HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018_04_11 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD IN CONFERENCE ROOM C OF THE TOWN CENTER 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK APRIL 11, 2018 Present: Elizabeth Cooney Vice Chair, Eileen Weingarten, Edmund Papazian Also present: Lisa Hochman, Counsel to Planning board, Elizabeth Paul, Environmental Planner, Robert Wasp, Town Engineer, Anthony Oliveri, Consulting Engineer, Sabrina Fiddelman, Town Board Liaison. Absent: Ralph Engel, Chair, Ira Block, Ron Mandel CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. Ms. Cooney, the Acting Chair, stated that there are only three members present which constitutes a quorum but that any action would require a unanimous vote. She further suggested that an applicant may request a straw poll or an adjournment. MINUTES The Minutes of March 14, 2018 were discussed. Motion: To approve the minutes of March 14, 2018 with a technical correction. Action: Approved Moved by Elizabeth Cooney, seconded by Eileen Weingarten Vote: Elizabeth Cooney Vice Chair, Eileen Weingarten, Edmund Papazian 1. 2155 Palmer Avenue—Acura of Westchester—Site Plan Amendment - Consideration No one was present on behalf of the applicant. 2. 30 Colonial Avenue—Stephen Marsh—Residential Site Plan - Public Hearing Motion: To open the public hearing Action: Approved Moved by Eileen Weingarten, seconded by Edmund Papazian Vote: Elizabeth Cooney Vice Chair, Eileen Weingarten, Edmund Papazian Benedict Salanitro, the applicant's engineer, stated that the lot was previously subdivided and maintained as a vacant parcel and they appeared before the Coastal Zone Management 1 Commission (CZMC) on March 26. The Board discussed the letter issued by CZMC. Ms. Cooney stated that the Board received a memo from the Building Inspector that the proposed house is zoning compliant. Mr. Oliver stated his comments were satisfactorily addressed. Public Comments Kate Beebe, of 101 Colonial Ave., asked about rock removal and Mr. Wasp responded that as part of permitting process the applicant is required to notify the neighbors. She also asked about trees and stated that any replacement tree should be a real tree not a small flowering tree. Ms. Paul stated that one tree came down during a recent storm and the Town tree crew will inspect the other street tree. Ms. Beebe further stated that Colonial Avenue is very narrow with a lot of school related traffic and she is concerned with construction and delivery hours. Mr. Marsh stated that he is well aware of limitations of the street and will avoid school hours. Ms. Beebe further stated that she is concerned with the placement of the driveway and Mr. Salanitro responded that they have moved the driveway to avoid conflict with Ms. Beebe's driveway. Ms. Hochman was asked to prepare a resolution. The matter was adjourned to May 9, 2018. 3. 280 Weaver Street—St. John & Paul School—Site Plan Amendment - Consideration George Motarella, the applicant's engineer, stated that they want to install a playground in the school lot. The proposed playground will not be lit and will only be open and supervised during school hours. There will be a pervious covering and a four-foot fence around the area screened by evergreens. The low retaining walls were discussed. Hours of use were discussed: the play- ground is intended for pre-K through 3rd grade and will only be open on week days between 11AM and 2:00 PM. The proposed fence will be black vinyl coated chain link. Motion: To set the public hearing for May 9, 2018 Action: Approved Moved by Eileen Weingarten, seconded by Edmund Papazian Vote: Elizabeth Cooney Vice Chair, Eileen Weingarten, Edmund Papazian Ms. Hochman was asked to prepare a draft resolution. 4. 758 Forest Avenue—758 Forest Realty LLC —Residential Site Plan - Consideration Rick Yestadt, the applicant's architect, stated that the house will be torn down to the basement and the existing structure is to be removed and the addition will be on piers. He further stated that the house will be similar in scale to neighbors. CZMC has reviewed the application. Bill Lachenauer, the applicant's engineer, described the erosion plan and the stormwater management practices. The CZMC letter was discussed. Percolation of soil was discussed. Motion: To set the public hearing. Action: Approved Moved by Eileen Weingarten, seconded by Edmund Papazian 2 Vote: Elizabeth Cooney Vice Chair, Eileen Weingarten, Edmund Papazian Ms. Hochman was asked to prepare a draft resolution. 5. 87 Griffen Avenue -Alexandria and Jeffery Fischer—Residential Site Plan and Wetlands & Watercourses Permit - Consideration Paul Peritti, the applicant's engineer, and the owner, Mr. Fischer, addressed the Board. Mr. Peritti stated that the existing house is to be demolished and they plan to keep the existing curb cut but are asking for a turn around. The plan is to raise grade in the rear for a lawn terrace. The Board and staff discussed water shedding, rock removal, erosion controls and tree removal. Mr. Wasp stated that he supports the proposed stormwater management system because he was there for the tests pits and determined that the soil is not conducive for infiltration. Rock removal will be by mechanical means and Mr. Peritti stated that he will provide calculations next month. The Board discussed the existing wall. The Board discussed the detention system and maintenance. Elevations were discussed and explained. The Board instructed the applicant that the proposed pool must be shown on the site plan and Mr. Peritti stated that the stormwater calculations were designed to accommodate a future pool on the parcel. The property is in both the Town and Scarsdale. Scarsdale will issue the demolition permit and the curb cuts will also be permitted by Scarsdale. Mr. Peritti was informed that a wetlands narrative is required. The matter was referred to CZMC for the April 23rd meeting. Motion: To set the public hearing Action: Approved Moved by Eileen Weingarten, seconded by Edmund Papazian Vote: Elizabeth Cooney Vice Chair, Eileen Weingarten, Edmund Papazian ADJOURNMENT Motion: To adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM Action: Approved Moved by Edmund Papazian, seconded by Eileen Weingarten Vote: Elizabeth Cooney Vice Chair, Eileen Weingarten, Edmund Papazian Minutes prepared by Francine M. Brill, Planning Board Secretary 3