HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_05_02 Town Board Minutes 9.4'x.
HELD I'AY ?ND, 1934
At the Town Offices . 118 ''ffest Boston Post Road., Ivlamaroncck, '. Y7.
The meeting raas called to order by the Supervisor at 8 :15 P.L1.
Present : Supervisor McCulloch
Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin and Lieginniss
The presence tieas also noted of TovTn Clerk Marvin and To-n
Attorney Delius,
The minutes of the meeting of April 21st mere read by the
Clerk and: ,..p-orovcd as read.
The r.vnutes of the meetings of April 4th, 13th anr'_ 18th were
presented by the Clerk and approved as printed,
The Clerk, as directed at a previous meeting. reported. on the
status of the typing of the final draft of the minutes, stating that the
minutes ^sere in final form u-p to the month of November, 1933,.
The Supervisor reported that his rAonthly reports for January,
February and liarch had been prepared and were in his hands and that they
mould be ready for submission the Fatter part of this sT"eek
The Supervisor reported to the Board on the present finan-
cial condition of the town, stating that he had paid off more than half
of the obligations due Westchester° Count,. in prior years as *-yell as
5100, 000, 00 on the 1934 tax levy , that he had p i.
aid off a consd.ereble
sum on maturing certificates of indebtedness ; that he had_ paid more than
P,545 , 000. 00 to the Sr-ool District on outstanding obligations and that he
expecte,l to receive the balance of the money due to the tcm,n from
lcstchester County for the sale of the trunk line se��rers in about a fort-
Mr® Griffin re.-orted on Park matters, He stated that the
special ccmmit.tea , heretofore a-opointed to consider the matter of the
Larchrsont Gardens Lake . had met -^.ith Judge Hessersraith, representing
the or,ner°s of the lake and that the committee 1�ras prepared to recommend
accepting the lake as a park ;gro -DertyD
Mr, Bates reported on severs. He stated that work on the
Oakdale Road -Project -F� going ahead and -ould be completed by next -eek.
Lair. Brennan reported for the committee heretofore appointed
to ins-_oect the Palmer property as a Droposed incinerator site. He
stated that the committee had inspected the site and considered it a
good one ,
Firs. Andse-:�r W. Mitchell and LIrs. '+'I. 7a-le Tee , r^pr=senting
the Larchraont 'Women 's Club, ap-geared before the Board in regard to
Recreation matters. Mrs. Mitchell urged that the Board a-oocint a Recrea-
tion Commission to coordinate and_ have charge of all playgrounds , recrca-
tion a-reas , and -recreation activities -ithin the To�,m of JLlemaroneck. She
stressed the need fo'" adequate g c—t' on facilities in this -es.. The
SUI)ervi ^or Pnoointed a sneoial committee to ascertain ^hat the to?,n can
do in thi° c-nnection, composed of Councih,,ien Brennan, Bates and To�5'n
Attort. y Deliusm
I!-- , Joseph Schnorr addressed the Board on behalf of Vito
Possidente , the oT=merof a tract of land. about 200 feet by 400 feet
lying about 40O feet south of =fifth Avenue hi_ch land Mrs Possidente
offered to the Board as an incinerator site for the asking price of
810,000.00. The matter •-ra.s ordered referred to Ivlr. Brennan.
Yr. Sehnorr also reouested the Totran Board to improve the
brook -.7hich crosses F fth Avenue so as to provid-e better drain?ge
facilities for the adjacent Brea. Su-oerintendeut Herol,a statrtd tc the
Board that the brook had been cleaned, up but that the flop of grater
was im-ceded becanee of refuse t'nro-n into the brook by persons living
in the vicinity,
The matter of cleaning the brook 772s referred to Superin-
___ tendent L:ErOla,
The folloi7ing resolution wa.a moved. by Mr. Bates , seconded.
