HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013_07_10 Planning Board Minutes THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE
Roll Call.
Present: John Ortiz, Chairman, Edmund Papazian, Ellen Dunkin, Virginia Picciotto, Stephen
Marsh, George Roniger, Ira Block
Also Present: Ronald Carpaneto, Building Inspector, Lisa Hochman, Counsel, Elizabeth Paul,
Environmental Consultant, Jaine Elkind Eney, Liaison, Elizabeth Cooney, Alternate, James
Naterilli, Consulting Engineer.
Absent/Excused: Kevin G. Ryan, Counsel, Anthony Oliveri P.E., Consulting Engineer, Abby
Katz, Town Board Liaison.
The meeting was called to order at 8:00P.M.
Mr. Ortiz welcomed Ms. Cooney as the new alternate member.
Motion: To approve the minutes of June 12, 2013, with technical corrections
Action: Approved
Moved by Virginia Picciotto, Seconded by Ellen Dunkin.
Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Yes = 6).
Yes: Edmund Papazian, Ellen Dunkin, John Ortiz, Marc Rosenbaum, Chairman, Stephen Marsh,
Virginia Picciotto.
APPLICATION NO. 1 CASE NO. 307 50 Country Road Adjourned
APPLICATION NO. 2 CASE NO. 308 529 Weaver Street Adjourned
Larry Nardeccia addressed the Board, stating that the necessary county signoffs have been
The application was referred to the Coastal Zone Management Commission "CZMC.".
The Application must be renoticed for public hearing on the final plat.
APPLICATION NO. 5 75 Howell Avenue
Mr. Herbst the applicant addressed the Board and stated that he has obtained a finding of
consistency from the CZMC.
Mr. Ortiz stated the July 3rd"CZMC" letter is to be part of the record.
The draft resolution was discussed.
Ms. Hochman stated the Board can impose reasonably related conditions.
Maintenance and certification of the storm water system was discussed.
Mr. Naterarlli stated every system is unique, certification can start annually, and either lessen or
lengthen certification requirements per necessity.
Mr. Pilch stated that this is a closed system.
Mr. Ortiz stated certification could be yearly or as determined by the Board.
There will be a maintenance bond on the property and Ms. Paul will inspect the system when the
project is completed and again one year after completion, no money will be refunded unless the
system is functioning as intended.
Mr. Marsh stated that yearly inspection would be excessive for a closed system.
Wording of the resolution was discussed.
Hours of construction and staging were discussed.
Public Comments
Tim Oberg 1214 Palmer Ave, asked about elevations and the chairman responded that was
regarding the neighbors at 67 Howell Avenue which was reviewed at the Zoning Board of
Appeals meeting.
The driveway was discussed.
Mr. Gould stated that it will be either grass-crete or pervious asphalt.
Motion: To close the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by Edmund Papazian, Seconded by Ellen Dunkin.
Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Yes = 7).
Yes: Edmund Papazian, Ellen Dunkin, George Roniger, Ira Block, John Ortiz, Chairman,
Stephen Marsh, Virginia Picciotto.
Motion: To approve the resolution as amended
Action: Approved
Moved by Ira Block, Seconded by George Roniger.
Vote: Motion passed (summary: Yes = 6, No = 1).
Yes: Edmund Papazian, Ellen Dunkin, George Roniger, Ira Block, John Ortiz, Chairman,
Stephen Marsh.
No: Virginia Picciotto.
