HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933_06_14 Town Board Minutes MIN=—S OF A RECESSED AITIFTING OF THE° TOWN BOARD TOWN OFIEAMARO1MCK, NFW YORK held June 14th, .1933 At the Town Offices , 118 West Post Rd. , Mamaroneck, N. Y. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 4 :40 P. M. Present: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd , Leeds, Messersmith and Burbank Torin Clerk Marvin " The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble. A letter dated June 8th was received from Lawrence S. Greenbaum, requesting permission to obtain water on the property of Mrs. Therese A. Prince on Old Wjai.te Plains Road. The matter was ordered referred to the Supervisor and Counsel with power. The following resolution was moved by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Messersmith and upon roll call unanimously approved as follows : WHTRrAS, by an order dated November 27, 1928, after a hearing upon notice duly given according to law, this Board duly established Weaver Street Sidewalk District No. 1, in the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, and duly authorized the construction of a concrete sidewalk within said District pursuant to the provisions of Article 11-a of the Town Law; and WHFRFAS, such steps and proceedings were thereafter duly had and taken that said sidewalk was constructed and the cost thereof apportioned and assessed partly against the lands and premises fronting on Weaver Street and partly against the other lands and premises situated within said District, as provided by Section 253 of the Town Law; and WHEREAS, a part of the cost of said improvement was apportioned and assessed against the right-of-way be- longing to the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company situated along Weaver Street, in said District; and WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore received from said New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company a complaint protesting against said assessment and request- - ing that the same be vacated and cancelled; and WHEREAS,. it now appears to the satisfaction of this Board that the right-of-way belonging to said New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company is not assessable for any part of the cost of said improvement; - - NOW, THEREFORE, it is 13'f RT,SOLVFD, that Lle sidewalk assessment apportioned and assessed against the right-of-way belonging to the New York, New haven & Hartford Railroad Company to pay the cost of constructing a concrete sidewalk along Weaver Street within said Weaver Street Sidewalk District No. 1, in said Town, levied on January 209, 1931, be and the same hereby is in all respects vacated and cancelled, and the Receiver of Taxes is hereby directed to mark the assessment roll accordingly; and it is further RFSCLVFD, that 75% of the amount assessed against said right-of-way be apportioned and assessed against the property fronting on Weaver Street, and that the remainder, - 25/01o' thereof, - be apportioned and assessed against all other property within said Sidewalk District, and the Supervisor is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to carry into effect the foregoing resolutions. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions was put to a vote which resulted as follows: Ayes: 6 Noes: None The Chair declared the resolutions unanimously adopted. A letter dated June 9th was received from Special Counselor J. Henry Fsser, requesting the Town Board to approve immediately the claims against the sureties on the bonds of Lanza and Johnson, in accordance with the terms of his letter of May 26th. The following resolution as prepared by Special Counselor Esser was moved by Justice Leeds, seconded by Justice Burbank and upon roll call unanimously approved as follows : RFSOLVFD, that the report of J. Henry Isserr Special -- Counsel, regarding the shortages in the accounts of Santo Lanza and George F. Johnson, for the years 1928 and 1929 dated 'May 26,. 1933, be approved and spread on the minutes of this meeting. FURTHER RFSOLVFD, that the proposed claim and demands upon the National Surety Company and New Amsterdam Casualty Company presented with said report, be approved and the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the Town and cause the same to be presented to said respective surety companies. FURTHER RFSOLVFD, that after presentation of the said claims, said attorney be, and he hereby as authorized and directed in the name of the Town, or its proper officers, to make such demands and institute such steps and proceedings and commence such actions as he may deem necessary and proper to recover for the Town upon said bonds or obligations. The report of Special Counselor 7sser follows. _ LAW OFFI CF J. HENRY FSSFR Ten Fiske Place Mount Vernon, N. Y. May 26 , 1933. Town Board,, Town of Mamaroneck, Yamaroneck,. N. Y. Gentlemen; A copy of the report of examination of the Receiver of Taxes made by the Bureau of municipal Accounts of the Department of Audit and Control filed in the office of the Town Clerk on March 14,1933, has been forwarded to this office for the purpose of -.-- presentation of claims to the surety companies on the bonds of Johnson and Lanza for the years 1928 and 1929. I present to you herewith for your approval two separate claims against the sureties for Santo Lanza and George F. Johnson. The total amount of the shortages reported as a result of the above examination total $8,858.81. of this amount the sum of $1515.29 was collected during the year 1930 and for which we cannot make any further claim upon the National Surety Company for the reason that we have relieved it of liability under its bond for the year 1930 and 1931. However, as to Johnson *s surety we can still include this amount on our proof of claim, but inasmuch as the total shortage exceeds the amount of the bonds it would be futile to include this additional $1515.29. r shall require a resolution of your honorable Hoard approv- ing the claims and demands upon the surety companies and an authoriz- ation to the Supervisor to direct and execute the same on behalf of the town and to cause the same to be presented to the respective surety companies. Your resolution of approval should also authorize the commencement of actions upon these claims unless promptly settled. At a future date Z shall make an additional report to you upon the status of the shortages of both Lanza and Johnson. Very truly yours (signed) J. Henry Fsser. A letter dated June 13th was received from R. J. Whitney, Village Manager of Kamaroneck, advising the Town Board of the charges to be madefor bathing, etc. by residents of the Town of Mamaroneck residing outside the Village of Mamaroneck limits. The letter was ordered received and acknowledged with an expression of thanks and appreciation from the Town hoard. Justice Burbank reported on behalf of the Committee hereto- fore appointed in the matter of a stone wall along the property line of James F. Clark, 17 Huguenot ]give. He stated that the committee had dewed the wall, that it was on private property and that it was a matter of private interest only. Counselor Gamble presented to the Board a report on the outstanding features of the new Town Law. The Board thereupon con- sidered what action, if any, it would take regarding these new features. upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Burbank, it was upon roll call unanimously HFSOLVFD, that the office of Town Clerk in the Town of Mamaroneck remain an elective office. Upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by the Clerk, zt was unanimously RFSOLVFD, that the Town of Mamaroneck have four Councilmen. 141 Upon motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Leeds, it was upon roll call unanimously R*_FSOLVFDr that the Ward System be not adopted by the Town of 1Lamaroneck6 Upon motion by Justice -Boyd, seconded by Justice J3urbankt - - it was upon roll call unanimously Rfl'SOLVHD, pursuant to Subdivision 3 of Section 341 of - the New Town Law, to wit, Chapter 634 of the Laws of 1932, as amended by Chapter 751 of the Laws of 1933, that the office of Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Fdamaf-oneck shall be an appointive office. The matter of pasting copies of the above resolution as required by the new Town Law, was by resolution, upon roll call,: unanimously referred to Counsel and the Clerk. Upon motion by Justice Messersmith, seconded by Justice Burbank, it was upon roll call unanimously R.TSOLTT?D, that one Justice of the Peace be elected in the Town of Vamaroneck this fall with a view to est- ablishing a "stagger systemt1 for the offices of Justices of the Peace. Justice Yessersmith moved that Supervisor Burton vacate the chair and that Justice Boyd assume the chair temporarily. The motion was seconded by the Clerk and carried. Justice Boyd_ thereupon assumed the chair. Justice messersmith thereupon moved a resolution, which was seconded by the Clerk, that the Board express its pleasure at the -- return of the Supervisor to the Board following his recent serious illness. The resolution was unanimously carried by a rising vote. The Supervisor expressed his sincere thanks for the action of the Board. At 5 P. Tut. the Board unanimously resolved to recess to meet again at the call of the chair to take up such matters as might -properly come before it. Town Clerk