HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_04_13 Town Board Minutes 226
11710 April 13 , 1934
At the home of Councilman Fm B. Ieginniss .. 12 I"iaple-
wood Street, 1archmont, N. Y.
The meeting eras called to order by the Supervisor at
5805 P® I .
Present : Supervisor McCulloch
Councilmen Bates , Brennan, Griffin and Yleginniss
The presence ssas also noted of Town Clerk Marvin. Tmrrn
Attorney Deliusrz and Public Pelfare Officer DeVinne .
A claim in the amount of $20.88 t7s received_ from Gerson
Mordo for servi-es rendered, in connection with the two village elec-
tions held. on March 20th. Through error this debt 7:-2s incurred , the
Tov,Tn Clerk Explained , stating that the villages recompensed the Town
for its services in _providing and setting up the necessary eoui-oment
and that Mr. Mordo 's services had been required as part of this r-,,rorka
Upon motion duly made and seconded the claim of !Jr. Mordo in the
amount of $ 20, 88, as described abo e ras unanimously ordered paid.
The report of the ToirTn Clerk for the month of March was
received and ordered placed on filed
The To-,-n Clerk reported that the cost of the special elec-
tion held on Iarch 27th, 1934.. amounted to $13, 07, This ?-as for the
information of t'ne Board. tl-e Clerk st.a.t da
A letter dated April 9th ras received from pokes &c Dean,
the tc7rn accountants for the year 1933 , in regard to the matter of
their claim dated November 16th, 1933. The letter *?as ordered re-
ferred to the Comptroller..
The Supervisor stated that after carefully considering the
matter, he 'had. reached, the conelusJon that it would not be practicable
to house all the departments of the toTr,n goverment, including the
Ielfare Office = in the Tovrn Hall.
He stated further that he had conferred with Welfare Officer
DeVinne and that Hr. DeVinne Taos of the opinion that the Town Hall
would. provide adequate facilities for the Welfare Office .
11r. DeVinne addressed. the Board to like effect.
Upon motion by Hr. Griffin seconded. by Lir. Brennan. it was
R7SOLVl'D that the Su1oervicor be and he hereby
is authorized to give notice to the landlord of
the present l,Jelfare Offices that the Torn *.-*ill
vacate these offices and cancel its lease as of
June 1st, 1934° and be it further
RFSOLVFD that the Welfare Offices be moved to the
Town Hall urhere they will be located on and after
JuPle 1, 1934
Public velfare Officer DeVinne presented his report for the �
month of Ikf=ch, He stated to the Board that at the present rate of
expenditures the 1934 budget appropriation for Welfare 'purposes would
grove insufficient.
The matte° of financing the 193L -welfare expenditures va.s
referred to Councilmen Griffin and Saeginniss to report back to the
Board at the next meeting.
A general. discussion follo-red as to melfare matters„
The following resolution as prepared by Town Attorney
Delius ?-as moved by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Brennan and unani-
mously approved as follmr-!s :
WHFREAS. the Town has heretofore acquired certain tax
liens pursuant to the provisions of Section 36 of the eVestcheste_^
County Tax Lavr, mrhich tax liens the Town purchased at public sale
in accordance with the provisions of the said Ylestchester County
Tax Act, and t'Thich it is entitled to collect --;with penalties to the
date of sale and interest at the rate of 12%� =per annum from the date
of sale of such tax liens - and
WHEREAS, the To-rm Board heretofore passed resolutions auth-
orizing the Receiver of Taxes to negotia..tc -rith taxpayers and purchasers
oftax liens, and tc accept in full payment and discharge . and also
for the transfer and assignment of said liens , the face amount thereof
--pith penalties to the date of sale of such tax liens and interest at
a rate of less than 12% per annum from such date of sale , but not
lass than 6% per annum from the date of such sale -
RESOLV"D, that all former resolutions of the To-^n Board
authorizing the Receiver, of Taxes to accept in full payment and dis-
charge , and aalso for the assignment and transfer of tay. liens pur-
chased by the Tovun, the face amount thereof, lith penalties to the
date of °-ale of such tax liens and interest at any rate of lees than
1290 per annum from such date of sale , are hereby rescinded.
A letter doted April 5th T7es received from the Police
Commission recuesting that Tmrin Attorney Delius be instructed to
prepare charges against_ Police Officer Kichael Ryan. in accordance
---ith the statement of facts set forth in the letter®
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it trras unanimously
R"SOLVED, that in accordance ,ith the rearrest of the
Police Commission, Torn Attorney Delius be and he
hereby is authorized and. directed t0 iJrE=Oar^ �•'��rges
against Police Offi,-er Michael Ryan.
