HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933_01_04 Town Board Minutes 29 MINUTES OF A PUBLIC, HEARING BY ANDsBEFORF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECKs X. Y- IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 146 of ARTICLE 6A OF THE TOWN LAS^?, HELD JANUARY 4R 1933, in the TOU OFFICES, 118 WEST POST ROAD, UAKAROXECK, N. Y. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 8:30 P. M. Present: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, heeds, iiessersmith, Burbank Town Clerk Marvin The presence was also noted: of Sun=rintendent of Highways£ John I, Coles , and Town Counsel.. R llh A. Gamble. The Supervisor stated that the meeting had been called purer suent to the provisions of Section 146 of Article 6A of the Town Law and that all the persons present who were interested would be given an oppdrtunity to be heard with respect to the tax budget under consideration or any part or item thereof. The Clerk presented the cal` of the meeting which was unanimously aapr,^ved as printed. The Clerk presented affidavits of posting and publication in accordance with the requirements of Section 146 and they were unanimously approval and ordered filed. The Supervisor presented an open letter addressed to the Taxpayers of the To7n of llamaroneckt in which he analyzed in a general way the Budget totals and pointed out certain salient features which he deemed worthy of particular attentidn. At his request the Clerk read this communication which was thereupon ordered received and placed on file . The Supervisor theta invited anyone present who wished to address the Board regarding the proposed: budget to do so. Mr. J. Hibbard Taylor declared he did not think the Board appreciated the difficult financial situation in which so many of the taxpayers find themselves , and urged the utmost economy. He specifically criticized in the Budget the salary paid to Town Counsel and special counsel; rent paid for justices * court rooms. and the unevenness in salary reductions. MaJor Franklin Brooks presented detailed criticisms of many items in the Budget and submitted , 7ritten memor9nd9, n embodying these oritioYms which he said had been prepared by a group of citizen, who had gone over the Budget item by item one evening. He referred to the "ambiguity of the Jew" regarding the forbidding of salary reductions after the Budget has been filed. Morris Stern stated that he was one of the largest taxpayers in the Town and took particular exception to the remarks of Major Brooks regarding the Board. of Auditors which the Major proposed to abolish. Mr. Orson Ra mor, on behalf of the Chats7crth Associations submitted a memorandum Objecting to . (a) rent of justices ' court rooms, and (b) salary paid. Town Counsel® justice Messersmith explained briefly the situation regarding the room which he used. On his o7n behalf, loan Raynor objected to the salaries paid to the Justices of the Peace. Cllr. William F. Edrards answered two of the criticisms which Major Brooks made about the Part: district. Lairs. I. F. Robbe spoke regarding the Department of Public /]e Welfare and suggested dispensing with the services of the Present Corm ssioner. Mr.. Frank A. Mennen inquired if the Ton Board realized the necessity for widespread economies and urged the Board to 'make every possible effort to reduce costs„ Major William H. Smith suggested that town officials work without salary., as a public service . Mr. W. S. H. Hamilton stated that he thought people usually got ghat they paid for, and said he did not favor paying public officials nothing. Mr. Herbert H. Dyke suggested: the abolition of the Building Commission, and favored: a. cut in salaries of the employees of the Sewer District. Mr. Joseph F. Curren suggested a flat 20% out in all salaries. Mr. C. G. Merritt and several others=. including Mrs, Robbe ,, pretested against the cuts in salaries of the Police Deportment. Commodore Walter Course n, of the Larchcont Yacht Club, stated he believed salaries should be based on _V„revailing rates p . id to persons not in governmental 7ork, Mrs, H. A Vasa Beuren objected to the rent paid for the Welfare Offices and suggested that they be moved to the Town Hails Col. Louis B. Robbe opposed a cut in the salary of the Receiver of Take s. Mr. . Clifford Cross said he thought the salaries paid. the Jueti.ces of the Peace 7ere too high. Mr. Thomas Burke commended the Justices of the Peace for the high type of work they are performing. Mr. Louis Tolvi..e suggested remodeling and improving the ToTn Hall. Major Brooks attacked the a_nprorriation made for rental for past quarters for veterans ' organ ,Tations