HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933_12_20 Town Board Minutes M'EETING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF YAMARONFCKt AT. Y. H= DFCFiuIBER 20TH, 1933. At the Town Offices, 118 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N.Y. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 8.30 P. M, Present : Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Deeds and Burbank Town Clerk Marvin The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble. The Supervisor stated that the first order of business was the opening of bids for the new garbage contracts as provided for in the "Notice to Bidders" heretofore authorized. The"Notice to Bidders" was unanimously ordered approved as printed. The Clerk thereupon proceeded to open and tabulate the bids which were as follows : Location Name of Bidder of DIM District No.1 District No.2 ! Marrello and Caputo Dillon Park Ia $12,900® Ia $1,000. 1 yr. ', lb 6,.000, lb 2,000 2 yrs.' lc 27,000. ld 11,000. Donofrio DiFalco Present Du#p la 103,400. la 600. 1 yr. lb. 3,000. lb 1,200. 2 yrs. Ic. 20,800. Id. 6,000® Frank Carullo Present Dump Ia. 129000. la 1,500. 1 yr. lb 220. lb 3,000. 2 yrs. Ia 24,000. Id 460. Di Alfonso &. Ciotti Present Dump la 129195. la 19200. 1 yr. lb --- lb le --- Id --- LEGEND District No. 1 Ia. For one-year contract, collection three times a week as at present. lb. Additional amount, if any, to above bid to collect daily ( instead cE three times a week) from buildings in the business and apartment house areas. Ic. For two-year contract, collection three times a week as at present. Id. Additional amount, if any, to above bid to collect daily ( instead of three times a week) from buildings in the business and apartment house areas. District No. 2. 1a. For one-year contraot, collection three times a week as at present. lb. For ttsro-vear contract, collection three times a week as at present. 17 Action on the above bids was deferred until Saturday, December 23rd at 10 A. M. A letter dated November 10th addressed to J. J. Rossb.ottom, Chairman of the Board of Appeals for Zoning, was received from C. C'W Worth, tendering his resignation as a member of that Board because of moving out of town. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the resignation was accepted with regret and the Clerk directed to express the thanks of the Board to Mr. Worth for his services to the town. A claim in the amount of $123.13 for refund of taxes because of a duplicate payment, was received from Charles W. Abbott and ordered referred to Counsel. A report was received from the State Commission of Correction covering the inspection of the Town-Lock-Up held on October 28th: The report waz ordered received and placed on file and the matter was referred to the Supervisor. A letter dated December 6th was received from Harry A. Arthur, Chairman of the Police Commission, enclosing correspondence had with R. H. Wade of the Junior High School Parent-Teacher Association, regard- ing the placing of a traffic policeman on the Post Road in front of the Junior High School. The correspondence was read by the Clerk and ordered placed on file. An order dated December 16th, 1933 was received from Ernest T. Cole , Acting Commissioner of Education of the University of the State of Yew York, reducing the number of school districts in Westchester County from four to three and placing the Town of Mamaroneck in the second district. The order was received and -placed on file. The report of the Town Clerk for the month of November was received and ordered placed on file. The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of November was ordered received and placed on file. The report of the Supervisor for the first ten months ending October 31st, 1933 was received and ordered spread upon the minutes as follower TOWN OF MAMARONECH®GEh-FRAL F[TB?O STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REVENUES AND RECEIPTS FOR TIT TEN MONTHS ENDED OCTOBER 31ST, 1933 REVENUES ESTIMATED RECEIVED BALANCE 1933 Tax levy, State, County, Town and Districts $795,541.70 $559,142.02 $$2369399.68 Earnings - General Town Interest and Penalties on Taxes 35,000.00 43,333.23 8,333.23x Interest on Bank Balances 19500.00 60.96 1,439.04 Justices fines 1,000.00 581.00 419.00 Justices fees 21,500.00 1,917.20 582.80 Income Tax 25,000.00 13,965.00 11,035.00 Refunds, Home Relief 12,000.00 1,862.11 10,137.89 Miscellaneous 19000.00 763.88 236.12 Beverage Tax 6,023.23 69023.23x Earnings - Outside District Dog Licenses 800.00 890.36 90.36m Building Commission fees 800.00 410.00 390.00 Franchise Tax 600.00 431.55 168.45 Mercantile and Mfr. Tax 200.00 583.78 383.78. Mortgage Tax 5,000.00 --- 59000.00 Earnings of Town Clerk 900.00 627.87 272.13 Bank Tax 828.99 828.99x Other Available Funds 96,281.48 45,716.88 50,564.60 a er evenue1 46,000.00 35,000.00 11.000.00 y�1,024,123.18 17129138.06 X311,985.12 x - surplus TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE TEN MONTHS ENDING