HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933_04_15 Town Board Minutes 109 SPTCIAL MUTING OF THT TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMAROY CK, NTVI YORK held April 15th, 1933 at 118 West Post Road , Mamaroneck, New York The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 12:30 P. M. Present : Supervisor Burton Justicez Boyd, Leeds , Meseersmith and Burbank Town Clerk Marvin The presence was also noted of Counselor Ralph A. Gamble. The reports of the Town Clerk for the months of February and March were received and ordered placed on file. A letter dated March 28th was received from the First and Second District Taxpayers Association of Mamaroneck enclosing copy of a resolution passed by the association opposing trucking on the proposed Pelham-Port Chester Parkway and urging a change in the taxes. The letter was ordered received and placed on file.. A letter dated March 30th was received from Austin K. Griffin petitioning for the cancellation of taxes on behalf of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mamaroneck. The letter was ordered referred to Counsel. A letter dated February 20th together with a claim in the amount of $108.00 was received from the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Mamaroneck Post 11156 , for expenses incurred in connection with the observance of Memorial Day,: May 30th, 1932 and requesting reimbursement of same. The matter was referred to Counsel. A letter dated March 18th was received from the American Legion, Mamaroneck Post #901 requesting the customary appropriation for expenses to be incurred in connection with the observance of Memorial Day, May 30th, 1933. The matter was referred to Counsel. A letter dated April 10th was received from R. K. Allerton, Treasurer of the Police Pension Fund, regarding the unexpended balances in the police budget which are required to be paid over to the Police Pension fund. The matter was referred to the Supervisor. Counsel reported on the claim of Milton Kadison in the amount of $11. 68 for refund of penalty on a tax bill which had been referred to him at a previous meeting and recommended that the claim be denied. He submitted a text of resolution to that effect. The resolution as prepared by Counsel was moved by the Clerk$ seconded by Justice Leeds and unanimously approved as follows : WHERTAS a claim has been presented by Mr. Milton Kadison for a refund of penalties heretofore paid on a tax bill, which penalties arose on account of an error in the name and address appearing on the tax bill, and THTRFAS this Board has no authority under the pro- vision of the Westchester County Tax Act to waive the aforesaid penalties, THFRTFORF, H7 IT RTSOLVTD , that the claim be denied. Counsel reported on the request and petition of Mrs. Hilda Nardechia regarding cancellation of taxes which had heretofore been referred to him and recommended that the request and petition be denied. He submitted a text of resolution to that effect. The resolution as prepared by Counsel was moved by Justice Ifessersmith, seconded by Justice Burbank and unanimously approved as follows : WHTRTAS, Mrs. Hilda Nardechiaa the wmncr of Lot 7, Block 795 Section 82 on the assessment *nap of the Town of Mamaroneck has exhibited to the Receiver of Taxes a receipted tax bill signed by Santo Lanza. former Receiver of Taxes, dated April Ist, 19318 and 1931 State, County and Town taxes in the amount of $149.60, which taxes are shown on the books of the Receiver of Taxes as open, and has petitioned the Receiver of Taxes and/or the Town Board to cancel said taxes of record, upon her allegation that the same had been paid as shown by said receipted tax bill, and WHFRFAS, the present Receiver of Taxes advises this Board that when he took charge of said office there was in said office a check of Mr. Nardechia made payable to Santo Lanza$ which check had never been deposited by the said Lanza to the credit of the Town of Mamaroneck, and said check is still in the possession of the Town and never was or has been deposited, and WHFRTAS the alleged payment was not credited on the records of the Receiver of Taxes by the said Lanza (to TIMM it is alleged said payment was made ) as having been paid and cancelled and said taxes were and are therefore shown as open of record, and WH7R7AS this tax was declared open at the instance of the State Auditors when they made their audit of the books of the Receiver of Taxes. IMF THTRTFORT", upon the recommendation of the Receiver of Taxes it is R7SOL47TD, that the request and petition of lErs. Hilda Nardechia that the aforesaid taxes be marked paid and cancelled be denied. Counsel reported on the claim of Mrs. Irene B. Mills in the amount of $160.53 for a refund of taxes which matter had previously been referred to him. He submitted a text of resolution to that effect. The resolution as prepared by Counsel was moved by Justice Leeds, seconded by Justice Boyd and upon roll call unanimously approved as folio,-s ; W HTRFAS a claim has been presented by Mrs. Irena B. Mills alleging duplicate payment of taxes, and PdHTRTAS an examination of the claim discloses that on May 16th, 1917, she paid State , County and School taxes for the year 1914, together with interest and penalties thereon in the amount of $�64®46 on a parcel of land then described on the assessment roll as Lot 4, Block 5g Heathcote Hill, and WH77TAS on September 8th, 1928, Mrs. Mills again paid the same tax for the year 1914 on the aforesaid propertyg which was then described on the assessment roll as Lot 6., Block 38, Section 9 ; said tax at that time amounting with interest and penalties to $160.53; and 113 WHFRFAS the Receiver of Taxes has checked the claim, examined the receipted tax bills presented and has advised that the claim is proper and has been substantiated to 'Pzis satisfaction and he has recommended the payment thereof2 THFRFFORF, BF IT RFSOLV-TD, that the aforesaid claim of Mrs. Irena B. 11111e in the amount of ;$160. 