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1933_01_28 Town Board Minutes
SP7C'Tu". T_1' :ll-:T( OF 'TH7 rUYTd BC J`_) heI!', J u r_ _— ?c^th,, q33 Thr m C,44n_ C' -L =,a x ��.,r;�r 1� � SU:p E, rT'r.S r. 3u_r'L',n 2 Ju ±a ce Bo ,°ri s L° 1i erg nith enra Bu- bprk Tl^- .sgnge ' c ^.lnn nn n` St ;C i.?T C. ,.t'!cIslor Js. Hen-. ir Tlri- -..E-oo-t of I" ^ S ^Er it i. .,_ -I"n ±'Ca fr--17e mcnlhs en LLnr Dece[l'Oe.r 31 ?Ci?'�) , ?.s receive ' an6 r e-rCr t;-i:)Cn the Tr_inutes T07"IT nF r vT.,;?t��T-'.Ff'K G Y'7RAl ITT7D ® ST 17TI17NT OF 1 T "T7.i. 77177,77-"S ,LT jl CF P T C T 1R +7 T 7_17 iTf+` S I _ D U _ RF T� T, _ L p,01,,TNS T IT?G -DTC^ BRP 31 , 1"D, Re C i7 _'.._ TO�J T=, rci7v S?pte C c)unty,.. Tcr?n ..nc. _D t r i c t 1032 ,^r_-;,,, jnnal _rr0a0rlat i GnR Pcc. Re ief .: Farn n a ,'eneral To-:: -n Term Cle l: Jn%e're Et Fri Pen . t-.S ._ Just -cee xnes Tu-"cites Fees TnC^.rle Tyr ,_i-srellan,E cu= 7.=4%n_� 4 0 1_1ta'_�' e ^` Vi11a6�e B�n'.r T-, Dcg Taz- Fees , 3US-7c it o-mmission Tai- isu � e TaT Fees Transfer T^.F Dist, Ccn .,raa _ anus -?�+e-r re-enue-: 8g6.3- a 6 = 5398"52 146 .969.31 �_ 500a00 86C - 83 20 , 000 ©0 OnsOn sam 200800 40. 00C ',C 36 t0ry 1. 57 .�. ,�' Rp 43' 7 500400 509W80 90. 20 000. 00 2 .017, 4-0 17� 40:,: 18000. '00 28337& 00 10 Ox 40 nrMn CC 29 749. 09 'mC,250v91 �® 746,95 776, 95x �_ 500a00 86C - 83 630 17 000:€ 00 6 .3, 83 ? 376&17 600.()0 509W80 90. 20 0n 189« 80 1 711-0,.20 i 0,o_(1(1(} '1fi 6, ',5d,.. Jr 3 84 w 73 8010�00 871® 75 71® 75 1„864. 00 1: 864- 00 �6 �nnn_ 00 36 °.000800 -®- 690025® 00 43 ,000. 00 26aOP51, ()0 `U2i5' ic . 6 3 171840R?r6 95 s ':5 000. 68. 65 Tawyll OF Y-1,121F."IR0117 CK SFY7RAI F= T ST =1 ITT OF BU)GTT APPR(7P7TATT0l\lS 7`_PIDT'TURYS L� � - 70R TNT T72ITL7F MONTHS _71IND7ING D7(.,7P'7_r!T, Gene,? Fund Bud et Asi n un ?mount in Ao-r-,y� t 4 on 77-ended, A v a,1?ebb..° P-inll.ing and Publlshirg ;,D 050. or) r76 C. 58 28 x q2 De-ft, of 15 1-7.11 ri 0?7. 7 C) 4.�01 , Pne; Don?ticn- dngnO n nn De - t. of Police Mag-lstrnte- z 1507. 00 964. 9 3.7 85. jj� Debt SC7i -E-Red-Wff^,fi' nn --" Borff c 4,q28, cz- /A _8. 94 -Debt Sc-vice-Interest on Bor _s 7 , 7 64. 42, "Z 7:.7.. 49 4-90.. 99 T,,v,7r Office 74620. 00 6.587183 16032417 To,un H-' '7 1 80-5. 00 1,13921 5? 502.J8 Dept. of Supervisor 17., 180. 00 16 6538 80, 526.20 De t. of Ton Cirri- 6 . 464).00 6 ,315. 63 14:4..37 De c,t. of Tust >ces of 'Peace 140060.^O i3 »306130 753.61 Dept. of Reccivcr of Tares 84275. 00 8w124.57 T5C . 43 :De.pt. of Assesso:2s 10, A05, 00 9 ,,804,358 600. 62 X Dept. of Fubli-_, ,Tel fare 55,368.3 43 951. 56 11, 446.74- D e r.t,. of Boy Au-' i 1 . 5501 (),O 1.500. 011) 50, 00 D-_7DtN cf La--• 7, 850. 00 6 907.. 7`' 948. 28 Dept. co f Hi nV-v S 11 . 5n01dr 1115008. 00 D a-c', c e i 1 F n u,s 'T,-o e nr-9-i t u r e s 12285.6_`f) C 3 0.P 8 65?.C, 824,59 2 1,0 3 9.13 Outside of Villages - Dept. of P7_' nt"n^__ ar` PublishirP 15() on 8? 15.06 $1 j.7,Z 9,Z C ,rtributiom ?n(9 Don tinny -,918.30 1 .961. 70 D c o r f He�Ith d^^. 2 ,000100 Bu Irl.-mi, �l 0 4 F 81,3 8 0 371.60 4 Cn Boa-s_ nf k„r-a 7 7 ,075.0n 516. 56 5158.,44 D--c". of Hi�trna, 37 . 5,0ot 37,500.00 Debt Spi vi_ee-Rep enro',i or, of Bonds 25,000. 00 Debt Servi-e-In-erest on Bonds 8=°4C= 50 0 ca. oo -_Ll 8,879,17 Street L ' �ht�z _ gi 1 125- '?5Q.L 50 Q .85:7.65 °05.85 Fire District Yo. 1 p 38 652, 50 30,132>2,18 821330¢ 30 Park Di�trict Yn, 7 39 , 29 8, no 37.643,66 1 ,654. 34. Gezb2ge Di_Stri-, t No. 1 158950400 121834. 