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1934_02_24 Town Board Minutes
SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK HELD FEBRUARY 24TH, 1934 At the To7n Offices, 118 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New Ye& The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 2:30 P. M. Present: Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen: Bates ;, Brennan, Griffin and Meginniss Walter R. Marvin, Jr. , Town Clerk was absent. Town Attorney John L. Delius was present and acted as clerk.. The presence was also noted of Michael Merola , Superintendent of Highways , and udilliam Eklund, Chairman of the Board of Assessors , both of whom were heard regarding the appropriation for their. depart- ment.. Supervisor McCulloch stated that the Board had met _pursuant to call for the purpose of further considering the tax budget for the year 1934, The Board thereupon proceeded to consider the protests and objections made by those who addressed the Board at the hearing on February 20 and February 22nd, 1934. The various items contained in the tax budget were then considered item by item, and after a thoro discussion had thereon, Councilman Griffin offered for adoption the following- WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore made , compiled and filed with the Town Clerk a tax budget containing the estimated probable .revenues and estimated expenditures for the several departments, offices and other town and special districts purposes for the year 19347 and WEE'REAS, notice of the completion and filing of said tax budget and calling a public hearing thereon has been duly posted and published in the manner recguired by lava; and WHEREAS, a public hearing upon said tax budget was duly held by and before this Board on February 20, 1933 and on February 22nd, 1934 to which date it was adjourned;. and WHEREAS. this Board has duly considered the protests and objections made against certain items contained in said tax budget, considered,separately, all the items contained in said tax budget and has rejected and reduced certain estimated expenditures in said budget contained; NOW, THEREFOR2, it is RESOLVED, that the tax budget of the Tom of Mamaroneck for the year 1934, containing the estimated revenues and expenditures for the several departments, offices, special districts and other lawful purposes, as amended, prepared and compiled pursuant to the provisions of Artiale 8 of the Town Law, be and the same hereby is in all respects adopted; and it is further I RESOLVED, that there be levied and assessed against the taxable property situated in the Town of Mamaroneck, for general town purposes mentioned and described in the annexed tax budget, and collected, the sum of $798,061.42 and it is further RESOLVED, that there be levied and assessed against the taxable property situated in the Town of Mamaroneck, out- side of the Villages of Lerchmont and Hamaroneck, for the purposes mentioned and described in the annexed tax budgets and collected, the sum of $170,654.41; and it is further RESOLVED, that there be levied and assessed against the taxable property situated in the special districts herein- after named, within the Town of Mamaroneck, for the purposes mentioned and described in the annexed tax budget, and collected, the sums of money set opposite each special district, respectively, to wit : For purposes affecting District No.. 1 $77 ,079.50 For purposes affecting District No. 2 2,925.00 For purposes affecting Sewer District No. 1 7,813..33 For purposes affecting Mamaroneck Valley Sewer District 99,771.16 The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions was put to a. vote which resulted as follows : Ayes: Supervisor McOulloc'n, Councilmen Bates, Brennan. Griffin and Meginniss Noes: None The chair declared the resolutions duly adopted.. And it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and hereby is auth- orized and directed to deliver to the Supervisor a copy of said tax budget and a transcript of the minutes of this meeting, duly certified, and to transmit to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Westchester County a duplicate copy of said tax budget and transcript of the minutes of this meeting, also certified „ as provided by Section 116 of the Town Law, The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was put to a vote which resulted as follows . Ayes : Five Noes : None The Chair declared the resolution duly adopted. i The following is a copy of the estimated revenues and expenditures for the year 1934 as finally adopted by the Town Board. (.Attached herewith) T O VV N O F M A M A R 0 N E C K PROPOSED TAX BUDGET FOR 1934 o0 o TABLE OF CONTENTS Schedule Page -° SUiUllVIAR IE S Proposed Gross Tax Budget _ 1 Comparative Operating Budget Appropriations 2 Eby Taxing Districts Comparative Operating Budget Appropriations, by bepartmentse General Town 3 Outside of Villages 4 District �To � 1 4 District Vo ® 2 5 Sewer District do , 1 5 Mamaroneck Valley Sewer District 5 REVENUES OTHER THAT TAXL'S General Town 6 Outside of Villages - 6 