HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_03_03 Town Board Minutes 16
At the Town Offices , 118 West Boston Post Road, Mamatoneck, N. Y.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at
Present : Supervisor McCulloch
Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin and Meginniss
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Marvin, Town
Attorney Delius, Public Welfare Officer DeVinne , School Trustee P. H.
Dreissigacker and School Treasurer George Marshall.
The Board discussed the matter of the finances of the School
The Supervisor reported on the status of negotiations pending
for a temporary loan to aid the school district.
At the conclusion of this discussion Messrs. Dreissigacker
and Marshall departed from the meeting..
Mr. William L. Lagani addressed the Board and submitted his
oualifications for appointment as Building Inspector. The Supervisor
thanked him for his appearance.
A letter was received from Joseph H. Cowham, former Building
Inspector, submitting his application for appointment as Building
Inspector. The letter was ordered placed on file .
The Town Clerk submitted a surety bond in the amount of
$1,000, for Justice of the Peace William A. Boyd, being Bond No..
1541326 , issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York.
Town Attorney Delius stated that he approved of the bond as to form.
Upon motion duly made and seconded. , it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the bond of Justice of the Peace William
A. Boyd, in the amount of $$1,000. being Bond No. 1541326,
issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York,.
upon the recommendation of Counsel, be and it hereby is
The Town Clerk submitted a surety bond in the amount of
$45 ,000. for Supervisor McCulloch, pursuant to the provisions of Section
104 of the HighFy law, being Bond No. 1541505, issued by the Fidelity
and Casualty Company of New York. Town Attorney Delius stated that he
approved of the bond as to form.
Upon motion duly made and seconded., it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the bond of Supervisor McCulloch in the
amount of $45,000, pursuant to the provisions of Section
104 of the Highway Lac^, being Bond No. 1541505, issued
by the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York, upon
the recommendation of Counsel, be and it hereby is approved®
The report of the Tom Clerk for the month of February was
received and ordered placed on file.
A letter dated February 12th was received from the County
Transportation Company enclosing a report "prepared: in accordance with
the franchise granted by the Town of Mamaroneck as described in the
25th paragraph for the year ended. December 31, 1933, 11 together with a
check in the amount of $166.32 alleged to represent franchise tax due
the town. The matter was ordered referred to the To7n Attorney.
Two, letters dated February 23rd ^ere received from the Board
of Park Commissioners advising the Town Board of certain actions they
ha.d recently taken. The letters were ordered placed on file.
A letter dated February 16th was received from the Building
Inspector in regard. to Building- permit No. 1640 for one-family dwelling
and two-car garage in Section 1, Blockll, Lot 20 on the northwest corner
of Villa Lane and Villa Road for Gerald J. Campbell. The letter stated
that the Inspector, with the verbal approval of the Supervisor, had
issued an occupancy permit for this property in order to facilitate the
closing of the sale.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was upon roll call
RESOLVED that the action of the Supervisor in authorizing
and the action of the Building Inspector in issuing an
occupancy permit, as above described, be and they hereby
are in all respects ratified, approved and confirmed.
The Clerk was unanimously directed to refer, hereafter, all
matters relating to building permits and/or the Building Inspector to
Hr.. Bates without first presenting them to the Town Board.
P_ memorandum dated February 16th in regard tc the California
Dinette , formerly occupied by W. S. Ed`wrds on the Boston Post Road,) was
received from the Building Inspector and referred to Mr. Bates.
A letter dated February 14th was received from State Senator
Walter W. iPestall in regard to his position on the Dunnigan Bill author-
izing municipalities to own and operate their own electricity generating
The letter was ordered placed on file and the contents given
to the press.
On motion of Councilman Bates , seconded by Councilman Brennan,
the following preambles and resolution were adopted;
WHEREAS, the holders of the 81500 unpaid. I:iaple Hills and
Myrtle Avenue Assessment Certificate No. 4-1933 authorized on December
16, 1933, against unpaid assessments under Chapter 549 of the Laws of
1926 as amended (Homer Avenue, Orsini Drive , Maple Hill Drive and. Myrtle
Avenue and Madison Avenue to Maxwell Street) matured on March 1, 1934,
remain unpaid,. and
WHEREAS as of March 1, 1934, certain of said taxes and
assessments heretofore due were still outstanding and unpaid in excess of
the amount of $1500.; and
WHEREAS the holders of said Certificate have agreed to renew
and extend the same to June 1, 1934.
