HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_04_18 Town Board Minutes s ; C)
H7LD APRI1 18TH. 1934
At the Torn Offices, 118 %Vest Boston Post Road:. Yamarcneck, N. Y<.
The meeting raps called tc order by the Supervisor at 5 :15
Fe fly,
Present: Supervisor YcCullech
Councilmen Betes , Brennan,, Griffin and Lleginniss
The presence r?as also noted of Torrn Clerk Marvin and To-rn
Attorney Delius,,
The minutes of the meetings of isiarch 21 and 27 were ordered.
approved as printed,
Hr.. Fugens Riviere« Lerchront Realto-: addressed the Board
and presented a letter dated April 16th offering to sell to the t,)rn
for the price of 1,o ,000. property front' ng on Fifth Avenue , otrned by
William A� Palmer, as a Site for an inci.neratcr or a disposal_ plants
The matter vas referred to a committee c, nsi�sting of
Councilmen Brennan and Bates and Superintendent of Hi-gh7rcys Llerolato
inspect the property®
The Clerk reported. tr, th^ Bo?—' ^^ncerninglth^ msttec of
taking over Oxford Roads Mohegan Roa(9 an_. Dun_ee no c.. n t''-r-i Matter
-Fas ordered. referred to the Toren Attorn-y.
A letter dated AD-'il 18th `!a received from iS .rgueri.te R.
Kerian, R, N, of the Larchmont Public Health Assoc4^tinn. in regard- to
her appci.ntment as a Public Health Nurse in the To7rn of Mamaroneck.
The letter ryas ordered placed on file.
A letter dated April 13th ryes received from Helena Platkin,
Rs IT. of the I+iamar^neck Society fcr Lending Comforts tc the Sick. Inc. ,
concerning her appointment as a Public Health Eurse , together a?it_h a
report of nursing services rendered by her it the Unincorporated
Section of the To-7n of Yam roneck during the period of January 1st,
to April 1st, 1934. , inclusive. The letter and rFpor.t mere ordered
placed on file
Town Attorney Delius re-go-+Icd tc the Board in connection with
the Hearing on the matter of correcting the ossessment rolls in respect
to the Nemaroneck Valley Serer District columns. He stated that
Anthonv Sansone , Attorney fcr the Church of St. Vito , Taps unable to
attend-' 2S 172s the representative of thelydestchester County Park
On motion duly ma !e and seconded., it eras upon roll call
RFSOI V!D that the Hearing on the matter of
correcting the assessment rolls in respect to
the ifamaroneck Valley Server District column, be
and_ it hereby is adjourned. until the next meeting
o= this board
Tot^n Attorney 'Delius _rEported tc the Board that he had been
in consultation ttith Domenic yerd.ecchia in regard to certain Unp= id
s e
taXES owed by his r?i.fE . Hilda S�iardecch>_am After drseuss3.on, the matter
as ordered laid- over for further cons id.er2tinn-
Tovrn Attorney Delius reported to the Board on the matter
of an exchange of sewer facilities bet.green the Village of Scarsdale
and the Tovrn of I1ama-roneck and also the matter of fire -protection for
the property of Idlrs, Therese H. Prince on Old- White Plains Road.
The matter of the exchange of server facilities , as set forth
in a proposed agreement between tarn municipalities , was referred- to
Er. Bates and Superintendent of Sewers Corwin for investigation and
report back to the Board.
The To,.^n Attorney rresen`ed a rro-oos=d agreement between the
Village of Scarsdale and the Town of L4amaroneck, Covering the matter of
fire -orotection fcr the property of Mrs. Therese H. Prince , sei.1 agree-
ment containing, among other things , a -orovision that the Town of
Vamaroneck pay to the Village of Scarsdale the sum of $45, 00 annually on
the first date of July, in consideration of the installation, of a hydrant
by the Village of SePrsdele on Old White Plains Road. about 800 feet south
from the ?abundary line bet*seen said tolvm and said village. He stated.
t'^at he understoo ' that Mrs. Prince eras ?411ine to pay tbis sum of 845 . 00
annually and that on this condition he approved- of the proposed agree-
On motion duly male and seconded , it eras unanimously
RE'SOLVE'D, 't',C ?RFAS a proposed agreement has been presented
by the Village of Scarsdale covering the matter of fire
protection for the property of L4rs. Therese H. Prince on
Old White Plains Road in the Torn of I;iamaroneck, said
proposed agreement embodying , among other things . e
-o ^vision that the t,)7,-n cav the sum of x;45.. 00 annually
on the first day of July tc the Village of Scarsdale -
7rHER7AS said proposed agreement has been approved by
Town Attorney Delius on the condition that said 'Therese
H. Prince reimburse the To7n of ISam.aroneck fo_ said.
annual ,)avmen+ of .45.00 no-,, therefore be it
RESOLVED. that the Supervisor and the Town Clerk be
and- trey hereby are authorised, empowered and directed.
tc execute said agreement on behalf of the Town on the
✓rona.�ition that 1.= Therese H. Prince reimburse the
To—n of Hama_roneck for the annual pay*meat of $45800
to the Village of Scarsdale above referred to.