Balance of Town 7 OPERATING BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS General Town. Debt Service 899 Town Offices 10 Town Hall 10 Department of Supervisor 11 Department of Town Clerk 12 Department of Comptroller 12 Department of Justices of the Peace 13 Department of Receiver of Taxes 14 Department of Assessors 15 Department of Public 1Nelfare 16, 17 Department of Law 18 Highway Department 18 Department of Elections 19 Village Police Justices 20 Contributions and Donations 20 Miscellaneous Expenditures 21 (2 ) TABL^�OF COYTE-J TSy Cont.. Page Schedule Z -ge Outside of Villages 22 Debt Service 23 Highway Department 23 Street Lighting 24 Police Department Department of Board of Appeals 25 25 Building Department 26 Miscellaneous Expenditures District coo 1 27 Fire Department 28 Fire Department, Debt Service 29 Park District ',\Too 1 Park District No , 1. Debt Service 30 31, 32 Water Department 33 Garbage District 7 e 1 District :`To ® 2 Garbage District No . 2 34 Fire District 'do ® 2 . Sewer District 'Qom 1 35 Operating Costs 36, 37 Debt Service GEUERAL I'QFORMATIO'd 38 Assessed Valuations Miscellaneous information 38 SUL Y OF YR,0,206 i TAE I UDGET 1934 G ?ERAL TO0117 Toss Offsets Net Operating budget 1934 301 258 50 147 478.33 153 ,780,17 Tax lien Ctfs. 91,000.00 91,000.00 iVork & Home Rel. Ctfs. 6,811.82 6,611.82 Pine Brook Drain Ctfs.. 40 ,000.00 40,000.00 Spec. Assmt. Ctfs. 1,500.00 1 ,500.00 - IJiscl. Ctfs. 5,014.91 5 ,014.91 - Unpaid AJ-C to Dec . 31, 133 2477955.58 123,977 .79 123,977 .79 Rights of Way 44,346.25 44 ,346.25 Unlevied Seiver Tax 132 70 ,176.71 70 ,176.71 - n " " 133 99 ,771.16 99 ,771.16 - Unpaid County Tax 133 315 ,256.18 315,256.18 Interest Due County 17 ,226.51 17 ,226.51 Unpaid School Coll. 66 ,449.30 86 ,449 .30 Reimb. from Sewer Dist. +1 - 25 ,047.50 -- 25 ,047.50 Overd-m Bonds �.c Interest 22,583.75 22 ,583.75 Cash Dec . 31st, 1933 - 33.976.60 -- 33,976. 60 Total Additional Items 1,048 ,092.17 403 810.92 644,281.25 Grand Total 1 ,349 ,350.67 551,289 .25 798,061.42 OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Operating budget 1934 170 .824.50 4.350.00 166.474.50 hiscl. Ctfs. 4.179.91 - 4.179.91 Total Additional Items 4.179.91 - 4.179.91 Grand Total 175,004.41 4,350.00 170 ,654.41 DISTRICT ril Operating budget 1934 126 ,883.25 50 638.75 76.244 'O i:Iisel. Ctfs. 835.00 - 835.00 Total Additional Items 835.00 - 835.00 Grand Total 127 ,718.25 50 ,638.75 77 ,079 . 50 DISTRICT #2 Operating budget 1934 2,925.00 - 2 ,925.00 Gran d To tal 2,925.00 - 2 ,925 .00 SE.,ER DISTRICT #1 Operating budget 1934 125 .855.21 118 041.88 __7,813.33 Sewer Disttict Ctfs. 48 900.00 48 900.00 Total Additional Items "8 900.00 48 900.00 - Grand Total 174,755.21 166,941.88 7 ,813.33 MAM. 2ija.4 VA-1-13Y DIST. Unlevied Sewer Tax '33 99 .771.16 - 99 ,771.16 Grand Total 99 ,771.16 - 99 ,771.16 ENTIRE TO)WIT Operating budget 1934 7272746.46... 320 508.96 407.237. 50 Additional Items 1 201 ,778 24 452 710.92 749,067.32 Grand Total 1,929 ,524.70 773 ,219.88 1 ,156,304®82 1 i T®-WR OF A LIIAR U LACK COLTARATIVE OPEF�TIYG BUDGET 2PPROPIII HOSTS Si I:,t,J:ARIZ ED BY TAXING DIZ TRI C TS District 1933 1934 General Town 2019691.98 301,258.50 Outside of Villages 169 ,007 .50 170 ,824.50 District ITO. 1 130 ,611.75 126,883.25 District No. 2 20800.00 2 ,925.00 Sewer District Loo. 1 139 ,858.13 125,855.21 Yamaroneck Valley Sewer District ( not 1e7ied) 114.000.00 Total 643,969.36 641 ,746.46 2 CO2 IUTIVE BUDGET AlPROPRIATIONS SUITTUU—RIZED BY DEPAcTiMENTS GEM'aAl TOWTI 1933 1934 Town Offices 5,665.00 5,580.00 Town Hall 1,655.00 500.00 Supervi sor 15 ,525.00 10;-225.00 Town Clerk 5,715.00 4,795.00 Comptroller -- 4,700.00 Justices of the Peace 10,970.00 51320.00 Receiver of Taxes 89965.00 99045.00 Board of Assessors 8,950.00 8,070.00 Town Board of Auditors 1 ,350.00 -- Department of law 39850.00 41500.00 Highway Department 12 ,000.00 9 ,350.00 Department of Elections 3,510.00 3,501.00 Village Police Magistrates 29625.00 1 ,375.00 Contributions and Donations 750 .00 550.00 MiEcellaneous Expenditures 21810.00 10 ,765.00 Total Operating Expense'; 849340.00 789276.00 Debt Service 849511.98 629296.25 Department of Public `,Ielfare 32 ,840.00 160,686.25 201,691.98 301,258.50 3 CO?�TP,1RATIVE SukMARY - Cont. OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1933 1934 Highway Department 27 ,500.00 15,000.00 Street Lighting 20,000.00 20 ,000.00 Police Department 59 ,605.00 610306.50 Board of .Appeals 450.00 510.00 Building Department 3,440.00 1,640.00 Contributions and Donations 59730.00 -- Miscellaneous Expentitures 450.00 6.935.00 Total Operating Expense 117 ,175.00 105,391.50 Debt. Service 51.832.50 65 .433.00 Grand Total 169 ,007 .50 170 ,824.50 DISTRICT P70. 1 Fire Department 27 ,550.00 26 ,920.00 Fire Department Debt Service 3,202.50 3,067 .50 Park Department 9 ,530.00 6,845.00 Park Department Debt Service 289260.00 279812.00 V.rater Department Debt Service 52 ,569 .25 50 ,638.75 Garbage District V0. 1 9 .500.00 11.600.00 Total 1309611.75 126,883.25 DISTRICT PTO . 