Section 1. For the purpose of renewing and extending said
Certificate of Indebtedness No. 4-1933 in the amount of : 1500 of the Town
of Mamaroneck dated December 1, 1933 and maturing March 1, 1934, the
Supervisor is hereby a.ut..horized tc issue a new Certificate of Indebtedness
in an amount not exceeding $1500 pursuant to the following lams of the
State of New York as amended: The Town Law constituting Chapter 62 of
the Consolidated Laws , the General Municipal Law constituting Chapter 24
of the Consolidated. Laws, Charter 105 of the Laws of 1916 known as the
Westchester County Tax Law and Chapter 549 of the Laws of 1926.
Section 2. The following matters in connection 7;sith said
Certificate of Indebtedness are hereby determinedm
I Date - March 1, 1934
2 Maturity - June 1, 1934
3 Denomination - one of X1500
( 4) Interest - six per centum per annum
( } Form - as determined by resolutions adopted January 4.
1933 and July 19, 1933.
Said Certificate shall be signed by the Supervisor and shall
have the corporate seal affixed and attested by the Town Clerk.
The Supervisor is hereby authorized. to determine all matters
i]'j connection uri.th said Ca•rtif1c9..ta of Indebtedness, the detsrmir_aticn
of which is not otherwise provided for, and his signature upon said
Certificate shall be conclusive as to such determinations, The Super-
visor is hereby authorized to sell such Certificate at not less than par
without advertisement or public bidding and deliver the same to the
purchaser upon receipt of the purchase price , plus accrued 'interest from
the date of the Certificate to the date of delivery or in exchange for
the surrender of the Certificate of Indebtedness. for the renewal of
uahich this Certificate,(>f Indebtedness is authorized. The Supervisor is
further authorized to nay on account and in reduction of said Certific-
ate the sum of not to exceed $1500.
Section 3. Any instrument issued pursuant to this resolution
shall be a general obligation of the Tonm and the full faith and credit
of the Tm=m are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal
of and interest on said obligation and unless otherwise paid or payment
provided for, an amount sufficient for such payment shall be inserted
in the Budget and taxes sufficient to orovide for the payment thereof
shall be levied and collected.
A vote being taken an the foregoing resolutions resulted as
Ayes : 5
Noes 0
ToT-n Attorney Delius reported to the Board on the request of
Urs. Therese H. Prince of Old White Plains Road that the town pay to
the Village of Scarsdale a hydrant rental charge for the hydrant
recently installed in front of her property, Th= Tot^n Attorney was
directed to negotiate this matter with the Village of Scarsdale and
to arrange = if -possible, for an agreement 7!ith said Village for mutual-
itp of access to all hydrants along the boundary line of the To :n and
the Village , and to report back to the Board.
Torn Attorney Delius reported to the Board regarding certain
taxes and/or tax liens on property in the Sound Shore section and sub-
mitted text of resolution in connection therewith.
Upon motion by Mr. Bates seconded by Mr. Griffin, it s,{ms
upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, WHTRFAS it appears that certain taxes and/or tax
liens on Lots Nos. 46 , 47, 48 and 49. Block G, Map of Sound Shore in
the Town of 112maroneck appear to be open of record and appear to remain
unoaid to the To^,m of Mamaroneck. and
WHERFAS proof has been made to the satisfaction of this Board
that said taxes and./or tax liens zrrere paid to T. Palmer Howell, Receiver
of Taxes of the Tonm of lil2maroneck by checks of leo Ferrara for ;7158.16
dated April 15, 1920, and for $3.27 dated April 15, 1920, which checks
were duly deposited to the credit of the To7�.m of Homaronec'k by said T.