and stated that as a past commander be felt sure the Larchmont Post of the American Legion 7ould gladly sacrifice its share of this appropriation. Major Smith suggested that next year 's Budget Hearing be held in a larger hall. A number of other persons spoke briefly in regard to the Budget. There: being no other rerFons present who desires to address the meeti-rnga on motion made by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Messersmitha, the hearing was unanimously ordered closed. The Clerk presented a report from the Receiver of Tares in T=hi_ch he states that on December 315 1932, the stmt of $3265.18 in assessments levied and assessed against the lots or plots fronting on Homer Avenue , Orsini Drive and Maple Hill Drive, within the Marie Hill Subdivision, first section, in the Ta7n of Mamaroneck, New Yorks to pear the cost of improving said streets pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 549 of the Laws of 1926, as amended. was still outstanding and unpaid. The supervisor thereupon requested that appropriate steps be taken by the Board to provide the aforesaid sum of $3265..18 by issuing a temporary certificate of indebtedness for said amounts as provided by section 31 of the Westchester County Tax Me-, in order that the proceeds of said certificate and the sum of $1329.40 which has been collected by the Receiver of Taxes since December 1- , 1931, may be applied in payment of certificate of indebtedness No. 1 1932 for $4594. 585 dated January 1, 1932, and held by Trust Company of larchmont, which was due and payable on January 1, 1933. Thereupon, Justice Boyd offered for adoption the following. WHERTAS, this Board has received from the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck a statement under the provisions of Section 30 of the Westchester County Tax Law, from ,which it appears that on December 31. 1932, the sun of $3265.18 in assessments levied pursuant to Chapter 549 of the Lames of 1926 , as amended,, which mere due and payable during the month of April, 1930;, -+as still outstanding and unpaid! and Z? URFA.S, the Supervisor has requested that appropriate steps be taken to raise and provide the aforesaid sum of $3265. 18 by the issuance and sale of a temporary Certificate of Vdebtedness against said unpaid assessments as provided by Section 31 of the Westchester County Tax Zaw- to the end: that the proceeds thereof together with the amount already collected by the Receiver of Taxes since December 1, 1931, amounting to $1329. 40, may be applied in payment of temporary certificate of indebted- ness No. 1-1932; dated Janua.ry 1, 1932 , for the sum of $4594.58, which is held by Trust Company of La.rchmont and which was due and payable on January 1, 1935; NOW, TH7RFFORE, it is RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 31 of the Westchester County Tax La'w, the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and emro5';ered to borrow upon: the faith and credit of the Town of Mamar- oneck the sung: of $3265. 18 for which sum he shall issue in the name and under the seal of said TT-n a temporary certificate of indebtedness for the stem cf not exceeding $3265.18° that said certificate shall bear interest at a. rate of not more than 6°fo per annum„ shall be sold for not less than par and shall be payable at such time as the Supervisor may determines not latert however; than 15 months from the date thereof; and it is further RFSOITE'D, that said temporary Certificate of indebtedness shall be signed by the Supervisor and attested by the Town Clerk under the seal of said Town and that the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and they hereby are - authorized and empowered to sign:, execute and deliver such other papers and documents in may be necessary and proper to effect the sale and delivery of said temporary certificate of indebtedness; and it is further USCLUD3. that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and directed to apply. the proceeds of said temporar< certificate of indebtedness hereby authorized to be issued and sold and the sum of $1329® 40 heretofore collected by the Receiver of Taxes , in payment of temporary certificate of indebtedness No! 1-1932 , dated January 1, 1932, a.nd , hereinbefore more fully described. And the Supervisor having reported that he had negotiated the sale of said temporary cert1ficate of indebtedness to Trust Company of Larchmont who has offered to purchase the same at par at a rate of interest of 6% per annum, it is further RFSOLVFDz that the action of the Supervisor in disposing of said temporary certificate of indebtedness to Trust Coml?any of larchmont u.',-on the terms above set forthy be and the same hereby is in all respects ratified end confirmed. _ Upon a. vote being taken upon the foregoing res:IuAfons the same were declared unanimously adopted by the fallowing vote : Ayes. Six Noes: hone The Chair declared the resoluticna unanimously adopted. The Clark presented a report from the Receiver of Taxes in which he Sta.'