HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933_08_02 Town Board Minutes 167
EELD AUGUST 2nd, 1933
At the Town Offices, 118 West Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y.
The meeting was called to order by the Supervisor at
3 :35 P. M.
Present : Supervisor Durton
Justices Leeds and Messersmith
Town Clerk Marvin
The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble .
The reading of the minutes was by unanimous consent dis-
pensed with.
A letter dated August let was received from the Village of
Larchmont in regard to squatters along East Creek, obich forms a part
of the boundary between the unincorporated section of the town and
Larchmont Village . The matter was ordered referred to a committee
consisting of Counsel and Justices Leeds and Messersmith.
The Clerk reported to the 3oard that the total cost to the
town of the Special Registration and Election for the repeal of the
18th Amendment was $995 .36 .
The Supervisor presented his monthly reports for January,
February , March, April and lag, 1933 . The report covering the five
months ended Ely 31st, was ordered spread upon the minutes as follows :
1933 Tax Levy, State , County
Town and Districts $795,541.70 $442,996.00 $352,545 .70
Earnings - General Town
Interest and Penalties Taxes 35 ,000.00 15 ,159 ,72 19,840 .28
Interest on Sank Balances 1,500.00 60 .96 1,439.04
Justices Fines 1,000.00 110 .00 890.00
Justices Fees 2,500 .00 719 .80 1,780 .20
Income Tax 25 ,000.00 942.36 24 ,057 .64
Refunds Home Relief 12,000.00 1,804.33 10, 195 .67
Miscellaneous 1,000.00 500 .03 499.97
Earnings - Outside Districts
Dog Licenses 800.00 --- 800.00
Building Commission Fees 800.00 69.00 731.00
— Franchise Taxes 600.00 276.23 323 .77
Mercantile and Manufacturing Tax 200.00 --- 200.00
Mortgage Tax 51000.00 --- 5, 000.00
Earnings of Town Clerk 900.00 263.60 636.40
Other Available Funds 96, 281.48 45 ,716.88 50,564 .60
later Revenues 46,000 .00 5 ,000 .00 41,000 .00
$ 1,024,123.18 $ 513 ,618.91 $ 510,504 .27
Budget Amount Amount
General Fund Appropriations Expended Available
Dept. of Printing and Publishing 925.00 219.65 705.35
Dept . of Elections 3 ,510.00 819 .22 2,690.78
Contributions and Donations 750.00 150.00 600 .00
Dept. of Police Magistrates 2,625.00 2,625.00
Debt Service-Redemption of Bonds 32,983.00 30 ,983 .00 2,000.00
Debt Service-Interest on Bonds 51,528. 98 34 ,437.73 17 ,091.25
Town Office 5,665 .00 1,844.95 3 ,820.05
Town Hall 1,655.00 275 .00 1,380.00
Dept . of Supervisor 15 ,400.00 700 .17 8,398.83
Dept . of Town Clerk 5 ,715 .00 2,369.78 3 ,345 .22
Dept . of Justices of Peace 10,970 .00 4,195 .00 6,775 .00
Dept. of Receiver of Taxes 8,465 .00 3 ,745 .05 4,719.95
Dept. of Assessors 8,975 .00 3,638.72 5 ,336.28
Dept. of Public 'Welfare 32,840 .00 16,022.44 16,817 .56
Dept. of Board of Auditors 1,350.00 562.50 787 .50
Dept. of Law 3 ,850.00 1,458.30 2,391.70
Dept. of Highway 12,000.00 1,800.00 10,200.00
Dept . of Miscellaneous Expenses 24560.00 29 .06 2,530.94
$201.766.98 109,551.57 92,215 .41
Outside of Villages
Dept. of Printing and Publishing 100.00 --- 100.00
Contributions and Donations 5 ,730.00 241.66 5,488.34
Dept. of Health 350.00 --- 350.00
Building Commission 3,440.00 1,373 .80 2,066.20
Board of Appeals 450 .00 158.03 291.97
Highway Dept. 27 ,500.00 3,000.00 24,500 .00
Debt Service-Redemption of Bonds 24,000.00 11,000.00 13,000.00
Debt Service-Interest on Bonds 27 ,832.50 14,035 .50 13 ,797.00
Dept . of Street Lights 20,000.00 -- 20 ,000.00
109,402.50 29 ,808.99 179 ,593 .51
Police Department 59 ,605 .00 22,500.00 37 ,105 .00
Fire District #1 32,552.50 7,031.93 25 ,520.57
Park District 1 37 ,790.00 21,164 .64 16,623 .36
Garbage District #1 9,500 .00 3, 958.30 5,541.70
;'dater District 52,569.25 28,415. 25 24,154.00