53 be and the same hereby is approved, and the Supervisor authorized to make payment of the same. The Clerk read a letter dated Yarch 8th from the Larchmont Democratic Club advising the Board that in its opinion the penalties on unpaid State$ County and Town and School taxes were too high and asking for a moratorium on tax liens. Counsel advised the Board that the Westchester County Tax Ar.t specifically provided the penalties that must be collected by the Receiver of Taxes on taxes paid in arrears and that neither the Receiver of Taxes nor the Town Board could take any action in regard to the matter as it would require a change in the law, ,and that if the Board of Supervisors would adopt a resolution calling for a reduction in the amount of tax penalties and prepare an act for intro- duction in the Legislature , relief along these lines could be obtained but that it was a matter which was entirely without the jurisdiction of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck. He further stated with regard to the moratorium on tax liens= that the law provided for the sale of tax liens on unpaid taxes on a certain specific date under the terms of the Westchester County Tax Act and that if no tax sale was held, the Town would be without any authority or power to finance itself by the sale of tax lien certificates , and that it was the usual custom to pay off certificates of indebtedness heretofore issued by the Town against uncollected taxes by the sale of tax lien certificates after the sale for the amount of the deficiency between the amount of uncollected tax certificates outstanding and the amount of tax liens sold at the sale. A letter dated I'Jiarch 8th was received from the Westchester County Society of Civil Engineers= Inc.. p in regard to the employment of engi.neets on public works. The letter was ordered received and placed on file. A letter dated I,?arch 13th was received from the Department of Audit and Control, State of h1ew York, transmitting a copy of an audit of the accounts of the Receiver of Taxes recently made by Examiners Wadagnolo and Coyle from that department. Upon motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Leeds, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the report of the audit of the accounts of the Receiver of Taxes as above described be and it hereby is referred to Special Counselor Fsser with instructions to prosecute the recovery of the amount of the shortage reported therein; and be it further RESOLVED, that this Board extend to the Department of Audit and Control its warmest thanks for the action of the Department in undertaking this second audit at the request of this Board; and be it further RESOLVED, that this Board express to the Department of Audit and Control its appreciation of the gentlemanly and industrious bearing of Examiners G72dagnolo and Coyle from that department who made both the first and second audits; and be it further RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the State Comptroller. The Town Clerk advised the Board that it was in order for the Board to authorize thLawusulumotion1dulyfmade and sea ended, accounts as required by Upon it was unanimously 115 RF'SOLVED, that the usual publication of the audited Town accounts be referred to the Town Clerk with power, to have the work done at the most reasonable expense. The Clerk advised the Board that he had ordered the surety bond for Charles DeVinne , the newly appointed Public welfare Officers in the amount of $1,000. the same amount as authorized for Mr. DeVinne 's predecessor and requested the approval of his action. Upon htotion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously RESOLVFD, that the action of the Town Clerk in order- ing a surety bond for Charles DeVinne, Public Welfare Officer of the Town of Mamaroneck, in the amount of $1000. the same amount as ordered for his predecessor, be and it hereby is ratified, confirmed and approved. The Supervisor advised the Board that he had made a demand on the conservator of the Larchmont National Bank and Trust Company for the town funds deposited therein. The matter of obtaining these funds was referred to the Supervisor to take such action as he deems necessary in order to obtain them. The Supervisor advised the Board that Public Welfare Officer DeVinne had asked for the appointment of Joseph V. McLoughlin as temporary investigator to serve at a salary at the rate of X01200„ per annum, his appointment to take effect April let and to serve at the pleasure of this Board. The Supervisor added that he also requested this appointment. After discussion, it was upon motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Boyd, upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that John J. Bloomer be and he hereby is appointed a welfare worker to serve at thy` leasure of the Board at a salary not to exceed 100.00 a month, beginning April let. The following resolution was moved by Justice Leeds, seconded by Justice Burbank: RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of Mr. DeVinne, Public Welfare Officer Joseph V, Mc- Loughlin be and he hereby is appointed a temp- orary investigator in the Town Public welfare Office to serve at the pleasure of the Board beginning April let at a salary of $100.00 a month. A vote being taken upon the foregoing resolution resulted as follows: Ayes : Burton, Boyd, Leeds , Burbank and Marvin Noes: Messersmith Justice Yessersmith explained that he was not satisfied -that the appointment of Mr. McLoughlin as temporary investigator would satisfy the county and state welfare authorities. The Receiver of Taxes advised the Bo_.rd that he had opened an account with the First National Bank of Harrison, New York, in his name as Receiver of Taxes , in which he deposited from time to time checks paid in to him as Receiver of Taxes for the redemption of tax liens and stated that the bank desired an approval by the Board of the opening of said account. The Supervisor stated that this was a matter wholly within the jurisdiction and supervision of the Receiver of Taxes but that there was no objection to the Town Board approving of the opening of said account. On motion duly seconded, it wax 117 RTSQLVTD that the Town Board hereby approves of the opening of an account in the First National Bank of Harrison.. New York,, by Henry R. Dillon,, Receiver of Taxes , and the depositing therein of payments made to him in connection with the redemption of tax liens of the Town, At lm45 P.I . the Board unanimously resolved to recess to meet again at the call of the chair to take up such matters as might properly come before it. 6 Town Clerk