HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_05_16 Town Board Minutes R_GUZAR I:!1FTSIG OF HT TOWN BOARD
HELD I:AY 16TH. 1934
At the Town Offices , 118 West Boston Post Road 119raaroneck, Y. Y.
The meeting vras called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at
8-40 P. H
Preeent.m Supervisor PcCullocln
Conrcilmen Bates , Brennan, Griffin and Ifeginniss
The -oresence 1T*as a Ise noted of Town Clerk Ylr ruin and Tov�n
AttOrr!ev Delius.
The Clerk presented the minutes of T:Iav 2nd. wench Tre ^e ordered
an-proved as printed,
The Supervisor presented, h-i.7 fin°nci °1 stp+.emTnt fo-n the
month. of Arril and also a Sux,,=ary or Receipts any' Disbursements of the
High'7&y Department for the ;period January 1st, 1934 to April 30th, 1934®
The Clerk re orted. that he hac' received from the Supervisor
the Supervisn_^ 's finars3_ statements for the three montia.s En Ed Iaarch
31st. 1934 in accordance trith -he -report made by the Supervisor at the
meeting on Upy 2nd,
The Suoervisor reported to the Board on the present- f nan-
cial condition of the town. He stated t'nat all of the 1933 tax, deiincuai-
cies o7Ted to the co-�znty bar' been pair? as =tell as the unpaid county
seurer levies and 8200 ,000 of the 193A State and County levy- that prac-
tica ?1y all of the 1933 claims outstanding had_ been paid ° that all the
— monies oved the School District had been -paid and that bout $60. 000P
of 1933 delinquent taxes hod been collected,
Lr, Bates retorted on seers. He stated that the =;.cork on
Stratford. Roast had been delayed because of rain and rock. He also
stared_ that a septic tank had. not yet been installed in the lunch 7agon
On the BOStOn Post Read. near the intersection 0r a-
'.. eaVEr Street a.n d. that I.
he t!ould keep in touch 7,Tith that situation,
11r. Brennan reported on highriays. He stated that he had
insuected the rrork done by the Superintendent of High7a.:vs On part of
Lekesir''.e Drive .. on Colonial Avenue en^ On Qa Vmon Terl c'--a
The Supervisor stated to t',,e Board that Old IvUhite Plains Road
(County Road No, 95 ) in nEP� of *h=+ the CotntIr
EnginEer'a offin, hid e t mat= tha it ?6n. 000 exclusive
of l 'ytd takings .. t0 improve this ro&.d. Of '.bich Rum the to-.,7n must pay
One-half in addition to the t-+-'- cost of thre 1=n t 'F"'' r- , This high_
ti-ay could be improved by the town with a s� ent si , acE to last
about five vears , he s? at a total. cost of abo-t Ip'20 .000. of S*.?hich"
the to .m might. obtain about 315 ,-000. frcrn he mergencv ',fork Bur e -u,
SupErin tendEnt of
P. erola informsd the Board_ that
osts had been made on old White Plains Road by the County Fneineer 's
Office and that en excellent base had been found there. He s -i.d that
the County Engineer 's Office estimated th2 1. .mot mould cost the tq 'n
88.000 0 $9;000 fc,r ,^r, rich It .penetra' on surface superior tq that
*hich the Sup �
erviOr ha_' in mind , as referred t0 abOVE elCl.USiVe Of the
estimated cost of $15,000 for labor to be obtained from the Emergency
Plork BureauR He added that he ^?as obtaining definite estima+,°_ s as to
costs. I
IIr2 Brennan also report-d_ on the Fire De_partment.a saying that
it, uFs in excellent condition except that ',' Ere 2, need for additional
Z ba
yir, Yernle !---Oortlpd on the matter Of M071ing the old frame
fire house build in from its present locF' on ne-
a qi-+e -neprer the se'7 Pge di-rospl plant® He i+ -,-.,Oul� c6s e 6 0-")t
.50,00 , including the construction of e ne7r foun(9 a t.-4 on The Clerk
,-ps directed. to a-ce-rta *-in if this build -
ng -culd be suitable as a
storage place for election machines Pnd other election erui--012'eUt.
