HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_03_07 Town Board Minutes 179
At the Town Offices , 118 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y.
The meeting 7es called to order- by Supervisor McCulloch at
8:10 P® IVI®
Present: Supervisor McCulloch
Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin and Yeginniss
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Idarvin, Town Attorney
Delius , Sewer Superintendent Corwin and Highway Superintendent Merola.
The Clerk presented the minutes of the meetings of January 21
3, 6, 10, 13 , 15o 17, 19 , 19 , 23 , 31, and Febrnery 7 and 17 which *,ere
unanimously approved as printed.
By unanimous consent the regular order of business was sus-
pended in order to hear Village Engineer Arthur Boniface and lira H. 1.
Fairbanks of Scarsdale who addressed the Board concerning the proposed
agreement between the Town of MAmaroneck and the Village of Scarsdale
in regard to a fire hydrant in front of furs. Therese H. Prinae "s
property on Old White Plains Road and mutuality of access to the hydrants
of the two- municipalities along the Mamaroneck-Scarsdale boundary line.
The Supervisor requested Mr. Brennan to include among the
matters to be referred to him for his special attention as a committee
of one that of the Fire Department and fire matters tenerally.
After d-iscussion, the matter of the proposed agreement with
the Village of Scarsdale was referred to Hr. Brennan to take up with
Fire Chief Donald C. Hole and Mr. Boniface.
Mr. Boniface then requested permission of the Town of Mamaroneck j
for Scarsdale to empty certain of its sewer mains into the mains of the
Town of Mamaroneck in exchange for constructing, at its own cost and
expense, a certain main, and other considerations.
The Board agreed in principle to Hr, Bonifecers proposal and
the preparation of the necessary- papers in connection therewith was
referred. to Town Attorney Delius and Hr. Boniface for report back to
the Board.
The Clerk stated that he had been requested by the Town of
Mamaroneck Citizens Council on Utility Rates to invite the Board to
attend a meeting on utility rates to be held on I4Tarch 8th at the home of
C. G. Merritt, Weaver Street. Several members of the Board- expressed
their willingness to attend.
The Clerk reported to the Board that he had been requested to
present the application of Albert Simpkins, 2 Garfield Street, larehmont ,
for permission to conduct a dance hall, restaurant, etc® at 176 Myrtle
Boulevard , Larchmont. He stated that the Chief of Police disapproved of
this request.
Elan motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the application of Albert Simpkins for
permission to conduct a dance hall, restaurant, etc..
at 176 Mvrt.le Boulevard, Larchmonta be and it hereby
is denied.
............... ...
A letter dated Search 7th was received from the Building
Inspector recommending approval of building permit No. 335 for altera-
tions in a house on Barnum Road. The matter was referred to Messrs.
Griffin and Yeginniss.
A letter dated March 6th was received from Village Manager
Whitney of Mamaroneck requesting approval of a resolution in regard
to the improving of Yemeroneck Harbor. Park Commissioner John T.
Austin addressed the Board to urge compliance with Yr. Whitney's request.
The resolution, as prepared by Iiir. Whitney, was moved by Mr.
Brennan, seconded by Yr. Griffin and unanimously approved as follows:
WHEREAS the War Department has granted the Village of
TJamaroneck a hearing on a proposal to dredge the east
and west basins in the Mamaroneck Harbor, and
WHEREAS Mamaroneck Harbor serves a large area of which
this community is a part, NOW THEREFORE
BE IT RESOLVED that we , the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck, N. Y. , hereby approve this contemplated
project and most respectfully and earnestly urge the
approval of same by the War Department.