Palmer Howell, Receiver of Taxes, and � 'oi.ch checks when deposited were
received. in full payment by said Receiver of Taxes for certain taxes
and/or tax liens with interest and penalties upon hots 463 47, 48 an
49. Block G, ItiI'ap of Sound Shame ltfi the Town of Mamaroneck,
RESOLVED that the following taxes and/or tax_ liens
nom open of record upon the books of the Toi-n of
Mamaroneck and of its Receiver of Tex_ea be cancelled:
Receiver of Taxes
Sale 10/6/1908 tax 1907 to To-,r.,Tn of Mamar^neck 1000 yrs. - Lot 46,
B lk. G. Map Sound Shore Assessed to Jos. Altman - x;1.15
Sale 10/6/1908 tax 1907 to Town of Mamaroneck 1000 yrs - Lots 47, 48
& 49 Blk G Liao of Sound Shore - Assessed to Grant Archibald - $1.15
Sale 10/5/1909 tax 1908 to Town of Mamaroneck 1000 yrs - Lot 46 ,
Blk G. Map Sound Shore Assessed to Jos. Altman - $1.43
Sale 10/5/1909 Tax 19084Ssr'.Town of Hamaroneck 1000 yrs - Lots 479 489
& 49 Blk G Map of Sound l- Assessed to Grant Archevico - $1.43
Sale 10/5/1909 Tax 1908 to To-,?n of Mamaroneck 1000 yrs Lot 47 Blk
G Map Sound Shore Assessed to Harry Callony - .x.95
Sale 10/4/1910 Tax 1909 to To.,-rn of Mamaroneck 1000 yrs - Lot 46 Blk
G Map Sound Shore Assessed to Jos. Altman - $1. 47
S-le 10/4/1910 Tax 1909 to To-n of Mamaroneck 1000 yrs Lot 47 Blk
G Idap Sound. Shore Assessed to Grant Archibald - $1.47
Sale 10/4/1910 Tax 1909 to TT-o*.2? of Mamaroneck 1000 yrs - Lots 48 & 49
Blk G Map of Sound Shore - Assessed to Grant Arc'nevico - $1. 47 EACH LOT
Sale 10/3/1911 for 1910 Taxes to To-am of Mamaroneck 1000 yrs - Lot 46
Blk G Map of Sound Shore - Assessed to Jos. Altman - $1.57
Sale 10/3/1911 for 1910 Taxes to Tovm of Mamaroneck 1000 yrs - Lots 479
48, 49 Block G Map Sound Shore - Assessed to Grant Archevico - $1. 57
Sale 10/3/1911 for 1910 Taxes to To7n of Mamaroneck 1000 yrs - Lot 47
Assessed to Harry L. Collony - 41. 23
Sale 10/1/1912 Tax 1911 to To�T,rn of Mamaroneck 1000 yrs -. hots 46 , 47 ,a
48 & 49 Blk G Map of Sound Shore - Assessed to ant Archibald - $1..35
Sale 10/1/1912 Tax of 1911 to Tovm of Iiamarcneck 1000 yrs - Lot 46
Blk G Map Sound Shore Assessed to Jos. Alterman - $1.83
Sale 10/7/1913 Tax 1912 to Tovm of Mamaroneck 1000 yrs - Lot 46 Blk C,
Map Sound Shore in the amount of $1.86
Lot 46 Blk G (1116 Acre ) Map of Sound Shore Assessed to Joseph Alterman -
Sold 10/6/1914 Tax 1913 to Town of Mamaroneck - $1.82
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes take such
action as is necessary to clear the tax rolls in his
possession and also the records of the County Treasurer,
County of Westchester, so that aforesaid taxes and/or tax
liens may appear as paid.
- Torre Attorney Delius reported to the Board on the matter of
refunds of vrelfare expenditures for veterans relief, stating that not
all of the expenditures were as yet in the reimbursable class. He vaas
direct 7mit, a further reuort on this matter to the Tovm Board and
Tn paAlcucier to inform the Board when all the expenditures would be in
the reimbursable class.
