HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011_11_09 Planning Board Minutes AGENDA TOWN OF MAMARONECK PLANNING BOARD NOVEMBER 9, 2011 8:00 P.M. Held in conference room C of the Town Center Application No. 1 Case No. 293 Bonnie Briar Country Club Public Hearing-Adjourned Required Approval(s) Wetlands and Water courses Town Code Chapter 114 Location: 808 Weaver Street District: REC Project Description site improvement to golf course Application No.2 Case No.295 616 Fifth Avenue Consideration Required Approval(s) Site Plan Approval Town Code Chapter 177 Location: 616 Fifth Avenue District: SB and R-7.5 Project Description Sale of new motor vehicles MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK NOVEMBER 9, 2011 IN CONFERENCE ROOM C,TOWN CENTER 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK Roll Call. Present: Marc Rosenbaum, Chairman, C. Alan Mason, Ellen Dunkin, George Roniger,Virginia Picciotto Also Present: Ronald Carpaneto, Director of Building, Lisa Hochman, Counsel ,James Naterrelli P.E., Consulting Engineer, Elizabeth Paul, Environmental Consultant. Absent/Excused:John Ortiz, Edmund Papazian,Virginia Picciotto CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Application No.2 Case No. 295 616 Fifth Avenue Diego Villareale, P.E.,the applicant's representative, addressed the Board, stating that the property is a little less than a half-acre, 2/3 of which is in the SB zone, and 1/3 is in the R-7.5 zone. The plan is to use the SB zone section in connection with an Acura dealership. He showed photos of the existing graveled area. Mr. Villareale stated that the owner of the property, Emerald Tree Care, entered into a lease agreement with Acura for 33 parking spaces for the sale of new vehicles.They plan to install signage directing people to the main site on Palmer Avenue. Gravel will remain and not be changed to asphalt. Landscaping will be done around the property, with a new five-foot chain link fence at the front and six- feet of fencing on the rear and side.They also plan to plant four street trees along the frontage and blue spruce at the rear, all of which must be approved by the Board of Architectural Review. No building is planned. Mr. Rosenbaum read into the record a portion of Mr. Davis's October 21, 2011 letter. Dr. Mason asked if the applicant was abandoning plans to use the residential section of the lot, to which Mr. Villareale responded that they are evaluating the option but have no residential development plans as of this moment. The wording on the application was discussed and will be corrected by the applicant,to ensure that the application is properly noticed. Mr. Carpaneto stated that the applicant must appear before the Board of Architectural review for landscaping, lighting and signage. Mr. Villareale stated that no lighting is intended to be installed. Mr. Rosenbaum suggested the applicant check with Acura's insurance carrier regarding proper lighting. Ms. Paul stated that the applicant has appeared before the CZMC and the application was found to be consistent with the LWRP. Drainage was discussed. Mr. Villareale stated that some grass has grown through the gravel and informed the Board that the applicant will comply with erosion control regulations. Mr. Carpaneto asked that a fence be installed between the SB and R-7.5 zones. Ms. Paul asked what will happen with R-7.5 section of the property. Mr. Villareale stated they are evaluating the future use of the residential portion but for now the applicant intends to keep it as gravel. Ms. Hochman inquired about the required referrals as they are within 500 feet of 1-95. Mr. Rosenbaum adjourned the matter to December 14, 2011. WORK SESSION Mr. Rosenbaum declared a work session for the Board to discuss the current Bonnie Briar application. Dr. Mason, brought the Board up to speed regarding his recent site visit with Ms. Paul and the engineers. He discussed the site feasibility study, explaining that they pumped 14,000 gallons per hour from the river, after the valve at the reservoir had been closed and there had been no rain for a week. It was found that under those unusual conditions, the level of the river was substantially lower. However,the applicant is proposing to draw only 6,000 gallons per hour from the river. It was suggested that no drawing of water be permitted if the depth of the river falls below a certain level. A rock had been used as a reference point, but board members agreed that a more permanent reference point should be used. Also, it was suggested that if water is pumped down to such referenced level, a two-hour hiatus should be imposed as a protective measure. There was some discussion about what the reference point should be for the water level. Mr. Salinitro asked if they should hold water elevation at the top of the rock and Dr. Mason responded that an inch should be added on top of the rock, as it is important that the stream never stop flowing. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m. Minutes prepared by Francine M. Brill Planning Board Secretary