The following resolution was offered by Councilman Bates and
seconded by Councilman Griffin :
WHEREAS, there is now due and owing the sum of $2,931.45
to the Dittmar Powder Works , Inc. for materials furnished
Sewer Department of the Town of Mamarone-ck, and
WHEREAS, the said Dittmar Powder Works, Inc. have requested
that there be issued to them a certificate of Indebtedness
for X2,931.45 maturing June 1, 1934, and interest at 6 per
cent per annum
RESOLVED that there shall be issued a Certificate of Indebt-
edness for $2,931.45 to the Dittmar Polder Works, Inc. , matur-
ing June 1, 1934, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent
per annum, payable at maturity, and numbered G®1®1934.. That
said Certificate shall be signed by the Supervisor, and counter-
signed by the Town Clerk under the seal of the Towns and both
principal and interest shall be payable in lawful money of
the United States of America, at the Trust Company of Larch--
mont, Larchmont, N. Y. ;
FURTHER RESOLVED that said Gertificate shall be issued in
the following form, to wit :
No. G-1-1934 UNITED STATES OF AFRICA $2,931.45
Gounty of Westchester
Certificate of Indebtedness
THE TOWN OF MAKARONECK, in the County of Westchester, a munied-
pal corporation of the State of New York, hereby acknowledges itself
indebted and for value received promises to pay the bearer of this Cet-
ificate , on the 1st day of June , 1934, the sum of TWO THOUSAND NINE
HUNDRED THIRTY-ONE and 45/100 DOLLARS ($2,931. 45) with interest thereon
from the date hereof at the rate of six per centum (6%) per annum® Both
principal and interest of this Certificate are payable at the Trust
Con an of Larchmont, Larchmont, blew York. in lawful money of the United
a es of America.
This Certificate is issued pursuant to the provisions of the
Town Law constituting Chapter 62 and the General Municipal Law constitu-
tin& C-aapter 24 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York as
In payment of claims rendered, approved and audited for mat-
erials furnished Sewer Department of the Town of 1.1amaronec's.
It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts ,
and things required by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of
ITew York to exist, to have 'Happened and to be performed precedent to and
in the issuance of this Certificate exist, have happened and have been
performed, and that the issue of certificates of which this is one,
together with all other indebtedness of said Town, is within every debt
and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of said State ;
and the full faith and credit of the Town of Yamaroneck are hereby
pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest of this
Certificate , according to its terms.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Mamaroneck has
caused this Certificate of Indebtedness to be signed by
its Supervisor, and its corporate seal to be hereunto
affixed and attested by its Town Clerk, this Ist day of
March. 1934,
ATTEST: Supervisor of the
To�rrn of Iviamaroneck
T ^� Clerk
FURTHER RESOLVED that said Certificate of Indebtedness
shall be a general obligation of the Town.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was
duly put to vote, which resulted as follows :
AYES McCulloch, Bates , Brennan, Griffin and Meginniss
Noes : None
On motion of Councilman Griffin. seconded by Councilman Brennan,
the following resolution was adopted :
WHEREAS the Annual Estimate of receipts and expenditures
of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1934 contains
certain items of appropriation for the salaries of public
health nurses to be employed, pursuant to the Public Health
Law of the State of New York, Section 20 B-S wk-en author-
ized by a proposition submitted and adopted as provided in
the Town La.w.
RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Sections 81, 82.
83 and 84 of the Town. Law there shall be submitted to duly
oualified electors of the To':=gin of Mamaroneck at a special
election to be held March 27th, 19'34, the following prepos-
ition :
"Shall the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York.,
be authorize,'. to employ public health nurses and make the
necessary appropriation therefor pursuant to Article 3
Section 2OB9 Subdivision 8. Chapter 49 of the Laws of 1909
and amendments thereto known as the Public Health Law, and
shall there be levied. raised and collected: by assessment
and tax upon taxable property lying Within the boundaries
of the To= of Mamaroneck outside of the incorporated
villages, the arr_ount of the salaries of such public health
nurses. "
FURTHER RESOLVED that the hours of opening and closing the
polls and. the place or places of holding such special election
shall be as follovas :
Place - Weaver Street Firehouse
Hours of Opening Polls - 2 :O0 P. M.
