HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015_07_08 Planning Board Minutes THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, JULY 8, 2015 HELD IN CONFERENCE ROOM C, OF THE TOWN CENTER 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK 1. MINUTES 2. 28 Colonial Avenue Wrobel Public hearing Required Approval(s) Subdivision Approval Town Code Chapter 190 Location: 28 Colonial Avenue District: R-6 Project Description two lot subdivision 3. 23 North Brook Road North Brook Development Public Hearing Required Approval(s) Wetlands and Watercourses Town Code Chapter 114 Location: 23 North Brook Road District: R-6 Project Description build a new single family residence 4. 2 Fairway Drive Fairway Green Consideration Required Approval(s) Subdivision Approval Town Code Chapter 190 Location: 2 Fairway Drive District: R-20 Project Description 3 lot subdivision 5. 33 Marbourne Drive LABhaus Consideration Required Approval(s) Wetlands and Watercourses Town Code Chapter 114 Location: 33 Marbourne Drive District: R-6 Project Description New single family residence 6. 12 Stonewall Lane Yasgur Woods Estate Consideration Required Approval(s) Subdivision Approval Town Code Chapter 190 Location: 12 Stonewall Lane District: R-20 Project Description 2 lot subdivision The meeting commenced at 8:00 P.M. Roll Call. Present: Ralph M. Engel, Chairman, Edmund Papazian, Ellen Dunkin, George Roniger, Stephen Marsh, Ira Block 1 Also Present: Ronald Carpaneto, Building Inspector, Counsel, Lisa Hochman, Counsel, Anthony Oliveri P.E., Consulting Engineer, Elizabeth Paul, Environmental Consultant, Jaine Elkind-Eney, Liaison. Ralph Engel, the new Chairman, introduced himself and thanked John Ortiz for a job well done. Mr. Engel stated that although he was involved with this Board for only a year he had been a member of the Village of Larchmont Planning Board for 20 years and chairman of Larchmont Village Parks and Trees Committee for 10 years. He further stated that after reviewing the statutes that govern the Planning Board time limits, they require all applicants to submit all documents 14 days prior to the applicable meeting and, the incomplete application will be automatically postponed to the to the next meeting and until they are completed will not appear on the Planning Board Agenda. All applications must be complete submissions, and in that regard he recommended that a check off list be prepared by staff for each type of submission to assist applicants. Motion: To approve the minutes of May 13, 2015 Action: Approve Moved by Ira Block, Seconded by Stephen Marsh. Vote: Motion carried by unanimous vote (summary: Yes = 6). Yes: Edmund Papazian, Ellen Dunkin, George Roniger, Ira Block, Ralph M. Engel, Chairman, Stephen Marsh. 2. 28 Colonial Avenue Wrobel Public Hearing Motion: To open the public hearing Action: Approved Moved by Ellen Dunkin, Seconded by Ira Block. Donald Mazin, the applicant's attorney, welcomed Mr. Engel and stated that he submitted a signed Mylar to the Board for the chairman's signature. The Board discussed the plat. Ms. Hochman asked if the application was duly noticed and Ms. Brill responded yes. Public comments were sought but there were none. Motion: To close the public hearing Action: Approved Moved by George Roniger, Seconded by Ira Block. Ms. Hochman was asked to prepare a draft resolution for circulation among Board members prior to the August 12th meeting. 2 3. 23 North Brook Road North Brook Development Public Hearing continued Rick Yestadt, the applicant's architect, addressed the Board stating that the storm water runoff recalculations were done, and further stated that the Town is considering how to resolve the issue involving the easement. Mr. Cohen, the property owner, gave a letter dated July 8, 2015 regarding the easement and it was entered into the record and marked Exhibit 1. Mr. Engel stated that he has had prior business with applicant but can remain impartial regarding the application review process. He asked if any one objected, but nobody did. The Board discussed the application. Mr. Oliveri stated that his prior comments have been addressed satisfactorily, but he needs to have a signed and sealed plan. Mr. Block stated he would like CZMC findings included in the conditions. Ms. Paul spoke regarding the stabilization of the river bank and the proposal to remove six trees but leave four of the stumps as per an arborist's recommendation. She suggested that there should be tree replacement somewhere on the property. Mr. Cohen stated he has no problem replacing trees. The Board members discussed removal of trees and the temporary benefit of leaving the stumps for stabilization. Mr. Engel requested Ms. Hochman to prepare and circulate among Board members a draft resolution for the August 12 meeting. The public hearing remains open. The matter was adjourned to August 12, 2015. 