HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014_02_12 Planning Board Minutes THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE
2. 106 Premium Point Ahuja Public Hearing
Required Approval(s) _Wetlands and Watercourses
Town Code Chapter 114
Location: Premium Point
District: R-50
Project Description Proposed swimming pool and greenhouse
3. 87 Rockland Avenue Fineberg consideration
Required Approval(s) _Wetlands and Watercourses
Town Code Chapter 114
Location: 87 Rockland Avenue
District: R-10
Project Description Addition to single family dwelling
3. 2399 Boston Post Road BLD Diner consideration
Required Approval(s) _Site Plan Approval
Town Code Chapter 177
Location: 2399 Boston Post Road
District: SB R-6
Project Description move diner to adjacent lot
4. 851 Fenimore Road Winged Foot consideration
Required Approval(s) _Wetlands and Watercourses
Town Code Chapter 114
Location: 851 Fenimore Road
District: REC
Project Description Maintenance of existing drainage channel
5. 851 Fenimore Road Winged Foot consideration
Required Approval(s) _Site Plan Amendment
Town Code Chapter 177
Location: 851 Fenimore Road
District: REC
Project Description amendment to Approved site plan
Roll Call.
Board Members Present: Edmund Papazian,John Ortiz, Ellen Dunkin, George Roniger, Stephen Marsh,
Ira Block, Elizabeth Cooney, Ralph Engel (Alternate)
Also Present: Ronald Carpaneto, Building Inspector, Lisa Hochman, Counsel,James Naterilli P.E.,
Consulting Engineer, Elizabeth Paul, Environmental Consultant,Jaine Elkind-Eney,Town Board Liaison.
The meeting was to order at 8:01P.M.
Motion: To approve the minutes of January 8, 2014 with technical corrections
Moved by Ira Block, Seconded by Elizabeth Cooney.
Vote: Motion passed (summary:Yes=6, No= 0,Abstain = 1).
Yes: Edmund Papazian, Elizabeth Cooney, George Roniger, Ira Block,John Ortiz, Stephen Marsh.
Abstain: Ellen Dunkin.
APPLICATION NO. 1 106 Premium Point Ahuja Public Hearing continued
Jordon Wilkinson from Dan Natchez and Associates addressed the Board explaining the changes to the
The Coastal Zone Management Commission ("CZMC") letter dated February 3, 3013 was read into the
Mr. Wilkinson stated the changes the CZMC requested are being incorporated into the plans and they
are working with Mr. Oliveri.
Mr. Oliveri's memo dated February 11, 2014 was discussed.
Mr. Naterilli stated there should be a concrete basin for easy cleaning.
Motion: The public hearing was opened nunc pro tunc
Moved by Ellen Dunkin, Seconded by Stephen Marsh.
Vote: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote (summary:Yes=7).
Yes: Edmund Papazian, Elizabeth Cooney, Ellen Dunkin, George Roniger, Ira Block,John Ortiz, Stephen
The Board discussed the application.
There were no public questions or comments.
Mr. Ortiz requested a draft resolution be prepared.
Ms. Paul stated the landscaping plan shows the removal of 23 damaged trees, proposing 36 new trees
and native plants,there is no issue with tree protection.
The matter was adjourned to March 12, 2014.
APPLICATION NO. 2 87 Rockland Avenue Fineberg consideration
Benedict Salinitro of 609 Brook Street, Mamaroneck, the applicant's engineer addressed the Board.
Mr. Salinitro stated the addition is zoning compliant, but the entire property is within the wetlands
buffer. The plan is to remove the existing deck and overhang and replace it with a 2% story, 443 net
square foot addition. The proposed addition will be closer to the existing house then the existing deck.
Mr. Papazian asked how the water is being taken care of and Mr. Salinitro responded that it will be
managed through underground detention.
Flooding was discussed and Mr. Salinitro stated the property has flooded and will flood in the future if
the Sheldrake River overflows.
Mr. Engle asked if the basement floods and Mr. Fineberg,the homeowner, responded that he has a
sump pump on the garage side of the house.
Mr. Ortiz stated that the Board received a letter from the neighbor Mrs. Nalven, of 91 Rockland Avenue,
which was entered into the record marked Exhibit 1.
The Board discussed the placement of the addition and Mr. Salinitro stated that the other side of the
house is where the garage is and not a good place for an addition.
Mr. Block read from Mrs. Nalven's letter regarding water from the addition flowing directly into the river
and asked Mr. Salinitro if he agreed or disagreed. Mr. Salinitro responded that the roof will have gutters
and leders and water will be directed to infiltration galleys. He offered to meet with the neighbors.
Ms. Paul stated that she hasn't seen detailed plans yet, and the matter should be referred to CZMC.
The Board referred the matter to the CZMC.
Mr. Naterilli stated that he needs a Wetland memo,full size plans, a survey showing the 100 year flood
line and a wetland disturbance value.
Public comments:
Beverly Nalven 91 Rockland stated that she lives directly across the river and that the subject property
slopes down.
She gave the Board a photo of her view of 87 Rockland which was entered into the record and marked
Exhibit 2. She further stated that the wall was built by previous owners years ago to level their yard,
and her house is lower than 87 Rockland and the proposed addition will block her view and light to her
home and yard..
Janice Towers, 93 Rockland Avenue, stated in the last 8-9 years the brook has overflowed more often
than in the past.
Mr. Fineberg stated that he is building a family and trying to increase living space in his home. Whatever
needs to be done to handle the water will be done. Previously he had asked for a variance and made
changes to the plan so that a variance was not required.