2 Garbage District ITo. 2 700.00 600.00 Eire District No. 2 2 .100.00 21325.00 Total 2,800.00 20925.00 ' 4 CONPARATNE SUl�g RY - Cont a SDUER DISTRICT '0 1 1933 1934 - 3r DeNar'tment $15, 455,00 $ 7, 813®33 F,'mrn 124 403m13 118,041.88 139,858013 125, 855®21 MAMARO NECK VALLEY SEINER DISTRICT w Estimated County Levy (not levied) $1142000 .00 5 REVENUES OTHER THLN TAXES Estimated Estimated ENTIRE TOWN for 1933 for 1934 Interest and penalties 35 0010 .00 on taxes $35,000 .00 ;P 9 -- Interest on bank deposits 1,500 .00 --- justices ' fines 11000 .00 500 .00 Justices : fees in civil actions 2, 500 .00 1,750 .00 Income Tax, Sec, 328 'Pax Law 25,000 .00 15,000 .00 --- 101 ,000 .00 Beverage Tax Miscellaneous Revenuese 1. Refund under Wickes 12,000 .00 5,''.;00 .00 Law (Home Relief) 2. Reimbursement of Salaries in Dept . of -"- 6, 533.33 Public '7delfare 3. All other 1,000 .00 3 9 5_OO Total $7B4O00 .00 `, 147,476.33 T071N OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Bank Tax - Sec . 219 nn Tax Lava --- 1001 .00 Dog licenses 800 .00 850 .00 Fees, Building Permits 800 .00 500.eC; Franchise Taxes 600 .00 500 .00 Mercantile and Manufacturing 200 .00 600 .00 Taxes - Sec . 219h-Sub . 6,Tax Law Mortgage Tax, Sec . 26.1, Tax Law 59000 .00 1,000 .00 Earningsof Town Clerk. 900 ,00 300 .00 Total $8, 300 .00 84 350 .00 6 .... ... ...................... .... ..... .. ... REVENUES OTHER Mk7 TAXES - Cont. estimated Estimated for 1933 for 1.934 AVAIhAt3L � FUNDS General w18,075.45 Highway Funds 12,000 .00 Outside District 16,957.74 District No , 1 879964 Share of Net Revenues, 0 50 638075 Water District 5u, 569a25 : Sewer District No . 1 116,04-1..88 From sale Of sewer lines 40 ,000 mC0 _ _ _ — Total 41409481948 Q�168,680e63 7 DEBT SERVICE 1933 1934 General Town Appropriation Appropriation HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS PRINCIPAL 1. Weaver Street Part 1 County Highway Improve- ment Bond No . 8, dated June 1, 1922 due June 19 1934 $1,000 .00 11,000 .00 2. Weaver Street Improve.- ment Bonds Nos . 5 and 6 dated Sept . 1, 1927, due Septa 1, 1934 21000 .00 1,000 .00 3. Street Improvement Bond ?o . 4, dated February 1, 1931, due February 1, 1934 29000 .00 25000 .00 4. Boston Post Road Improve- ment Bonds _dos . 16-30 inch, dated April 15, 19329 due April 15, 1934 15,000 .00 159000 .00 5. Boston Post Road Improvement Bonds Nos. 14-23 inclusive, dated June 1, 1332, due June 19 1934 12, 983.00 10 ,000 .00 INTEREST 6, Interest on $7,000 .00 5 Weaver Street Part I County Highway Bonds due June 1 and December 1. 375.00 325.00 7 . Interest on .$30 ,000 .00 41% Weaver Street Improvemen' Bonds dated September 1, 1927, due March 1 and September 1, 1934 11467.00 11377 ,00 8® Interest on $S, 900 .00 4'-z% Weaver Street Improvement Bonds dated February 1, 19289 due February 1 and August 1, 1934 40 0 .50 400 ,50 9. Interest on $18,000 .00 4_1V Street Improvement Bonds, dated February 1, 1931, due February 1, 1934 and interest on 117,000 .00 bonds due August 19 1934 807.50 743.75 Total contra- $36,033.00 131, 046.25 DEBT SERVICE - Cont . 1933 1934 General Town Appropriation Appropriation (Carried forward) ;%36,033.00 $31, 846.25 10 . Interest on ; 300 ,,000 .00 6 Boston Post Road Im- provement Bonds dated April 15, 1932, due April 15, 1934, and interest on F"285,000 .00 due October 15, 1934. ( Interest paid Oct- ober 15, 1932) 275900 .00 171550 .00 11. Interest on $220,000 ®00 6% Bonds, Boston Post Road Improvement, dated June 1, 1932, due June 1. 1934„ and interest on p210 ,000 .0b due December 1, .1934, ( Interest paid December 1, 1932 ) 205578.98 12,900 .00 Total 1�n849511.98 x62, 296.25 9 TOtUT OFFICES 1933 Estimated Allowed General Town Appr. for 1934 for 1934 SERVICES - PERSOSTAL Janitor 540.00 540.00 Temporary Clerical Help 1,200.00 1,200.00 SERVICES - CO TRACTUAL Pent of Town Offices 2 ,400.00 2 ,400.00 Furnishing electricity 250.00 200.00 Telephone service 850.00 700.00 Ice -- 15.00 Insurance -- 25.00 MU NT CH IRGZS Stationery, supplies and miscellaneous 225.00 400.00 PROPERTIES Office Equipment 200.00 100.00 Total 5,665.00 5,580.00 TO'�TSt HALL General Town SERVICES - PERO AL Janitor Service 660.00 220.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Telephone 60.00 -- Light and `eater 135.00 30.00 Public Liability Ins. -- 50.00 CURREFT CHARGES Fuel 200.00 200.00 Repairs and miscellaneous expenses 600.00 -- Total 1 ,655.00 500.00 10 P-EF-ARTLIEHT OF SUPERVISOR 1933 Estimated A1lowecl General Tovm Appr. for 1934 for 1934 SERVICES - 2MESONAL Salary of Supervisor 8,400.00 6,300.00 Salary or Secretary to the Supervisor 3,400.00 1 ,300.00 Salary of Office Assistant 2 ,100.00 1 ,500.00 0011I1C)DI TIES Stationery, postage ledger, cash books and supplies 250.00 250.00 CURRENT 0H-:RGES Surety Bond 1 ,000.00 300.00 Traveling expenses 250.00 300.00 Publishing P7otices and Reports 125.00 175.00 PR0FERTIES Office Equipment -- 100.00 Total 15 ,525.00 10 ,225.00 11 DEPARTMENT OF TOW'J CLERK 1933 Estimated Allowed General Town Apprg for 1934 for 1934 -- SERVICES - PERSONAL Salary of Town Clerk $4,000.00 $3,000 ,00 (Custodian of Voting Machines and Registrar of Vital