HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998_10_26 Human Rights Commission Minutes Minutes of the Mamaroneck/Larchmont Human Rights Commission meeting on 10/26/98 Present: Cora Rust, Robin Nichinsky, Judy Myers , Glenna Gray, Julia Brown, Bruce Williams, Phyllis Wittner (Town Board Liaison), April Farber(School Board Liaison), Lee Bloom(Alternate) Absent: Rev. Wayne Powell, Ned Purvis, John Trabakino Cora Rust, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:45 in Conference Room A at the Mamaroneck Town Center. The minutes from the September 28th meeting were approved. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Due to a scheduling conflict, the date of the celebration has changed to January 20, 1999 instead of the originally planned January 13. The Commission discussed the Emelin Theatre suggestion that seats be assigned as people enter the theatre to avoid setting up the overflow room. It was agreed that this would be very difficult, given that groups who want to sit together often come separately. It was also agreed that the real problem is that people use empty seats for coats and the theatre ends up with standing room only. A suggestion was made that an announcement be made prior to the start of the program asking people to remove coats or to give up "saved" seats. The mailing announcing the acceptance of nominations will be held up until 10/28 in order to include changes on the mailing list. Concern was express over the quantity of the mailing versus the small number of responses. J. Myers will handle the newspaper press releases, asking the papers to run them twice. G. Gray will contact LMC-TV to put the announcement on the Community Bulletin Board. C. Rust has contacted the PACE program at MHS to confirm their participation; R. Nichinsky has contacted Rye Neck High School and will let them know the theme of the program. Celebration Theme The two suggested themes, "On the Threshold of the Millenium" and"The Prophecy" were discussed. It was agreed that the combination of the two, specifically"Prophecy for a new Millenium"would be very meaningful for this 12th annual program. It was suggested that one of the singing groups incorporate the song `Blowing in the Wind" in their presentation. R. Nichinsky will contact Rye Neck High School to let them know the theme and will check with Mary McDonald for good resource material to pass on to them. Keynote Speaker C. Rust will pursue Joyce Gillian Brown, the storyteller, to see if she is available on January 20, 1999. If she is not available, the Commission agreed to pursue County Legislator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, who is currently involved in establishing a -2- Westchester County Human Rights Commission, the actor Ossie Davis from New Rochelle, and Charlie Ward or Allen Houston, members of the Knicks. Human Rights Commission Student Awards J. Brown, G. Gray and B. Williams continue to study the issue, specifically where in the curriculum is human rights stressed as well as how a student would demonstrate that Human Rights is important. Education The reactivation of the Education Committee, to assist in finding minority faculty and staff for the school district, was discussed. It was agreed that the Assistant Superintendent of Personnel would be invited to attend a Human Rights Commission meeting before this committee is re-activated in the hopes that there will be two more Mamaroneck Village commissioners added to the Commission by that time. B. Williams reported that Mayor Lanza has sent letters to the two commissioners who have not been to meetings to see if they remain interested in continuing. Upcoming Meetings The commission will meet again on Monday, November 16`h. J. Myers will ask Martha Lopez and Olga Ochoa to attend the meeting to discuss their work with the Hispanic community. The Selection Committee for nominees for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Awards (Commissioners only) will meet on Thursday, December 3`d at 7:00 p.m. to review nominations. New Issues Marzella Garland, a resident of Mamaroneck Village and Chairwoman of the Board of the Washingtonville Housing Alliance, would like to speak to the Commission about the use of Mace and Pepper Spray. A date was not set. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted by J. Myers C • 70(--cif °(,�Fps