Mr. Yerola informed the Board that he r,oulc! cooperate w' th
Hcr7ell Perrin in improving the extension of C,-rleon Avenue and also
tlla t he -,T-s ebo-,i+ u nstpll
a drain abutting UF -c the J I Borden rooe r tv
on VTe?7er StreEta
William Id® La-rs or developer 00 eC of .--chront Ri' ge. , address
rd the Board to -ore-
-ent F -Q��titl-on s� gned by aeventv-7e7en, (71 � nam-1 - of
rasi.�Iin,7 ir or c-ners O-p -i-)ro-oertie5� in qn,� the L^-chmont
EF the
Ri-^-ge a-ctinn. r=rucsting the' the e7'istin�� bus rolot o- by Q
County Trpn-oort?tion Cr)Lzr,,)-ny be nodif` e,` so F7 to prcv de se-vi'r fcl-
the Lerch-mont Ridge Sectior,
Mr. le,!-son informed- the Board. that Evr-y re Silent of L , on
moat 7id-ge hpd signed the neti t4 on and that the -o7ozcse^. bus routes met
; 'I, the of P reor-,sentptive of the bus company ,= -+h -rhom he
had di-cussed the matter,
After d-i-- cuesion the net" t-jor r,7-cei-ed and re-
ler-fe(I to Yr. Brennan qnc- Yr. Me-ola to in
I U investigate the -,Dro-Qcscd route
and report back to the Board.
:1r. Lamson rl �, scuqse(., -rith the Board the matter of the title
to three streets in 'Larcbrf-ii-.,nt Ri -Fe , to-viit. Yoheg2n Road Oxford- Road
d r a P-te- drain ease-
Dund�ee Road He agreed- to, deb c-ruin n stOD
ment as requested by the Board,
Shirley Goode of = Jrtle Boulev�-d ec,(Iresse(9 the Board to Te-
quest -oermission to hold d,3,r.ces at 176 Tyrtle Boulevard. He 7,15355 direct-
ed, to submit e� mitten reques t U ,-n the To rn Clerk,
Upon motion by Er. Meginniss seconded by Ifr. G--Jff_n it e
RFSOLV7D that this matter be referred to the Police. Commis-
sion for recommend.etion and re-oort back to thi- Bop-270 ,
To-,,-,n Attorney T)elius and -Assessor Eklund di -cussed V., 4th the
Board the matter of a correction of the posessment roll f---- the year
1933-14 so as to include certain properties o-ner', by the Count:- of -',West-
-,Tjll ?�- of VPMP-cneck in th
n�c� bv the - - I
cheste- any n,+he -0---Qe-t4 -,9 0- nted6
Mpmaroneck Valley Se-er, District column, The Torn Attornc-y pr,se
1-tte-s from llr. 0 rte" o-r the County r'tto-n-yle office and from !Jr.
Spneone , LRm9roncek Village . Counsel , r-- sting tnpt tl�� nj�,tte- be laid
O,1TCr, The Board agreed to )osll-oone t176ea, matters until tie next meet-
The TorTn Att--:7nev T--d ? letter from Ers. F-r-,Ie--i-k
of 48 E11, Rosr in hich Silver refund
School tax paid by her and/or refund of and interest on this
tax,, giving, several reasons for this request-
-- The To-!n Attorney stated t",pt, the records in the Tax Office
, bT lr �
in6icpt-I' that t,js ta7 ,pqcneu until - Sil ve--
After di-cue-iona it Wes upon motion by hr. Bytes seconded
by T;Teginnisq unanimously
R7-SOLTG'D that the To7rFn Attorney -,,rite !Irs- Silver to
the effect that the taxes ref-lrred to in her letter
'Crc du-- Pn.,1 D=)yqble and th-,t the Boer" re,7rctS the+
no other course is open to it then to stand by the record-s.
The To7p. Attorney Gtataf' tc the Bco--d tl,-+, he lr rl been re-
e Bo�- d- of As9cSsc--q to inquire 77het the Boar�! -,esilr-^ to
rue te(I by Ii-
71--* tII respect tC- ',!,is m=tter of publishing 2 notice of the com-ri-etion
of th,° csaeasmr-rt 17 ,Dll and the holding of a ilicp-c4-ng on cnm7,ol", rt s i n
relation to easeqsmrntc on GrJI-v-r?F Day, June lclth, 1934.
26� of
Upon motion by hr. Griffin seconded by Yr. Brennan it ,--as
RFSOLVFD that the Board of Assessors be and. they
hereby Pre authori.2ed- , empo—ered and directed to
post the notices as renuired. by Las• in respect to
the completion of the assessment roll aid Grievance
bay and to publish a cony of said notice in the issue
_ of May 31st of the Daily Times , a daily ne7sp2per pub-
.. shpQ -
li :__,.- in the v)))ase and Town. o° IlIar�aroneck and also
in the issue n= May 31st of the Lorchimont Times, a
-- meekly nee=rspaper rubl.ish& in the Village of Larchmont,
To-an of Yamarcneck,
The '2o_ Clerk presented for the approve! of the Board the
surety bond of Vha-°les DeWitt DeVinne as Public Welfare Officer of the
Town of Hatimaroneck, which bond_ bore the approval of the To:'n Attorney,
The Board unanimOus> approved the bony as presented.