Statistics with- out additional Salary) Salary of General Office Assistant L, be0 .00 L, Sec .00 CO MMO D IT IE S Postage, stationery and supplies 150 @00 200 ®00 CURRENT CHARGES Surety Bonds 5mtro 10 .00 Publishing notices --- 2500 Total $5, 715.00 $4,79500 DEPARTMENT OF COMPTROLLER 1933 Estimated Allowed General Town Appr® for 1934 for 1934 SERVICES - PERSONAL Salary of Comptroller --- $37000 .00 Salary of Bookkeeper --m 900 .00 COMMODITLES Ledger, supplies, warrants etc , --- 500 .0 0 CURRENT CHARGES Publishing Town Accounts --- 300900 $4,700 .00 12 DEPAR'L2117T OF JUSTICES OF THE FEACE 1933- Estimated Allowed General Town 6ppr. for 1934 for 1934 SERVICES - P�l SG1IL Salaries of three Justices and clerical assistance 9 ,600.00 4,200.00 SERVICES - CO'_';TRAOTUAD Rent of Justices' Court Room 720.00 600.00 COMICODITIES Stationery and office supplies , including blanks and consolidated laws 200.00 125.00 CURRE27T CHARGES Surety Bonds 10.00 15.00 Telephone 240.00 180.00 Stenographic charges in criminal cases. 200.00 200.00 Total 10 ,970.00 5;320:00 13 DEPARTMENT OF RECEIVER OF TAXES 1933 Estimated Allowed General Town �Appr. for 1934 for 1934 SERVICES - PERSOI\IAL Salary of Receiver of Taxes ) ) ;,3, 500 .00 $6, 400 .00 ) Salary of Assistant Receiver ) ) 23400 .00 of Taxes ) ) SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Surety bond and theft and holdup policy 900 ..00 745,00 COMMODITIES Stationery, postage and supplies, including tax bills 14165.00 1. 350 .00 CURRENT CHARGES Fa'blishing notices 500400 14050 .00 Total $ 8, 965.00 p 99045.00 14 DEPARTMEATT OF BOARD OF ASSESSORS 1933 Estimated Allowed General Town Appre _ for or 1,1934 for 1934 f934 SERVICES ® PERSONAL 3 Assessors, Salaries $7, 800 .00 $7; 200 .00 Services of Engineer in correcting maps 200 .00 75.00 SERVICES , CONTRACTUAL Transfer and mortgage slips 150 .00 150900 COMMODITIES Printing and binding assessment rolls 450 ,,00 280 ,00 Stationery, postage and supplies 50 m00 CURRENT CHARGES Traveling expenses, including vehicle hire for field vrorki: 300 .00 300 .00 Publishing notices 50 .00 15.00__ Total k 89950 .00 89070 .00 15 DEPARTMENT OF, PUBLIC WELFARE 1933 Estimated Allowed General Town Apprr for 1934 for 1934 SERVICES - PERSONAL Salary of Public Welfare Officer $1, 300 .00 $1950o .00 Salary of Case Supervisor --- 29000.00 x Salary of Case Worker --- 19300 ,00 x Salary of Case Worker --® 1, 500 .00 x Salary of Case Worker- ®-- 1, 500 .00 x Salary of Case Worker --a 19500 .00 x Salary of Case Worker -- 19500 .00 x Stenographer e-- 1,300 ®00 Clerk --- 1,040 .00 Janitor --- 240 .00 Salary of Assistant Welfare Officer 17140 .00 _-- Temporary Emergency Employees 2, 500 .00 ®®- CURRENT CHARGES Office expenses, including stationery and supplies 500 .00 600600 Expenses in connection with Emergency Relief 1,250 ,00 --- Requirements for Work Relief Program 39500 .00 --- Telephone 350 ,00 600 .00 Transportation Average 20 miles per day for two Investigators @ .06 a mile --- 360 .00 Transportation, flour, etc. - 750A00 ---- Total - Cont . 119040 .00 16, 190 ,00 16 DEPAQZA -Ni 0_' PnLIC i'ELFLRE: - Cont. 1933 sstimatea Allowed General Town Axur, for 1934 for 1934 ( carried forward) 11 ,040.00 16,190.00 8ERu1Cu6 - COPTRACTUAl Rent - Offices 1,200.00 1,200.00 Rent - dour Stores -- 96.25 To Central Index -- 100.00 Appropriation to Larchmont Unemployment Relief Organization 300.00 300.00 Appropriation to 11damarone ck Unermloyment Relief Organization 300.00 300.00 HOTRV RELIEF 20.000.00 100 ,000.00 x VET E`RAPT RELIEF -- 40 ,000.00 x 32 ,840.00 158,186.25 FEIJEF PROGRAM I"daterials , supplies , supervision , etc. -- 2,500.00 Total 160 ,686.25 x - Partly reimbursable ; see estimated. retenues. 17 DEPARTMENT OF LAVY 1933 Estimated Allowp d General Town Appr . for 1934 for 1934 SrsRVICES - PERSONAL 3-lacy of Town Attorney ( for routine matters, attending areetings and advising departments of Town government ) $ 3, 500 .00 p3,000 .00 Compensation of Special Counsel and Special Attorneys --- 1,000 ,00 CURRENT CHARGES Stenographic and miscel- laneous charges 350 .00 500 .00 Total yp 3,850 .00 p 4, 500 .00 HIGHIVAY DEPAR'MEI T 1933 1934 General Town Appr. Appr. Machinery Fund Purchase and repair of machinery, tools and implements $13, 500 .00 2,250 .00 snow and Miscellaneous Fund For salary and expenses of Town Superintendent 49000 .00 2, 600 .00 For removal of obstructions caused, by snow 2,000 .00 2,000 .00 For other m scellaneous purposes, including ccm- pensation insurance 29500 .00 2,500100 Total 12,000 .00 $ 9,350 .00 Less funds available 12,000 .00 l8 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS 1933 Estimated Allowed General Town Apps for 1934 for 1934 SZRVICES PERSONAL Salary of Inspectors fore (a ) Fall Primaries P 384.00 P 384®00 (b ) Registration 1,280 ®00 1,280.00 (c ) Election (General) 496.00 512,00 CURRENT CHARGES Other expenses including stationery, supplies, in® surance, transportation, moving machines, and dis- tributing supplies 700000 575,00 Publishing Notices 200.00 125.00 Rent of Polling Places 350 .00 225.00 Special