by lair. Griffin and unanimously approved- as fo3lo',rrs :
WH REAS a Special Committee hereto- apyooilU to in®
vesti_-ate and report on the matter of dividing the Eleventh Election Dis-
trict into t7?o separate ! lection Districts , in eccordance faith the pro-
visions of Article 64 of the Election Baer, d.id.„ at the meeting of this
Board held on April 4th. 1934, re_oort in favor of such divisions and
WHTREAS said committee ddicl re_oort the follm,!ing line as a
fair and souitablE dividing line to d4vide the present election district
into two 027ts , towit :
"STARTING at a line on Forest Avenue inhere the Town
,loins the City of Ie�= Rochelle , running thence easterly
to Rockingstone Avenue . thence southerly on Rockingstone
Avenue to a point opposite Glenn Road , thence sout'neast-
Erly on Glenn road to hurray Avenue , "
TOW, T_-7_R_TFOR79 BE ?T
R=SOLV^D that in accordance -rith the r=port of said
committee , the .resent Eleventh Election District be
and it her-b� ie d47J.ded- in t-ro Election Districts to be
knov7n as Election District No. 11 and Election District
Noz 12. bounded and described res-oectively as follo-*rs :
BEGINNIFG P + a _ooint on Forest Avenue here -v-nue
intersects the boundary line of the Citr of Hera Rochelle . running thence
easterly one block to Rockingstone Avenue , t'nenc,e southerly along Rock-
ingstone Avenue to a aoint onposi+,E the center line of Glenn Rcad4 thenc=e
soLitheasterly along Glenn Road to Murray Avenue -, thence southerly along
lrurrav ,venue to No_-th Chats—orth Avenues thence southerly along North
Chatsvrorth Avenue t- the tracks of th_ NE'° York, Ile^ Haven & Hartford
Railroad, thence soutilrESterly along said racks t^ the bolnd .ry line of
the City of Ne- Rochelle and thence northerly along said boundary line
to Forest Avenue , the point or place of BEGItITIITG,
BEGINNING at a point on forest Avenue where saidd avenue
intersects the boundary line of the City of Neirr Rochelle , running thence
easterly one block to Rockingstone Avenue , thence southerly a7_ong Rock-
ingstone Avenue to a point opposite th. center line of Glenn Road , thence
southeasterly along Glenn Road to Hurray Avenue , thence northerly along
Murray, Avenue to VJeFver Street, thence northerly along Weever Street to
the boundary- line c`_' the Town of S(c -sdaT-e , thence s^l;thmesterly along
bounce y line tc the bounrlary line of the City of Tie' Rochellet
t"hens- soT�tberly -' ong said bounaary - line of thn City -f He'? Rochelle
to Forest. Avenue , the point or -place of BEGII':1TING,
The To-'n Attorney reporter9 on the matter oe the reoueEt
of Bernard LeVino for .d_justment of his claim the Toy-,n by
reason of the construdt+.on of the Tali along the heaver Street side-
walk .rhich left a piece or n <r_ cel of lap?. betreen the old line of
Weaver Street 2na. the outside or 1NE vEr Street face of the ne7r 71a11,
and, stated that he had discussed this matter „,ith Iir. Gamble who had
handled it and , had a map prepared by Ur. A. J. Foote and a description
of th p
at art of the piece or parcel which lies bet-,7een the old. and the
net,, line ~of ?I7Eaver Street as -stablished by the construction of the vrall°
also that the former Town Board on December 30th, 1933 had passed re8olu
tions authorizing the Supervisor to execute to Bernard. LeVino and wife
a quit claim deed or easement to that portion of Weaver Street in front
of their property known as zoo. 385 Weaver Street, between the old line
of Weaver Street and the outside or Weaver Street face of the new stone
!gall. He recommended that before such deed be given to Mr. LeVino and
wife abandonment proceedings be taken under Section 191 of the Highway
Low: ano also submitted the bill of ;,r. Foote for preparing the mop and
description which he suggested b€ approved for payment.
Upon motion by Councilman Griffin and seconded by Councilman
Bates the Town Attorney was directed to proceed with the abandonment pro-
ceedings and after completion of same to carry out the provisions of the
resolution of the old Toxin Board passed. December 30 , 1933.
Town Attorney Delius reported on the matter of thy proposed
agreement between the Town of Earaaroneck and the Village of Scarsdale in
regard to a hydrant on Old White Plains Road , which matter had been re-
ferred to him at a -previous meeting. He stated that the attorneys for
Mrs Therese H, Prince , owner of property on Old. White Plains Road.. who
desired the Proposed fire ?rotection, had approved the agreement , as had
the Suburban Division of zhe New York Fire Insurance Exchange.