A letter dated. Way 15th '.'^° received- from the Park Commission
of the To•n of Mamaroneck in regard to lands owned and/or cared for by
the Park Commission and the jurisdiction of the Park Commission thereever,
Upon motion by Lr. Griffin seconded by Mr. Bates it w s
unanimously I.
RESOLVED WHERFAS the Board of Park Commissioners of Park
District No. 1 of the Torn of ?riar,a-rcneck have reouested
that this Board assign to said Bo—? of Park Commis-
sioners the leases heretofore executed by the Town and
the Y. Y, PI H. & H Ra7rnad Company, c^vexing cer-
Vin innd atP i the L?=-�chmont 30ti on used for _park pur-
pcses now therefore be it
RFSOLVFD that this Doerr.' do and. it hereby :toes approve
of said request ° and be it further
RFSOLVFD that the ratter of preparing, these assignments
be referred to the To-.m p.tt.orneym
The matter of the islands and various small perks 7hich the
Park Commission is taking care of and which were referred to in the
letter of the Park Commission was referred to Mr. Griffin,
An estimate dated March 8th, 193A was received from the West-
chester Joint Water Works , Nom 1 for installing on I exzrell Street 360
feet of 6-inch -,ter main from the 6-inch water main on Madison Street
at the intersection of Maxwell Street.
Upon motion by Eire Bates , seconded by Hr< Griffin it was
RFSOLVFD MEERFAS on estimate dated. Yarch 8th, 1934
has been received from the Westchester Joint Tat-e-r
Works , Nos 1, in the amo-nt of "P665.65 for installing
on 1?77ell Street, 360 feet of 6-inch water main
from th-n 6-inch 7p ter main on Ladison Street. at the
intersection of V= ell Street) the street services
— to be extra and charged to the property owners j'_i_7ect-
ly at the rate of MOO e^ch far the 4 inch top ^nd
14.50 each for the 5/8 inch meter installation,, the
consumer to dg and back-fill wench° nn- therefore ,
be it
RFSOLVFD that tho Westchester Joint Water Works , No. 1
be and it hereby is authorized'- , empo-erect and directed
to install for the Tc *m of Yamn- nneck end to charge
the Town of Yamaroneck the actual cost thereof as as- ,
certained. and approved. by the Board of Trustees of
said 7estchester Joint Water Works , No. 1, the mein as
above d_escrihed.,
ds 6 _>
A circular letter fated Ar-il llth was received from the
C^unty Health Department in r^lation to travelling carnivals , request-
ing that the Town Board refuse to grant them perr-its@ The letter was
ordered planed on file .
The r. epo rt of the Town Clerk for the month of April -as
received on? ordered placed. on file.
A 16tter Fated Hay 10th •-as received from the Westchester_
Title and Trust Company in Rehabilitation in reg^rd to 1917 taxes
alleged to be open on Section 2 , Block 33 , Lots A3 and A4. The matter
as oriere? referred to Silas S. Clark, Attorney f the Torn in respect
to these matters,
A circular letter date? Palate !at -gas r-cei^ed from the Office
of the Division r'ngi.neer, Wpr Dep^.rtmentm in regard to the proposed im-
provement of M.amoroneck Harbor, giving notice that opit proposed im-
provement had been disapproved, The letter 7PF ordered played on file,
A" letter dated Hay 3rd r•as received from the Boa7d" of duce-
tion, Union_ Free School District Fo. 1R ordered placed on file and soread
upon the minutes as fclicws :
Hay 3 , 1934
Hone Walter R, Tina._^Vin
Torn Clerk
Mamaroneck, N. Ym
Dear llr, Marvin-
In accordar."ee with the provisions of Section 250 of the Educe-
tion Laze- I wish to advise you that at the election in this School Dis-
trict held yesterday. the following persons were el=cted for a full term
of three years beginning the first Tuegfry in July. 1934-
Ni W. S, H. Hamilton
65 Flge7oo? Avenue
harchmont, Yen York
P!Irs, 71i7abeth S. Kirchne-
32 James Street.
Homproneck, New York
in place of Philip Hr Dreireigacker and Arthur G. Higgins ':'lose terms.
CordiMy youre
/s/ K, G, Van Sciver
The Toren Clerk tnq"irea wh^t arm th^ Bopri des' r,edto charge
the Board. of 7+ luc^tion for the us- of tha town 's voting me--inns and
other equipment , at the recent school election.