Elections, Referenda, etc, , including Publishing Atices 250 .00 COMMODITIES New equipment 10000 150 .00 Total 3, 510 .00 3,501.00 1'3 TILLAGE POLICE TUSTICES 1933 Estimated Allowed General Town Appr. for 1934 for 1934 —� Stenographic charges 125.00 ep 125.00 Fees in criminal cases 2,53Ua0C 1,250 wo Total 20625®00 p 1, 375 ®00 CONTRIBUTIONS AND LOS`ATIONS 1933 Estimated Allowed General Town App_T r�� for 1934 for 1934 Memorial Day Observance American Legion, 2 Posts ) 1 150 .00 50e00 Veterans of Foreign Wars ) Rental of Post Quarters (2 Posts ) 600.00 4� ;O�=--00 Total 750 .00 550 .00 20 IvILuCLLL -TEOUS lI F_,T1D1TUEES 1933 Estimated Allowed General Town Appr. for 1934 for 1934 AT DITIINIG bErV1SES Town Audit, all departments 1, 500.00 1 ,500.00 Special fiscal Survey 1 , 500.00 TO M BOARD Reports , surveys , in- vesti�ations and travel- ing expenses 300.00 300.00 Publishing Potices , Ordinances and Reports 250.00 1 ,250.00 Salaries - 4 Councilmen -- 4,800.00 SOEOUL DIItECTOIES Compensation and allow- ance for traveling expenses 10.00 10.00 CO ti5`!X33 i�ES premium on bond -- 5.00 Charge of Fiscal agents for paytents of prin- cipal and interest on Town Bonds and collection costs on checks 750.00 750.00 .TE120ii RY LOAFS legal opinions , forms , 650.00 etc. Total 2 ,810.00 10,765.00 21 DEBT; SERVICE 1933 1934 Outside Of Villages Appr. _ Appr. HIGITVAY IIyIPROVEMENT BONDS aItdC IPA L 1, Murray Avenue Widening Bonds Nos. 9 and 10 , dated February 1, 1926 and due February 1, 1934 $2,000 .00 $2,000 .00 2. Highway Improvement Bonds Nos'. 28-36 inclusive, (Murray Avenue Improvement ) dated June 1, 1930 , due June 1, 1934 9,000 .00 9,000 .00 3. Highway Improvement Bonds Nose 7-9 inclusive, dated September 1, 1927, due September 1, 1934 3,000 .00 35000 .00 4. Highway Improvement Bonds Nos . 51-60 inclusive, dated October 10 1928, due October 1, 1934 107000 .00 101000 .00 5. Highway Improvement Bonds Nos. 1 to 5 inclusive, dated May 1, 1929, due May 1, 1934 --- 15,000 .00 INTEREST 6. Interest on *40 ,000 .00 420 Murray Avenue Widening Bonds due February 1, 1934 and on $38,000 .00 due August 1, 1934 1,845.00 1,755,00 7 . Interest on $153,000 .00 4.30°0 Highway Improvement (Murray Avenue ) Bonds due June 1, 1934 and on $144,000 .00 due December 6 772.50 6,385.50 1 1934 , 8. Interest on $39,000 .00 42% Highway Bonds dated September 1, 1927 due March l and September 19 1934 1, 890 .00 1,755.00 9. Interest on $150 ,000 .00 429 Highway Improvement Bonds dated October 15 1928 due April 1 and October 1, 1934 7, 200 .00 6,750 .00 10. Interest on $225,000 .00 42% Highway Improvement Bonds dated May 1, 1929, due May 1 and on $210 ,000 .00 due November 1, 1934 10 , 125.00 9,787 .50 Total 51, 832.50 65,433.00 22 HIGH[VAY DEPARTME W 1933 1934 Outsiae of Villages Appr. Apprm HIGHI.VAY FUND - ITEM 1 For repairing and improving highways $27, 500 .00 $15,000 .00 STREET LIGHTI_dG 1933 Estimated Allowed Outside of Villages Appr® for 1934 for 1934 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Rental of street lights $20 ,000 .00 920,000 .00 23 i !I i 1933 Estimated Allowed Outside of Villages Appr. for 1934 for 1934 SERVICES - PERSOYAL Salary of Captain of Police 3 ,515 .00 3,325.00 Salaries of 4 Sergeants 10 ,360.00 10 ,360.00 Salaries of patrolmen 33,855.00 33 ,916.50 Salary of janitor 900.00 900.00 SkTIVICES - COTTMEACTUAi Telephone service and rental of alarm system and Teletype 2 ,400.00 2 ,400.00 Traffic signals 1,650.00 1,985.00 CURRETT C aRGES Coal and fuel oil 300.00 300.00 Gasoline and oil 1 ,000.00 1 ,100.00 Car and motorcycle repairs 900.00 1 ,200.00 Insurance premiums including liability and compensation 1 ,500.00 1 ,835.00 Building maintenance ; water and electric lights 125.00 38 ..00 Kedical attendance tempor- ary employees , etc. 1, 600.00 1 ,500.00 CC! I"ODITIES Stationery and supplies 150.00 150:00; Station house equipment 50.00 50.00 Olothing 800"d 00 1 ,200.00 Cars ; motorcycles and bicycles 500.00 700.00 Total 59 , 605.00 61 ,306. 50 24 DEPARTMENT OF BOARD OF APPEALS . 1933 Estimated Allowed Outside of Villages Appr. for 1934 for 1934'. SERVICES - PERSONAL Salary cf Clerk 360 .00 360 .00 CURRE-NT CHARGES Publishing 'Notices, etc . 50 .00 60 .00 COMMODITIES Stationery, postage, printing and supplies 40 .00 90 .00 Total 450 .00 510 .00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1933 Estimated Allowed Outside of Villages AbrW for 1934 for 1934 SERVICES - PERSONAL Salary of Building Com- missioners $1,200 ©00 -°® Salary of Building Inspector 2,000 .00 X1, 200 .00 SERVICES - CO PdTRACTUAL Premium on insurance 4C 000 40 ,00 CURRENT CHARGES Postage, stationery and office supplies including permits, stenographic charges, etc . 200 .00 150 .00 COMODITIES Printing and binding building code ®® 250 .00. Total $3,440 .00 640 .00 25 MISCELLA?QEOUS ExPE` DITURES 1933 Estimated Allowed for 1934 for 1934 Outside of Villages TOWS BOARD 'Qct ^e: of hearings on Petitions for public 100 .00 $ 50 .00 improvements CARE OF A'.QI ls Care and Feeding of Detained Dogs inaccordance J with Art . 7, . 