4. 2 Fairway Drive Fairway Green Consideration Michael Charitou, addressed the Board, and stated he is the contract vendee. Mr. Engel stated that the Town Code requires side lines of lots to be at right angles and the rear of the third lot does not meet this requirement. The Board discussed this requirement. Mr. Engel further stated that the applicant must submit a complete application for the Board to review and directed Mr. Charitou to decide on a plot plan and submit it for review, as a public hearing cannot be opened without a complete submission. Mr. Carpaneto stated that the signage was wrong because it stated the Zoning Board rather than Planning Board would hold a public hearing. 3 Mr. Oliveri stated that he wants to see an existing condition survey with topographical information, a layout on the survey, full size plans signed and sealed, a plat by a surveyor signed and sealed and a complete zoning analysis, storm water calculations for the 100 year storm at 9 inches, soil types and soil map. Mr. Charitou stated that the landscaping is still being worked on. Ms. Hochman requested a proper owner authorization. Ms. Hochman further stated that although not a requirement, it has been practice to have a preliminary public hearing with the final and required public hearing held after the county has signed off and SEQRA review is complete. Mr. Charitou stated that he has met with some of the immediate neighbors to address their concerns. Public comments or questions: Joe Giordano of 3 Stonewall Lane asked exactly what is being proposed and whether the lots meet the zoning requirements. Mr. Carpaneto responded yes all zoning requirements are met. Hugh Shevlin of 1 Wagon Wheel asked about the time frame for construction and Mr. Charitou responded that it would be approximately one year from approval. The matter was referred to the CZMC July 27th meeting if Ms. Paul receives everything by the 20`h. Francine Brill stated that all required referrals have been sent. Mr. Charitou stated that he will not be available in August but wants to be on the agenda for further consideration and will have someone represent him. The matter was adjourned to August 12, 2015. 5. 33 Marbourne Drive Consideration Mr. Carpaneto stated that the representatives of the applicant called and said they could not make it to the meeting. It was also discussed that the prior contract vendee was no longer planning to purchase the property. The Board discussed the application. Mr. Oliveri stated that he needs a signed and sealed full size set of drawings with zoning information, showing a planting plan and stabilization of the slope. 4 Mr. Engel stated his concern for safety regarding the rear slope and suggested either a fence or dense plantings be shown on the plan. Mr. Block requested clarification regarding the applicant and owner. Ms. Hochman stated that proper owner authorization is required to proceed. The matter was adjourned to August 12, 2015 for further consideration. 6. 12 Stonewall Lane Yasgur Woods Estates Consideration Elliot Senor, the applicant's architect, addressed the Board stating that the property is located in both the Town of Mamaroneck and in Scarsdale. The Town of Mamaroneck portion is identified on the plans as lots 6 and 7 and the Scarsdale portion is identified as lots 7, 27 and 41. The property is currently one building lot. The fact that the property is in two municipalities was discussed. The existing house is on the Town of Mamaroneck side of the boundary and already has a nonconforming side yard. The Board discussed the side yard nonconformity and suggested that the applicant request an area variance to legalize the nonconformity. Mr. Senor stated that the house and property are for sale and the owner believes he will do better if he subdivides the property to create an additional building lot. He further stated that the Scarsdale Planning Board told him that he cannot subdivide the property solely as it exists in Scarsdale because it does not have sufficient street frontage. The Board discussed the proposal with Mr. Senor. Lots 6 and 26 are conforming but lots 7 and 27 are only 19,000 sq. feet and need lot 41 to be conforming. The matter was adjourned to August 12, 2015 for further consideration. ADJOURNMENT Motion: To adjourn the meeting at 9:35P.M. Action: Approved Moved by Ellen Dunkin, Seconded by Stephen Marsh. Minutes prepared by Francine M. Brill Planning Board Secretary 5