HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933_08_22 Town Board Minutes 21_rV SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMAROI 'CK, N. Y. held August 22nd, 1933 At the Town Offices, 118 Blest Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y. In the absence of the Supervisor, the meeting was called to order by Justice Boyd at 4:30 P. M, Present Justices Boyd, Leeds, Messe:rsmith and-Burbank Town Clerk Marvin The presence was also noted of Superintendent Coles and Counselor Gamble. Upon motion by Justice Leeds, seconded by Justice Burbank, Justice Boyd was unanimously elected to act as presiding off ieer. The Clerk presented the call of the meeting and the affidavits of publication which were unanimously approved as presented. Justice Boyd stated that the meeting had been called pursuant to notice duly given and directed the Clerk to open. any bids he had received. The Clerk reported that he had received the following bids : GROUP 1 $339,000. (including $1109000. General Bonds, $169,000. Sewer Funding Bonds and $60,000. Sewer District No. 1 bonds). Name of Bidder Amount Rate of Interest Geo. B. Gibbons & Co. , Ina. $332,000. 6 GROUP 2 $1059,000. (including $80,000. Highway Improvement Bonds-1933 and $25,000. Water Distribution System Bonds) Name of Bidder Amount Rate of Interest Geo. B. Gibbons & Co. , Inc. $105,000. 6 GROUP 3 $640000. Pine Brook Improvement Bonds Name of Bidder Amount Rate of Interest Geo. B. Gibbons & Co. , Inc. $ 643,000. 6" The Board thereupon recessed into executive session to consider these bids. t9 Following the. execut.ive session the. Board reconvened. The Clerk advised the Board that pursuant to the petition of this Board dated August 7th, 1933, to the Board of Supervisors requesting said Board to amend Act LXM II authorizing the Town of Mamaroneck to issue bonds for the improvement of Chatsworth Avenue, said Board of Supervisors had on August 7th, 1933, passed Act =III for the relief requested in the petition and that he had received a copy of said Act as passed by the Board. - On motion of Justice Messersmith, seconded by Justice Leeds, the following resolution was adopted:, RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE INTEREST RATE, OF $'60,000. SEXIER DISTRICT NOXBONDS, Series S, $110,000. GENERAL BONDS OF 1933, and $169,000. SEWER FUNDING BONDS OF 1933, OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECKt NEW YORK, AND MAKING TIIFIR `AWARD. Section 1. The $609,000. Sewer District No. 1 Bonds, Series K9 heretofore authorized by resolution adopted by the Town Board on August 7, 1933, for which sealed proposals were duly received by the Town Supervisor on August 22, 1933, and which have been awarded by him to Messrs. George B. Gibbons & Co. , Inc. , which award is hereby ratified and confirmed, s-hall bear interest at the rate of six (6) per centum per annum. Section 2. The $110,000 General Bonds of 19331, heretofore authorized by resolution adopted by the Town Board on August 7, 1933, for which sealed proposals were duly received by the Town Supervisor on August 22,, 1933, and which have been awarded by him to Messrs. George B. Gibbons & Co. , Inc. which award is hereby ratified and confirmed, shall bear interest at the rage of six (6) per centum per annum. Section 3. The $1699000. Sewer Funding Bonds of 1933, hereto- fore authorized by resolution adopted by the Town Board on August 7, 1933, for which sealed proposals were duly received by the Town Super- visor on August 22, 1933, and which have been awarded by him to Messrs. George B. Gibbons & Co. , Inc. , which award is hereby ratified and confirmed, shall bear interest at the rate of six (6) per centum per annum. Section 4. The proper officials of the Town are hereby auth- orized and directed to execute said bonds and to deliver them to the said purchasers upon receipt of payment in accordance with the terms of the contract of sale. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following voter Ayes : Justices Boyd, Leeds, Messersmith, Burbank and Town Clerk Marvin Noes : None on motion of Justice Tfessersmith, seconded by Justice Leeds, the following resolutions were adopted: RESOLUTION DETERYINING THE INTEREST RATE OF $$0,000.00 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1933 (CHATSWORTH AVENUE AND ROCKINGSTON' AVENUE) : $259300.00 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTTM BONDS, OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK AND VAKMG THEIR AWARD. Section 1. $80,000.00 Highway Improvement Bonds 1933 (Chats- worth Avenue and Rockings_tone:. Avenue) heretofore authorized by; resolu- tion adopted by Town Board on August 7, 1933, for which sealed proposals were duly received by the Supervisor on August 22, 1933, and which have been awarded by him to Messrs. George B. Gibbons & Company which award is hereby ratified and confirmed; shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum (€%) per annum6 Section 2. $25,000.00 Water Distribution System Bonds hereto- fore authorized by resolution adopted by Town Board on August 7th, 1933, for which sealed proposals were duly received by the Supervisor on August 22, 1933, and which have been awarded to Messrs. George B. Gibbons &: Company, which award is hereby ratified and confirmed; shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum (6/) per annum. Section 3. The proper officials of the Town are hereby auth- orized and directed to execute said bonds and to deliver them to the said purchasers upon receipt of payment in accordance with the terms of sale. The foregoing resolution. was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Justices Boyd, Feeds, Messersmith, Burbank and Town Clerk Marvin Noes: None On motion by Justice Messersmith, seconded by Tustice Feeds, the following resolutions were adopted:: RESOLUTION" DETERMUTING THE INTEREST RATE OF $64,000.00 PINE BROOK IMPROV=NT BOIIDS OF THE TOWN OF' HAMAR017CK,.NEW YORK; AND.MAKING TF7IR' AWARD. Section 1. $649000.00 Pine Brook Improvement Bonds heretofore authorized by resolution adopted by Town Board on August 7, 1933, for which sealed proposals were duly received by the Supervisor on August 22, 1933, and which have been awarded to Messrs. George B. Gibbons & Company, which award is hereby ratified and confirmed, shalllrar interest at the rate of six per centum (6 ) per annum. . Section 2. The proper officials of the Town are hereby auth� orized and directed to execute said bonds and to deliver them to the said Purchasers upon receipt of payment in accordance with the terms of sale. