HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_02_22 Town Board Minutes 141
At the Mamaroneck Senior High School, Palmer Avenue , Mamaroneck, 1$6Y.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor UcCulioch at
2:30 P. M.
Present: Supervisor IicCulloch
Councilmen Bates , Brennan, Griffin and Meginniss
The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Marvin, Town
Attorney Delius, Public Welfare Officer DeVinne , Zhairmafi-of' the
Police Commission Curren, Fire Chief Hotrire, Comptroller Hirschmann.
The Supervisor stated that the meeting had been called pur-
suant to adjournment taken at the meeting on February 20th, 1934,
and that, in accordance with the provisions of Section 146 of Article
6A of the Town Law, all persons present who were interested would be
given an opportunity to be heard with respect to the tax budget under
consideration or any part or item thereof.
The Clerk presented the affidavit of publication giving
notice of the adjournment of the meeting and it was unanimously approved
and ordered filed.
The Supervisor addressed the taxpayers , giving a resume of
the financial situation of the Town and an explanation of why the
position of the Town is so bad. He presented two budgets, the funded
budget and the presented budget, to illustrate the method the Board
had taken to restore the credit of the Town.
The Supervisor then invited anyone present who wished to
address the Board regarding the extraordinary items of the presented
budget to do so.
Mr. Edward Dolbey , Jr, declared that the credit of the Town
should not be restored so that officials_ could not use money belonging
to the County for other purposes.
Mrs. Richard Fleming answered this remark,, stating that it
would be a very unwise step on the part of the taxpayers to deprive
the officials they had elected to run the Town of the money necessary
to do that.
Several comments were made about the burden this budget would
place upon real estate which was declared to be already over-loaded,
and the suggestion was made that this plan was impractical and another
plan should be worked upon.
Mr. Charles A. Birch-field presented the following budget
made up by certain taxpayers , in which "all unnecessary items " are
eliminated :
State & County $378,278.82
General Town 105,255.00
Highway Repair 27,500.00
Unincorporated Section 30,070.00
District #1 78,042. 50
District #2 2,800.00
Sewer 159455.00
Police 59.992.32
Total $696.992.32
Token Payment 11,036.32
Grand Total $706,028.64
"The Schools are given the opportunity of taking a year's
vacation under this plan. " he declared.
Mr. Louis P. Miller made the suggestion that some inducement
be made to make people pay back taxes, such as accepting small payments
instead. of demanding payment of the whole tax at one time.
Yr.. Thomas Sutton suggested that a committee of taxpayers
meet with the Town Board before the budget was adopted. The Supervisor
explained that the Board had already met with various committees re-
presenting the taxpayers.
Sir. C. C. Merritt stated that the County debts should be
eliminated from the budget, declaring that real estate could not stand
this heavy burden.
A further suggestion was made from the floor that the budget
should be considered with proper reference to incomes.
1r. Clifford Cross , representing the Colonial Park Associ.atiorg
submitted a formal protest against the proposed budget for the following
-reasons : (1) Everyone has had his income reduced, (2) Savings have
been spent and earnings have vanished. (3) The outlook is unfavorable.
Therefore , he said, every item possible in the budget should be cut.
Mrs. Mona NfacRobert suggested that the Town pay its debts
and get on a good credit basis.
Mr. Joseph Johnston, Corporation Counsel, on behalf of the
Village of Larchmont submitted a formal protest against the levy of
the Pinebrook Drainage Certificates (',$40v600) on the entire Town. A
similar protest was submitted by the Village of Mamaroneck.
The Executive Board of the Citizen's Council of Mamaroneck
submitted a written memorandum in Which they presented the following
suggestions for the consideration of the Board : (1) That a lower rate
-- of interest on our bond issues be obtained and that an effort be made
to postpone payment of bond principal; (2) that an experienced Manager
be appointed to carry out the plans of the Town Board , (3) that the
administrative costs of the Town be lowered (a) by the Councilmen
serving gratis. (b) by having one assessor, (c) by moving the Welfare
Offices into the Town Hall,
The Supervisor_ then asked for questions and discussion on the
items of the operating budget.
A suggestion was made from the floor that the Town Hall be
closed_. It was further suggested that the Town Hall be repaired.
Mrs. Ruth B. Jenks, representing the Larchmont League of
Women Voters , suggested that a decision be made by the ToTn as to
whether the Town—Hall will ever be worth restoring. If not, let it
be torn d.o7,!n, she stated.
Stirs. Fleming stated that the Women 's Clubs of the Toti,!n should
be given the privilege of preserving this Town Ha 11.
It was suggested that a $1500 item for salary of Office
Assistant, in the Supervisor 's department, be charged to the Comptroller's
r Yr. Henry Harlach questioned the Supervisor concerning the
. 500 item for traveling expenses of the Supervisor, an increase of
$250. The Supervisor agreed to reduce the item to $300..
Town Clerk Marvin then answered questions concerning his
department. Major Franklin Brooks asked for information regarding the
duties of the To,un Clerk and suggested that his salary of $3 „000 a year
was too high.- Hr.. Marvin stated that hi's duties included keeping the
Towr records. issuing marriage licenses and dog licenses and acting
as custodian of voting machines , and that he did, not consider the
salary of $3,.000 a year too high; in fact, he declared that the work
was worth a great deal more. 'Major Brooks ouestioned. Mr. Marvin further
concerning the duties of the Deputy Town Clerk end her salary. Mr.
