HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_04_21 Town Board Minutes 241 SPFCIAL I.TFTING OF THE ("I' ' BOARD TOV""�,: F KPEARO1. CK. Y. Y. HELD APRIL 21ST, 1934 i ' At the To7^n Offices ,, 118 West Boston Post Rd. , Yams,roneck, IT. Y. The meeting seas called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 2:30 P. Yr Present; Supervisor TIcCulloch CCun C"..1mEn Bates , Brennan, Griffin and Lleginni.ss The for sense :s also noted of To,-n Clerk :Darin, Tovrn Attorney Uel, us and. Buil� ing Inspecto Serf,3ty. Mr. %iIichael Doherty addressed the Board to request a hermit for the operation of a Lunch Wagon knc,-Tn as the California Dinette on the Boston Post Road . orposS.te Vveaver Street, Building Inspsetor Sarf'attr reported on the matter to the Board After discussion it eras upon motion by 1,2r. Griffin, second- � ed by IIr. Bates , unanimously R?SOI,VFD, WhER^AS Michael Doherty has reouestrd permission to conduct a restaurant business in and on the f011077ing described property era /or t^ lease the folior-.ing described property for the purcosef� of conducting a restaurant business there,-in acid thereon° said property being situated in the To«un of Mamaroneck. County o-' -westchester and State of Nev York, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows : BFGIIT"iTING at a point on the easterly side of the new line of the Boston Post Road- -7he-re the some is inters= ctEd by the boundary line of property of the Landlord and oroperty nor* or formerly of the S. ICI. H. Corporation, -hick said. point is d' stant approximet„ely t*vo hund.r-d ( 200 ) feet southerly along said Boston Poet Road from its intcrsectinn T4.th the southerly side of Hommocks Road: running thency southerly along the Boston Poyt Road thirty-five ( 35) feet runnir_g thence east�nTaT'.17 and para:ll=l pith the aforesaid boundary line forty ( 40) feet; running thence north*^idly and -^th t'^a aforesaid easterly s'.de of thy Berton Po—t Road seven (7 ) feet rnoxE or less to an old stone *.,aallr running thence easterly along said stone mral.l thirty- five (35) feet- running thence no^th­--) r'ly and -oar.,_Icl -�rzth the afore- said easterly si e of thr Boston Post Road thirty (30) feet more or less to the a.for=said boundary line , thence along sai^?- bo­ndary line seventy-five (75 ) feet more or less to the southerly side of the Boston Post Road a.nd the point or place of BFGIIMING-. A moveably structure knozFm as the California -)inette and to conduct thereon and therein a restaurant business -, and 'EHERFAS the aforedescri.bed. property is note, classified under the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck es F Uncl <ss?fied^ and VJHERFAS this Board may, pursuant to Section 7 < of Article 2 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Liama_rtoneckR grar.-k. a temporary permit pursuant to such conditions and restrictions as it may determine ° 799, THFR-EFOFT . 13 IT RFSOLVFD that this Board do and. it hereby c9c=s grant.. a. temporary and. conditional permit, revokable at the j nleasur= of this Board , to ldichael Doherty and/or the o!?fty t^ �,rhom he may lease the above described roremises , to conduct on and in said premises a restaurant business ; nrov d.ed. ho,-evei , th=t the sa' r' Doherty shall -o7cvide a se-otic tank on th° -orsmises an..d., qha 11 TIlakr all arrangements for necF -sary s ^i ^v c^nnections inc` dent 243 thereto, all in conformity vrith the directions of and under the sure-rvision of the Se7Ter Dept., and be it further RPSOLVFD that the Building Inspector of the Town of hIamaroneck be and he hereby is authorized, em-ow.-le-red and directed to issue such temporary and conditional permit as may be necessary to carry out the terms and conditions in this resolution pro- vided, hov?ever, that said temporary and. conditional permit shell embody therein all of the conditions and limitations herein provided.. Building Inspector Sarfaty reported to the Board that he had received an application from Francis Small to conduct a refresh- ment stand on Hyrtle Blvd. was unanimously UT.)on motion by Lir. Griffin, seconded by 1;127. PrIeginniss, it RFSOLVPD that the a -a-_olicaticn of Francis Small for rer- mission to conduct a refreshment stand on 11yrtle. Blvd . be and. it hereb.- is referred to the Board. of Appeaals for Zoning for investigation and recommendation. A letter dated April 20th, 1934 i*ras received from William R. Collins in regard to taxes for the year 1915 , reported. open on Sec- tion 5 Block 14, Lots 4B, 5B, 6A and !B.. The letter eras ordered referred to the Supervisor for repl7,r= A letter dated April 20th -,es received. from J. Ross Collins of Larchmont in regard to a proposed change in the manner of collecting school and village taxes. The letter vans ordered received and solaced on file. Upon motion by Iir. Ideginniss seconded by IAr. Griffin, it eras upon roll call unanimously RPSOLVPD that the Daily Times be and it hereby is designated as the ncv�rspapsr of the Toarn of Eamaroneck for the purpose of publishing the annual notice of sale of tax liens, such notice to be published once in each reek for three v!ecks consecutively . cotimen- cing Inlay 2 , 1934; ,and be it further RFS01,V7D that said notice of sale of tax liens contain in addition to a particular and detailed statement of the rroperty, the tax lien of -hich is to be sold by giving section. 'block and lot number, the name of the owner of record ea set forth on the records of the Receiver of Taxes ° and be it further RPSOLVPD that, the tax liens to be sold include in addition to the unpaid. State , Count.. To-:,n and Toxin District taxes, the unpaid special assessments. The Supervisor stated_ to the Board that the Board of Park Commissioners of Park District yo. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck 7r9s desirous of acouiring title to the Larchmont Gardens Lake, Mr. Frank A. Downes , Chairman of the Board of Park Commissioners , addressed the Board I o this effect. raas unsnimons'_y -Goon motion by Mr. L�eginniss , seconded by P4r. Bates, it RESOLVED that the matter of taking title to the I:arc *ont Gardens Lake be and it hereby is referred to a special committee composed of Councilmen Griffin, and Brennan, Chairman Downes and To-.,,n Attorney Delius. hlr. Bates reported to the Board on the matter of the ex- tension of the sevrcr on Oakdale Road in the Bonnie Briar Section, of Rouken Glen, vrhich matter had been referred to him at a previous meet- ing® He stated that he had ordered the construction of this sever stopped at its present location. The follovring resolution was moved by :Jr. lleginniss, and seconded by Hr. Brennan, to wit-. J RFSOLVPD that the Supervisor be and he hereby is empowered to make a change in the office personnel calling fcr the dismissal of DIiss Tivelyn Jacobs and the secu-ing of additional help to be used in the Tax Office , this additional help to be paid at the rate of $25.00 per creek, subject to the approval of the Town Board ; and be it further R SOI +_D that as soon as possible a work relief project be set up looking to the employment of a telephone operator aT a cost to the Town of not more than $5.00 a week, on the condition that the budget for salaries be not increased in any way. A vote on the foregoing resolution_ resulted as follows : Ayes E Su ----i.sor McCulloch, Councilmen Brennan and Lieginni.- Noes ® Councilmen Bates and Griffin ?:."_essrs. Bates and Griffin requested that the follo?TIing statement be entered upon t_ie ,:_inutes in explanation of their votes "I regret exceedingly n^t meeting -r,ith the Supervisor 's wishes byit I do not believe ti•!is change -.�i! l tend to increase the efficiency in the operation of the office and to the benefit of the taxpayers. At 4 B. II. the Board unanimously .resolved to adjourn. 11-4 Te-?n Cierk V