HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012_05_09 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF
Roll Call.
Present: Marc Rosenbaum, Chairman,John Ortiz, Edmund Papazian, Ellen Dunkin,Virginia Picciotto,
George Roniger, Stephen Marsh, Kevin G. Ryan, Counsel, Lisa Hochman, Counsel,Anthony Oliveri P.E.,
Consulting Engineer, Elizabeth Paul, Environmental Consultant,Abby Katz,Town Board Liaison.
Absent/Excused: Ronald Carpaneto.
Mr. Rosenbaum welcomed the new member Stephen Marsh to the Board.
The Minutes of 3/14/12 were postponed until Ms. Hochman is present.
The Applications were taken out of order.
APPLICATION NO.4 CASE 298 851 Fenimore Road Consideration
Frank McCullough, of McCullough, Goldberger&Staudt, LLP,the applicant's attorney, addressed the
Mr. McCullough stated that Winged Foot is a 280 acre parcel in an R Zone District and there are 2 parts
to the application first the upgrade of pool area, secondly improvements to the practice area.
Andrew Wilson of Miller and Wright architects explained the phases of construction. The existing
buildings at the pool area are to be demolished and replaced,with a new kiddy pool and snack bar to be
added and the locker rooms rebuilt. A new gravel parking area with 41 spots is to be constructed,
relocating the spaces from the practice area and resulting in a net zero change in parking spaces.
Mr. Rosenbaum asked if the applicant is required to go before the Board of Architectural Review
("BAR"),to which the applicant responded yes.
Mr. Wilson stated that impervious surface is being reduced in the parking area, but increasing with the
buildings. Existing impervious surface is 1.6 acres proposed is 1.8 acres.
Mr. Rosenbaum asked if there was a provision fro drainage.
Joe Cermele, of Kellard Sessions Consulting, addressed the Board and discussed the Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Plan. Mr. Cermele stated that the pool and practice area are in two different
water sheds. A new drainage system around the pool area complex is for water quality and
Blasting was discussed, and it was stated that if required it would most likely occur when the storm
water system is installed, at the beginning of the project.
Tree removal was discussed and it was stated that approximately 20 trees will be removed with 8-18
inch caliper, and trees will be replaced in different locations around the club.
Ms. Paul questioned whether there would be an increase in traffic and what would be the impact from
Mr. McCullough responded that membership is not expected to increase, and construction will be
addressed as the plan moves forward, parking of construction workers will be on site.
Mr. Wilson stated that they plan to move 41 parking spaces from the short game practice area to the
pool area, and the practice area would be expanded.
The building for the driving range is being studied.
There were no questions or comments from the public.
The matter was adjourned to June 13, 2012 for public hearing.
Don Mazin, 1415 Boston Post Road, attorney for the applicant addressed the Board stating that they
have appeared before the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Board of Architecture Review and received
Joseph Crocco, the applicant's architect, addressed the Board stating that there is a slight decrease in
impervious surface by the creation of a two planting areas. They are rearranging parking, and reducing
the lifts in the service area. The mezzanine over the parts department is being removed.
Mr. Papazian commented that there had been a problem with workers parking in the area and
Mercedes responded by bussing employees in and he asked if Porsche would continue the practice.
Mr. Crocco responded that Porsche has less employees but will continue the practice if required.
Mr. Oliveri asked to see the site plan of record regarding impervious area as the survey presented
doesn't reflect current conditions. Also the number of parking spaces needed is to be verified by the
Building Inspector.
Lighting was discussed. The existing light fixtures are to remain. Mr. Oliveri required a photo metrics.
Mr. Mazin requested the Board schedule a Public Hearing.
The matter was adjourned to June 13, 2012 for a Public Hearing.
Ms. Hochman arrived and Mr. Ryan left.
The minutes of March 14, 2012 were discussed.
Motion:To approve the minutes of 3/14/2012 with technical corrections by counsel
Moved by Virginia Picciotto, Seconded by George Roniger.
Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary:Yes=6 Abstain -1).
Yes: Edmund Papazian, Ellen Dunkin, George Roniger,John Ortiz, Marc Rosenbaum, Chairman,Virginia
Abstain: Stephen Marsh
APPLICATION NO. 3 CASE NO. 1262 Boston Post Road Trader Joe's Public Hearing
Motion:To open the Public Hearing
Moved by Ellen Dunkin, Seconded by George Roniger.
Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary:Yes-7).
Yes: Edmund Papazian, Ellen Dunkin, George Roniger,John Ortiz, Marc Rosenbaum, Chairman,Virginia
Picciotto. Stephen Marsh
Jeffery Taylor the architect for Trader Joes addressed the Board and explained the plans. The intent is to
make the store more functional with a little more variety. He further stated that they went before the
Board of Architectural Review("BAR") and the facade was approved, as well as an internally illuminated
sign which requires Zoning Board of Appeals ("ZBA") approval.
The Board discussed the application.
Mr. Roniger asked if the store expects to have an increase in customers, Mr.Taylor responded that they
have an established clientele, and they haven't seen that increase in connection with other expansions.
Steve Hedba of Trader Joes stated they expect more sales but not necessarily an increase in the number
of customers, their number of customers is based on the community population base, and there is no
increase in the population base. The expansion will cut down on the time in the checkout lines. There
may be a slight increase in employees.
The Board discussed the possible increase in customers and traffic.
Mr. Rosenbaum read Mr. Altieri's letter dated 4/12/2012 into the record and the Board discussed the
Mr. Rosenbaum questioned the type of application and whether a site plan approval should be required.
Mr. Mazin,the applicant's attorney responded that the impact to the site is being reduced, and that
there is an exception to a site plan requirement under 177-7C that says if the proposed intensity is less
than there presently is then there is no necessity for a site plan. Mr. Mazin requested the Board to
exempt the necessity for a site plan amendment.
Mr. Rosenbaum asked for evidence to support the request,
Mr. Rosenbaum read Mr. Oliveri's memo dated April 20th into the record.
Mr. Oliveri stated that the dumpsters were not allowed under the original site plan.
Mr. Mazin stated that the Building Department required the placement of more dumpsters,to which
Mr. Oliveri responded that it has no bearing.
Mr. Rosenbaum stated that less of a use has not been established.
Traffic was discussed.
Ms. Hochman clarified for the record the Planning Board has the right to evaluate traffic and safety for
both site plan and special use applications.
Mr. Mazin stated that the applicant has no control over the parking lot; Mr. Rosenbaum stated it would
be much better to have the landlord in front of the Board.
Pedestrian access was discussed.
A proposed traffic study was discussed.
Mr. Rosenbaum stated that this is a site plan review and the owner of the property should be present.
Mr. Hedba stated he will request the landlord appear before the Board.
Mr. Oliveri stated that the dumpsters could be removed from their location to conform with the original
site plan.
There were no public questions or comments.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:54 P.M.
Minutes prepared by
Francine M. Brill
Planning Board Secretary