330 -00 75.00 Agriculture and ➢Jarkets Law PUBLI_ C LIBRA.R-V Appropriation for Larcl.mont Public Library underCcntracto with. the Town made pursuant provisions of the Education Law, 3' 500 .00 39500 .00 Section 1118-a PUBLIC LTF�ES Appropriation for salary of Public Health nurses to be employed by the Town pursi,lant to Public Health Law, Article 3 Section 2"b-81 when author- ized by a prop-;sition submitted and adopted as provided in Section 81 of the Town Law Mamaroneck Child ','lelfare Assoc- 1 4 5 n C0 17450 ,00 ation ' Larchmont Public Health 780 .00 760 .00 Association Mamaroneck Society for p-- 1 - Lending Comforts to the Sick Total ISO .00 .$6, 935.00 26 WATER DEPARTMENT (Westchester Joint Water Works, No . 1 District ) DEBT SERVICE 1933 1934 District 1 Appr. Appr > PRINCIPAL, 1. Water works System Bonds No . 16-18 ing., dated June 1, 1927, due June 1, 1934 $3$000 .00 $35000 ,00 2, water Distribution System Bonds, Nos. 21-24, inc . , dated June 1, 1927, due June 1, 1934 4,000 .00 4,000 .00 3. t" rater Works System Bonds :Jos. 152-154, inc ., dated June 1, 1927, due June 1, 1934 35000 .00 3,000 .00 4. Water Distribution System Bonds, Nos. 163-164, inc. , dated February 1, 1930, due February 1, 1934 2,000 .00 2,000 .00 5. Water Works System Bonds 'Jos . 244-249, inc. , dated November 159 1931, due November 15, 1934 68000 .00 61000 .00 6. Water Distribution System Bond No . 2591 dated November 15, 1931, due November 15, 1934 20000 .0-0 1,000 .00 INTEREST 7. Interest on ; 124,000 .00 441%0 Water Works System Bonds due June 1 and on . 121,000.00 due December 1, 1934 59333.75 55206.25 S. Interest on $135,00000 424/1'0' Water Distribution System Bonds due June 1 and on .$132,000 .00 due December 1, 1934 5, 865®00 5, 695.00 Total (Cont. ) 31, 198.75 29, 90 1.25 31 WATER DEPARTMENT CONT. (Westchester Joint water Works No. 1 District ) DEBT SERVICE 1933 1934 District 1 Apprw Appr._ (carried forward) 319198®75 - 299901.25 9. Interest on $86,000 .00 42% Water Works System Bonds due June 1 and on $83,000 due December 19 1934 31937 ,50 39802.50 10 . Interest on $94,000 .00 42% Water Distribution System Bonds due February 1 and on ,'92,000 .00 due August 1, 1934 4,275.00 4918500 11. Interest on $212,000 .00 5.10% water Works System Bonds due May 15, and November 159 1934 119118.00 10PS12.00 12. Interest on $38,000.00 5. 10% Water Distribution System Bonds, due May 15 and November 15, 1934 20040 .00 19938.00 Total $ 52, 569.25 $ 509638.75 Less estimated share of net revenues from operation of Westchester Joint Water JVerks, No., 1 46,000 ,00 46000 .00 Balance $ 6, 569.25 $ 4, 638.75 Less available funds from prior year operations of Westchester Joint Water Works, No . 1 60569115— 4, 638.75 ?Note : All revenues from operation of Water District are restricted to water purposes. 32 GARBAGE DISTRICT NO . 1 1933 Estimated Allowed District 1 A pry for 1934 for 1934 SERVICES - PERSONAL Sanitary Inspector $1, 200 .00 $1y 200000 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL For collection and disposal of garbage (under contract expiring Dec. 31st, 1933 ) at `10 , 400 . per annum 89300 ®00 109400@00 Total 9, 300 ®00 $ 11, 60o .00 33 GARBP.GE DISTRICT M . 2 1933 Estimated Allowed District 2 P_ppr. for 1934 for 1934 SERVICES - CO'QTRACTUAL For collection and disposal 5f garbage (under contract expiring December 31, 1935) at $606 .00 per annum '7,000 .00 600 .00- FIRE DISTRICT NO . 2 1933 Estimated Allowed District 2 Appr. for 1934 for 1934 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Fire protection services as per contract 1, 800 .00 $19800 .00 Rental of fire hydrants 300 .00 525.00 Total p 2, 100 .00 $2, 325.00 34 SEWER DISTRICT N0 . 1 1933 Estimated Allowed Sewer District No . 1 Appr. for 1934 for 1934 ADM INISTRA T IO N, GE'+BRA L EXPENSE S SERVICES - PERSONkI, Commissioners, per diem compensation $ 350 .00 --- Inspectors % slaries 2,220 .00 --- Supervision of plant and system 3,060 .00 x2, 600 .00 Engineering services 250 .00 250 .00 Stenographic fees 450 .00 400.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Telephone services 150 .00 150 .00 Rents of Railroad right- of-ways -m- 50.00 CURRENT CHARGES Publishing Noticea 50 .00 50..00 Stationery and Postage 75.00 25.00 Premium on insurance policies and bonds 90 .00 250 .00 Miscellaneous expense 200 .00 200 .00 PRO PERT IES Furniture and equipment 20 .00 Sub-Total $62915.00 $3,975.00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION SERVICES - PERSONAL Wages Plant Operator ) I' 640 .00 39 440 .00 Laborers ) 1, 68C .00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Light and power ) 35.00 Water ) 4, 600 .00 50 .00 Garage Rent --- 333.33 Chemicals 400 .00 --- PROPERTIES Purchase of machinery 100 .00 100 .00 Total $15,455.00 $7, 813.33 35 SEWER DISTRICT ,NO . 1 w Cont. DEBT SER,�7ICE 3.933 1934 Sewer District 'Yob 1 Appr. Appr. PP,INC IPAL 1. Sewer District No . 1 Bonds Nos . 61-65 inc . (first issue ), dated July 1, 1921, due July 1,, 1934 5,000 .00 5,000 .00 2. Sewer District No . 1 Bonds Nos. 49-52 inc. , (second issue ), dated July 1, 1921, due July 12 1934 45000 .00 45000 .00 3. Sewer District No , 1 Bond No . 