A letter dated March 2nd was received from George B. Gibbons
& Company, Inc.. , in regard to cancelling the award to said company of
the $508,000. Town of Mamaroneck bonds offered for sale August 22nd,
On motion of Yr. Griffin, seconded by IT. Yeginniss, the
following preambles and resolution were adopted :
WHEREAS, this Board by resolution adopted on August 22, 1933,
confirmed the award at public sale to Messrs. Geo. B. Gibbons & Company
Inc. , of $508,000 Bonds of the Town of Mamaroneck,, consisting of the
following issues :
$169,000 Sever Funding Bonds of 1933
$ 60,000 Sewer Diatriat No. 1 Bonds, Series OK"
110,000 General Bonds of 1933
80,000 Highway Improvement Bonds — 1933
25.000 Water Distribution System Bonds
$64,000 Pine Brook Improvement Bonds
WHEREAS, purchasers of said bonds by a letter dated October
16, 1933, requested that the sale of said bonds be rescinded, and that
the check of the purchasers in the amount of 1101160 tre delivered to the
Supervisor in connection with the award of the bonds, be returned to the
purchasers , and
WHEREAS, subsequently said check wa.siturned to the purchasers,
WHEREAS, a letter of 7hich the following is a true copy, has
been received from said purchasers :
Municipal Bonds
49 Wall Street New York March 2, 1934.
Re : $508,000. TOWN OF MATAARONECE4 N. Y. 6% Bond s
offered for sale August 22, 1933.
The Town Board of the
Town of Vamarcnsck
Yararoneck, He7 York.
Dear Sirs :®
Under date of October 16, 1933 we reauested you by letter to
return our check for $10,160 deposited by us w4th the Supervisor in
connection with the award of the above bonds. We also requested you
to cancel ( or rescind) the award to us bf said bonds..
You returned to us our check for ; 10,160 but we have not yet
received a copy of the resolution of the Town Board rescinding the awardm
Will you be kind enough to send us a copy of such resolution
and if the Town Board has not adopted such a resolution. we request that
you be kind enough to do so and send us a. certified copy thereof at
your earliest convenience.
Thanking you for your courtesy, we are
Very truly yours,
GBG/BP BY (Signed) Geo. B. Gibbons
WHEREAS, it appears to this Board that it is advisable to
rescind the sale of said bonds and to re-sell all or part of the same
at public sale, Nova, therefore , it is hereby
Section I. The sale of the $508,000 Town of damaroneck bonds
referred to in the preambles hereof, to Messrs. Geo. B. Gibbons & Company,
Inc., , is hereby rescinded.
Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Section 3. The Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed
to send a certified copy of this resolution to Messrs. Geo.. B. Gibbons &
Company, Inc..
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote :
Ayes : LcCulloch, Bates , Brennan, Griffin and Leginniss
Nayes : None
On motion of Mr. Griffin seconded by Mr. Neginniss , the
following preambles and resolution were adopted:
WHEREAS, on August 7 , 1933 a resolution was adopted by this
Board authorizing the issuance of $110,000 General Bonds of 1933 and
determining the form of said bonds , and
WHEREAS, on the said 7th day of August, 1933 another resolu-
tion was adopted authorizing the issuance of $169 , 000 Sever Funding-
Bonds of 1933 and determining the form of said bonds , and
- WHEREAS, pursuant to another resolution adopted on said 7th
day of August,. 1933, the Supervisor caused both of the issues of bonds
above referred to to be advertized at public sale and sold, together
with certain other issues of bonds of the Tv7n of Mamarcneck, on the
22nd- day of August, 1933. to Messrs. Geo. B. Gibbons & Company, Inc. ,
WHEREAS, the purchasers of said bonds have never taken up and
paid for the same , and
WHEREAS, the sale of said bonds has been rescinded by a reso-
lution of this Board adopted on the 3rd day of Larch, 1934 , and
WHEREAS, this Board deems it advisable to advertise said bonds
again at public sale , Now, therefore , be it
Section 1. The Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed
to advertise the sale of the $110 ,000 General Bonds of 1933 and the
$1692000 Sewer Funding Bonds of 1933 of the 'Tarn of Hamaroneck referred
to in the preambles hereof, under one notice of sale , such notice of sale
to be published not less than ten days prior to and not including the
date of sale at least once in the "Daily Times ", a. newspaper published
in the Village of I+iamaroneck in said Town, which newspaper is hereby
designated as the official newspaper of said Town for the purpose of
said publication and also to be published at least once not less than
- ten days prior to and not including the date of sale, in "The Daily
Bond Buyer", a newspaper published in the City of New York.