-pc that on December 71t 193? the cF.?Yl^.. of $27, 9Q 90 in assessments I levied and assessed against the lots or plots fronting on Myrtle Avenue and Madison Avenue to Maxwell Street, in the Torn of Mamaroneck, New York, to rap the cost of improving said streets pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 549 of the Lars of 1926; as amended, was still outstanding and unpaid. The Supervisor thereupon requested! that appropriate steps be taken by the Board to provide the aforesaid auto of $2709.10 by issuing a. temporary r certificate of irdebtednee=. for said amount, as provided by Section 31 of the Westchester County Tax Lai;=, in order that the 3 Tof said certificate and the sum of $1682.37 which has been collected by the Receiver of Taxes since December 1, 1931, may be applied in payment of certificate of indebtedness No. 2-1932 for $4392.27 , dated January lg 1932, and held by Trust Company of Larchmont, which was due and payable on January 1; 1933. Thereupon, Justice Boyd offered for adoption the following: WHEREAS, this Board has received from the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck a statement under the provisions of Section 30 of the Westchester County TOY 107, from which it appears that on December 31, 1932 , the sum of $2709.90 in assessments levied; pursuant to Chapter 549 of the Ly-r of 1926 , as amended, which were due end sayable during the month of April 1930, was still outstanding and unpaid; and WHEREAS the Supervisor has requested that appro7 jete 07— be token to raise and }-rc i-de the afannaid. sum of $2709.. 90 by the issuance and sale of a temporary Certificate of indebtedness against said wpaid' paid assessments as provided by Section 31 of the Westchester County Tax. 1iaw, to the end that the proceeds thereof together with the amount already collected by the Receiver of Taxes since December 1, 1931, amounting to $1683=„ 37, may be applied in payment of temporary certificate of indebtedness No. 2®1932; dated January l 1932; for the sum of $4392. 27 which is held by Trust Company of Larchmont and which was due and payable on January 1, 1933. NCU, THFRFFORF, it is RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 31 of the Westchester County Tag Law, the Supervise! be and hereby is authorized and empo aered. to borrow upon the faith and credit of the Town of W7mprcneck the sum of $270940 for -hich sum he shall issue in the name and under the seal of =a`_.c. To7n a temporary certificate of indebtedness for the sum of not exceeding $2709.909 that said certificate shall bear interest at the rate of not more than Q per annum, shall be sold for not less than per and shall be made payable at such time as the Supervisor may determine, not later, homever< than 15 months from the date _- thereof; and it is further RESOLVED, that said temporary certificate of indebtedness shall be signed by the Supervisor and attested by the Ton Clerk under the seal of said Tow and. that the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and they hereby are authorised and empowered to sign, execute and deliver such other pacers and documents as may be necessary and proper to affect the sale and delivery of said temporary certificate of indebtedness; and it is further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be a.nd ha,reby is antbcrited and directed to apply the proceeds of said temporary certificate of in- debtedness hereby authorized to be issued and sold and the sum of $ 1682. 31 heretofore eclltoted by the Receiver of Taxes , in payment of temporary certificate of indebtedness Nom. 2®1932 dated Janua..r_y 1, 1932, and hereinbefcre more fully described. And the Supervisor having reported that he has negc•t.in ted the sale of said temporary certificate of indebtedness to Trust Company of Larchmont who has offerei to purchase the same at per at a rate of interest of 6% per annum. it is further RFSOLV7D, that the action of the Supervisor in dispasing - of said temporary certificate of indebtedness to Trust Company of Larchmont uton` the - terme above set fog th,be and the same hereby, is in all respects ratified and confirmed.. Upon a vote being taken upon the foregoing resolutions the same were declared unanimously adopted by the following vote ® Ayes: Six Noes: None The Chair declared the resolutions