HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934_01_06 Town Board Minutes SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF TvXIARONE'CK, NEW YORK I F.I,D JANUARY 6TH, 1934. At the Town Offices , 118 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y. — The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 2:40 P. M. Present: Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Brennan, Griffin and Meginniss The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Marvin and Town Attorney Delius. The Supervisor assigned to the several Councilmen certain matters for their particular attention, as follows: Finance -----------------------------Mr. Meginniss Welfare and Park --------------------Mr. Griffin Police ------------------------------Mr. Meginniss Highway, Garbage & Insurance --------Mr. Brennan Sewers ------------------------------Mr. Bates Mr. Griffin reported on the meeting held on January 4th on the matter of Veterans relief. He stated that a method had been agreed upon whereby it was hoped that all veteran relief cases in the Town of Mamaroneck would be eligible for reimbursement from the T. F. R. A. The report of Mr. G-Tiffin was accepted and filed and ordered set forth in the minutes as follows : _._ All Veteran cases to be investigated by a trained case worker from the office of the Public Welfare Officer who will visit the families and will set up a proper budget on the Home Relief Financial Data: c-ard, complying with the rules of the T. E. R. A. , as to . clearing through the central index. These cards to be kept under lock and key in the Public Welfare Office and each week a budget will be sent to the distributing Veteran Relief Officers for members receiving relief through them. Faeh Veteran Welfare Officer will then issue his relief order to the Veterans receiving relief through his Post in the regular manner, in accordance with the budget set up., The Posts distributing relief will be : Veterans of Foreign Wars , #1156, Veteran .Welfare. Officer Jay H. Van Norden for the Village of Mamaroneck in the Town of Mamaroneck. American Legion Post #347 Veteran Welfare Officer Harold T. Hughes for the Village of Larcnmont in the Town of Mamaroneck. American Legion Post #90 Veteran Welfare Officer J. Chris Schue for the Village of Iamaroneck in the Town of Mamaroneck. The Clerk presented the bond of Comptroller Hirschmann in the amount of $'1,000.00. The bend bore the approval of Town Attorney Delius. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was upon roll call, unanimously 'r 7 RESOLVED, that bond of Mr. W. Henry Hirschmann.. Comptroller of the Town of Lfamaroneck, in the sum of $1,000. 00 for the term of office beginning January pfd, 1934 and ending December 31st, 1935, being bond No. 15325138 issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York, be and it hereby is approved. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the action of this Board taken at its meeting on January 2nd, fixing the Bond in the amount of x'1,000.00 for the Building inspector be and it hereby is rescinded and the resolution containing the reference to this bond be amended accordingly; and be it further RESOLVED, that the action of this Board at its meeting on January 2nd in respect to bonds be in all other respects ratified, confirmed and approved. Justice of the Peace William A. Boyd addressed the Board and stated that he had heard that the Board had reauested a settlement of his accounts and declared that his accounts had been audited monthly and accepted by the Supervisor. He also stated that he considered the amount of $1200.00 , which he had heard was the tentative salary for Justices of the Peace , for the year 19349 to be insufficient. He urged a salary of at least $1650.00 per annum. The Supervisor thanked Justice Boyd for his appearance and his remarks. Former Village Police Justice Henry D. Holden addressed the Board. He emphasized the importance of the courts of the Justices of the Peace and urged that Judges be paid adequate salaries. He also urged the appointment of a Constable or Constables. The Supervisor thanked him for his appearance and remarks. Jay H. Van Norden on behalf of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Harold T. Hughes on behalf of the Larchmont American Legion Post and J. Chris Schue on behalf of the Mamaroneck American Legion Post addres%d the Board in regard to Veterans ' relief. Mr. Van Norden stated that the method for handling the Veterans ' relief as outlined above by Yr. Griffin was not satisfactory to the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Mr. Hughes and Mr. Schue urged the appointment of a joint committee, representing three Veteran organizations, to handle Veterans' relief matters. After discussion, Town Attorney Delius gave it as his opinion that the method for handling Veterans ' relief claims as outlined above by