Section 2. Said notice of sale shall be in substantially the
folloning form:
1109000 General Bonds of 1933
169,000 Seaver Funding Bonds of 1933
SEALTD PROPOSALS vrill be received by the Town Board of the
To7pn of Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester, New York, on the 16th
day of March, 1934. at 4 :30 o 'clock P. Id. , at the office of the To7,,m
Clerk, 118 West Post Road in the Tillage of Mamaroneck, New York, for
the purchase of the follovdng described bonds of said Town of
Mamaroneck, to snit :
$110,000 General Bonds of 1933 of the Town of Yamaroneck,
numbered 1 to 110, both inclusive , maturing in numerical order, } 11,000
on February 1 in each of the years 1935 to 1944, both inclusive.
$169 ,000 Sever Funding Bonds of 1933, of the Tw.-n of Mamaroneck,
numbered 1 to 169, both inclusive , maturing in numerical order, }15,000
on February 1 in each of the years 1935 to 19409 both inclusive , and
.p20,OCO on February 1, in each of the years 1941 to 1943, both inclusive,
and X19,000 on February 1, 1944.
Said bonds will be dated February 1, 1934, will be of the de-
nomination of $1,000 each. Interest at a rate to be determined as here-
inafter provided, mill be payable semi-annually, on February 1 and
August 1, in each year.
Both principal and interest of said bonds trill be payable in
lawful money of the United States of America . at the office of the
rational City* Bank of New York, of the City ® County and State of Nei,
The bonds will be coupon bonds with the privilege of regist-
ration as to principal only or as to both principal and interest.
Bidders must state in their bids a single rate of interest which
a.11 of the bonds offered for sale are to bear, expressed in a multiple
of one-ouarter of one-tenth of one -_per centum. but not e$s,eeding six
per cencum (6%) per annum, and must state the price offered. , but not
less than oar. The bonds 7rrill bear the lowest rate o" interest Star,
by any bid,�o-r in a d, ly acceptable bid, and_ ,-,,ill be e-e'rded. to the
bidder stating such lowest rate , If twc or more bidders Offer to take
such bonds at the same lowest rate , then the bonds ?gill be av✓ard.ed to
the one of such bidders offering tc pay the highest Brice therefor.
The bonds will not be sold for less than par; and ir_ addition
to the amount bid the successful bidder must pay accrued. interest at the
rate borne by the bonds from the date of the bonds to the date of payment
of the purchase price.
The right is reserved to reject all bids and. any bid not
complying vrith the terms of this notice will be rejected.
All bidders are reouired to deposit a certified check payable
to the order of the Town of ,Mamaroneck, Nev York, for t�,,,,o per centum
(2%) of the amount of bonds bid for, drawn upon an incorporated bank or
trust company. Checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon the
award of the bonds. Interest at the rate borne by the bonds from the
date of a-,;,ard to the date of delivery will be allowed upon the amount of
the check of a sucvicessful bidder and such check ?R,ili be retained to be
applied: in part payment for the bonds or to secure the tov.!n against any
loss resulting from the failure of the bidder to comply with the to ms
of his bid.
Proposals should be addressed to Bert C. McCulloch, Super-
visor, Mamaroneck, New York, and enclosed in a sealed envelope marked
on the outside "Proposal for Bonds. ''
The successful bidder will be furnished with the opinion of
Yessrs. Hawkins, Delafield & Longfellow, of New York City, that the
bonds are binding and Legal obligations of the Town of Mamaroneck.
By order of the Town; Board,
Dated Larch 35 1934
-_ Supervisor
Section 3. Notwithstanding the provisions contained in the
resolutions authorizing said bonds, said QTD,000. General Bonds of 1933
shall be dated February 1, 1934, and shall mature in the principal
amount of $11,000, on February 1 in each of the years 1935 to 1944,
both inclusive ; and said $$169 ,000. Settler Funding Bonds of 1933 shall be
dated February 1, 1934, and shall mature in the principal amount of
15,000.. on February I in each of the years 1935 to 19409 both inclusive,.
20,000, on February I in each of the years 1941 to 1943 , both inclusive ,
and $19,000. on February 1, 1944, and said resolutions are hereby amended
Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately..