To7:7n Attorney Delius informed the Board. that the to?rrn -qas
in posses sion of a check dravan by former pollece Justice HenrTF D. Holden
o` the Village of Mamaroneck, payable to the order of the To ,m of
T,Jamaroneck, covering fees and/or fines collected. by Justice Holden
and payable tc the Toy-n* thn, eai.d. Check had been rara-rrn on the
First Isatinnal Bank in Yemaroneck shortly before the bank closed
that had n„ been rle�,o�-ited bli; the town prior to such closing.
He state, fuhther. that Police Justice Holden had. offered to give the
tovvan an e .s!Pznment of his cl--im against the bank in the amount of
said check He ryes directed_ to obtain such an assignment.
Te,,-n Attorney Delius also informed the Board that the tor-rn
as in possession Irossession of a cheek -Ir—n by former Justice of the Peace Will-
i I am D. Leeds , p'yeble to the T 7n ofVama.roneck, covering fees and/or
fines collected by Justice Leeds and payable to the Tnt said
cheek had been 3r^rn on the L chmoct National Bank and Trust Company
shortly before the bank c7_os _d and that it had not been deposited. by the
to .n prior to such closI.ng:, Tn-ern Attorney Delius ^as directed to
obtain an assignment of Justice Leed 's claim against the Larchmont
iTational Bank and Trust, Company in the amount of this check.
The Supervisor informed the Board t�!at there yras need £or
a.d.ditions! clerical h=1p in the Office of the Receiver Of Taxes,: The
Board discussed this matter but took no actions
Upon motion by Titres. Bates , seconded by Iatr. Brennan, it was
RESOLVED 4uHF7EAS , the annual estimate of receipts
and expenditures for the ye-PT 1934 contains an
appropriation of 1300® for the Larchmont Organization
for Unemployment Relief, 7,hich apprcpriation is in-
cluded in the Public Welfare Department ; and
i,IaTRFAS, said. organization employs Netali s Johns in
connection -7i th its e�—k and through e•uch employee
furnishes assistance and service tc the Public Welfare
Officer of the ToTm,
RESOLVED, that Natalie Tohns be employed as assistant
tc the Public 17elfare Officer of the To,,!n of ILamaroncck
at an annua'_ salary of '$300®00 as of Januery first . 1934,
said salary to be -paid ouarterly onthe 31st day of Yar'ch,
the 30th dqT 7 of June , th= 30th day of Se tember and the
31st day of December,
Upon motion by TaIrF Bat.cs , s=condor'. bar Er. Brennan, it eras ,
RESOLVED, ['FEREAS , the Board. of Assessors has recommended
that certain corrections be made in the assesment roll for
the years 1925-1931 inclusive , 'relative to Section 2, Black
26 ; Lot 25 ° Pnd
=—REAS, it has been sho?,!n to the satisfaction of this
Board that ju,gt cau-e exi-t9 for the corrections asked
RESOLVED, th2t the corrections asked for be made and that
the assessment upon Section 2. Block 26 . Lot 25 (not Lots
- 25a and 25b) bs 2.pnort .oned for the years 1925-1931 in-
clusive as follows -
year Whole Lot Subs A. Sub- B
1925 ?F0900 , 100®00 150;00
i926 450~00 150,00 300 .=00
1927 450-00 150,00 3001,00
19 S
45000 150.00 300.00
1.929 45 M 0 150.00 300,00
1930 450.00 150,00 300X0
1931 750.00 250.00 500.00
and that the assessr.,nent rolls for 1925 to 1931 be cor-
rected accordingly , and the Receiver of Taxes be directed
to receive the taxes and assessments upon said lots
A letter dated April 10th 17as received from the BoaI-cl of
�r g. eccprc reCSuesting 2p17r07a'_•._ of its 2cticn in P—oort•ionina, the
assessment on Section 6 , Block 39 , Lots 39 , 4C , 4.1 -•nd 42..
Upon motion by Er. Teginniss. seconded by Hr. Griffin, it
,- Ps unan;r._ouely.
RESOUTED, 1IREAS , the Board- of Assessors has r=ouested_
that its action in a.p_oortioning the assessment on
Section 6 . Block 39 , Lots 39 , 40, 41 and a2 for the years
1933 and. 1934 . be a1?roveds and
JHFR�A.S. saia ay,00rtionrnent is as f011077Sa
Year House Lots 39 , 4O anal. 41 Lot 42 Total
1933 �7e000.
3,000s a1,000® Si711.QD00
193; QOOOo 3.000. � 1,000b 11,000
Therefore , be it
MOW= that the action of the Board of Assessors,
as above described, be and it hereby is ratified ,
confirmed and approved®
At 7 P. Tie the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn,
loom Clerk