Upon motion by Hr. Bates , seconded by Hr. Brennor . i' 7ye
RE'SOLVE'D that a charge of 810, 00 per machine be m^,,e
for the use of the town' s voting machines and oth<re
equipment at the recent school election,
A _letter de ted Ao-^il 24th ,-es recei-ed from Hnland and
Gregory. certified public accountants of Ne -- Rochelle . in regerd to audit
and budget r7=k. The letter ,pas referred to the Clerk for reply®
The Clerk stated the+ 'nc had been reouested orally by LIrs4
James F, Clark of Huguenot Drive to inform the Board that storm ^-ater vans
flood-ir_g her Property incicding the cellar of he- home„ The matter .r-as
referred. to Yr, B^tee,
Hr, I'leginniss reported that he had been r=o?,.=stcd to as-
ce_°tsin if the Board ri.esi^ed to take any action in respect to the matte'
Of the ChapgE Of grade On Z1UrraV ::venue i.ns^far as. i.t„ affeCtE r'. the pro°
perty of lf-, Nicholas Leone, The matter --as referred to Hr. Brennan
Sur, Griffin , on behalf of a special committee consisting
of 'Ira Meginniss and. himself, heretofore appointed to investigate and
r--port on the matter of the conduct and expen 'i.tures of the `r7elfe-P
De-oartm-ntm presented t'ne report of the committee. The report i7as order-
ed placer_i on file anft a copy made for each member of the Board and the
committee w--, voted th= thanks of the Boardd end ordered continued,
Upon motion of Councilman Bates seconded by Councilman
Griffin tl'le follo-i_ng r'es-lution 17? 2r' opted.:
17H7RFAS., pursuant to the provisions o,' Ch�rt.er 93
of the L?7s of 1934 , there are alto—e-' upon .a?l
installments of taxes . other than th c fi —alt inst-ll-
ment, paid. during the month of April. a discount of
t,-,o per cent;, and
Wh RFAS. t=xes in full, have been paid. t^ the Receiver
of Taxes nrithout each deduction by Ce7ta,i-n taxpayers
*n,ho are entitled to the discount as provided. in said
NOW, T!rz=9 FORT, BE IT RFSOLVFD that the Receiver of
Taxes prepare a list sh07J-ng the names of all tax-
-oavers -Ino ar_e entitled to the t--,c per. cent discount
for patrment of instellments of taxes in .advance , pur-
suant to Chanter 93 of the La -s of 1934® and furnish
said list to the Ccmptroller. and.
FURTHER RFSOLVFD® that the Comptroller Prepare one
voucher setting forth the names of all such taxpayers
and. the amount of discount to which each is entitled ;
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be authorized to
pay upon such claim or' the Comptroller the several
amounts of '.14--c-unt t0 r:'hich_• the persona -!ho-e names
arrear thereon are entitled,
The Tomn Attorney stated that Si.l^s S. Clark of White plains
had ft^nish^r? an effi.devi stating that he h-d compared Certazn original
tax receipts attached to the re-oo�rt of Referee in Foreclosure vahich is
on file in the Itrestehester County Clerk's Office ( File Now 1806-1929 )
in an action enti+led "Weetch-ste Foundation vs® 1Tuel..l_T-`li _ from tuh.iCh
it pea-�ed that tax liens purchased by t'-P Tovrn of ^. a 'nECk u_oon
Lots NC=. , 1 and 2. Block 13n Section 5f nC` 0-:n--d by George I9,. Burton,
for the veers 1917-1926 inclusive (Sa' of 1918 to 1927 inclusi--e ) and.
for th^ yeers 1928-1929 (Sales or 1929-1930) h^ve been »Pith
Councilman Brennan moved the fCllonri_ng resolut.ionm 7TThi.ch
*^?a seconde'". 'o? Councilman BFtea an'". unanimously ^'�.opted.8
WHFRFAS, proof has been made tc the satisfaction of
t"in Boar? that certain taxes Pni/or taw lions uron
Lots Yvqm 1 and 2� Block 17 , Section 5, have been
nvo , which tpve7 PnV /or tax lions appear ?s unqPQ
upon the book- of the Receiver of Owes of the To—n
of Unmoronpck, it is
RPSOLVFD, that the fn1lo—Ing taxes be cancelled :
Sale of Pogo Pox of Amount of 07 unpaid:
1918 2 1917 3 307 FA 6, 74
1919 30 1918 3, 84 7. 68
1920 32 190 4. 19 808
1921. 33 1920 4, 83 9, 66
1922 34 1921 11 89 W78
1923 20 1922 4, 68 9, 36
004 22 1923 5. 115 10,30
1925 18 IPW 5,64 11028
1.926 07 190 5 , 69 11; 28
192' 28 1926 5 ,68 1D36
1929 21 1928 5. 29, IOM
1.930 27 1.929 8,4o 16 780
FURTH7R FFSOLVEDO that the Receiver of Taxes cleu-
thn Ox rolls in accord;nce —ith thin resolution so
that Fuji t=axes mazy Pygmar to be per' f ,
At 11 K the Board umnimougly resolve? to u3journ,
T—Irl 0 le rk