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote ;
Ayes ; McCulloch, Bates , Brennan, Griffin and Nleginniss
Noyes : None
The following resolution was introduced by Hr. Griffin and
upon motion duly made and seconded adopted by the following vote :
Yeas : McCulloch, Bates, Brennan, Griffin and Yeginniss
Noyes ; None
WHFRFAS, pursuant to the resolution of the Town Board of the
Town of Mamaroneck, adopted on August 7, 19339 sixty-four thousand
($645000. ) dollars Pine Brook Improvement Bonds were authorized to be
issued under date of August 1, 1933 and by said resolution the dates of
maturity and the form of said bonds were fixed and notice of sale
calling for proposals for the purchase of said bonds on August 2 , 1933
was ordered to be published; and
WHEREAS, said notice of sale was duly published and at a meet-
ing of the Town Board held on August 22 , 1933 proposals for said bonds
7ere opened and the bonds were aTerded to Geo. B. Gibbons & Co. , Ina. , at
par and accrued interest, said bonds to bear interest at six per centum
per annum, payable semi-annually; and
WHTRFAS, Geo. B. Gibbons & Go. , Inc. , the purchasers of said
bonds , have failed to take up and pay for the bonds in accordance with
their bid and it is therefore necessary to readvertise said bonds for
sale ; and
WHEREAS, it is desirable that the date of said bonds as fixed
by the resolution above referred to be changed from August 1, 1933 to
February 1, 1934 and that the date of maturity of said bonds be changed
from August I to February 1 in each of the years in which said bonds
are to mature as provided in said resolution; now , therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED that the award of said sixty-four
thousand ($645000. ) dollars Pine Brook Improvement
Bonds to Geo. B. Gibbons & Co. , Inc. , made by this
Board on August 22, 1933, be and the same hereby is
BE IT F'DRTF_ER RESOLVED, that the resolution adopted
by this Board on August 7, 1933 authorizing the issuance
of said bonds and fixing the date , form, dates of maturity
7 some and other details thereof, be and the me hereby is
amended so as to provide that said bonds shall be dated
February 19 1934 instead of August 1, 1933 and that said
bonds shall mature on February 1 instead of August 1 in
each of the years 1938 to 1961, inclusive, in the amounts
fixed in the resolution adopted by the Town Board on August
7, 1933^ and
BE IT FURTH= RESOLVED that the To7n Clerk be and he hereby
is authorized and directed to cause a notice of sale of
said bonds to be published in the manner provided- by law,
calling for the receipt of sealed bids at a meeting of
this Board to be held on the sixteenth day of Harch. 1934.
Said notice shall be in substantially the follol,^ing form.
but may request proposals for any other bonds which may
be offered for sale at the some times
SEALED PROPOSALS 7:rill be received by the Town Board of the
Town of Mamaroneck. at 118 West Post Road , in Manaroneck, New York,
until 4s30 o 'clock P. N. on March 16th, 1934, for the purchase of the
follo7iing described bonds of said Town:
$64,000. Pine Brook Improvement Bonds in the denomination of
$11000 each, dated February 1, 1934, numbered 1 to 64, both inclusive,
maturing *2,000 on February I in each of the years 1938 to 1945® both
inclusivev $3,000 on February 1 in each of the years 1946 to 1961 both
inclusive.. The bonds will be issued in cou-pon form with -privilege of
registration; as to principal or as to both principal and/snterest.
Principal and interest (February let tnd. August lst) will be payable in
lawful money of the United States at the national City Bank of New York,
New York City, IT. Y.
Bidders are requested to name the rate of interest the bonds
shall bear expressed in multiples of 1/10 or 1/4 of one per centurm, not
exceeding six per centum.. The bonds v,ill be a.nrarded to the bidder
offering to take them at the lowest rate of interest and to pay therefor
the highest price. No bid for less than per and accrued interest will
be considered and the. right is reserved to reject all bids.
Each proposal must be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed
to the undersigned Sunervisor and marked on the outside "Proposal for
Bonds , " and must be accoir•panied by a certified check upon an incorporated
bank or trust company payable to the order of the To*un of ilameroneck for
two per centum of the par value of the bonds to secure the Town against
loss in case of the failure of the successful bidder to comply with the
terms of his bid. Checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon
the a�nard. of the bonds.
The approving opinion of Messrs.
,Caldwell and Reymor_d, attor-
neys of Ne7, York City, mill be furnished to the purchaser without charge.
Dated, March 3rd, 1934.
Town Clerk, Tonrn of Yama.roneck.
Westchester County , New York.
At 5 ;3C P. M. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn.
Town C k