Marvin explained that the Deputy Clerk performed the duties of the
Torn Clerk in his absence and that she received no salary for her
services as Deputy Clerk.
A comment wan made that Clerk Marvin was very difficult to
find at his office. A,Zr. Marvin stated that his office hours r;ere from
9000 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. and very* often he was at the office much
It 7r^.s further suggested, that the office of Comptroller be
extended and that a manager be employed” in his place® This manager
could be paid a little more than $3000 and save the councilmen their
duties for $1200 a year.
1Jirs. Jenks , on behalf of the Larc•hmont League of Women Voters,
obacted `to the department of Justices of the Peace being cut so drastic-
ally, and asked that from information obtained from an audit of the just-
ices , books a comparison be made of the vaork_ done by each justice.
It was suggested that Justices of the Peace serve without pay.
It should be considered an honor to serve as a Justice , a kpeaker said.
Hr. Harlach stated that $1200 a year was sufficient salary
for a Justice of the Peace.
It was further suggested that one competent 125rryer perform
the duties of all three justices at a. salary of $2000 a year,,- giving
the justices a nominal salary of $100 each.
Mr. Wm. G. Thompson criticized the salary of the Receiver
of Taxes and suggested that it be reduced. Several others made similar
Mrs.. Jenks. on behalf of the Larchmont League of Women Voters,
submitted a formal protest against the expenses of the department of
the Receiver of Taxes being increased.. They suggested that some curtail-
ment be made.
The suggestion was made from the floor that one competent
assessor be appointed instead of three.
Welfare Officer DeVinne then ans*aered questions concerning
the Welfare Department.
Mr. Orson Raynor protested against the high cost of maintaining
the Welfare Department and suggested that everything possible be done
to cut this dolrrn to the minimum.
There ?mere numerous quest .ons as to how relief is administered
to the Veterans , hoer much is allowed for each family£ how provisions are
distributed to families , etc. , ' all of which wereanslrrered satisfactorily
by Mr. DeVinne.
It eras further suggested that some of the welfare work be done
by volunteer trrorkers.
the .Nelfaret0ffs again suggested that the To-wn Hall be repaired and that
Offices be moved to that building. A place would then be
available for the sto.°irg of flour. it ? as pointed out.
Mrs. Jenks , on behalf of the Larchmont League of Women Voters,
read a written memorandum protesting against provision for special
counsel at $1.650.
It was suggested that the Toim Attorney take care of all out-
side cases for his yearly salary of $3000. and eliminate the item for
special counsel,
Mrs. Jenks, on behalf of the Larchmont League of Women Voters ,
protested against the Councilmen receiving a salary of $1200 a year.
*--Then councilmen in other neighboring towns receive as little as $500.
It was further suggested that the Councilmen serve without
The recommendation eras made that the item for a constable be
eliminated from the budget.
It was suggested that men who have applied for Welfare Relief
be employed on the highi,,ay under the $15,000 item for labor, thus off-
setting some of the high cost of maintaining the Welfare Department.
The question was raised as to the possibility of reducing the
cost of street lights. The Supervisor stated that a survey would prob-
ably be made to ascertain whether globes could be changed so as to use
less current.
Police Commissioner Curren answered inauiries and criticisms
of the Police Department.
Criticism was made of the alleged inefficiency of the present
police captain, and the suggestion was made that one of the sergeants be
made captain. It R!as further suggested that the salary of the ca_nta.in
be reduced , even to that of a patrolman.
Mr. Wm, K. Wacker declared that care should be exercised with
the amount appropriated for Public Health nurses. Very often these
nurses receive $10 a day when they are really north no more than $20
a r!eek,_ he said:.
No criticism was made of the Fire Department and the Supervisor
commended Fire Chief Hmie for the excellent work that had been done.
It was suggested that the item of $41300 for Park labor be
vaorked into the Welfare Department.
Major Brooks expressed. the hone that an appropriation could
be made for an audit of the accounts of the Park Commission and recommend-
ed an accountant who would make the audit for a very nominal charge..
Mr. Harry T. Byrne , on behalf of the Maple Hills Association,
submitted a written protest against the proposed budget.
Former Mayor William ^. Lyon of Mamaroneck stated that it was
illegal to impose the Mamaroneck Valley Sewer assessments on the Tolm this
year. since these assessments were really levied by the county and not by
the Toe,,. He further declared that the items of $315.000_ owing to the
County and $85,000 o7Ting to the School should not be included in the
operat.i.ng budget since this money had been collected. and used improperly
by past officials.
Mr. McClelland in the capacity of a district leader suggested
that the budget be reduced as follows : (1) Cut down the Welfare approp-
riation $100,000 (2) cut down payment to the County $250, 000 (3) cut
down pa7Ment to the Schools $50,000 , a total reduction of $400 , 000.
TvLajor Brooks stated that a committee of three have been in
communication iRith officials in Washington and have suggested that
the R. F. C. loan money to municipalities. The recommendation of a
moratorium on all unpaid bonds of municipalities and the possibility
of advancing money to municipalities at 3r interest has been sent to
the State. Major Brooks also commended the Supervisor for the courage
shovJn in presenting the proposed budget to the public.
At 7:10 P. M& there being no other persons present 7irho
desired to address the, meetingp the hearing was unanimously ordered
closed. '...
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T0n Clerk