HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932_12_22 Town Board MinutesRYCYSSYD YFFTING OF THF TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAiARONYCK, N- Y. held December 22$ 1932. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at presents Supervisor Burton Justices Leeds, Atessersmith and Burbank Town Clerk Marvin The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble. The Board at once went into executive session and continued its discussion of the proposed budget for 1933. The Board concluded its discussion of the budget and there- upon terminated its executive session and proceeded to meet in regular session. The Supervisor stated that the Board had met for the purpose of receiving the proposed tax budget for the year 1933 containing the estimated probable revenues and estimated expenditures of the several departments, offices and other tmrn and special districts compiled pursuant to the provisions of Article 6-a of the Town Law= and that it would be in order to fix a date for a hearing to be held upon said proposed tax budget and to authorize the publication and posting of a notice thereof as required by Section 146 of the To-,zm Law. Justice Leeds thereupon offered for adoptions the followings WIERYAS, this Board has met from time to time since December 20th, 1932, for the purpose of preparing and compiling a tax budget for the year 1933 containing an itemized statement of the estimated revenues and expenditures of the To7,�n of Ifamaroneck and of the various departments and special districts thereof for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1933,- and VitIERYAS, said proposed tax budget and annual estimate has been duly made and compiled as provided by Article 6-a of the Town Law; NOW, THERYFORFLbe it RYSOLVTD, that a hearing be held on said proposed tax budget in the Town Offices, No. 118 west Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck> New York, on Wednesday, January 4th, 1933 at 8:30 P.M and that not=ice thereof be posted in six public places within the Town of Mamaroneck, and published twice in The Daily Times, a newspaper published in the Town of Yamaroneck, and once in the Standard Star, a newspaper published in the city New Rochelle and having general circulation in the Town of Mamaroneck, and once in The Larchmont Times2 a newspaper published in the Village of Larchmont and having general circulation in the Village of Larchmont, which are 'hereby designated for that purpose, the posting and first publication of which shall be at least ten days before the date of such hearing. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was put to a vote which resulted as follows: Ayes: 5 Noes: None The Chair declared the resolution duly adopted. The Supervisor requested authority to have not more than 125 copies of the estimated tax budget for 1933 mimeographed for public distribution and use at the public hearings Upon motion duly made and seconded, upon roll call he was unanimously authorized so to do. The Supervisor reported that additional funds were necessary for the appropriation account of the Department of elections. The following resolution was moved by Justice Leeds, seconded by Justice Messersmith and. upon Toll call unanimously approved as follows: WHEREAS, additional compensation for election inspectors was xemired by the Town of Mamaroneck at the time of registration for the 1932 general election by reason of an order from the County Clerk directing that registration in the Village of Larchmont be on a personal instead of non -personal basis, and WH=AS, the unusually heavy registration throughout the entire Town because of the Presidential election necessitated the obtaining of an unusually large amount of neva eauipment, and RTAS, the budget appropriation for this purpose is insufficient to cover the needs for the balance of the year, and v RHEAS, there is a surplus in the budget appropriations for the accounts of the Department of Justices of the Peace and the Department of Town Auditors, now, therefore, be it RESC UTD, that there shall be transferred from the appropriation account of the Department of Justices of the Peace the sum of $200.00 and from the approp— riation account of the Department of Auditors the sum of 8100.00 to the appropriation account of the Depart— ment of Flections in the aggregate amount of $300.009 and that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to record such transfers upon the books of record in his office. The Supervisor reported that additional funds were necessary for the appropriation account of Village Police Magistrates. The following resolution was moved by Justice Leeds, seconded by Justice Messersmith and upon roll call unanimously approved as follows.