He stated further that the attorneys for Mrs. Prince had
requested that the requirement contained in the resolutions passed by
this Board at its meeting on April 18th to the effect that the annual
hydrant rental charge of $45.00 be paid by Mrs. Prince , be eliminated
on the grounds that firs.. Prince was already paying a Fire District tax.
He advised the Board that he considered the request of the attorneys
for Mrs. Prince well taken and recommended that this requirement be
Upon motion by Hr, Griffin seconded by Mr. Bates, it Tas
RESOLVED that on the recommendation of the Town Attorney,
_ all references in the resolution passed by this Board at
its meeting on April 18th, requiring the payment by Mrs.
Therese H. Prince of : 45.00 for the annual rental charge
for a. fire hydrant provided by the Village of Scarsdale
be and they hereby are eliminated from said resolution-,
and be it further
RESOLVED that this annual rental charge of $4500 be and
it hereby in declared to be and made a Proper town charge
and the Supervisor directed to pay same upon receipt of
a proper claim therefor.
A petition dated May 2, 1934 was received from the Board.
of Assessors requesting the Town Bard to make certain corrections to
the assessment roll of 1933®30 The Town Attorney approved of the
_request and on motion duly made and ssaonded the following resolution
Won unanimously approved., to grit,
WHEREAS, the Board of Assessors has recommended that
certain corrections be made in the Assessment Roll
for the year 1933 -1934 relative to Section 8, B7 :ck 30 ,
and also Section 2;, Bloch 37 ; and
WHEREAS it has been shown to the satisfaction of this
Board that just cause exists for the correction asked for_ ;
be it
RESOLVED that the correction asked for be made and. that
the assessment upon
Original Assessment
Sec. Elk. Lot Nos. owner Land Impts.. Total
8 30 24,5B,6B,7B, 8B Prudential $2,000 - $2, 000
Insurance Co.
8 30 5A, 6A 7A, 8A Burnrood Holding 1,500 $11,500. 135000
be corrected as follows :
Sec. Blk, Lot T,ros. Original Land Assessment
07,rner Impts. Total
8 30 24,5B,6B, 7B,8B Prudential
Insurance Co. 2. 000. 11x500 13 , 500
8 30 5A;.6A,7A,8A Burwood Holding
Company 1,500. - 1,500.
rURi'L'R R''SOL`,T';D that the assessment ?-hich appears
— unon —
Sec. Blk. Lot Nos. Original
D-rner Land Imnts. Total
2 37 17 17o-man lfcGlFshan ji 950.
37 23,24,25,26«
27 and 28 Norman McGlashan 5,400® 5 , 400.
be a-oportioned as follows -
Sec. Blk. Lot Nos. O"'mer Land Imp t. Total
37 23A. 24A925A,26A iorman McGlashan 2,800. - 2,800.
2 37 27 , 28, 178 Norman IvicGlashan 1,800. - 11800,.
2 37 23B, 24B, 25B,26B.17A Ackerman & Baltz 1,750. - 1,750,
The Supervisor stated that the meeting -ould -emceed to a hear-
ing on a cues+.ion of the correction of the Assess. nt 'loll f the year
1933-34 so as to include the property of Westchester County on the Post
Road. and -roperty of the "hurch of St. Vito in the Village of Liameronec'a
for the purpose of the L-amaroneck Valley Se-er District , and. stated that
conferences with the County authorities had revealed_ the fact that part
of the o-o-e-rty along the Poet Road belonged to the Village of AZamaroneck
instead of the County, and that notice had been given to the Village and
County that the matter would come up at this meeting,
The osn Attorney st==ted that he had tele-ohoned- Judge Carter of
the County Attorney 's Office , -ho advised that they *se not yet ready
tc take up the matte-, es there was one parcel assessed at $60, 000 which
the Town Assessors had included in the County assessment and that 'rues
actually o7gaed by the Village. For this reason the Torn Attorney stated
the County desired an adjournment- until the ne-xt regular meeting. This
'eras granted.