IIr. C. �i I,:oody, developer of Rouken Glen, ad.d-_ressed the
Board in regard to (a ) the condition of th:^ r-art.e, in the Bonnie Briar
section of Rr , k=n �'ler ari! (b) the matter of ex_tending ' t'na see er on
Oakdale Roe'.
In ree.-erct to the fi rst matter, Tarr. Iioedy st^ted- that the
t07m had constructed a se•,�er in certain of the roads in the Bonnie
Briar section of Rouken Glen and- the+ the surplus fill from the se7::rer
trench had been left along the roads and not removed, and that the
roads had not been restored_ to their original condition. This matter
7vas referred to Superintend-ent of High-gays b;:erola for investigation and
report back to this Board for a d-efinite estimate of the cost of re-
moving the surplus fill and restoring the roads to their original
The matter of extending the sen!er on Oakdale Road eras re-
ferred to Mr. Bates vrith bower.
A letter dated A_ori_l 14th j-res received from Franklin Brooks ,
Counsel for Yrs. Eicolette Perci. asepe , submitting a complaint against
Chief of Police Fdv,ard A. Decker and Sergeant Leonard Wilson, The
Supervisor read from the rules of the Police Department an excerpt to
the effect that these matters came --ri.thin the jurisdiction of the Police
On moti or. by Tdre L eginni ss seconded by Iur. Griffin, it
wes unanimously
RFSOLVFD that the com-oleaints filet by Frrnklin
Brooks a_ppinst Chief ^dr!erd A. Decker and
Sergeant Leona_c! Wilscn be and they hereby
are referred to the Police Commission, and be
it further
RFSOLVTD that Tovrn Attorney Delius be and he hereby
is designated to act as prosecuting attorney , if the
Police Commission desires the services of a prosecuting
IL. Bates stated to the Board that he had received.
complaints concerning a vicious police dog alleged to be onrned by
Ivan Stengel of Greystone Road..
On mction by L-Ir. Bates , seconded by Mr® Meginnise, it
-res unanimously
RFSOL 1+.D that the Police Commis ion be and it hereby
is reouested. to investigate the matter of a vicious
police dog alleged, to be owned by Ivan Stengel of
Greystone Road-. end to ascertain if any action can
be tpken b; the town in regard. thereto.
The Board. then considered the matter of the publica-
tion of the notice of the annual sale of tag;. liens,
The Boa-°d:. by resolution, unanimously decided to include
o_ the »_.Ae_ty o..ners in a i on to the de, c__ti on of
�h2 name S f rr+ r m drl +,; c a ri - '' �.
the property, in the netiue of the sale of tax liens,
The Board e7-so unanimously decided to include the unpaid
special assessments as a hart of the tax liens to be sold.
The cuestion ae to whether the list of pror)erties to be
sold and the amount of taxes unpaid, etc.. , should be published in
full in a nelsspaper or in pamphlet form 17as referred to a special
committee consisting of the Supervisor, Councilmen Griffin and
Meginniss to investigate the costs of the t?ro possible plans and
to report back tc the To^m Board.
A letter dated April 16th addressed to the Supervisor
-,as received. from Larchmont Post '347, American Legion. recuesting
that the To7,rn be officially represented on the General Committee
of Arrangements for the Memorial Day exercises to be held under the
auspices of the Legion Posh
On motion duly made and. seconded., it 77as unanimously
RFSOLVFD that Colonel William J. Shea of Stoneyside
Drive , Larchmont, be and he hereby is appointed the
official representative of the To°rn of Idam.9-roneck on
the General Committee of Arrangements for the Liemorie,l
Day exercises to be held under the auspices of the
Larchmont Legion Poste
The Supervisor informed the Board that he had, received
from Lr. J. Ross Collins of Le-chin^-nt a proposal f or a. chance in
the matter of tax payments .
On motion by Mr. Meginniss seconded_ by %ire Bates , it7,a.s
RES0147DQ that the Clerk be directed to thank
Ex. Collins for his suggestion and to state that
if Yr. Collins can suggest any way in which the
Town Board can help in this matter, to let the
Board kno7 and the Board -ill call a special
meeting for the purpose ® if he so desires.
The Board thereupon went into executive session.
At 7 :30 P. Y. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn®
Town Clerk