Hours of Closing Polls - 8:00 P. M.
FURTHER RESOIWED that the Town Clerk shall give notice
of such special election at the expense of the Town by
publication of a notice in The Larchmont Times$ a
newspaper published in the Town of Mamaroneck, County
of Westchester, the first publication to be at least
ten days prior to such special election, and shall also
cause such notice to be posted in five conspicuous places
in the Toren of Mamaroneck as follows ;
1. Weaver Street Police Station
2. Weaver Street Firehouse
3. Bulletin Board at the corner of West Ave. and Weaver St,
4. Telephone pole at the corner of Forest Ave. and Rocking-
stcne Avenue
5. Telephone pole at the corner of Myrtle Ave . and Weaver St.
FURTHER RESOIVED that the notice of said Election shall
be in substantially the following form:
NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to Sections 81, 82, 83
and 84 of the To-wn law the following proposition will be submitted to
the duly qualified electors of the Town of Mamaroneck to be voted upon
by ballort at the Weaver Street Firehouse, Edge-ood Roads and during the
hours of 2;00 P. M. and 8 :00 P. M. on the 27th day of March, 1934.
"Shall the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New
York, be authorized, to employ public health nurses and make
the necessary appropriation therefor pursuant to Article 3,
Section 20 B, Subdivision 8, Chapter 49 of the Laws of
1909 and amendments thereto known as the Public Health
Law, and shall there be levied, raised and collected by
assessment and tax upon taxable property lying within
the boundary of the Town of Mamaroneck outside of the
incorporated villages, the amount of the salaries of such
public health nurses. "
To entitle a person to vote upon such a proposition, he or she
must have the qualifications prescribed by Section 84 of the Town Law
for an elector to vote upon any proposition for raising, appropriating
or expending money or incurring any liability which shall be a charge
wholly against a district or portion of said town, namely that he or she
is the owner of property in such district or portion of the town assesses
upon the last preceding town assessment roll.
Dated, Mamaroneck Walter R. Maarvin, Jr.
March 75 1934. Town Clerk
The roll being called upon the adoption of the foregoing res-
olution, the following members of the Town Board voted a.yea
McCulloch, Bates, Brennan, Griffin and Meginniss
The matter of obtaining the four Inspectors of Election
—' required by Law for the election above referred to was referred to the
Clerk with po7er.
Town Attorney Delius reported to the Board on the action of
Camille Fischer vs. Town of Mamaroneck, which matter he had discussed
with the Board at, a previous meeting® He stated he had been in touch
with Clark & Davis , Special Counsel for the torn in this matter, and
recommended that the Board offer to settle this case by paying not more
than $500. 00.
Ubcn motion by Mr, Meginniss, seconded by Mr. Bates , it was
_ "Its9
Beginning in March you will find there till be a great many more Veterans
receiving relief through the T.F.R.A. plan as the first of Sdarch fell on
a Thursday and they did not appear in our February business. >lfeel that
considering the circumstances that the office is progressing with these
cases as fast as possibly can be done. We do not feel that we can start
giving relief through the T.F.R. A. plan unless we can substantiate our
claim for reimbursement. As I stated at t'ne Board meeting we found the
addresses very inadequate and it was necessary to make as many as three
calls in order to find out where the party lived. This takes a great
deal of time, Case Worker visits the address given us, finds the family
have moved but is unable to get the correct address which will necessitate
a great many inquiries in the neighborhood in order to find the correct
address as the landlords in a very low cases seem to know there they have
moved to. In some cases it has practically taken all day to locate the
party in order to make the investigation.
Very truly yours
(signal) C. 3. DeVinne
Public Welfare Officer.
The Supervisor reported to the Board that he was still negotia-
ting to obtain a loan based on uncollected school taxes. He further
stated that the torn has at present enough cash on hand to meet the
April 1st payroll and debt service.