- WHERFAS, the fees chargeable to the Town of Mamaroneck by the Village Police Magistrates as estimated in the 1932 budget are insufficient to cover the needs for the balance of the year, and WHERTAS, there are surpluses in the budget appropriations for the Department of Assessofs and in the Department of Public Welfare (exclusive of Poor Relief reauirements), now, therefore, be it RTSOLVED,_ that there be transferred from the appropriation accounts of the Department of Assessors the sum of $500.00 and the Department of Public Welfare (exclusive of Poor Relief) the sum of $500.00 to the appropriation account of the Department of Police Lagistrates in the aggregate amount of $1,000.00 and that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to record such transfers upon the books of record in his office. The Supervisor reported that additional funds were necessary for the appropriation account of the Town offices. The following resolution was moved by Justice Leeds, seconded by Justice Messersmith and upon roil call unanimously approved. as follows VIALRF S, the volume of clerical work necessitated by present conditions in the Town Office requires additional temporary office assistants, and SJHEREAS, the budget appropriation for this purpose is insufficient to provide for the amounts required, and WHTR`A.AS, there is a surplus in the budget appropriation: for the Department of the Supervisor, noir, therefore, be it R, SOLSirD, that there be transferred from the appropriation account of the Department of the Supervisors the sum of $1500.00 to the appropriation account of the Town Offices, and that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and directed to record such transfer upon the books of record in his office. The Supervisor reported that additional funds were necessary for the appropriation account of the Department of Law. The following resolution was moved by Justice Leeds, seconded by Justice EIessersmith and upon roll call unanimously approved as follows T1711TiAS, the volume of stenographic services necessit- ated by the requirements of the Department of Law appears to be in excess of that contemplated in the preparation of the budget, and iPV=REAS, the budget appropriation for this purpose is insufficient to cover the amount required, and VM TREAS, there is a surplus in the budget appropriation for Miscellaneous Expenditures, now, therefore8 be it RESOLVED, that there be transferred from the approp- riation, account of Miscellaneous Expenditures to the appropriation account of the Department of Law, the sum of $250.00 for the purpose mentioned afore- said and that the Supervisor be and hereby is directed to record such transfer on the books of record in his office. The Supervisor reported that additional funds were necessary for poor relief and recommended the issuance of a certificate of indebt- edness in the amount of $7500.00 to provide these funds. Upon motion by Justice 3urbank seconded by Justice Messersmith, it was unanimously RF SOLVFDt that the matter of the issuance of a Cert- ificate of Indebtedness in the amount of $7500, to provide additional funds for Poor Relief be approved: and that the matter be referred to the Supervisor and counsel with power, and that Counsel be authorized to draft the necessary resolutions in connection with said e matter. A letter dated December 7th was received from the Village of Larchmont informing the Board that the Larchmont Board of Trustees at their meeting held December 5th had granted the town permission to lay an extension of its water main through a part of the Sound Shore section, of the Village of Larchmont® The letter was ordered placed on file and acknowledged with thanks. A letter dated December 12th was received from Spencer and Isermar., Attorneys for Miss Augusta White= 2 Shadow Dane, Larchmont, - regarding the Pine Brook Drain. The letter was ordered referred to the Pine Brook Drainage Commission. The report of the Supervisor for the eleven months ended November 30th was received and, ordered spread upon the minutes as follows-, 7O14N OF YlAYI-ARONFCK G71�71RAL FUND STATFN777T OF 7STINTATFD RFVFNUFS AM IT'CFIPTS FOR THH FLFVFN YONTHS FNDFD NOVFNBFR 30TH, 1932. RFVFNUTS 7STIMA.TFD HE'CF. IVFD BALANCE 1932 Tax Levy, State, County Town and District $823,498.63 $6652055.93 $1582442.70 1932 Additional appropriation, Poor Relief 12,500.00 12,500.00 F'AMMGS - GENERAL TOVTIT Town Clerk 200.00 -- 200.00 Interest and Penalties 40,.000.00 345335.28 5,644.72 Interest on Bank Deposits 29500.00 751.87 1-9748.13 -- Justices Fines 2:000.00 11734.40 265.60 Sustices Fees 1,000.00 25089.90 XV 89.90 x Income Tax 40,000.00 43..12 395,956.88 Viscellaneous -- 744.93 744.93 x jA 2169S-WTSTDF OF AGES Bank Tax 19500.00 543.09 956.91 Dog Tax 700.00 839.94 139..94 x Fees, Building Commission 2,000.00 611.83 1,388.17. Franchise Tax 600.00 509.80 90.20 Mercantile Tax 19500..00 189.80 1,310.20 Mortgage Tax 10,000.00 -- 10,000.00 Town Clerk's Fees 800.00 820.00 20..00 x Transfer Fare District Contra. 