84 _11115„ 165 1inter District 72 ,194. 25 45 27. 10!2® 50 Garbage District No. 2 1,400. 00 1,049.94 350306 Fj T,e D4 Ct 1,70. 2 2,22A.00 1.971 82 252, 18 Se-r,e" Distri-t 17.,_ I 130x116.,5 12_14.88& T 5 ,928.03 St- 'c County Taxes 403 ,917. '71 403 „91'. police De-Q.-?rtm-r t 68, 72:%,00 62. 500.04 6 .220. 00 Total Di,obu-_-sem=tle, , 061, 795.97- 5C R9a89 . 57 X includes _t8, Ec_8.Z3C; r�ffu ...,,s Icks law as addi+ ional addit -jo-fla-, i�)oor re'lief 3-p-�)--oprjatjon. ajS�j 1,11� I Respectfully subinitted Ge,--g- 7T. Burton Su-oe=_isor D.AT7D- Januar77 10th. 197;38 (1) The Clork advised the Boor? Ant he had been served with �Iunmcne and Com7laint in the action of Garden Properties, Inc. v-, Fronk V. Farreli, at al, regarding P foreclosure of toy lion, The matter w-F ordereA referred to Counsel. Counsel reported an the matter of the claim of the Bonded 1funicipal Corporation, in the -nount of QAMO covering tax lien 720 assessed to B. Redding on Section 6 , Block 17Y Lots oB and 3Aa �,� Kiich had been referred to him at a previous meeting, and submitted the folla-ing resolution -hinb wevoy Justice Mensersmith, seconded upon VANY by Justice Burbo7k, on?, uninilcus . iPrVC7Td as fA!n7St WHTHTAS9 a claim hoc been present& by Bcnre(9 Huniciwl Corporation which purchased tax lien No. 120 assessed to B. Redding covering property in Section 6, Block 10C, Lots 2B and FA, which lien -as rurchnses M,7 ?"thl 19710 for the sum of $45,"Ts which tax was paid on Y27 10th , 1930 , �M 777RPAS, the funds received on said Voyment -ere erroneously crelite& to the General Fund, on •e 6 of the Arrears Cos Book, instead of to the lien account,, TH7R-TFCiR_T, 37 IT R7SOL77D, that thF Superviwow be end hs hFrebv iv authoTi-s6, empoe,ered on? di-ected to 6=7 F check for the amount of said claim, to wit, $54. 42 , to the order of the Receiver of Taxes so that Kid Recei7er of Taxes may reimburse said Bonded hunicioel Corpnrationfa.r the Fmcurt of said taT lien upon surrender of the lien. The Supervisor advised tO Bn7ys that in connection with the POP of $100 , 000. 00 Certificates of lntebtedneFF in enticiration of tih- collection of the 1933 tayes, it rould be advisable to -designate the First National Bank of Harrison, Harrison, Ne- York, as a depository of To7n funds. He prevented a resolution to that effect -hiAh bad beer orennnei by the Bank, On motion by the Cln7k, seconded by Justice Boyd. it was upon rcli C017 unanimously RTSOLV71), that First Yot"onal Bank of Harrison, Harrison, New York, be desioncte! as P derository of this coroc7Ftion and that funds of this co" ro7- -tion Perosited in said company be subject to with- drama! upon checks , notes, drafts, bills of exchange, acceptances , undertakings or other orleren for the payment of money -hen siZnod on behalf of thin ccrporctlon by one of its folio-ing officers , to 7it - Surervisor RFSOLV7D, that First national Bank of Harrison, Harrison, NeT York, is hereby authorized to pay any such orders and also to receive the same for credit of or in payment from the payee or Pry othar holder 71thout inquiry as to the circumstances of issue or the disposition of the pro- ceeds even if dram to the individual order of any sign- int officer a- tendered in Payment of his individual cb- ligation. MSOMI)j that one of the following officers of the car- pontiont to su0ervisor is hereby Puthorized to Wron- money 'nd to cotairl credit for this COMOr2tion from First National Bank of