unanimously adopted. The Supervisor advised the Board that certificates of indebtedness aggregating the principal same of WOrO OO.Ob to pay part of the cast of grading, paving and otherwise improving Chatsworth and Rocking=tone ,_venues, would stature on January 11 , 1933, and requested that appropriate steps be taken to provide , by temporary certificates e indebtedness, pending the issuance and sale of highway improvement bonds., the sum of $50,000.00, and apply the sum in payment of those certificates which will be due and payable on January 11, 1933. The following was:offered by justice Burbank and seconded by Justice Leeds: WHEREAS, at a regular meeting held on November 13 , 1931, this Board duly authorized the Supervisor to raise and provide the sum of not exceeding $75,000.00 by temporary certificates of indebtedness pending the issuance and sale of highway improvement bonds to pay the cost of grading, paving and otherwise improving Chatsworth and. Rcokingstone Avenues , in the Town of Mamaroneck, New York; and W=FAS, in acoordance with the power conferred upon the Supervisor by this Board yt resolutions adopted on November 13, 1931 ard on July 6, 1932, the Supervisor issued and sold five certificates of indebtedness, each for ;IODOOO.00 aggregating the principal sum of $50 ,000.00 to pay part of the cost of the aforesaid improvement, said certificates being dated July 11, 1932• maturing on January 11 , 1933 and bearing interest at the rate of Qper annum; and WE7RFAS, the Supervisor has reported that the aforesaid im- provement has not yet been fully completed not the tctal ccst thereof Knally determined and requested that appropriate steps be taken to provite by temporary bertificates of indebtedness, pending the issuance and sale of highway improvement bonds, the sum of $50,000. 00 and apply the same in payment A those certificates which will be due and payable on January 11 , 1233 ; NOW THEREPORPt it is RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized. and empc7ered to borrow upon the faith and credit of the Town of Mamaroneck the sum of $50, 000.00 for 7hich sum he shall issue in the name and under the seal of said Taun one or more temporary certificatea of indebtedness in such denominations as may be requested by the nurchaser, in anticipation of the issuance of highway improvement bonds to be so!d in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Lox. Said temporary certificates of indebtedness shall be issued pursuant to Section 5 of the General Municipal law and in accordance with the provisions of Act No. LXXVIII of the Board of Supervisors of Westchester County duly passed at a meeting of said Board held on October 15 , 1931. Said certificates shall be sold for not less than; par and shall bear Interest at a rate not to exceed 6% Der annum and shall mature at such time as the Supervisor may determine , not exceeding six months from the date thereof. Said certificates shall be paid with the proceeds to be received from the sale of highway improvement bonds which bonds shall be sold as soon as the Town Board shall have deter- mined the actual cost of said QD=7ement; and it is further RESOLVED, that said certificate or certificates shall be signed by the SupeyviFer and attested by the Town Clerk of said Town under the seal thereof and shall be sold to the person who will take them at the lowest rate of interest for not less than the par value thereof at a public or private sale , as the Supervisor may determine. And the Supervisor having reported that he has negotiated the sale of said temporary certificates of indebtedness with Batchelder & Q. of 70 Pine Street, NeT York City5 and that said Batchelder & Co. is prepared to take the entire issue of $50,000. 00 in one certificate at 6% Der annum, at par and payable on March ill 19335 it is further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and empowered to dispose of said temporary certificates of indebtedness for the principal sum of $50,000.00 upon the terms and conditions above mentioned; and it is further RESOL77D , that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and directed to apply the proceeds of said temporary certificate of indebtedness: in payment of those certificates of indebtedness aggregating the sun of 4 5000000 which are duo Prd payable on January 11, 1933. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions Tas Put to a vote which resulted as follows: Ayes Six_ West Nbne The Ghair declared the resolutions duly adopted.. At 11,;30 P. Y. the Br7rd, unanimously resolved to recess, to meet again on January 6th at ? P. Q to conclude its de?iverations on the Budget® v T07N GZEPK