11 (fifth issue ) , dated .-July 19 1923 due July 1, 1334 500 .00 500 .00 4. Sewer District No . 1 Bonds Nos. 21-24 inc . , ( sixth issue ), dated January 1, 1924 due January 19 1934 49000 .00 4,000 .00 5. Sewer District No . 1 Bonds Nos. 13=-15 into , ( seventh issue ), dated January 1, 1925, due January 1, 1934 29500 .00 29500600 6. Sewer District No . 1 Bonds Nos . 17-20 , inc . , ( eighth issue ), dated July 1, 1925, due July 1, 1934 4,000 .00 49000 .00 7. Sewer District Ao . 1 Bonds Nos . 7-8 (ninth issue ), dated July 19 1926 due July 1, 1934 29000 .00 2,000 .00 INTEREST 8. Interest on $70 ,000 .00 6% Sewer District No . 1 Bonds (first issue ) dated July 1, 1921 due January 1 and July 1, 1934 4,500 .00 4, 200 .00 9. Interest on $72,000 .00 6% Sewer District No . 1 Bonds ( second issue ) dated July 1, 1921 due January 1 and July 1, 1934 42 560 .00 42320 .00 10 . Interest on 03-00 ,,000 .00 42% Sewer District No . 1 Bonds (third issue ) dated June 1, 1922 due June 1 and December 1, 1934 4$ 00 .00 4, 500 .00 11. Interest on .$50 ,000 .00 42% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (fourth issue ) dated July 1, 1923 due January 1, and July* 1, 1934 2, 375,00 2, 375.00 Total - Cont . ',$37,935.00 ;,'37, 395.00 36 SEWER DISTRICT 70p 1 .. Cont.,:. DEBT SERVICE 1933 1934 Sewer District No. l Appr; A pr carried forwar $37, 935.00 ; 37, 395400 INTEREST 12. Interest on $4,000 .00 50 Sewer District No. 1 Bonds ( fifth issue ) dated July 1, 1923 due January 1 and July 19 1934 225®00 200 .00 3-3. Interest on $leOg000 .00 42% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (sixth issue ) dated January 19 1924, due January 1 and on x$,`160 ,000 .00 due July 19 1934 79290 .00 7, 110 .00 14. Interest on $90,000 .00 42% Sewer District No . 1 Bonds ( seventh issue ) dated January 1, 1925, due January 1 and on ;87, 500 .00 due July 1, 1934 3,878.13 39771.88 15. Interest on `124,000 .00 4ti% Sewer District No . 1 Bonds (eighth issue ) dated July 1, 1925 due January 1 and July 1, 1934 5$440 .00 5,270 .00 16. Interest on $74,000 .00 424 Selmer District No , 1 Bonds (ninth issue ) dated July 1 1926, due January 1 and July 1, 1934 3Y420 ,00 31 330 .00 17. Interest on $3-50 ,000 .00 Sewer District No , 1 Bonds (tenth issue ) dated January 1, 1927, due January 1 and July 1, 1934 6,375.00 6, 375.00 18. Interest on $425,000 .00 4.20% Sewer District No . 1 Bonds (eleventh issue ) dated February 15 1931 due February 1 and August 1, '934 17,850 .00 17,850 .00 D9 : Interest on `640 ,000 .00 4.10% Sewer District No . 1 Bonds ( tvvelfth issue ) dated June 15, 1931 due June 15 and December 15, 1934 269240 .00 26, 240 .00 20 . Interest on $175,000 .00 6% Sewer District No. 1 Bonds (thirteenth issue )dated April 152 1932 due April 15 and October 15, 1934 ( Interest paid October 15, 1932 ) 152750 .00 10 , 500 .00 Total $ 124,403.13 118,041.88 37 ASSESSED VALUATIONS - 1933 ASSESSMENT� ROLL (FOR 1934 Taxes ) Entire Town 82, 109,873.00 Village of Mamaroneck 2516561480 .00 Village of Larchmont 27, 903, 905.00 Town outside of Villages (Unincorporated Section ) 28, 549488.00 District No . 1(Fire, Park end Water ) 269767, 138.00 Sewer District No . 1 24,2141368.00 District 'To . 2 (Fire and Garbage ) 1,782, 350 .00 Mamaroneck_ Valley Sewer District 57,2221943.00 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Ponulation of entire Town - 1930 Federal Census 19, 400 Population of Village of Mamaroneck within Town of Mamaroneck ?Pilo Population of Village of Larchmont 55282 Population of Unincorporation Section of Town 61648 Area, approximately 8 square miles , And it is further RESOLVED, that the annual budget estimates of the expenditures of the Town of Mamaroneck for the fiscal year 1934 be adopted and confirmed and that the town clerk be and he hereby is directed to enter the same upon the minutes ® and that the sums of money herein- after stated are hereby appropriated from the current revenues , as provided by law, for the offices, departments, boards, commissions and purposes hereinafter enumerated and the same are hereby authorized to expend such sums so appropriated providing such expenditures shall be incurred in the manner directed by law; to wit : GENERAL TOWN Debt Service $62,296.25 Town Offices 5,580.00 Town Hall 500.00 Supervisor 10,225.00 Town Clerk 45795. 00 Comptroller 4,700.00 Justices of the Peace 55320.00 Receiver of Taxes 9,045.00 Board of Assessors 85070. 00 Department of Public Welfare 160,686.25 Department of Laos 4,500. 00 Highway Department 9,350.00 Department of Flections 35501.00 Village Police Magistrates 1,375.00 Contributions and Donations 550.00 Miscellaneous Expenditures 10,765.00 Additional Items, as set forth in Summary 943,306.10 OUTSIDE OF VIILAGFS Debt Service $65,433.00 Highway Department 15,000.00 Street Lighting 20,000. 00 Police Department 61,306.50 Board of Appeals 510.00 Building Department 15640.00 Miscellaneous Fxpenditures 6,935. 