Harrison, Ferris n < E47 York, on such terms as may seem to them advisable anj V mske and deli-er notes , drafts , acceptances, agreements and any other obligations of tHiF corporation therefor in form satisfactory to said com-onny on? as security therefor to pledge and trustee any stocks , bonds , bills receivable , bills of lading , warehouse receipts and any other property of this corporation -ith full Prthority to endorse or guorontse the same in the name of this corporation, to execute and deliver all instruments of assignment and transfer and to affix the corporate seal! and also to discount any bills receivable or other negotiable paper held by this corpor- ation with full antho-ity to endorse same in the name of this cor7oration, RTSOLVED, that the To...n Clerk of this corporation be and he hereby is Potborived to certify to First National Bank of HatTinont Harrison, Ne7T York, the foregoing resolutions and that the provisions thereof ere in conformity with the charter and by-47s of this corporation. In voting for this resolution Justice Burbank stated that he did so with the proviso that any Town deposits in this bank be PrOfer!7 safeguarded® Special Counselor 7sser presented a report to the Boards dated Tenuary 28th, in which he recommended that the chech of the Yational Surety Company for 820,000. 00 , payment in full oaf its bond covering Santo Lanza , former Receiver of Taxesy be accented and the release and discharge of its bond be granted the Surety Company for the years 1930-1931. He enclosed coly of a resolution in line with his recommendation. On motion by Justice Meesersmith, seconded by the Clerks it etas unanimously R7SOLV7D5 that the check of National Surety Comr?nv tendered herewith be occeoted an! received in full payment, release and discharge and satisfaction of any and all liability of the Yationyl Surety Company for losses sustained by the To7n of Uhmaronech due to the dishonest acts of Santo Lanza , former Receiver of Taxes , during the year 1970 On! 1971 under the bon or undertaking of said National Surety Comn?-y signecT and sealed by it, the 8th day of Xjeyrero',=�, 1929 Thy T7tter of Special Counselor Toper also enclosed copy of sitter received by himt Orled December 29th, 1932 . in which the Great American Indemnity da a t Ty"pythrough its attorney offers the sum off2m in settlement of i a n- C07ering the case oz' George F. Johnson, said- sum being one-half the face of the bond. Upon motion by Junt4ce Heqns7smithl s6confe? by Justice Leads 10 -as unen roll tell unanimously R73OL77D THAT THE OFFER 07 T-7: GREAT A1,7RTCAIT IF?qYYTTY DAMPANY in the sum of $6250 in settlement of its bond covering the case of George F. ?Johnson be and it hereby is refused , and be it FURTH7R RFSOLV7D thyt this matte, be referred to Special Counselor 7sse7 for such action as he deems in the best interests of the Tc7n. The letter of Special Counselor Esser also recommenle? that he be ?' thn-i:ej to Prerwre On Yet 20thO7i7ing the issuance: of a series of bents , not exceeding ten yrars. out of -hi7h proceeds the shortage in the accounts of the Receiver of Taxes can be liouidsteV Toon ;notion -blur made any seconded _ the Counselor as unani- mously authori- to _nreoare the te7t of such an act any submit it to the Suro--visor® At 4 :30 P.11. the Bcard unanimousl7- -resolved to _recess to meet again at t'a- c4ll of the Chai- to ta'_:ce up s,..ch m_ 4,ters. as alight 'crop-rlv come before the Boar^'.,.