HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_06_02 Town Board Minutes 3—�_�O!AL I=ST 71-C,' CIF 1`� 1-7 t 0 vv n C f f i a e 11i,' Pest 3 c s ton F o c t !R o p rd 3 Lianaroneck, 1\7. T-qe meetir_� nrae called to oraer bly isor �_'.cOulloch at 10 :45 1L. , resent : ;;,a n e rv, I s o r l.c C 1,111 o a h Council, il,en Bates , Brennan , griffin and 1.Te ginniss The =-_zenne v,a-_ also noted, of Tcrm Clerk ',1arvin and Tcvjn ttor nevi Z7eliu5 . The minutes of the Tn IL eeting of -'y 16th 7T)ere a,-2roved ae --�r in t ed. The ';,uDervisor informeo the Board that in-ect I-e-t*, ,,jere doln. .maLe to trees located o-,L,) Town .=onerty along the high-ways , etc . Fe etated that the -o-�1ntllr aathr-ritie- a-_zproved of zjrE.,,Ivin_g trees as a 7LC,rk relief rolject ; that the of cl -rpvirlE oc-. curre_L every year ; zuaat he haa accorcinoi,, ?.rreea the County to h,.Iv-- the tr=ey sprayed as 2, ?5or_,c relief Project and that iii this connection he hac. aLzthcri_-ed the ourcha,,-e of the necees- �)nient L ary -_�rayin� e,ui. a cost of about further that a-cuipi-aent of a _.,e-rnclnent. n�-,Iure ana could be u�:-,ed. Pr- nuall! ,­ here.-,fter . He reque,_,tea of h.i-- action. U on 11jotior of --oifL- in, Eeconde,, r . ail 2t that the action of the as above described , in aut'norizin& the z.)ray-Lnce of trues - - a sj o- r p 1 1 t' -oi -ot ac� hLs action i n i Lt 1_r i i n L,s ta e ,ourchaoe_ of he nece-eEary ecui'"Ment there-, or ot P, cost o-f ab e—t 50� I.,)e ana it -a t it I e and � ,,_perintende,nt of Highways Ierola, addresEed_ the 30a,rd and ,, tEltec t-,-,R+ he had obtained estimates n_c to the cost of re- sorf,Eicin n_Ir, !�, e ?la Ile P CLi,d. The total cost 7nluil be �-_tveen �,`25 , OJ3 and 1�30 , 0_10 , he st,? ted , if vhich the -Iountir -v,,,ould --ay the ialonr costs and the 7C,,,M livould furniell the neceeC rat --ateriqls at a cost of ?bout 11`1 10, 5 0 0 - TJL- presenter', e-tjl­Dat-° cup v qi ,, ted _oy four road rqF+.erials cclace-y-ne , of the ocst of +he m teri9l5 to be furnished by the Tovm� ac frilov.s : C, n c n -imete 0� , 7nc . 10. CO _tnr � -- I 7j,estcneatHr Colbrov ia Corp. 17, 3.3. 75 Testc-ijaster I~istr- -�,e Barret Oam-amy 10 , 326 . 00 superintendent of Hi�-Ij7ava -_ accel - - ercia rHcormMev .-ec, tance of the bid of the f;cphalt !iiztributinE Corporation, -1,,oI-, ect to thle a,-1-2ov,31 of th�� ,,Te5tchestar (_cunty 'ief,4,Dor�-,ry —merLency L, ..eiief �%c,,rlinistration as to the project . TT,,on motion of ij-,r . 2rennal" , seconded 0 ,- izr . it I:Vas unan Liao Us 1V that the oi, of the TestchsEter ,.rte li2tribu- tine' o_ .,oration in the amount of ijo, 324. 32 for furnish- inE the materials necessary for the improvement of Old 7hite Plains Road, in accordance with the terms of the estimate , be and it hernoy in accepted, subject to the ay- prova! of the lestchecte! County Temporary 7merEencY Relief Administration Y2 to the Project , aria be it 7UT_,717-,,R that the sun. of 1310 , 32j. 32 be emerged to the appropriation account of TTnanticipated Revenues not heretofore a2gro •riated. nperintendent of HiEnwayo yerola infcrmed the Ma d7', that the Westchester County uanitary 5ever Commission desirs 7P"m0sion to open certain streets in the Town, in connection Mth the construction and/or reconstruction and/or repair Of its se7er system, and presented the necessary a-0, therefor. Upon motion of Ir . 3"tes , seconded by Yr . Griffin , the 2c8.nd unanimously resolved to FOXOve the applications as submitted. The VDIlicotions were thereupon slEned by each we-' oer or the Board. jugerintenaent of HiEhways Yerole, f7rtheinicre recor umerjaed. that thy; Town Protect itself During the time of these ofefations by obtaininS ;ublic; liability insurance , the cost of sane ts oe a Town charLe . The 3card unanimously aporoved the ootairinE of this insurnrce. Supei-intenaent of yjah_aws jeroja informed the 3ca2d that f Q fore Siven to him, the Cid in accordance with the instructions herevo neaver street Fire company House on 1n n. 2' Place had been rejoire'd and put in condition to store some of t-ae election equif men t. sewer Zugerintenaent Corwin aderessed the Eoar? ant stated that there existed on Ynclivon! 