HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003_10_08 Planning Board Minutes r
Present: Marilyn S. Reader Chairwoman
Robert Cohen
MarcMa H.
Rosenbaum LIEC *ElIVIE1
C. Alan Mason
Edmund Papazian
May W. Aisen _ ti JAN - 4 2007 J
Edward Jacobson
Also Present: Judith M. Gallent, Counsel _ MAMARONECK TOWN CLERK
Ashley Miller, Counsel Intern
Ronald A. Carpaneto, Director of Building
Antonio V. Capicotto, Consulting Engineer
Elizabeth Paul, Environmental Coordinator
Nancy Seligson, Liaison
Denise M. Carbone, Public Stenographers
Carbone&Associates, LTD.
11 N. Central Park Avenue
Hartsdale, New York 10530
Marguerite Roma, Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order by Chairwoman Marilyn Reader at 8:00 p.m.
The Public Stenographer was present for this Meeting and her transcript will become a permanent part of this
There were no outstanding Minutes to review at this time.
PUBLIC HEARING- Village Square Bagels - 1262 Boston Post Road - Block 407, Lot 192, (adjourned 3/12/03;
After discussion the matter was adjourned to the next meeting November 12, 2003
PUBLIC HEARING - Melron Amusement Corporation- 1265 Boston Post Road, Block 412, Lot 449
The matter was referred to the Traffic Commission.
Ms. Gallent stated that they were before the Zoning Board last night. The Zoning Board required some changes,
that' why they are asking for an adjournment.
After discussion the matter was adjourned to the next meeting November 12, 2003.
PUBLIC HEARING— ACURA OF WESTCHESTER, 2155 Palmer Avenue,Block 501,Lot 1
Lawrence Gordon,the architect for this project appeared and addressed the Board.
Benedict Salanitro appeared and addressed the Board Mr.Salinitro stated that they have gone before the Coastal
Zone Management Commission and the twice to the Board of Architectural Review at which time they received a
consensual approval on the plan.
The Planning Board never received anything from the BAR only the CZMC.
Mr. Salanitro stated that because of the BAR requirements the special use permit is for modification to the
building as well as the use.
After some discussion the Board on motion made by Mr. Rosenbaum , seconded by Dr. Mason , voted
unanimously to adopt a negative declaration.
The Board discussed this application,and its findings revealed that there were little or no adverse impacts on the
neighborhood or community and therefore voted as follows:
Poll Board Board Member Yes/No/Abstained
Marilyn S.Reader Chairwoman Yes
Robert A.Cohen Yes
Marc H.Rosenbaum Yes
C.Alan Mason Yes
Edmund Papazian Yes
May W.Aisen Yes
Edward Jacobson Yes
On motion of Mr.Cohen,seconded by Ms.Aisen,it was unanimously ADOPTED
WHEREAS,ACURA OF WESTCHESTER has submitted an application for Site Plan Approval for the premises
located at 2155 Palmer Avenue and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town Of Mamaroneck as Block
501,Lot 1;and
WHEREAS, this Planning Board has previously determined that the proposed action is an unlisted action for
purposes of SEQRA and,at the meeting held on October 8,2003,adopted a Negative Declaration;and,
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has reviewed all the submissions by and on behalf of the applicant all
correspondence from Town officials,the Consulting Engineer to the Town,the Board of Architectural Review
and the Coastal Zone Management Commission and members of the public,and a Public Hearing has been held
pursuant to notice on October 8,2003
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Site Plan Approval is hereby granted for the application
submitted by George D'Angelo,subject to all and conditions set forth herein:
I. General Requirements
All site work,landscaping,storm water drainage and treatment systems shall be in accordance
with the plans submitted,dated September 12,2003.
II. Special Requirements
A. Water Retention and Drainage
1. This approval is subject to final approval of drainage plans by the
Town's Consulting Engineer.
2. The applicant shall provide to the Director of Building and the
Town's consulting engineer,prior to the granting of a Certificate of
Occupancy,a certification that the existing sanitary storm drain and
dry well systems are in compliance with all applicable State and
B. Erosion and sedimentation control—(During Con struction)
1. Erosion and sedimentation control plans shall be based on the
standards presented in the Town of Mamaroneck Soil Erosion and
Sediment Control Law.
2. The control plan shall include a construction timetable and an
inspection schedule.
Kevin G.Ryan attorney of High Tech appeared and addressed the Board.
Mr.Ryan stated that the Zoning Board granted the renewal of an area variance.
The Board discussed this application,and its findings revealed that there were little or no adverse impacts on the
neighborhood or community and therefore voted as follows:
Poll Board Board Member Yes/No/Abstained
Marilyn S.Reader Chairwoman Yes
Robert A.Cohen Yes
Marc H.Rosenbaum Yes
C.Alan Mason Yes
Edmund Papazian Yes
May W.Aisen Yes
Edward Jacobson Yes
On motion of Mr.Rosenbaum,seconded by Mr.Cohen,it was unanimously ADOPTED
WHEREAS, HIGH TECH CAR WASH submitted an application for Special Permit Renewal on the premises
located at 2434 Boston Road and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 503,
Lot 326.1;and
WHEREAS,the Planning Board has previously determined that the proposed action is a Type II action and that,
therefore,no further action is required under SEQRA;and
WHEREAS,a Public Hearing having been held on October 8,2003 pursuant to notice;and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board having considered the application for Special Permit Renewal,the plans and
zoning report and environmental assessment submitted by the applicant,comments and responses to questions by
the applicant, the reports and comments of the Consulting Engineer to the Town and having heard interested
members of the public.
NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that this Board makes findings of fact as follows:
1. The proposed use as limited by the conditions set forth herein is in general harmony
with the surrounding area and shall not adversely impact upon the adjacent properties
due to traffic generated by said use or the access of trifle from said use onto or off of
adjoining streets.
2. The operation in connection with the Special Permit will be no more objectionable to
nearby properties by reasons of noise,fumes,vibrations,flashing lights or other aspects
than would be the operations of any other permitted use not requiring a Special Permit.
3. The proposed Special Permit use will be in harmony with the general health,safety and
welfare of the surrounding area by the nature of its particular location. It will no
adversely impact upon surrounding properties or surrounding property values.
4. The property subject to this Special Permit has no existing violations of the Town of
Mamaroneck Zoning Ordinance.
5. The applicant has demonstrated that there has been no change in circumstances in the
area,which would require the Planning Board to deny this request.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that this Board Approves the application of High Tech Car Was for a
Special Permit for a car wash subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. There shall be no signage placed on the existing rear canopy.
2. No gasoline shall be sold at the site.
3. The triangular planting in the rear of the premises(adjoining the residential site to the
West)shall be consistent with the planting and landscaping as shown and approved by
the Board of Architectural Review on April 17,1597.
4. Maximum hours of operation shall be from 7:00 am to 8 pm Monday through Saturday
and 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Sunday.
5. There shall be no externally audible public address system,bullhorns or walkie-talkies
on the premises.
6. All lights,except for security lighting,shall be maned off at the close of business.
7. All lights for the driveway shall be directed toward the building. The final plans
submitted prior to issuance of any Building Permit shall shoe traffic lanes on the
property for ingress and egress.
8. The applicant shall comply with all terms and conditions of thhe easement agreement
relating to the buffer zone.
9. This Special Permit Renewal approval is subject to additional conditions imposed by the
Zoning Board of Appeals including limitation of canopy height to twenty feet(30'),on
the"menu"sign at the rear of the property and a requirement that the exposed source
of illumination for the front canopy shall be directed to the ground only and be recessed
behind the side and front of the canopy.
10. This Special Use Permit shall expire after two(2)years.
11. This Special Permit is subject to the termination requirements set forth in Section 240-
64 and 240-65 and the use restrictions set forth in Section 240-31 of the Zoning Code
of the Town of Mamaroneck
The matter was adjourned to November 12,2003.
Mr.Gubin appeared and addressed the Board.
The Board discussed this application,and its fmdings revealed that there were little or no adverse impacts on the
neighborhood or community and therefore voted as follows:
Poll Board Board Member Yes/No/Abstained
Marilyn S.Reader Chairwoman Yes
Robert A.Cohen Yes
Marc H.Rosenbaum Yes
C.Alan Mason Yes
Edmund Papazian Yes
May W.Aisen Yes
Edward Jacobson Yes
On motion of Ms.Aisen,seconded by Mr.Jacobson the,it was unanimously ADOPTED
WHEREAS,Thomas Gubin,Citipark Service Station,submitted an applicatim for the renewal of the Special Use
Permit for use of the premises located at 613 Fifth Avenue and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town
Of Mamaroneck as Block 131,Lot 1 as a private auto garage;and
WHEREAS,this is a Type II action having no significant impact on the environment pursuant to 6 NYCRR§617
et seq. Accordingly,no further action under SEQRA is required;and
WHEREAS,a Public Hearing having been held on October 8,2003 pursuant to notice,and
WHEREAS,the Planning Board having considered the application for renewal of Special Use Permit,ythe plans
and zoning report and environmental analysis submitted by the applicant,comments and responses to questions by
the applicant, the reports and comments of the Consulting Engineer to the Town and having heard interested
members of the public;and
NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that this Board makes the following findings of fact:
1. The proposed use as limited by the conditions set forth herin is in general harmony with the
surrounding area and shall not adversely impact upon the adjacent properties due to traffic
generated by said use or the access of traffic from said use onto or off of adjoining streets;
2. The operations in connection with the Special Use Permit will be no more objectionable to
nearby properties by reasons of noise, fumes,vibrations, flashing lights or other aspects
than would be the operations of any other permitted use not requiring a Special Use Permit.
3. The proposed Special Use Permit use will be in harmony with the general health,safety and
welfare of the surrounding area by the nature of its particular location. It will not
adversely impact upon surrounding properties or surrounding property values.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,THAT THIS Board APPROVES the application of Thomas Gubin, Citipark
Service Center for The Renewal of the Special Use Permit for a private auto garage subject to the following
1. The hours of operation of the garage shall be 8:00 am to 6:00 pm,Monday through
Friday,and 8:00 am to 1:00 pm on Saturdays.
2. Petroleum waste shall be removed from the premises by a properly licensed disposer of
such material.
3. The operation shall be limited to servicing corporate vehicles;it shall not be open to the
general public.
4. There shall be no parking or storage of any vehicle on the 4 ft. wide area along the
lengths of the Fifth Avenue boundary and the Valley Place boundary;these areas shall be
striped;the words"No Parking"shall be painted on both sides of the Fifth Avenue side
and Valley Place side.
5. There shall be no parking of any vehicles belonging to either employees or vehicles being
serviced on Fifth Avenue,where the local law provides no parking.
6. No cars parts or metal shall be stored outside the building except in the properly enclosed
refuse containers.
7. This Special Use Permit is subject to the termination requirements set forth in Section
240-64 and 240-65 and the use restrictions set forth in Section 240-30Bof the Zoning
Code of the Town of Mamaroneck.
8. This Special Use Permit shall be valid for two years from the date hereof.
On motion made and seconded the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Marguerite Roma,Recording Secretary
Public Stenographer Records available