HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933_06_07 Town Board Minutes X25 REGULAR =ING OF THE TOKT BOARD TCFI?T OF X91ARGNTCK; N. Y. held June 7th, 1933. At the Town Offices, 118 West Boston Post Rd. , Mamaroneck. The meeting was called to order by Justice Boyd at 9 .30 P.M. Present: Justices Boyd, Messersmith and Burbank Town Clerk Marvin The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble. In the absence of the Supervisor, upon motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Burbank, Justice Boyd was unanimously elected to act as Chairman of the meeting. The Clerk presented the minutes of the meetings of December 7, 209, 212 22, January 4, 6, 119, 18, 28, February 11 15, March 19 15 and April 15 and moved their approval as printed. These minutes were by resolution unanimously approved as printed. A letter was received from the Westchester County Realty Board urging the town to hold no tax sale this year. The letter was ordered placed on file. A letter dated may 8th was received from the Building Commission reporting on two requests for building permits on Dean Place which would require rezoning. The letter was ordered received and filed. A letter dated May 23rd from George I. Leonard, 165 west Brookside Drive , protesting against holding a tax sale this year, was ordered received and placed on file. 'Counselor Gamble reported on the claim of Clarence DeWitt Rogers in the sum of .$22.71 for refund of overpayment of taxes. He recommended approval of the claim and submitted a resolution to that effect. The following resolution as prepared by Counsel was moved by Justice Messersmith, seconded by the Clerk, and upon roll call unan- imously approved, to wit: WHTREAS, CLARTNCT DWITT ROGFRS, has filed a claim for an overpayment of a State, County and Torn tax bill for the year 1933 in the amount of $22.71, which arose through a reduction in an assessment on Lots 3B and 4, Block 52, Section 7, on the assessment roll, which assessment was 're- duced from $18,,750 to $13 ,750. by the assessors but the tax bill erroneously did not carry this reduction, and WHFRTAS said bill has been paid under protest and a claim filed and the claim approved by the Board of Assessors' '.. TH"RFFTRT, BT IT RTSOLIJFD, that the aforesaid claim pp ov n�aeridDet "t URRRFsornauhtiorizeRfa d2direbcled to make payment of the same. 27 R- eports of the Town Clerk for the months of April and May were received and ordered placed on file. Reports of the Receiver of Taxes for the months of April and May were received and ordered ptaeed on file. A letter dated May 17th was received from the harbor Heights- Riverdale Park-Mamaroneck Knolls Association, Inc. , requesting that the Mamaroneck Avenue School be designated as the polling place for the First Election District. The letter was ordered received and laid over until the meeting when the Town Board designates polling places. A letter dated May 23rd was received from Mamaroneck Post #90 American Legion, submiitting the name of Vice Cammander J. Chris Schue as Welfare Officer of the Post. The letter was ordered laid on the table For the attention of the Supervisor and the Commissioner of Public Welfare. A report dated May 26th was received from Special Counselor J. Henry Esser upon the status of the shortages of Lanza and Johnson together with claims against sureties for Lanza and Johnson. The matter was ordered laid over for the attention of the Supervisor. A lease prepared by the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, at the request of the Park Commission covering certain lands adjacent to the Larchmont station, desired by the Park Commission for park and parking purposes, was received and ordered referred to Counsel for his approval and presentation at the next meeting of the Town Board The Clerk urged passa#e of the usual resolution to the effect that the Town Board would issue no permits for the sale of fireworks. Upon motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Messersmith, it was unanimously RFSOLVED2 that this Town Board issue no permits for the sale of fireworks in the unincorporated section of the Town of Mamaroneck. The following report was received from Mr. Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes: George W. Burton, Supervisor Town of Mamaroneck, N. Y. Dear Sir: Pursuant to the requirements of Section 31 of the Westchester County Tax Act providing for the issue of tax certificates, I hereby make a report as to the amount of uncollected State, County, Town and Special District taxes and assessments of the 1932 general tax roll at the close of business on May 31st, 1933: Total amount of taxes and assessments on the 1932 general tax roll as stated in warrant for collection e.. ... 823,498.63 Additions to roll . .. ... Total 823,498.63 129 Bess: Net reduction in amount of taxes and assessments on 1932 general tax roll on account of cancellations and other authorized changes to and including May 3lst, 1933. ... Adjusted and corrected amount of tax roll ... Amount of collections of taxes and assessme-nts. on 1932 general tax roll to and including May 3lst, 1933 : Total amount reported $7152247.13 Less: Overpayment to be refunded ---- 715,247.13 Amount of uncollected State,, County, Town and Special District taxes and assessments on 1932 general tax roll at close of business May 31st, 1933 .. . 108,251.50 Respectfully submitted HENRY R. DIMON Receiver of Taxes After consideration, the following resolution was introduced by Justice Boyd and seconded by Justice Messersmith, towitr WHTREAS on the let day of June , 1933 , Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck, filed with the Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck, a report containing an account of unpaid State, County, Town and Special District Taxes and assessments, a copy of which report is, in words and ffguren, as follows: June 1, 1933 George `N. Burton, Supervisor Town of Mamaroneck, N. Y. Dear Sir: Pursuant to the requirements of Section 31 of the West- chester County Tax Act providing for the issue of tax certificates$. I hereby make a report as to the amount of uncollected State , County, Town and Special District taxes and assessments of the 1932 general tax roll at the close of business on May 31st, 1933: Total amount of taxes and assessments on the 1932 general tax roll as steed in warrant for collection $8232498.63 Additions to roll . .. ... $ Total $823,498.63 Less: Net reduction in amount of taxes and assessments on 1932 general tax roll on account of cancellations and other authorized changes to and including May 31st, 1933 - Adjusted and corrected amount of tax roll .. . $ Amount of collections of taxes and assessments on 1932 general tax roll to and including May 31st, 1933: Total amount reported 715,247.13 Less :- Overpayment to be refunded $715,247.33 Amount of uncollected State, Countyt Town and Special District taxes and assessments on 1932 general tax roll at close of business May 318t, 1933 ... $108,251.50 Respectfully submitted H"TYRY R. D=010 Receiver of Taxes WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of this Board duly adopted November 16, 1932, this Board authorized the Supervisor to issue and sell Certificates of Indebtedness for uncollected taxis in the amount of $166,289. 