HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002_06_12 Planning Board Minutes AMENDED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK JUNE 12,2002,IN THE COURT ROOM,TOWN CENTER 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK,NEW YORK Present: C.Alan Mason,Acting Chairperson Robert A.Cohen Edward Z.Jacobson Edmund Papazian R�C�,vtl Z Marc H.Rosenbaum Absent: Marilyn S.Reader,Chairwoman f;, stp 9 0 vocat)LMay W.Aisen L Also Present: Judith M.Gallent,Counsel 4f c Ronald A.Carpaneto,Director of Building Antonio V.Capicotto,Consulting Engineer Elizabeth Paul,Environmental Coordinator Nancy Seligson,Liaison Denise M.Carbone,Public Stenographers Carbone&Associates,Ltd. 111 N.Central Park Avenue Hartsdale,New York 10530 Marguerite Roma,Recording Secretary CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairperson C.Alan Mason at 8:15 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Dr. Mason said we have a short quorum tonight. Any decisions we make tonight will have to be unanimous. Dr.Mason said the first item on the agenda is the approval of Minutes of the May meeting. We may have a problem with that,as that was the night that I was late and I can't vote. After some discussion,the May Minutes were held over to the next meeting,as the Board needs a quorum of people who were present for that meeting which we don't have. THE PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER WAS PRESENT FOR THIS MEETING AND HER TRANSCRIPT WILL BECOME A PERMANENT PART OF THIS RECORD. Dr.Mason read the first application as follows: PUBLIC HEARING-FRESHWATER WETLANDS AND WATER COURSES PERMIT-Joseph Yasgur-7 Deerfield Lane-Block 325,Lot 92 On a motion made by Mr.Jacobson,seconded by Mr.Papazian,it was unanimously RESOLVED,that the Public Hearing be,and hereby is,declared open. After some discussion,on a motion made and seconded,the following resolution was ADOPTED: Planning Board June 12,2002 Page 2 WHEREAS,Joseph Yasgur has applied for a FRESHWATER WETLANDS AND WATER COURSES PERMIT pursuant to Mamaroneck Town Code Chapter 114, for the premises located at Lot No.7 Deerfield Lane and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 325,Lot 92;and WHEREAS,this Planning Board has previously determined that the proposed action is a Type II action and that no further review is required under SEQRA;and WHEREAS,this Planning Board has determined,pursuant to Mamaroneck Town Code Chapter 114,that the activity proposed is of a minor nature and is compatible pursuant to 6 NYCRR§665.7; WHEREAS,a Public Hearing pursuant to Mamaroneck Town Code Chapter 114 having been held on June 12,2002; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board dismisses this application, upon the concurrence of the CZMC because the pond created by the applicant is not a wetland within the meaning of the Town of Mamaroneck Freshwater Wetlands Law. Dr.Mason read the next application as follows: PUBLIC HEARING-SITE PLAN APPROVAL-Bonnie Briar Country Club-808 Weaver Street- Block 225,Lot 1 and Block 201,Lot 19(adjourned 3/13/02;5/8/02) After some discussion,Dr.Mason said Judy,we do need a negative declaration? On a motion made and seconded(sorry can't hear who made the motions),a Negative Declaration was unanimously ADOPTED. On a motion made by Mr. Jacobson, seconded by Mr. Rosenbaum, the following resolution was unanimously APPROVED: WHEREAS,Bonnie Briar Country Club/Todd Zom has submitted an application for Site Plan Approval for modifications to the Club's driving range on the premises located at 808 Weaver Street and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 255,Lot 1,and Block 201,Lot 19;and WHEREAS,the Bonnie Briar Country Club is proposing to use fill material to re-grade the golf course's • driving range;and WHEREAS, construction of the driving range will require approximately 12,000 cubic yards of fill. Trucks will deliver fill material from the Club's main entrance on Weaver Street;and WHEREAS,the Planning Board has previously determined that the proposed action is an unlisted action under SEQRA and MEQRA and at the meeting held on June 12,2002 adopted a Negative Declaration;and WHEREAS,the Planning Board has reviewed all of the submissions by,and on behalf of the applicant, all correspondence from Town officials, the Consulting Engineer to the Town, the Coastal Zone Management Commission and members of the public,and a Public Hearing having been held pursuant to notice on June 12,2002. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the Planning Board adopts the Negative Declaration, dated June 14,2002,a copy of which is annexed hereto;and RESOLVED,that Site Plan Approval is hereby GRANTED for the application submitted by Bonnie Briar Country Club/Todd Zorn,subject to all terms and conditions set forth herein: Planning Board June 12,2002 Page 3 I. General Requirements All site work, landscaping, storm water drainage and treatment systems shall be in accordance with the plans submitted by TRC Raymond Keyes Associates,last revised June 4,2002,as shown on sheets C-1A,C-2A,C-3A and C-4A. II. Special Requirements A. Water Retention and Drainage This approval is subject to final approval of drainage plans by the Town's Consulting Engineer. B. Erosion and Sediment Control-(During Construction) 1. Erosion and sedimentation control plans shall be based on the standards presented in the Town of Mamaroneck Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Law. 2. The control plan shall include a construction timetable and an inspection schedule. C. Conditions 1. Construction vehicles shall access the site from the Club's main entrance on Weaver Street and shall not be permitted to cross the bridge located on Fenimore Road just north of Fenbrook Drive. 2. Construction vehicles shall not enter the golf course property before 7:30 a.m.and shall not be present on any roads within one half mile of the golf course before that time. 3. All fill material used for the approved work shall be certified by a consultant as clean fill material as defined by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. 