Yr. Ant onv .S"^_nsone -o-e2red for the Vi11g2e of Mam'-rcneck and
asked for an adjournment on the matter of the Village assessment to the
SaRle is t..-s This •r•na a' ^-Q granted-'
The Board then -IDroceeded to hear the matter of the assessment
of the property of the Church of St. Vito. Air. William T'klund . Chairman
of '_.1- Boar`' of Assessors , 7r?s heard,, as ,hell ac lair. Anthony Sanecn=. , who
also represented the Church of St. Vito.
After discussion, and upon motion made by Councilman, Brennan?,
and seconded by Councilman B^tes , it =eras unanimously
RESOLVnD. that the assessment roll of the To= of
'V'amaroneck for the year 193.-3-34 be corrected so as to
include in the ISamaroneck Valley Se--rer District
column the following property ,
Assessed Value
Sec. 31k, Lot T?as. -Orrner Land Impte. Total
73 , 000.
8 49 12 to 26 Church of St. Vito ;13 , 000. :;;60. 000.
FURTHER RFSOLV.T"D, that the Receiver of Taxes be in-
structed to issue a bill and receive the taxes so
assessed accordingly.
The Su-oe-cvisor stated, that he had received an additional
payment in the amount of 100,020. from the County of 'Westchester and/
or the Westchester County aani.tary Setyrcr Commission tc. ra T_'ds the pur-
chase -price of the trunk line se-ars sold by Se.T:Tcr District No. 1 to
the Count-T.. He re commended that Serer District Yo. 1 advance to the
general fund of the tot!rn from the 5'100,OM so received the sum of
844.346 , 251 7thich the Town of liamaroncck o-r,°es to the County of West-
chester for rights-of-zaay and additional land takings along the Boston
Post Road,
Upon motion by ;.ir. Griffin, seconded. by Er. Yeginniss ,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED WIFT=7AS, there is due the County of Wcgtchcster
the stun of `44,346. 25 for rights of twav acquired along the line of" the
Boston Post Road in the Town of Hamaroneckg and
T;TH7R7AS, the amount is not included in the annual estimate
of receipts for the year 1934 and no levy has been made for such
amount ; and
VtTI77±'RFAS, the said amount of 5:4.4,346. 25 c,Tas included in
the amount of delinquent ta-x certificates from the Tonn of Yernaroneck
to the County of Westchester, mhich the County of Westchester sold
pursuant to Section 96 of Chapter 62 of the Consolidated1117irs of 1909 ,
being the Tax La T= a= amended by Chapter 708 of the Lairs of 1933 ; and
i`THTRFAS. the holders of said_ delinouent tax certifica tes
so sql^ b the County of l7cstchester have demanded. payment of the said
sum cf '4A .346.25 Z?rhich is no'"? due - and
ViTERFAS, Stirrer District 17o. 1 is entitled to receive fry
the County of lestchester the total sun of �305, c00 for the sale of
trunk line sewers in the To7n of idamaroneck to the Westchester County
Sanitary Se!ser Commission in accordance Faith agreement betnreen the
Toirm of 7Tgmaroneck and. the County of Westchester dated January 18, 1933 ,
mrhicb sum is available only for payments on account of debt servioe
affecting Se-:7e" Di - trim !To, I . whi h --moLints to �, 118s.041. 88 for the
year 1934; and
iJH^R,_vAS, th^ SL'."CE t. co of th^ T!o'-n o4, I.Tomne-,,.,neck h='s
received on account ofrsai-c' sum o� 0305..000 the sum of °100 . 000 the
total_ of +-hi ch is not rresently needed fo-- the payment of any item of
the debt service ^ffectir_g Serer District No, and there is available
the s=- of ,ID44 »346525 ,
p7SOLVF'D. that the sum of X44,346.25 out of the funds
to the credit of debt service for SetT?er District No. 1
be naiO to the County of Cacstchester in payment of the
amount due the County for rights of a,7 taken along the
Boston Post Road-; and
F"JRTITFR FTSOLVFD, that a-opropriate entries be made in
the capital account of Se-er District 1S0. 1 crcditing
the said" Svv,rer District No, 1 With the item of $44,346.25 ,
a.nd that furthe- a-oprc-oriLte entries be made in the
Gen=rat Fund Account of the Town of rSams-^eneck debit-
ing this account fith. the said amount so received from
Sewer District No, 1.
