Ooptej: 7'IF-PREAS, r^PuPYO has been made by the purchasers of the 195? tP7 liens upon lot 11. Block 12 . Section 9 , Lot 3. Block 12 Section 9 . Lot 12, Block 1? , Section 9 . Lot 17 . Block 12,, Spetinn 9 . which -e-- =nil to them for P total of X796. 29 on thi groynO that in an qction to foreclose the g-n- the o7n--s hove inte7noetpd on -rn-er PUFAnn T-Qt the Sale is involil: an'' WHEREAS, thr soil purchasers no- claim to be entitled to w refun& of the amount of net! iians vluv interest of $3% 81 at the no's pail bv them up to HPv U-S , 1934 , _and. costs Pr! evvense in the s�eri of 11057, 507 vra, WHPR7AS< the not! purcYppers of th- 193? lions p7sc purchase? the T933 linno coveTiny soil nrore-t- for Q61840 which amount is 4v- an' PP7=bl- to 07 Town- an-q WHERFA& the To7n Attovnsy has advi-ej that refvnO be made to spV purchase-s of the 193? lions -ith interest and costs as rpoueste" b7 the ourchase-n . RFSOLV FD. that the Supervisor be authorized to wy to the purchpse-s of thn 1930 vro. 1933 tax lime u-non Lot 11, Block 1?. Section 9 . Lot 3, Block 12m Section 9 , Lot 72 Block 12 , Section 9 , lot K _ Block iv, Notion 9. the sum of rnorapentin; the difference bet7een the PUTC42se price of th- 1273 liens Pr3 the Pmnunt to which t%P vurchogers a­ entitlo? for the amount paid for the 1939 liens n1uq interest PM di ?bursements-. FURTHER RESOLVED, th?f the Recei-e- of Texas be Puthori7ed tv tvv- th- necesqw-v action vn§ mph; th- necgsqw:ov entries in ths onco-A of tyx lisno to effect the tronnfe- of the M3 liens . orf the surrenjer to the Town of 7 ,n7ron-ck of the 1932 liens ?a DroVfed in Section 5! of the WpstchFs- te- County Tax Actu At 10 :25 P. M. the Board unFnimmusly 7psolves to o3journ, more (Form of Certificate to be inserted above on page 287) Y% 7 B, Px R. Series 193Z UYTTED STATES OF AFRICA STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER TOWN OF TAUARONECK CERTIFICATE OF I1,TDFB`ZFD7x7SS Boston Post Road, Series 1934 THE TOWN OF HAS ARQYFCK. in the County of Westchester. a municipal corporation of the Stp+e of New York. hereby- wohnn-le4gev itself indebted and for value received promigan to pay to Sewer Di-'rict or 1 of the Trr�-n of h-wroneck, on the Ath dFy of Hoy , 1935, the sum of Forty-four thousand three hundred fortv-si7 on? 25/100 dollars ( 844046M) 7ith interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of fine per centum ( 51) pen annum. Both urincinpi an& interest of this Certificate F-e payable at the Trust Company of L-7ctmont. L-0mont. New Yorh� in lo-ful money of the Unite! States of Ame-icn. TV - ne-tific?te in issues 7ur;uPnt to the provisions Of the To7n Inn constituting Chootor 6P . the General Yunici7ll L?7 cnnotitatinz Chputer ?4 and the High-,7 LY7 constituting chpytgr 30 Of tie Consolidated IF-s of the State of New Yn7k ,7 amenjeA , 7nA resolutions of the T,,)---n Board of the T"'­,n of Ho-o—neck duly u0sFel at P meeting 30.17 called an' belt lune 60 , 1954 at its office , 118 Was+ Boston Pont Read . Hymw7ons0.k„ No- Yvrkn It To he- nby certified and recited that all canditionF. Pots and things required by the Capstitutinn and Statute, of the State of New York to e7ist, to have hyl oene? and to be oerform&. r7ecejent to an? in the issuance of this Certificate e7iFt, have hponenel and have been verformei . on& that the issue of certificates of 7hich this in one , together with all other indebteAne-a of the T--n. is within every debt and other limit prescribed b7 the Constitution on? Laws of sand Stote ! and the full faith and n-edit of the T­:,r of L'ympronech are hereby pledged to the punctual Yn7meut Of the urincims! FnA interest of this Certificate . according to its terms. IN IFT711,77SS ITH7EFOP, the Town of K-myrnneck has cruaV thin Cartifiente of Indebtedness to be niznel by its Supe-ni-or, and oruntersignef by its Town Clark, on' its corporate seal to be he-sunto Fffinal this Ath !on of Hoy, 1934, C-,,antersigne,9 ---------- ------------------------------- Ty7n Clerk Supervisor Of the Town of Mamaroneck ens 7f Mavy+