Mr. C. S. McNulty addressed the Board an the matter of house
numbers. He stated that he had completed arrangements with a number
of neighboring municipalities to paint the numbers of all houses in the
community on the curb or stepping-stone, or some similar object in front
of every house at no cost to the municipalitye that the 7crk would be
done by local unemployed labor; that he would be reimbursed by voluntar77
contributions from such householders as desired to pay to him a modes"
sum for the services rendered.
Hr. Brennan stated he had investigated the proposition and
recommended approval.
Upon motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Bates, it was
RESOLVED that Mr. Q S. McNulty is hereby given per-
mission to paint house numbers on the curbs , stepping-
stones or similar objects in the Town of Mamaroneck in
accordance with his proposal as outlined above.
Superintendent Merola informed the Board that he had received
a letter from the Garbage Contractors , Messrs Donofrio and Di Falco, in
which they %aid that when they took over the e_ollection of garbage on
January lot they found a vast amount of garbage which had been un-
collected for some days; that they had been compf led to go to consider-
able expense to take care of this extraordinary amount of garbage and
that they expected reimbursement only for the actual expense to them for
hiring. an additional truck for one reek, namely ; 565.00 and that they
were not asking for the reimbursement of additional wages paid out by
them to man the truck.,
Superintendent Merola verified the statements made in the letter.
The Board took no action on the reou=st.
Superintendent Herola reported that he had received a bid of
$25.00 for the 10-year old highway truck and that since the truck is new
lacking tires and a battery® he considered the bid a fair one.
He was unanimously authorized to sell the truck for $$25. 00
S y �tm r'nte dent M rcla reported on the matter of a street light
in Premium r�ain he matter was referred to Sir. Brennan.
Superintendent Merola reported on the matter of street signs
for Vine Place. This matter was referred to HrP Brennan with pourer.
The Supervisor stated that he had obtained preliminary plans
for a proposed alteration of the Town Hall to provide for a Justices ,
Court, the Town Offices, and the Welfare Office . After discussion he
was authorized to negotiate with Frank Massam„ an architect of Larch-
wont, for the preparation of detailed plans and specifications for the
proposed alteration at no expense to the Town.
The Supervisor stated that he considered it advisable for the
Board to appoint a Building Inspector who would hold no other office in
the town, in lieu of the present arrangement of having one of the members
of the Board of Assessors act also as Building Inspector.
Tyr. Austin addressed the Board and recommended Mr. Ingham for
appointment to this position, stating that he was very well qualified
for the work.
The Board thereupon went into executive session. At the con-
clusion of the executive session, upon motion by Mr. Bates, seconded
by Mr. Griffin, it was upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED that Mr. Morton P. Sa.rfaty be and he hereby
is appointed Building Inspector of the Town of Mamaroneck,
his term of office to begin March 15th, 1934, and to termin-
ate at the pleasure of the Board, at the salary{ as set
forth in the budget, namely : at the rate of 11200, per annum;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that he be bonded in the amount of $1,000 and the
matter of obtaining his bond be referred to the Town Clerk.
The Clerk was directed to write to I+iessrs. Harry Ingham, George
A. Leonard, E® S. Wilson, 1. H. Cowham, and W, L. Lagani, the other
candidates for the appointment as Building Inspector, to thank them
for their applications and to inform them that among so many able candid-
ates, the Board found it difficult to make a choice.
The Supervisor stated he deemed it advisable for the town to
enact a suitable code of ordinances and to revise , if necessary, the
existing ordinances. The Board unanimously authorized: him to appoint
a special committee to prepare and./or revise the ordinances. He
thereupon appointed to this committee Town Attorney Delius , Police
Commissioner Curren, Justice of the Peace Messersmith, Orson A. Raynor,
member of the Board of Appeals, Building Inspector Sarfaty and Fire
Chief Donald C. Howe.
At 1000 P. TAI® the Board unanimously resolved to ad,iourn.
Town Clerk