7rive a sewer line .. out 300 feet long any -oint - tAnt in order to make this sewer line of with no outlet at of addon Ri sewer use it 7culd ce necesalry t ; lav nbout 400 feet to construct n pipe to connect to the Temainjer of the system , a & RIBO M-NnIc i.1 .Y1 furthermore , th2t it would be necessary a small sewer v i I I -in­ with cyst. iron PL2e-- , because to javpilel the ex ating tile ..k- - n. 7he total cost Of this the Dum2ing plant would requIrl a. f0r" Ma'' of the annual operation , he stated, rould be Rnout 11 , 500 exclusive ysin'tenance of the pumping 21ant . - or ,;,ate airected t0 obtain .frcm If ter diocus2ion 27- to tov the se,ave situation 7nainear A. j. 7oote hin recc,mrnena� tic'-(1E as a 00- joard at , ive can oe mans and to re2ort to th on, KnolIMOu nr its next mseting o the 3oard th't the County intends The gugervi6or reocrted t I - . - . Ork relief � - ,- for Q ontire County ore2qea OE � 1, i to ha., asEessmenu mQ5 — Is vocal? meet as not certain th,t SUM Mal ,ro ,ect out stated that he 1'') the 0 re,uiremcnts of the Town- on highlay MEtters with yarticuiRr ,T, . 3rennen rejorted Of Carleoz, th- extensi- erence, to the train alonS I 7ifTh AVenue , f Stratford whoad e; "e-wirm to th-, surface 0 I - P,ue ' 1 e Vow-oletion of the - Q the 3owoen lro2erty- Kor - 0" vea7er street near a'n! the train n -6 aa received _3caj that !,is hc ,�_or+qd to the the poumt, of' The, surelvizor 1 160 . 51 from of 11S3, additional "" "nent in th I aanitary Sewer Commission an -1,�t cb CE ter 0 OuntY -istric'u he 16 b" sewer ,t,hester and/or Me t" 110� �M-8-5 so truwk aus Of the the Tow fQard_ the Durc0se nrice ol - - oF!a,n I the outstr�n� ing, c tc c thPt ourse . NJ to the county. He adds U I . 1 will receive in due C to nnicn the Town al7iounts ived the 103rd that be had c2ce quperviEcT revorteA to I' NJ 70'M' Of The O'hool 7iztrillt h - , ", 40, ree C. f,- the en- of 7ducation , _ . "nhoc I �1 1 , � Q - __ ­ ' jaoa-oneck� entered in the minutes 02 conv of the oual - of t _j &S Q ordire- 7he andLet We -ulnt 27 C� — 9 3 TIC CIE T The follo ,,,,iylt it, 9 of the lrlcce-�s;.,ry oe rai- ea k)y tH, for Teacners ' ?.gin C. other nece!�-ary ex 2er_, es of the Scilools :- 7,al_7Lries , su.Derirteiiaent of �_cncols , -_re�,,,surer , Clerk, Cllerzc to Za.ar- intenuent , :_tterdarc_e Cffirer 45()Q i° tr i c t e e t ilio& ano- �c hc c 1 c t on 3300. 00 m_rea,.-urerls 3ond 375. 00 postage and --tatione--cy 200. 00 Superintendent ' s T`xj)ense 250. 00 -ranc.jo_-tatinn , vi.--crs , and ltteno_ance -fficer 1 C,5 On. 0 ,,o-hoc! ­­-ua 500. 00 -I-v.diti-n.- 1000. 00 Legal 7x,-enSe 5000. 00 2 7 ��)o Carr, , -port r t e to . 850. 00 - ther T•xfence If G,e yie r?l 2ortrol ( IdI t ,00c at i Ong "OD. Do Tc�c-" Crs2 c iz­al ,i.np 'rjriCl !" .l,ei Cler-Ks 42zs_L6. <5 eveninL. '-7chool 5300. 00 -le-t 3ook-- 7000. 00 In 2, 1, c t i or 11 a! --,u ies 13000). 00 C etC , PDOO. 00 etc, C00.00 T 1�_ Tan I t c r -ai-ri es 41015 . 00 Fuel 15000.00) 9, 3300- OC te L' iht an a -1,o vi e r 1`2000. 00 janitors ' C_upPlies 6000.00 Telephone LAna -.ficceilaneous 4500. 00 71-1 "Al I 7 oj e e n of C T'l--rounos , e )air_ _7 3, J �: ] eopj ­ of Furniture ,, ,,-h 23 re�pai r a n d apl e n t s 2500C. 00 -e-l—nicc 3500. 00 u-ervi -nr o aintenance 3500. 00 n 7500. 00 2xes and s a e s-ife n ts 11500 00 =IT-' Eo_aas Jj.terest on _?Orlds n`'2°0. 0 n - - ollection ChFfSes 35 C__`,r I T -T -i_ 12ZL cyi 3uilaings arc Cround.s , Yev, 7url'll `lre 0"000. 00 1000. :),j T_ al ja t or, ,ic.Tses , Tentist ana ental H H ygi-nist 12500. 00 2)000. 00 Libre= Eock:s =i=ACCT: %mw:«:) Tther liorary 7HIense i9o. 00 m aJ lujIlies , ntai W:9a «: c aya � � 3562= RecreAtion on? a c tic jupp1jee 2000. 00 sus , x± «« mG: ) G 2fy3�:da hezE 7stimated M 9 Wool z«ey 16243237 & w: s = t7S3779 . 21 w=mw« ley Yw? G s "an y Gw , :wr :J n , 1934 3oard of Z:a:»c, :c Tree School 7istrict A . : 2nn of Mamoranecl, =, w public Telfzre Ofc:: 7e"inne and ar9z Relief officer n Norden aduressea the s«rd in connection m m the ey2z of ex- penditures f c "eteran Relief. » w::tn ,: wm:Qn ensued. Lt 1 : 00 3 w the «carunanimously a::ma: to adjourn. Town 2Q»