54, which amount of uncollected taxes was due as of November 1, 1932, as shown by the report of the Receiver of Taxes under said date, which Certificates of Indebtedness were to be paid from taxes and assessments collected, and WHE'RE'AS the Supervisor thereafter issued and sold Certif- icates of Indebtedness in the amount of $166,000. principal amount, pursuant to said resolution of November 16, 1932, which Certificates were dated November 25, 1932, and became due and payable June 15,1933; and WHEREAS, the Receiver of Taxes pursuant to the hereinabove report dated June 1, 1933, has collected on account of said uncollected State, County, Town and District taxes and assessments on the 1932 general tax roll since November 19 1932, the sum of $57,748..50, leav- ing a balance of uncollected taxes as of said date amounting to $108,251.50; and W i AS, the Supervisor desires the authority to renew and/or refund the aforesaid issue of Certificates of Indebtedness to the principal amount of 111669,000. to the extent of not to exceed $108,251.50 and to pay off on account of said issue the sum of $66000. including the $57,748. 50 heretofore collected as shown by the report of the Receiver of Taxes, NOW, THFRI'POR79, BE' IT RESOLVE73, that the Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to refund and/or renew the issue- of uncollected tax certificates of Indebtedness in the amount of $1669,289.54, heretofore authorized by this Board by resolution dated November 16, 1932, to the extent of not to exceed the sum of $108,251.50 ; said certificates of indebtedness to be issued in the name and under the seal of the Town of Mamaroneck in such denominations , to be numbered, dated and payable at such place or places, at such time or times as the Supervisor may determine, all as provided and authorized in said resolution of November 16, 1932, including the form thereof as therein provided; FURTHaR RTSOLVFD, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to make payment on account of said certif- icates of indebtedness heretofore authorized of the sum of not to exceed $66,000. and to issue and deliver certificates of indebtedness herein authorized in the amount of not to exceed $108,251.50 in exchange for an equal amount of certificates of indebtedness of the aforesaid issue of $166,000 coming due June 15, 1933. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote : Ayes: Justices of the Peace Boyd, 'Yessersmith and Burbank, Town Clerk Marvin Noes. None Counsel advised the Board that it had) pursuant to a request of the Board of Sewer Commissioners of Sewer District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck on June 23rd, 1932, authorized the Supervisor to issue and sell Certificates of Indebtedness in the total amount of not to exceed $60,000. for the purpose of providing funds for the construction of Contract No. 24. He stated that the Supervisor had issued two Certificates of Indebtedness pursuant to said authorization, to wit, a Certificate dated September 15th, 1932, maturing September 15th, 1933, in the amount of $25,000, and a Certificate in the amoun# of X25,000. dated September 14th, 1932, which would mature on June 14th, 1933. He further stated that the Board was not in a position at this time to ascertain the total cost of construction_ of said contract as it was not as yet completed and it would therefore be necessary to extend or refund the Certificate becoming due an June lath, 1933, and in all probability the Certificate becoming due September 15th, 1933. He further stated that the Supervisor was now negotiating for the refunding of the Certificate to become due June 14th, 1933, and that in connection with said negotiations it was possible that it would be necessary to sell said Certificate or Certificates for a period of twelve . months at a date beyond the present authorization, and he therefore recommended that the Board_ authorize the extension of the period of time of said Certificates heretofore authorized. on motion of Justice Hessersmith, seconded by Justice Burbank, it was RTSCLVFD, that whereas this Board has heretofore author- ized the Supervisor to issue and sell Certificates of Indebtedness in the amount of $60,000. for Sewer Contract 24, TH7RFFO'RTt BF IT RFSCLVTD, that this Board hereby authorizes and empowers the Supervisor, to refund, issue and/or re-issue Certificates of Indebtedness heretofore authorized by this Board by resolutions dated_ June' 23, 1932s, for an additional period of not to exceed fifteen- months from the date hereofg to pay the estimated cost of construction of a part or portion of Sewer Contract No. 24 and/o* to borrow upon the faith and credit of the Town of 'Kamaronec'k the sum of not to exceed $60,000. for said Contract No. 24; said Certificate to be in similar form and to bear such rate of interest, to be numbered and to be in accordance, except as to the date of maturity, in all respects as in said resolution of June 23rd, 1932, hereinbefore provided. The Clerk stated he had intended to suggest action by the Board in the matter of the tax by New York dity discriminating against out-of-town automobiles but that he had been informed that New York City has not yet taken final action thereof and that he , therefore, would delay his suggestion to a later date. Counselor Gamble reported progress on the Tortorella re- zoning matter and stated he will make a complete report at the next meeting of the Board. Justice Boyd advised the Board that the Supervisor had reques- ted him to request every member of the Town Board to familiarize - himself with the new` Town Law in order that the Board may act thereon at an early date. At 9 :50 P. M. the Board unanimously resolved to recess to meet again at the call of the chair to take up such matters as might properly come before it. Town Clerk