DCTOBER 31ST, 1933. Budget Amount Amount General Fund - Town AUArO-priations Expended Available Dept. of Printing and Publishing $ 925.00 18206.09 28I.0ac Dept. of Elections 31.510.00 19071.54 2,438.46 Contributions and Donations 750.00 300.00 450.00 Dept. of Police Magistrates 2,625.00 316..85 2,308.15 ---- Debt Service-Redemption of Bonds 32,983.00 329,983.00 --- Debt Service-Interest on Bonds 51,528.98 441,753.98 69775.00 Town Office 6,665.00 3,395.63 2,269.37 Town Hall 1,655.00 954.00 701.00 Dept. of Supervisor 15,.400.00 12,923.70 2,476.30 Dept. of Town Clerk 5,715.00 4,756.68 958.32 Dept. of Justice of Peace 103r970.00 71995.00 2,975.00 Dept. of Receiver of Taxes 82465.00 69,767.03 1,697.97 Dept. of Assessors 8,975.00 78260.67 19714.33. Dept, of Public Welfare 328840.00 50,703.54 17,863.54x Dept. of Board of Auditors 15350.00 1,125.00 225.00 Dept, of Law 3,850.00 2,916.&O 933.40 Dept. of Highway 12,000.00 1,800.00 10,200.00 Dept. of Miscellaneous Expense 22560.00 221.16 21338.84 2018760.98 181,450.47 $ 20,316.51 Outside of VillaEes Dept. of Printing and-Publishingij 100.00 --- 100.00 Contributions and Donations 5,730.00 678.32 5,051.68 Dept, of Health 350.00 --- 350.00 Building Commission 38440.00 2,759.60 680.40 Board of Appeals 450.00 319.07 130.93 Highway Department 27,500.00 58000.00 229.500.00 Debt Service-Redemption of Bonds 24,000.00 241,000.00 - Deb:t Service-Interest on Bonds 278832. 50 24,543.00 3,289.50 Dept. of Street Lights 20,000. 00 --- 20.000.00 109,402.50 575,299.99 $__52,102.51 Police Department $ 598605.00 478500.00 $ 125105.00 Fire District No. 1 328552.50 13,446.86 198105.64 Park District No. 1 37,790.00 348264.81 3,525. 19 Garbage District No. 1 9,500.00 7,916.60 1,583.40 Water District 528569.25 30,530.25 228039.00 Garba&re District No. 2 700.00 583.30 116.70 Fire District No. 2 2,100. 00 --- 2,100.00 Sewer District No. 1 1398858.13 1168411.12 238447.01 County Treasurer 378.278.82 63.022.64 315,256.18 _1. 11024,123.18 552,426.04 Pu 471.697.14 x - Subveet to transfers and sale of bonds. N. B. This statement based on actual disbursement, does not reflect unpaid claims. Respectfully submitted Geo. W. Burton Supervisor A letter. dated December 8th was received from the National Municipal League, concerning a proposed emergency financial and admini- strative survey of the Town of Ifamaronefk. The letter was ordered received and placed on file. A letter was received dated December 13th from Mamaroneck Post #90, American Legion, advising the Board that the Post will administer veteran relief in the Town of Mamaroneck and that J. Chris Schue had been appointed Welfare Officer of the Post. The matter was ordered referred to Public Welfare Officer DeVinne. Two letters dated December 14th, 19338 were received from the Receiver of Taxes together with itemized lists of tax liens held by the town, extending back to 1916. The totals of these liens on the two lists were $258.10 and $62.319, respectively. The Receiver stated that the property referred to in these liens was described on the rolls in such a manner as to make identification of the property impossible and he recommended that the liens be cancelled for that reason. The matter was ordered referred to Counsel. The Supervisor advised the Board that there were certain bills due and owing to A. T. Foote Engineering Corporation for miscellaneous services rendered in the amount of $4,179.91, which amount he was placing in the 1934 Budget and he recommended that the Tarn Board authorize him to execute and deliver Certificates of Indebtedness covering said claim. He recommended that $1,000. thereof mature on May 1, 1934, and that the balance of $3179.91 mature on June 15, 1934; said certificates to bear interest at the rate of 51 per annum. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is auth- orizeul,empowered -and &krea-ted =td:-p2ece -th# amount of the claims owing to the A. J. Foote Engineering Corporation in the amount of $4179.91 in the 1934 Budget, FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to issue a Certificate or Certif- icates of Indebtedness in the amount of $4179.91, $1,000. thereof to mature May 12 1934, and the balance $3179.91 to mature on June 15, 1934, both Certificates to bear interest at a rate of not to exceed 5%. FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Certificates of Indebtedness to be issued shall be signed, sealed and shall be in such form as the Supervisor may determine and shall mature and shall be delivered by the Supervisor to the A. T. Foote Engineering Corporation in payment of the aforesaid claims;. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the amount of the aforesaid certif- icates of indebtedness, to wit, $4179.91, plus interest to accrue thereon, shall be levied, assessed and collected against the unincorporated section of the Town in the year 1934. The Supervisor advised the Board that a c3aim had been presented by F. P. McGeough in the amount of $835. , which amount he was placing in the 1934 Budget and he recommended that the Town Board authorize him to execute and deliver a Certificate of Indebtedness covering said claim, which Certificate, would mature on June 15th, 1934, to bear interest at the rate of 5% per annum. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was upon roll call RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is auth- orized, empowered and directed to place the amount of the claim owing to F. P. McGeough, $835. . in the 1934 Budget; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empower d to issue a Certificate of Indebted- mess in the amount of $835. to mature on June 15, 1934 and to bear interest at the rate of not to exceed 5`n. 19 FURTHER RESOLVED,. that said Certificate of Indebted- ness to be issued shall be signed and sealed and shall be in such form as the Supervisor may determine and shall mature and shall be delivered by the Supervisor to F. P. MaGeough in payment of the aforesaid claim; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the amount of the aforesaid cert- ificate of indebtedness, to-wit, $835. plus interest thereon, shall be levied, assessed and collected against Fire, Light- ing and Water Supply District No. I in the year 1934. Chief-Captain Donald C. Howe addressed the Board in regard to the organization of four new fire companies in lieu of the present Weaver Street Fire Company. He stated that this was a matter that was under consideration for several years; that he had discussed the matter with Supervisor-elect R aCulloch and Councilman-elect Ifeginniss, that they definitely approve of the proposal and he urged the Board to take tempt action. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED WHEREAS, it appears to this board that the organization of two Engine Companies is desirable as a part of the Fire Department of the/town of Mamaroneck, and WHEREAS such Companies have been organized and desire to incorporate under the Laws of the State of New York and under the title of TOUT OF MAMARONTCK, ENGINE COMPANY 250. 19 INC. and TOWN OF MAYARONECK, ENGINE COMPANY, NO. 2, INC. , THERFFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Town Board of the Town of Kamaroneck does hereby approve and consent to -- the incorporation of TOWN OF MAMARONECK, ENGINE COMPANY N0. It INC. and TOWN OF MAMARONECK, ENGINE COMPANY 170. 2q INC. and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon and after the incorp- oration pursuant to law said TOWN OF MAMARONT.CK, E1\TGI23E COMPANY NO. 1, INC. and TOWN OF MAMAROU`FCK, ENGINE COMPANY NO. 21 INC. be and they severally and respect- ively are hereby made and constituted Companies of the Fire Department of the Town of Mamaroneck. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED WHEREAS, it appears to this Board that the organization of a Fire Patrol Protective and Ambulance Company is desirable as a part of the Fire Department of the Town of Mamaroneck, and WHEREAS such a Company has been organized and desires to incorporate under the Laves of the State of New York and under the title TOWN OF M_4YARONECK, PATROL, PROTECTIVE AND AMBULANCE COMPANY, N0. it INC. , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Town Board of the __. Town of Mamaroneck does hereby approve and consent to the incorporation of TOWN OF MAMARODTFCK, PATROL, PROTECTIVE AND AMBULANCE COMPANY, IM.' It INC. , and BE IT FURTIF±'R RESOLVED, that upon and after the incorp- oration pursuant to law said TOWN OF MAMARONFCK, PATROL, PROTECTIVE AND AMBULANCE CO2IPANY, N0. 1, INC. be and it hereby is made and constituted a Company of the Fire Department of the Town of Mamaroneck. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was upon roll call unanimously RFSOLVFD VFREAS, it appears to this Board that the organization of a Nook & Ladder Company is desirable as a part of the Fire Department of the Town of Mamaroneck, and WHFRFAS, such a Company has been organized and desires to incorporate under the Laws of the State of New York and under the title TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HOOK & LADDER COMPANY NO. 1, INC. THEREFORE BF IT RESOLVED, that this Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck does hereby approve and consent to the incorporation of TOUN OF TJAMARCNFCK, HOOK & LADDER COMPANY, ITO. 1, INC. , AND BF IT FURTHER R_SOLVFD, that upon and after the incorp- oration pursuant to law, said TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HOOK & LADDER COMPANY, NO. L, INC. be and it hereby is made and constituted a Campany of the Fire Department of the Town of Mamaroneck. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was upon roll call unanimously RFSOLVFD that action of this Board taken on December 19th, in resolving to meet on Friday, December 22nd at 2 P. 1d. $ be and hereby is rescinded) and be it further RFSOLVVD?n that th' Board do now at 11 P. M. , recess to meet agaihea . to c-ontinue its discussion of the 1934 budget estimat6s. I III _vy 2 Town Clerk I