7:,864.00 15864.00 -- Other available _Funds 36,,000.00 36,000.00 -- Water Revenues 69,025.00 38,000.00 311025.00 $1y045,687.63 1784LI33.89 $2612553..74 x - Surplus 2 TOWN' OF 11filTARONTYCK GENERAL FUND STAT7T7r\rT OF BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS AND 7XP'"=TURPtS FOR T' LLEV"N MONTHS ENDING NOVH'iM R 30TH, 1932. x`154,227.48_124,827.32 29 400.I6� OUTSID-7 OF VILLAGES _Printing and Publishing w 150.00 Contributions and Donations 5.880.00 Dept. of Health 2,000.00 --Building Commission 5,210.00 Board of Appeals 18075.00 Dept. of Highway 372500.00 Debt Service; Redemption of bonds 25,000.00 Debt Service,Interest on bands 28,944.50 Street Lights 20.000.00 1.918.30 42,442...66 465.22 37,500.00 252,000.00 28,944.50 11X120.83- 134.94 3,961.70 2,000.00 767.34 609.78 8,879.17 _1251759®50 1109,406.57 $16,352.93 x - Includes '$7,462.06 received as refund 'Wicks BUDGET fiNIiOUITT ATJIOUNT GEN'E'RAL TOWN APPROPRIATION FXP'ND2D AVAILABLE $ 299,513.28 $q,139.22 Printing and Publishing 1.050..00 $ 754..32 295.68 - Dept. of Elections 4,992.00 4,364.98 627..02 Contributions and Donations 300.00 200..00 -- Dept, of Police Magistrates 32,150.00 964.90 2$185.10 Debt Service,Redemption of Bonds 49928.94 4,928.94 -- Debt Service 9 Interest on Bonds 3,764.48 39273..49 490.99 Town Office 61120.00 58787.27 33x.73 Town Hall 19895.00 19317.52 577.48 Dept. of Supervisor 18=680.00 15,295.30 31384.70 Dept. of Torn Clerk 6,460.00 5$792.39 667.61 Dept. of Justices of Peace 14,260.00 12,259.39 2,000.651 Dept. of Receiver of Taxes 81275.00 71547.07 727.93 Dept. of Assessors 102905.00 98076,40 1,828.60 X Dept. of Public Welfare 472,262.06- 33,.232,37 14¢029.69 Dept. of Board of Auditors '1$650.00 1,374.78 275.22 Dept. of Lair 7s600.00 61527..22 1=072.78 Dept, of Highway 11,500.00 Ily500.00 -- Dept. of Miscellaneous Expenditures 1.535.00 630.98 904.02_ x`154,227.48_124,827.32 29 400.I6� OUTSID-7 OF VILLAGES _Printing and Publishing w 150.00 Contributions and Donations 5.880.00 Dept. of Health 2,000.00 --Building Commission 5,210.00 Board of Appeals 18075.00 Dept. of Highway 372500.00 Debt Service; Redemption of bonds 25,000.00 Debt Service,Interest on bands 28,944.50 Street Lights 20.000.00 1.918.30 42,442...66 465.22 37,500.00 252,000.00 28,944.50 11X120.83- 134.94 3,961.70 2,000.00 767.34 609.78 8,879.17 _1251759®50 1109,406.57 $16,352.93 x - Includes '$7,462.06 received as refund 'Wicks Lam, treated as additional appropriation ® also 12,500.00 additional poor relief appropriation. Fire District #1 $ 38,652.50 $ 299,513.28 $q,139.22 Park District #1 39,298.00 26,841.70 22t456.30 Garbage District #1 15,950.00 122023.18 3.9926.82 Water District 72,194.25 459091.75 27,102.50 Garbage District #2 19400.00 991.61 408.39 -..Fire District #2 2,224.00 1,971.82 252.18 Se7,er District #1 130,816.25 1108527.83 20,288.42 Police Department 68.720.00 579000.00 119720.00 State dnd County Taxes 4033907.71 370,000.00 33,907.71 9"!%053149.69 898.195.06_ 154,954.63 Respectfully submitted. (signed) Geo. 'N. Burton Supervisor DATED- December 10th, 1932 ........................._.._.......... . w A communication dated December 14th was received from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors advising the Board that the Board of Supervisors at a meeting held December 12th had accepted Countyr Road No. 8A, Mamaroneck Avenue Bridgeg and that it will be maintained in the future by the County in accordance with Section 320®b of the County Law.. The letter was ordered received and placed on file. A letter dated December- 15th was received from the Frank A. Shaw Corporation of Yew York City regarding the assessment on the apartment house -#1 Addison Avenue, Larchmont, Section 6. Block 63, Lot 1A. The letter was ordered referred to Counsel. A letter dated December 13th was received from Chief-gaptain Donald C. Howe of the Weaver Street Fire Company requesting the pur— chase of 1,000 feet of 2-1/2 inch double jacket hose. The latter was accompanied by bids from three hose manufacturers. The letter was ordered laid over for further condideration. The Supervisor advised the Board that he had been requested by the State Comptroller to provide clerical and auditing assistance for the two State Auditors who are engaged in auditing the accounts of the Receiver of Taxes; he stated that he had set this work up as a separate work relief project and with the approval of the two State Auditors had engaged four men to render the necessary assistance; he requested the approval of the Board for his action. Upon motion duly made and seconded the Board unanimously approved the action of the Supervisor as above outlined. Counselor Gamble advised the Board in connection with a recent communication from the Vvestchester Joint water SJorks,. No. 1. regarding a suggested ordinance forbidding the unauthorized use of hadrants that he was working on his ordinance and that he -would soon have it in shape for presentatio gthe Board. At 11:20 the Board recessed to meet again at the call of the chair to take up such matters as might properly come before it.. r Town Clerk