Garbage District #2 700.00 291.65 408.35
Fire District #2 2,100.00 --- 2,100 .00
Sewer District #1 139,858.13 50,670.72 89,187 .41
County Treasurer 378,278.82 50,000.00 328,278.82
Total Disbursements 1.024, 123.1-8 A� 323,395.05 $700,728.13
Respectfully submitted
/s/ Geo. W. Burton
The Clerk reported that he had received from the Postmaster
a copy of the President 's Re.;,-e=
plWment Agreement as authorized by
Section 4-a, National Industrial Recovery Act. He stated he believed
the act did not apply to the town government and moved that the
President's program be endorsed in principle. The motion was seconded
by Justice blessersmith and unanimously approved.
Receiver of Taxes Dillon rsp.orted to the Board that he was
preparing to set up an installment plan for paying 1933 School taxes
and all subsequent taxes . He said the cost of the necessary forms ,
stationery, etc. , would amount to about $50.00 and that this amount
was available in the budget.
The Clerk reported to the Hoard that work was started that
morning on the installation of the Town of Mamaroneck water mains in
Dillon Park as a work relief project.
Counsel advised the Board regarding the proposed agreement
with the Village of Larchmont for taking over its mains in Dillon Park.
The Clerk was directed to .notify the New Rochelle eater
Company that on and after September lot, 11.)33, the Town of Mamaroneck
will furnish water to residents of the town in Dillon Park at
present being supplied by the New Rochelle 'dater Company, and also
to notify all the residents of Dillon Park at present receiving water
from Larchmont Village that the town will supply them after September
lst and that they will be expected to sign contracts for water with
the town.
Counsel reported on the request of Lawrence S. Ureenbaum,
Attorney for errs. Therese H. Prince for permission to obtain water
from the Village of Scarsdale , which matter had been referred to him
at the meeting on June 14th. He presented a resolution which was
moved by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Meszersmith and unanimously
approved as follows :
WHLEMAS, Mrs . Therese H. Prince , residing on 'yhite Plains
Road in the Town of Mamaroneck has heretofore requested this Board
to authorize an extension of the present water main on 'ddhite Plains
Road to a point opposite her property , so that she may connect there-
with, or permit her to install a_.water_ .line_from her property along
White Plains Road to the water main of the Village of Scarsdale on
White Plains Road, aodistance of 300 feet, and .
WHEREAS, the construction of an-extension of the Mamaroneck
water main on ,White Plains Road to the property of Mrs. Prince would
involve an extension of over 1800 feet, largely through rock, and
would be expensive , and there would be no adequate return thereon, and
WHEREAS, it would seem desirable under the circumstances that
Tubs . Prince be allowed to make a connection with the Scarsdale '.Mater '..
System under the terms and conditions hereinafter provided;
Prince , residing on Old 'White Plains Road be and she
hereby is granted permission to construct a water line
in and through White Plains Road in the Town of Mamaron-
eck from her residence _on_White Plains Road to the
Scarsdale town line for- the purpose of making a connec-
tion at said point with the water system of the Village
of Scarsdale , on the following terms and conditions :-
1. That the said water main is to be constructed and in-
stalled without any cost or expense to the Town of
Mamaroneck and that the roadway , curbing_ and gutter,
where disturbed or injured by the work under this
permit, is to be repaired and replaced in as good
condition as it was before the work was done .