Mr. Griffin, was sufficient to meet the requirements of the Public Welfare Law prviding for separate Veterans ' relief, and recommended that when the approval by the T. E. R. A. of this plan is obtained, the Town Board by resolution set up this method for administering Veterans , relief. The Supervisor reported that he had completed an escrow agreement with the First National Bank IDf Yount Vernon to secure deposits - of town monies by securities up to x1205000®00 and that he had arranged for the segregation of town funds in four separate accounts. — Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was upon roll call, unanimously 7 IT RESOLVED, ',43FREAS, under Section 29, Subdivision 6 of the Tenn Law, the Supervisor is required to purchase at the expense of the town a surety bond of a surety company , authorized to do business in the State of New York, securing to the town the safety of town funds deposited by him in or with any bank or trust company in this state, and indemnifying the town against the loss thereof, or, when- ever authorized. and directed by the town board , said Supervisor may accept from any bank or trust company in this state in which town funds are on deposit, the bond or certificates of the United States , of the State of New York, or of any county, town, city, village or school district of the State of New York as security for the funds of the town — so deposited, but such bonds or certificates shall be subject to the approval of the town board and shall be deposited in such place and held under such conditions as the town board may determine. WIiEREAB, the Supervisor has this day conferred w?.th the First National Bank of Mount Vernon and agreed for the deposit of certain securities which meet the requirements of the Law herein specified. RESOLVED, that funds of the town including the Tax Lien Account under Section 39 of the Westchester County Tax Law, may be deposited in the First National Bank of Fount Vernon, subject to withdrawal upon checks signed by the Supervisor and countersigned by the Comptroller. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the amount so deposited, including the Tax Lien Account, shall be limited to the extent that the amount be adequately secured under the Escrow Agreement. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the securities furnished be deposited in the First National Bank of New York City under the provisions of the said ±'scrow Agreement, which is hereby appointed custodian of said securities upon their furnishing a certificate and receipt for the holding of such securities under the provisions of the Escrow Agree- ment, and under the provisions of Section 39 of the Tax Law. FURTHER RESOLVED, that four separate accounts be established: in said. bank as follows: 1. The School Account for the deposit of school taxes ; 2. The County Trust Account for the deposit of 50% of all taxes for 1933 collected pursuant to the agreement between the County and holders of County securities. 3. The Tax Lien Account for the deposit of moneys collected under Section 39 , Westchester Gdunty Tax Law, for purchasers of tax liens. 4. General Fund. A letter dated January 6th was received from William F. Ed aids and Robert H. Bergman, comprising the Board of Park Commissioners of Park District No. 1, Town of )Mamaroneck, enclosing (1) report of the activities of the Park Commission for the months of November and December, 1933, and (2) inventory of all park tools, machinery, and appurtenances as of d'anuary lst, 1934. The report and inventory were ordered referred to Yr. Griffin. There was incidental discussion rega±ding the following matters: 7 (1) The existing garbage removal contract. The Supervisor stated that there had been criticism in regard to the present dump and that he had asked the Toum Attorney to investigate the possibility of obtaining a different site for the dump which might mean the modific- ation of the garbage contract. (2) The possibility of the establishment of the Department of Public Works. (3) The enactment of ordinances providing for additional fees in connection with the construction of buildings, installation of plumbing, etc. (4) Report by Supervisor regarding maturities of certain bonds and/or certificates of indebtedness, some of which are held by the State of New Fork. The Supervisor stated that Mrs. Daniel Hoffman, Chairman of the Legislative Committee of the Larchmont League of Women Voters had asked to have the Board notify Assemblyman Gamble that they are on record as disapproving the stand he has taken in opposition to Mr. W. Kingsland Macy, the Republican State Chairman, but the Board refused to take action. The Board then proceeded to further discussion of 1934 budget estimates. At 6:30 P.M. the Board resolved to recess to meet again at the call of the chair to take up such matters as might properly come before it. Town Clerk