FURTHER RT'S�)LV>iD, that interest be credited. to Sewer
District Iva 1 on the said. amount o y44,346. 25 at, the
rate of 5/ per annura from the datc of the payment there-
of to the County of weq tcheeter as aforesa'd unt'l re-
oaVment thereof to Se? Er District No. 1, such interest
to be a charge against the General TonTn account.
A letter dated April 24th was received from C. W. HOOK,
developer of Rouken Glen, requesting a definite answer to his letter
of April 16 on the subject of the replacement of the surface on Rox-
borough Road, 'ighland Road and Stratford Road,
An estimate vas received from Hight-ay Superintendent Iuerola
of the pproximate cost of repairing the reads referred to by hr. Moody
in the amount of ;332. 97 , exclusive of the rate per hour of truck and
After discussion the matter was unanimously referred to the
Supervisor and Hr. Bates with power to have the work done if the necessary
funds are available.
A letter dated April 27th was received from the Board of
Appeals recommending that the application of Francis Small for permission
to erect as refreshment stand on Myrtle Boulevard, which application had
heretofore been referred to the Boar^ of Appeals for its recommendation,
be denied.
Upon motion of Hr. Griffin seconded by Hr. Bates it was
RESOLVED WHEREAS application was received from Francis
Small for -permission to erect a refreshment stand on
Hyrtle Boulevard; and
WHEREAS tvis application -as referred_ to the Board. of
Appeals for its recommendation thereon; and.
iHYRFAS the Board of Appeals has recommended to this
Board. that t�_is application be denied: now therefore
be it
RESOLVED that this Board So and it hereby does deny the
eysl cetion of Francis Small for permission to erect a
refreshment stsnA on Myrtle Blvd ,
The Supervisor Ono reported teat the vTestc Fster County
Perk Commission had reouested that certain lends owned by the Park
Commission near Rockland Avenue be restored to their original condition ,
which lands hap been disturbed by the torn in connection with the in-
stallation of a sewer, No -action -gas taken on this matter.
Councilman Griffin reported that_ a conference had- been held
at ,= rich he , the Town Attorney, judge Yessersmith, Park Commissioner
Downes and Councilman Brennan were present , and at which there was a
discussion regarding the expense of acquiring the Larchmont Gardens Lake
by the Park Commission.
Councilman Brenrgi reported that the Fred T. Wilson Agency
had made a public liability insurance survey and recommendet -that public
liability insurance - limit $25,000 to $50,000 - be obtained to cover
both the lake , the street surrounding it and the brook feeding it at a
premium cost of 868 per year , and that the Park Commission which contem-
plates acgairing only the lake (insofar as the street and. brook have been
dedicated_ tc the Town in connection with highwPM ;*could be grilling to
pay half of the premium out of its budget
The Town Attorney stated that the Park Board had also ex-
pressed their willingness to pay the legal expense of acquiring title ,
which would include a search and. recording fee , not exceeding _ 50,
out of their budget. and that the Larchmont Gardens Company •mould. take
care of all liens and franchise taxes which might be filed upon the
upon motion of Councilman Griffin an.
seconded by Council-
man Brennen, the following -.-gas unanimously adopted;
WFMP1AS, an offer has been made to conveT T to Park
District 1To. 1 of the Tm�,n of P2ramareneck� and/or tO
the Board. of Park Commissioners of Perk District i, o. 1
of the Tom of Mamaroneck the so-called. Larchmont
Gardens Lake , free and clear of any liens thereon
excen_ t the State , Torn and Court- t—leg which are
no-r liens thereon! and
' 11ITR7AS< the P-i oval Of tl"is Board is required, -pur-
suant t Section ,6 of Chapter 574 of the Laws of 1924-®
— Thich is the Act creating the said Park District- and
I17,--L7 AS,tkie Board of Park Commissioners of Park District
Yo. I of the ^loin of 11em=cneck has requested. this Board
tc give its approval of the acquisition of said Larchmont
Gardens Lake and has agreed to assume the legal expense ,
not exceeding the sum of �,o50 of acquiring title °
RFSOLVFD that this Board approves the acquisition of the
Larchmont Gardens Lake by Park District TSom 1 of the Town
of IlFmproneck and/or th= Board of Park Commissioners of
Park District No. 1 of the Tm7n of Iaamaroneck, providing
the same is *�rithout exoenee to the To*'n and all charges
and expense of acquiring title are charged ag2inst the
budget appropriation fcr the year 1934 for the Park Dis-
trict No. l
The reports of Sabra Ea- Crer-- , Public Health Nurse of the
Child. Welfare Association, Inc. , of °ork done in the Unincorporated Sec-
tion of the t^rrn during the month of April, t7ere reeei--ed ^na ordered
.aced on file.