2. That any and all liability in connection with the
construction and/or operation of said water main
be assumed by Mrs. Prince and that she agree to
indemnify and save harmless the Town of Mamaroneck
against and from any and all. s.ui.ts and actions of
every name and description brought against said
Town and all costs and/or damages to. which said
_ Town may be put by reason of injury to the person
or property of another resulting from negligence
or carelessness in the performance of the work or
'— in guarding the samd or on account of any act or
omission either during the construction of said
work or the operation thereof hereafter.
3. That Mrs. Prince agree, as the owner of said property
and/or for her heirs and assigns , including future
owners of said property, that when and as the Town
of Mamaroneck extends its present main on White Plains
Road to a point opposite the property owned by her,that
she will connect her property with said main of the Town
of Mamaroneck and will cease to use the connections with
the Scarsdale water system and water from the same and
will turn over to the Town of Mamaroneck at that time
all her right, title and interest in and to the said
water line from her property to the Scarsdale line
herein authorized to be constructed.
4. That there shall be a stipulation in the agreement
between Mrs. Prince and the Villa?e. of. Scarsdale 'Water
Department for the supply herein provided that the Village
of Scarsdale and/or its water system makes no claim of
any right to supply water in the Town of Iamaroneck by
reason of the permission herein granted to supply water
in the Town to Mrs. Prince and/or any claim against the
Town in connection with the construction and/or operation
of the line herein provided for .
5. That an agreement containing the above stipulation be
drafted by Counsel which the Supervisor is authorized
to execute when the same has been signed by Mrs . Prince .
Counsel reported on the application of_of Carmine Tortorella
for permission to construct a fillinE station on Myrtle Blvd. , which
matter had been referred to him at a previous meeting.
Counsel stated that at a prior meeting of the Board, the
Board had discussed the advisability of granting a. permit to Mrs.
Tortorella to construct and operate a gas filling station under terms
and conditions to be set forth in an agreement. with the town and a
permit to be granted to accordance with said agreement , rather than
to take action at this time definitely_re-zoning the property.
Counsel stated that the making of such an agreement would
amount to granting a permit with the agreement of the town-Board.
He stated he had prepared such an agreement which he presented and read
to the Board. After discussion and upon motion duly made and seconded,
it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby agrees to grant a
permit to Carmine Tortorella and Eloise Tortorella to
construct a gasoline service station wf Spanish type
architecture,` the same to be placed and located in accord-
ance with a plan presented to this Board and to be annexed
to the agreement hereinafter provided, on the property
known as 175 Myrtle Boulevard in the Town, of Mamaroneck,
said property being known as Lot 17A, Block 86, Section 1
on the assessment map of the Town of Mamaroneck, upon the
following terms and conditions `
That said gasoline station shall be constructed of the type
and located on the property in accordance with the aforesaid plan,
That the gasoline pumps and the curb cuts in the sidewalk will
be located in the places designated on the plan., and/or such places
as may be hereafter agreed to prior to the installation thereof , and
That the Tortorellas further agree to restrict all advertis-
ing on the plot so that the same may be acceptable to the town;
That they agree to maintain said gasoline station in a careful,
businesslike and prudent manner;
That the premises will be used for no other commercial use
except for the use of the same as a gas.oline_ and_oil filling station;
That the Tortorellas will surrender to the town at the request
of the Mwn .3card the permit to be granted for the construction and
operation of said station upon sixty (60) days written notice from
the Town Board that said station is being conducted as a public nuisance
and that the said is being operated in the violation of law and/or
in violation of any of the conditions hereinabove contained.
FURTIER RESOLVE, that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized and empowered to execute an agreement
with the Tortorellas carrying into effect this resolu-
tion, the same to be prepared by counsel and to be
executed by Yir. and IVirs. Tortorella.
At 5 F . M. the Board unanimously resolved to recess to meet
again at the call of the chair to take up such matters as might properly
come before it .
Town Clerk