Final Subdivision Approval
75 Howell Avenue
WHEREAS, Robert Herbst (the "Applicant") filed an application for a subdivision of a single
lot into two separate lots (the "Proposed Action") at the Subject Property (hereinafter defined);
WHEREAS, the subject property is located at 75 Howell Avenue (Block 405 Lot 78) (the
"Subject Property"); and
WHEREAS, the Proposed Action contemplates that the existing home would remain and one
new single-family home would be constructed on the newly-created lot; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing on the preliminary layout was conducted by the Planning Board
on 8/8/2012, 12/12/2012, 1/9/2013, 2/12/2013 and 3/13/2013 at the Town Center on West
Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York, after due notice; and
WHEREAS, Section 190-7 (Decision on preliminary layout) of the Code of the Town of
Mamaroneck(the "Code") provides that the Planning Board will communicate its comments on
the preliminary layout in writing to the subdivider; and
WHEREAS, the Town Consulting Engineer, Anthony Oliveri P.E., prepared a memo to the
Planning Board dated May 13, 2013 (the "Town Consulting Engineer's Letter") which stated
that "construction plans as submitted have addressed previous comments and are satisfactory";
WHEREAS, the Planning Board voted to deliver the Town Engineer's Letter to the Applicant as
"comments" pursuant to Section 190-7 of the Code; and
WHEREAS, Section 190-8(A) of the Code (Submission offinal layout; certificate of approval)
provides that before the Planning Board accepts submission of the final layout of the subdivision
plat, the subdivider shall obtain the approval without qualification of the Westchester County
Department of Health, Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1 or any other agency having
jurisdiction in the premises (the "Necessary Certifications"); and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has obtained the Necessary Certifications; and
WHEREAS, the Proposed Action is a Type II action pursuant to SEQRA and MEQR Section
92-8(22)(a); and
WHEREAS, a public hearing on the application for Final Subdivision approval was conducted
by the Planning Board on June 12 and July 10, 2013 at the Town Center on West Boston Post
Road, Mamaroneck, New York, after due notice; and
WHEREAS, the Coastal Zone Management Commission of the Town of Mamaroneck
("CZMC") initially reviewed the Proposed Action at meetings held on February 25, March 18,
2013; and
WHEREAS, CZMC issued letters dated March 11 and April 5, 2013 expressing concern related
to flooding and stormwater runoff and issued a finding of inconsistency with Policy 14 of the
Local Waterfront Revitalization program ("LWRP"); and
WHEREAS, Policy 14 of the LWRP states: "Activities and development, including the
construction or reconstruction of erosion protection structures, shall be undertaken so that there
will be no measurable increase in erosion or flooding at the site of such activities or
development, or at other locations."
WHEREAS, at the public hearing on June 12, 2013, the Planning Board requested that CZMC
re-consider the finding of inconsistency in light of recent information related to area drainage
issues; and
WHEREAS, the Town Administrator affirmed in a memo dated June 19, 2013 to CZMC (the
"June 19 Memo"), that the Town has mandated the installation of an underground detention
gallery at the bottom of the driveway at the Subject Property, which system will travel below
Weaver Street and discharge to Ferndale; and
WHEREAS, the June 19 Memo also stated that the Town has a willingness to repair a"mid-
block" drainage problem on Howell Avenue caused by a defective drain pipe running from
Palmer Avenue to Howell Avenue; and
WHEREAS, the June 19 Memo stated that the Town's engineer has prepared an estimate and
concept plan to repair the pipe running from Palmer Avenue to Howell Avenue; and
WHEREAS, the June 19 Memo clarified and addressed additional concerns related to drainage
expressed by CZMC with respect to proposed development to a neighboring home and the
direction of stormwater flow in the area; and
WHEREAS, CZMC held a meeting to reconsider the Proposed Action on June 24, 2013 (the
"June 24 Meeting"), reviewed the information presented in the June 19 Memo and discussed
the matter with the Town Administrator, who was present at such meeting to address any
questions; and
WHEREAS, At the June 24 Meeting, CZMC issued its revised finding that the Proposed Action
is consistent with the LWRP, noting, however that CZMC maintains an earlier expressed
position that basements should not be permitted if a sump pump is required to keep them free of
water; and
WHEREAS, the CZMC's decision from the June 24 Meeting is expressed in a letter to the
Planning Board Chair dated July 3, 2013.
convened Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck that subdivision approval is hereby
GRANTED to the Applicant, in accordance with the following plans and specifications:
SP-1 Stormwater Management, Utilities and Landscape Plan prepared by Evans Associates
Environmental Consulting, Incorporated and last revised on revised 1/22/2013
SP-2 Erosion and Sediment control Plan prepared by Evans Associates Environmental
Consulting, Incorporated and last revised 1/22/2013
DE-1 Construction Details prepared by Evans Associates Environmental Consulting,
Incorporated and last revised 1/22/2013
DE-2 Construction Details prepared by Evans Associates Environmental Consulting,
Incorporated and last revised 1/22/2013
I. General Requirements And Conditions.
A. All pavements, including portions of driveways within any rights-of-way shall be
constructed according to Town specifications.
B. All work within the right-of-way including all subsurface infrastructure work shall be
improved in accordance with Town standards and specifications and offered for
dedication to the Town.
II. Special Requirements and Conditions.
A. Water Retention and Drainage.
1. The applicant must comply with the Town Surface Water, Erosion and Sediment
Control Law so that the rate of runoff from the property is not increased after
2. Prior to commencement of construction, the Director of Building and the Town
Consulting Engineer shall approve the plans and shop drawings for the proposed
stormwater detention system and all drainage improvements.
3. The Applicant shall be obligated to maintain and/or repair in good working order
the drainage infrastructure on the Subject Property.
B. Utilities.
1. The utility plans shall be coordinated with the landscaping plans to avoid
interference with placement and subsequent growth of plantings and the conduct
of repair and maintenance activities.