00 Fire Department 26,92000 Fire Department Debt Service 35067.50 Park Department 6,845.00 Park Department, Debt Service 27,812.00 Water Department Debit Service 50,638.75 Garbage District No. 1 11,600.00 GarbaAre District No. 2 600.00 Fire District Nc. 2 2,325.00 Sewer Department 75813.33 Sewer Department Debt Service 118,041.88 Additional Items as set forth in Summary 535914.91 MAYARONECK VALLEY SEWER DISTRICT 99,771.16 The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was put to a vote which resulted as follows : Ayes : Supervisor McCulloch, Councilmen Bates , Brennan, Griffin and Heginniss Noes : Norte The chair declared the resolution duly adopted. I 157 The following resolution was moved, seconded and unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Town Board at its organization meeting held on January 2nd, 1934, appointed certain persons to various positions and provided for salaries to be paid such persons which were tentative and subject to decrease after the public hearing on the budget, and WHEREAS, the Town Board at a special meeting held January 31st, 1934, fixed tentative salaries for elected officials , which salaries were made subject to change , and the amount, paid to such elected officials to date was made subject to adjustment and credit against the salaries to be fixed for such officials after adoption of the budget, therefore be it RESOLVED, that all salaries of employees and officers elected or appointed be adjusted in accordance with the budget appropriation for the year 1934, and that the amount heretofore paid such employees and officers be credited on account of their salaries as now fixedl and be it FURTHER RESOLVE'➢, that the salaries of the three justices of the peace be fixed at $1,200. each for the year 1934, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the salaries of the four councilmen be fixed. at $1,200. each for the year 1934, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the salary of the Captain of Police be fixed at $3 ,325. for the year 1934, and that amounts paid him since January 31st, 1934, be credited against the salary as so fixed and future payments adjusted accordingly. The Supervisor then introduced Hr. George Marshall, Treasurer of the School District, hir. P. H. Dreissigacker, Trustee, an? Mr. EAnneth Van. So wer. Clerk of the School Board. There followed a dis- cussion of the financial needs of the School District until thn neer levy of School Taxes. The Supervisor stated that the su0tors had not completes. their Tork bn the 1933 a.cccunts, and that it appeared that the total amount of School taxes collected by the Town and not turned over to the School in 1932 and 1933 7aul? be 85102,000. instead of $86p000 as previously stated. He presented to Mr. Marshall a check for $355000 representing collection of School Taxes since January let, 1934, and said that he hoped to collect X5,000, more before March 1st , 1934. Mr. Meginniss presented a statement concerning unpaid School Taxes as of February 21st, 1934,as follows :. School Taxes , levy of 1933 $214,492..35 u e e a 1932 42.499. 05 Total There was a discussion regarding the deposit of School moneys by the Receiver of Taxes and the right of the School Trustees to des- ignate the depositary under Section 37 of the Town Lava. Tor. Dreissigacker then gave the requirements of the School District as follows - 159 Requirements for March Ist (in addition to amount turned over by the Supervisor) $29 ,000 Requirements for April lst for payroll 48,000 Requirements for May 1st for payroll and interest 66,000 Requirements for June let for payroll 48,000 Requirements for July 1st for bills and interest 20.000 Total requirements for this year -prior $211,000 to adoption of new school budget Requirements for July 1st for new fiscal year ( from 1934 School Budget) $103,000 The Supervisor made a statement regarding his position in the County Board of Supervisors with regard to the Tax Equalization Table and the -recent decision of the State Tax Commission.. He requested the Board to state their opinion as to whether our Town should join in the appeal of Harrison and other towns against the decision of the State Tax Oommission, and the Town Board unanimously decided not to join in the appeal because of the expense involved. The Town Attorney discussed with the Ward various plans which he has had under consideration for the collection of tax liens owned by the Town, and after full discussion of the matter he was authorized by the Town Board to accept the proposition of Mr. Silas Clark to represent the Town on a collection basis and to formulate a definite plan with Yr. Clark for the conduct of this *work. The Town Attorney also read a letter from the Great American Indemnity Company stating that the offer to settle its liability as surety on the bond of George Johnson as Deputy Receiver of Taxes for the years 1928 and 1929 by payment of $6,250 was still open. He was instructed to confer with Yr. J. Henry Esser, former counsel, in the matter , and make a report to the Board as to why the offer was not accepted by the former Town Board, At 6 :001P. M. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn. Glerk Fro-tem