Ms. Dunkin asked for an elevation plan.
Peter Van Dyke,who grew up at 91 Rockland Avenue, stated that the house floods in different ways,
water comes down hill,from the river overflowing, and ground water also causes flooding now. He
added that the proposed 2%2 story addition is really 3%stories in the rear.
Mr. Block asked Ms. Paul about the depth of the river and does it need to be dredged. Ms. Paul
responded she didn't know.
Mr. Ortiz stated he doesn't feel the application is ready for public hearing.
The matter was adjourned to March 12, 2014.
APPLICATION NO. 3 BLD Diner Greg Katsaros consideration
Pelligrino Orsini,the applicant's architect, addressed the Board stating that they are requesting to
relocate the existing building and build a new diner on the adjacent lot which has been merged with the
original lot. He added that the existing building is old (1954) and needs of a lot of work. Further, he
explained that enlarging and rebuilding on the existing lot is not possible because of an existing sewer
line that runs from Boston Post Road through the property.
The Applicant has appeared before the Zoning Board and received a variance to continue to park in front
of the building.
The Board discussed the fact that the adjacent lot was a gas station and the owner, Mr. Katsaros, stated
that testing was done before purchasing the property in May 2012 and the spill number was closed by
the Department of Environmental Conservation.
Ms. Cooney asked about impervious surface and Mr. Orsini responded that the gas station was 100%
impervious and they will be reducing impervious on the building lot and proposing landscaping in both
the front and rear of the new diner.
Mr. Engel asked for a plan showing how the project relates to the nearby single-family homes on Deane
Mr. Orsini stated that the neighbors were present at the Zoning Board meeting and he is working with
them. He added that the new building will block noise from Boston Post Road and the basement
loading area is going below the grade level and will be landscaped. Mr. Orsini further stated that
garbage pickup will remain in its current location away from houses and that the existing garage building
is closer to the neighboring homes than the proposed diner will be.
Mr. Ortiz asked that the neighbors' houses be shown on the plan.
Mr. Roniger requested a planting plan.
The matter was referred to the CZMC,the Village of Larchmont and the Town Board of Architectural
There was discussion about whether the wetland buffer would be disrupted as a result of the proposed
There were no public comments.
Mr. Naterilli requested a tidal wetlands memo, calculations, stormwater, need full size plans, survey.
Mr. Carpaneto stated there are no violations.
The matter was adjourned to March 12.
APPLICATION 4—Winged Foot Golf Club,Wetlands&Watercourse Permit,Consideration
Seth Mandelbaum, of McCullough, Goldberger&Staudt the applicant's attorney, stated that they were
before the Planning Board for two 2 separate applications.
The first is a Wetlands and Watercourses application is for maintenance and repair work within the
wetlands buffer. This work is intended to address potential flooding issues on a neighbor's property. He
requested a referral to the CZMC and said he hopes for a public hearing in March.
Joe Cemele of Kellard Sessions,the applicant's engineer, stated that all work will occur in the north east
corner of the property with frontage on Griffen Avenue near the 14th east fairway. The existing culvert
has been there since 1946. He added that there are no planned improvements to be installed or
constructed and characterized the action as maintenance..
The proposal was discussed. Mr. Mandelbaum stated that some of the required work is to be done on
the neighbor's property and an easement and planting plan is being negotiated.
There were no public questions or comments.
Mr. Naterelli stated a Wetlands memo needs to be provided, and a full size plan.
The matter was referred to the CZMC with a public hearing to be set for March 12, 2014.
Mr. Ortiz stated that he would like to hear from the neighbors.
APPLICATION NO. 5—Winged Foot Golf Club,Site Plan Amendment,Consideration
Seth Mandelbaum addressed the Board to request an amendment to the approved site plan for the
employee housing project which was approved by the Planning Board in June 2013. At that time,the
application was reviewed by CZMC, BAR, and ZBA,with the PB acting as lead agency. Mr. Mandelbaum
asked that the public hearing be waived as the proposed changes are minimal and were required during
construction to lessen the amount of rock removal.
Mr. Cemele described the proposed changes and explained that due to a large bedrock outcropping,the
caddy storage building was shifted over 10 feet to the south of what was approved. He added that
there is no net change in the layout of driveway but that parking in lower lot was reduced and the staff
building shifted south 3 feet because of an existing sewer line.
Mr. Cemele explained that the foot print is the same as before, but the location has shifted.
Landscaping was discussed
Mr. Burns, manager, stated that the club plans on planting big trees to screen the views as much for the
neighbors as the club. He added that there are a lot of mature trees that will leaf out in the spring to
help screen the buildings.
Mr. Carpaneto stated that the Fire Department had no problem with the proposed change, and added
that a new hydrant is being installed.
Mr. Naterilli stated an updated SWPPP needs to be provided showing all changes.
Mr. Ortiz stated he is not inclined to make a decision on the request to waive the public hearing until he
see's the scope of the changes.
The matter was referred to the CZMC and a public hearing was set for March 12, 2014.
Mr. Marsh asked for the proposed changes to be superimposed onto the prior approved plans to
highlight the changes.
Mr. Ortiz introduced Jaine Elkind- Eney the new Town Board liaison.
Mr. Ortiz stated that he would like to recommend an amendment to the Town Code to change the
hours of construction because exceptions to the Code create an enforcement problem for the police
Motion: To adjourn the meeting at 11:15 P.M.
Moved by Ellen Dunkin, Seconded by George Roniger.
Minutes prepared by
Francine M. Brill
Planning Board Secretary