4. Flagmen shall direct traffic into and out of the site as required by the Town of Mamaroneck Building Department. 5. A completion bond of$4,500 shall be posted for the work approved herein. On a motion made by Mr.Rosenbaum,seconded by Mr.Jacobson,it was unanimously RESOLVED,that the Public Hearing be,and hereby is,declared closed. Dr.Mason read the next application as follows: CONSIDERATION-FRESHWATER WETLANDS AND WATER COURSES PERMIT-Hampshire Country Club/Tony Campanella-1025 Cove Road-Block 414,Lot 20 Dr.Mason said this is not a public hearing. It is a consideration. He asked if anyone was present to speak to the Board for this application. There was no one present. Dr.Mason said we'll put this over until the next meeting. Planning Board June 12,2002 Page 4 Mr.Jacobson said the plan drawings seem to me to be illegible. Mr.Capicotto said there are no plan drawings. It is a copy of our wetlands map. Mr.Carpaneto said I wasn't sure what the Board wanted to see,because this is already built. Mr.Cohen said that was my question,did they build something and you issued a violation? Mr.Carpaneto said correct. Mr.Cohen said when was this done? Mr.Carpaneto said early spring. I wasn't sure what the Board wanted to see as far as plans. I was going to get together with Mr.Capicotto to see what the Board felt. I don't know if you've been down there yet, but what it's an 8 ft.wide walkway,straight across from the wetlands area. It's probably the area that's in the Town. It's going to be several hundred feet long,flat,no curbing. Mr.Jacobson said it's 8 ft.wide and several hundred feet long. Should we not just document what was built? Mr.Capicotto said to date there's no drainage consideration. Nothing is being done with the runoff. Dr.Mason asked,is there a problem with the runoff? Mr.Capicotto said it's over 100 sq.ft.and our code states anything over 100 sq.ft.needs to be addressed with erosion control. Mr.Capicotto said they to do a drawing and hire an engineer first. Mr.Jacobson said I think the question is do they know that? They didn't come tonight,because they wouldn't have been prepared. Mr.Carpaneto said this is his first time. Dr.Mason said they already on for consideration. Mr.Cohen said that will go clown the path for next month. Dr.Mason read the next application as follows: CONSIDERATION-SPECIAL PERMIT RENEWAL-SAVATREE/Frank and Ann Auricchio-633- 635 Fifth Avenue Block 132,Lots 175 and 643 Dr.Mason asked if anyone is here to speak for this application. Doug Erickson said I am here to represent SAVATREE. I'll answer any questions the Board may have. Dr.Mason asked the Building Department,do we have any previous problems or any violations? Mr.Carpaneto said no. Mr.Papazian asked,has anything changed in the operation? Mr.Carpaneto said not to my knowledge. Mr.Erickson said it's the same type of operation. Planning Board June 12,2002 Page 5 Ms.Gallent asked whether the applicant was asking for any changes in the conditions. Mr.Erickson said no. Mr.Papazian asked,is the Plia-Pad working? Mr.Erickson said yes. Mr.Papazian said you're just using that to do what you use the Plia-Pad for? Mr.Erickson said the Plia Pad is for the washing of the trucks. Mr.Papazian said the same thing with pesticide. Mr. Erickson said the storage facility contains a double berm epoxy floor. The same situation as the original permit. Mr.Papazian asked,is there any oil/water separator here? Mr.Erickson said no. Mr.Papazian asked,any type of separators? Mr.Erickson said no. Dr.Mason said we'll set this down for a Public Hearing at the next meeting. He asked,will you be representing or will you have somebody representing for you? Mr.Erickson said I plan to represent myself. Ms.Gallent said this should be referred to the CZMC and the County. Dr.Mason said we'll notify the County that the application is pending and the CZMC meeting Ms.Paul can advise. Elizabeth Paul said the CZMC meeting will be held on June 25,2002 at 8:00 p.m.at the end of the hall. Dr.Mason said no doubt they will ask you some questions. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of this Board will be held on July 10,2002. ADJOURNMENT On a motion made by Mr.Papazian and,the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Marguerig Roma,Recording Secretary CERTIFICATION As Chairperson of the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, I hereby certify that the following is the Resolution adopted by the Planning Board at the meeting held on June 12,2002. FRESHWATER WETLANDS AND WATER COURSES PERMIT-YASGUR WHEREAS,Joseph Yasgur has applied for a FRESHWATER WETLANDS AND WATER COURSES PERMIT pursuant to Mamaroneck Town Code Chapter 114,for the premises located at Lot No.7 Deerfield Lane and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 325,Lot 92;and WHEREAS,this Planning Board has previously determined that the proposed action is a Type II action and that no further review is required under SEQRA;and WHEREAS, this Planning Board has determined,pursuant to Mamaroneck Town Code Chapter 114,that the activity proposed is of a minor nature and is compatible pursuant to 6 NYCRR§665.7; WHEREAS,a Public Hearing pursuant to Mamaroneck Town Code Chapter 114 having been held on June 12, 2002; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that this Board dismisses this application,upon the concurrence of the CZMC because the pond created by the applicant is not a wetland within the g of the Town of Mamaroneck Freshwater Wetlands Law. C. ason,Acting Chairperson Sworn to before me this 4,0 day of June,2002. `rhCd MARGUERITE ROMA Notary Public,State of New Yak No.4927217 Qualified in Westchester County �_/ Commission Expires April 25,200= ()L CON' T RECEIVED t- 'JUN r20 2002 PWRIgt \ t1SAtt 2. C;K:.. GJ .Y"%: R.Y. <