The report of Helena Platkin, Public Health Nurse of the
hamar?neek Society fcr Lending Comforts t- the Sick, of -ro-rk done in the
Unincorporated Section of the Toy-n during the month of Aril -as re-
- ceived and ordered- placed on file;
The report of AI?rguerite illerian, Public Health Nurse of
the Larchmont Public Health Association, of F=k done in the Unincorpor-
ated Section of the 'ratan du-4rg the month o£ A;:)rii, �7T^s re_ coil=ed. and
ordered _placed on file .
A signed. statement °ras r-ceired from former Supe-^visor
George W. Burton in reference to the clam of John Hickey in connection
grill a police booth 1ocr�ted on Forest Avenuee
Upon motion by Eir. Mcginnies seconded by T_rrm Bates, it
,, s unanimously
RFSOLVFD that the Police Commission be and it hereby
is requested to 3°-move the -oolice booth located- on
Forest Avenue and tO give d.t,= ccns idea+i.on tO the
clatm of John IIickezr for tl- rental_ of the land occupied
by this booth and to _present their recomraendations there-
on tt the Tolirn Board
A letter dated April 27th eras received. from Plamaroneck
Post No,, 1156 , Veterans of Foreign Wars , inviting the Toarn Board to join
the Post in its "slemorial Day services- The invitation 7,9s accepted mrith
thanks and all members -rho could do so sere urged. to attend -
A letter doted April 20th s;ras received frcm Assemblyman
Ralph Ag Gamble in reference to a resolution heretofore passed by the
To^m Board in regard to public utility leg, 5i ^*. ion.. The lette- rr°s
ordered placed on file -
A letter dated April 24th c;as received from the Indepen-
dent TOVTn Committee stating that the proposed divisicn of the Fleventh
_ Election District is satisfactory to the Indeoend-ent To7;rn Committee. The
letter trTas ordered placed on file .
A letter dated Anril 93rd — received from the Democratic
To• n Committee stating that the Democratic Committee has no observa-
tions or suggestions to offer in respect to the pToposeX division of the
Aleventh Election District, The !otter-wps orders? place on file,
Lclaim in the amount of $140, 30 -rPs receive? from Westches-
ter Joint Water Works, Uo3 1 for meters installed in the Tvvn of
NomFronech during the three months ending Eorch Met. 1930 The claim
was ordered referred to tho Comptroller,
A letter dated April 25th was received. from J. Ross Collins
in regard to the method of paying school and village taxes and 7FS
ordersd referred to the Town Attorney for rFply®
A letter dated Arril 27rd from Colonel William J. Shea. ac-
cepting the invitation of the Town Board to serve as the official
rsorcFen0w+ive of the To-n of HarnFrcneak on the General Committee of
Arrangements for the YemOrial OP7 exercises to be held under the auspices
of the Merchmont American Legion Post, was received and ordered placed
on file.
A letter dated April 23rd was received from the Police
Commission ackno7le&ging receipt of the complaint in the matter of
PerciFseppe vs, Decker an? Wilson. The letter was ordered placed on
A letter doted April Ord -as received from the Police
Commission reporting on the matter of the dcg PlIage-I t0 be c-:,ma-d by IjTr.
Ivan Stengel, which matter had been referred to the Gommis;ion at a
previous meeting, The letter Tps ordered p1pcod on file .
At 11 F. V. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn.
Town Clerk