C. Erosion and Sedimentation Control During Construction.
1. Erosion and sedimentation control shall be in accordance with the Town Surface
Water, Erosion and Sediment Control Law.
2. Erosion and sediment control plans shall be approved by the Town Consulting
Engineer prior to commencement of construction. A sediment and erosion control
plan shall be submitted which shall include a construction timetable and
inspection schedule.
D. Rock Removal.
1. All rock removal required in conjunction with construction of the roadway,
utilities, and residences shall be by means approved prior to the commencement
of any rock removal by the Director of Buildings.
E. Trees.
1. The Applicant, for itself and its successors and assigns, will accept and follow the
requirements of the Tree Preservation Code of the Town of Mamaroneck,
Mamaroneck Town Code, Chapter 207 (the "Tree Preservation Code").
F. Required Documents and Inspections.
1. The Applicant shall provide one Mylar reproducible set of approved
drawings to the Town and one copy to the office of the Town Consulting
2. The Applicant shall submit to the Town one Mylar reproducible set
showing the "as built" conditions for utility and sewer connections prior to
the granting of a Certificate of Occupancy for the residences to be
constructed in this subdivision.
G. Performance and Maintenance Bonds.
3. The Applicant shall post with the Town a performance bond, in form
acceptable to the Town Attorney, in an amount equal to 100% of the cost
of all required infrastructure, including but not limited to, roads, curbs,
utilities, street lighting and stormwater infrastructure. Such performance
bond shall be renewed annually until such time as the Director of Building
determines that construction pursuant to the approved plans is complete.
4. The Applicant shall comply with all of the provisions Chapter 95 of the
Code of the Town of Mamaroneck.
H. Hours of Construction.
1. Construction (other than rock removal, which shall be conducted during hours
provided by the Town Code) shall take place during the following hours only:
Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00
APPLICATION NO. 6 CASE NO. 301 16 York Road
Trevor Spearman, the applicant's architect, addressed the Board. The applicant is proposing a 2
car garage which meets the zoning setbacks but is completely within the setbacks of the 100 foot
buffer zone. The planned garage is basement level, with a family room above all over the
existing asphalt driveway. Drainage will be improved to more successfully handle stormwater.
There will be an overall reduction of impervious surface by 300 sq. feet.
Ms. Paul stated there is an open violation on the property from May of 2012. The homeowner
was clearing the wetland buffer and continued clearing the neighboring property. Ms. Paul
further stated that the property has not been restored. Vegetation was cleared and a cobble stone
walkway installed in the buffer. The applicant was informed that it was not his property and it
was a wetlands buffer.
Mr. Spearman stated his client told him the matter is closed.
The entire house is in the buffer.
Mr. Ortiz stated his concern regarding the open violation.
Dry wells were discussed and Ms. Paul stated that it is a flood zone and buffer. Mr. Spearman
responded that it is not a flood zone.
Mr. Naterilli stated deep test pits would be required.
Mr. Ortiz questioned whether it is the jurisdiction of the Planning Board to require the violation
be fixed.
Mr. Block stated that restoration of the area should be a requirement to getting a permit, and
there should be a condition to protect against future incursions.
Mr. Ortiz suggested the applicant fix the violation and get their ducks in order, as the Board is
not happy with the application as it stands.
Building department cannot issue a permit if there is an open violation.
Ms. Paul stated that they plan to issue a summons.
Ms. Hochman stated there is nothing in the Code to prevent the Planning Board from considering
the application.
Ms. Hochman stated that restoration of the buffer requires a permit and permission from the
neighbor whose land Mr. Fairweather encroached upon to repair the disturbed wetlands. The
first thing the applicant must do is get a permit for restoration with the neighbor's authorization.
The application will be referred to the "CZMC"
The matter was adjourned to the August meeting as a consideration.
New Business
The Board discussed the proposed ethics code changes in Mr. Makers Memo dated 7/8/2013.
Ms. Elkind-Eney stated that the Town Board may set a public hearing on the matter at the
7/24/2013 meeting.
Ms. Hochman stated there is no request for the Planning Board opinion.
Board members can respond to the Town Board individually.
Mr. Block voiced his concern about the time frame and possible deadlines for the 1 Durham road
application. Ms. Hochman, stated the clock has not started yet but will investigate further.
Motion: To adjourn the meeting at 9:51 P.M.
Action: Approved
Moved by Ellen Dunkin, Seconded by Virginia Picciotto.
Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary: Yes = 6).
Yes: Edmund Papazian, Ellen Dunkin, John Ortiz, Marc Rosenbaum, Chairman, Stephen Marsh,
Virginia Picciotto.
Minutes prepared by
Francine M. Brill
Planning Board Secretary