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote : Ayes: Justices Boyd, needs, Ressersmith and Burbank and Town Clerk Marvin Noes : None Upon motion duly made and seconded, upon roll call, the matter of printing the bonds was referred to the Town Clerk and Counsel with power. The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of Tuly was received and ordered placed on file. o der She. report of the Town Clerk for the month of duly was received and/prlacee on file. The Clerk advised the Board that Domenico Porco, operator of a filling station at #2 Dillon Road was seeking modifications in the r sttsietio s lacedd on hiS roperty at the time he erected the filling- s anon an suggested that ?he matter be referred to the Board of Appeals for its recommendation. - GR 6 26 '.. The Board unanimously so resolved. A letter dated August 22, was received from the Village of Larchmont, notifying the Board that the Village desired to withdraw from any participation in a_ joint gar4age incinerator district. The letter was ordered received and placed on file. Counselor :Gamble reported that he had received from William X. Lavisafti, developer of Larchmont Ridge, a deed to portions of Mohegan Road, Oxford Road and Dundee _Road :which were offered for dedication to the town. Superintendent Coles req steel the Town Board to inspect these roads prior to their acceptance. A letter dated August 8th was received from the Board of Sevier Gommixsioners of Sewer District No. 1, Town of Mamaroneck, requesting the Board to authorize a Certificate of Indebtedness to construct an extension.:of about 175 feet of sewer main on Garleon Avenue to serve two new houses at an estimated cost of $800.00. On motion of Justice Leeds seconded by Justice Boyd, the following preamble and resolution were adopted: RESOLUTIOX AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS OF THE 'TOWN OF MAYARONECK, IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,000. TO PAY THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF A PORTION OF THE SEWER SYSTEM IN SEWER DISTRICT #1 IN SAID TOWN. WHTRFAS, the following report has been received from the Sevier Commissioners of Sewer District 71, in the Town of Mamaroneck.- larchmont, N. Y. August 81. 1933 Hon. Town Board, T ovin of Kamarone ck, Mamaroneck, N. Y. Gentlemen: There are two houses now under construction on the. ,easterly extension of Carleon Avenue , from Meadow Place. in Howell Park, one of which is a new building, and the other an old barn being remodelled into a residence. We have been asked to extend the sewer to serve these properties, about 1751 of sewers frill be required at an estimated cost of $800.00. As you know, our construction force has been laid off due to lack of funds. If it is possible for you to authorize sufficient funds to construct this sewer extension,,we would like to put our reg- ular construction gang on for a sufficient length of time to do the work. Yours very truly, BOARD OF SEWER COMMISSIONERS ISI K. R. Mitchell Secretary Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED Iff THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF YAIMOIOCK, IN THE COUNTY OF WESTGHESTER, NEW YORK, AS FOLL0WS: Section 1. To pay the estimated cost of the construction of a part or portion of the sewer system in Sewer District #l, of the Town of Mamaroneck, as. enlarged and extended, the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to issue and sell a Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness of said Town, not exceeding the maximum principal amount of $13,000. Dollars. Section 2. Said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness shall be payable as to both principal and interest ; shall be in such denomination or denominations, shall bear such date, and such rate of interest not exceeding six per centum (Y.1 per annum, as shall be determined by the Supervisor upon receipt of bids; shall be — numbered consecutively commencing from the number of the last Certificat of Indebtedness of the Town, issued for such purposes, and shall be in substantially the form set forth in a resolution entitled : "Resolution determining the form of Certificates of Indebtedness issued to ay the cost of the construction of the Sewer System in Sewer District 19, of the Town of Mamaroneck, " duly adopted by the Town Board. Section 3. Said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness may be sold by the Supervisor from time to time as the money may, be needed at private sale for the best terms obtainable, provided that said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness shall not be sold for less than their par value. Section 4. Said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness shall be general and unlimited obligations of the Town of Iutamaroneck. The full faith and credit of said Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest of said Certif- icate or Certificates of Indebtedness as the same shall become due., and unless said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness are paid or payment provided for, an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest thereof shall be included in the annual statement for tax purposes. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote - Ayes: William A. Boyd William D. Leeds Justices of Wesley M. Messersmith the Peace Walter C. Iffurbank Walter R. Marvin, Jr. , Town Clerk Noes:. None At 6 :30 P. M. the Board unanimously resolved to recess to meet again at the call of the chair to take up such matters as might properly come before it own Clerk