HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017_06_07 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD
JUNE 7, 2017
Roll Call:
Present: Ralph Engel, Chair, Edmund Papazian, George Roniger, Ira Block, Donald Kravet, Ron
Absent: Elizabeth Cooney, Vice Chair, Eileen Weingarten
Also Present: John Landi, Building Inspector, Elizabeth Paul, Environmental Planner, Lisa
Hochman, Counsel to Planning Board, Anthony Oliveri, P.E., Consulting Engineer, Francine M.
Brill, Secretary to Planning Board
The meeting was called to order at 7:34 P.M.
Motion: To approve the minutes of May 10, 2017 with technical corrections
Action: Approved
Moved by Ira Block, seconded by George Roniger
Vote: Ralph Engel, Chair, Edmund Papazian, George Roniger, Ira Block, Donald Kravet, Ron
2. 7 Durham Road
Bill Lackenauer of Hudson Engineering stated that they have received CZMC approval with the
condition that one additional tree be planted. He further stated that the applicant has agreed to
comply with CZMC's recommendation. Ms. Brill stated that the applicant complied with the
notice requirements.
Motion: To open the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by Edmund Papazian, seconded by George Roniger
There were no public questions or comments.
The Board discussed the application and the draft resolution and noted the condition requiring
four replacement trees to be planted.
Mr. Fishman thanked the Board and stated that the PEER process was very helpful. Mr. Block
praised the applicant's efforts to inform neighbors about the project.
Motion: to close the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by George Roniger, seconded by Ira Block
Motion: To approve as the resolution as modified.
Action: Approved
Moved by Ira Block, seconded by George Roniger
Vote: Ralph Engel, Chair, Edmund Papazian, George Roniger, Ira Block, Donald Kravet, Ron
On motion of Ira Block seconded by George Roniger, the site plan application of David Fishman
(the "Applicant") was APPROVED by the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck (the
"Board") upon the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted by a vote of 6-0.
WHEREAS, the Applicant has applied for residential site plan approval to install a patio and
make alterations to the family house (the "Application") at property located at 7 Durham Road
Town of Mamaroneck, New York and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of
Mamaroneck as Block 227, Lot 138.1 (the "Property"); and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has applied for approval of a residential site plan pursuant to Chapter
178 of the Town of Mamaroneck Code (the "Residential Site Plan Law"); and
WHEREAS,the Applicant has provided all information required by the Residential Site Plan Law
and the Application was deemed by the Board to be complete; and
WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Planning Board stated that all required referrals were made in
accordance with Section 178-9 of the Residential Site Plan Law and no comments were received;
WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 234 of the Town Code, the Application was referred to
the Coastal Zone Management Commission ("CZMC"); and
WHEREAS, the CZMC considered the Application at its meeting on May 22, 2017 and issued a
letter to the Planning Board, dated May 30, 2017, stating that four trees will be removed during
construction but only three replacement trees are proposed;
WHEREAS, CZMC requested one additional replacement tree be added to the plan and,with such
additional replacement tree, CZMC stated that the proposed action would be consistent with the
policies of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant agreed to plant a total of four replacement trees in accordance with the
CZMC recommendation; and
WHEREAS, Dolph Rotfeld Engineering, P.C. (the "Town's Consulting Engineer") reviewed
the following plans:
• Proposed Patio Alterations, prepared by Hudson Engineering and Consulting, P.C., dated
March 8, 2017 and last revised May 12, 2017
• Stormwater Management Plan and Drainage Analysis, prepared by Hudson Engineering and
Consulting, P.C., dated March 8, 2017 and last revised April 21, 2017
WHEREAS, the Town's Consulting Engineer and Building Inspector stated that the Proposed
Action complies with the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, after compliance with notification procedures set forth in Chapter 144 of the Town
Code, the Planning Board held a duly noticed public hearing as to the Application on June 7, 2017;
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has considered the Application; comments and responses to
questions by the Applicant and its representatives; the reports and comments of the Town's
consulting engineer; and held a public hearing to solicit comments of interested members of the
public; and
WHEREAS, this is a Type II action having no significant impact on the environment pursuant to
the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act and 6 NYCRR§ 617 et seq. and Section 92-
8.A(22) of the Town of Mamaroneck Environmental Quality Review Law and, accordingly, no
further environmental review is required; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that the Application conforms to the standards established by
Section 178-12 of the Residential Site Plan Law.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Board APPROVES the
Application as reflected in the hereinabove specified plans submitted in connection with the
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board APPROVES the Application subject to the
following terms and conditions:
1. All site work shall be in accordance with the latest revised plans, as herein referenced.
2. Any applicable county, state and regional permits shall be obtained prior to the issuance
of any Town permits.
3. Pursuant to Section 178-16 of the Town Code, in the event that the applicant shall require
any modification to the site plan approved by this resolution, a determination shall be
made by Town Building Inspector in consultation with the Town's Consulting Engineer
as to whether the modification is substantial and should be further considered by the
Planning Board.
4. The Applicant will arrange a pre-construction meeting with the Town's Consulting
Engineer and the Town Building Inspector prior to any site disturbance.
5. The Applicant shall submit a schedule for all earthwork and land disturbance to the
Town's Consulting Engineer and the Building Inspector for approval prior to
commencing site work.
6. In accordance with Section 178-17.A of the Residential Site Plan Law, no building
permit shall be issued until a signed site plan is delivered to the Town Building Inspector.
7. In accordance with Section 178-17.B of the Residential Site Plan Law, no Certificate of
Occupancy shall be issued until all of the required conditions of this approval have been
8. The Applicant shall furnish an "as built" survey when construction is completed.
9. The above-referenced plans shall be revised to reflect that there shall be four replacement
trees planted.
10. The term "Applicant" as used herein shall include the Applicant, as defined above, and
any successor or assign in/or ownership interest of the Property or any portion thereof
4. 851 Fenimore -Winged Foot Golf Club
Joe Cermele, the applicant's engineer, addressed the Board stating that the applicant has made
changes to the rainfall data calculation to the 100-year storm event as requested by Mr. Oliveri.
Ms. Paul explained that CZMC made a finding of consistency with the local waterfront
revitalization program but that they believed the stormwater system wasn't large enough and
suggested that the applicant should do more. Mr. Oliveri stated that the applicant complied with
all applicable Town and New York State requirements and that the peak rate of flow will be
reduced and there will be mitigation through the 100-year storm event. Mr. Block voiced his
concerns and suggested that the applicant should follow the CZMC recommendation. Mr. Landi
stated that CZMC's recommendation would result in more land disturbance. The Board
discussed the stormwater management system and existing conditions.
Motion: To open the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by: Edmund Papaziam, seconded by Donald Kravet
There were no public questions or comments.
The Board discussed the draft resolution. With the exception of Mr. Block, the Board members
voiced their satisfaction with the plan as presented.
Motion: To close the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by: Edmund Papazian, seconded by Donald Kravet
Motion: To approve the Site Plan Amendment
Action: Approved
Moved by: Edmund Papazian, seconded by Donald Kravet
YES: Ralph Engel, Edmund Papazian, George Roniger, Donald Kravet, Ron Mandel
ABSTAIN: Ira Block
On motion of Edmond Papazian, seconded by Donald Kravet,the application of Winged Foot Golf
Club (the "Applicant") for approval of a site plan amendment was APPROVED by the Planning
Board of the Town of Mamaroneck (the "Board") upon the following resolution, which was
adopted by a vote of 5-0 with one (1) abstention.
WHEREAS, the Applicant submitted an application to amend the site plan to construct a golf
bag storage building (the "Application"); and
WHEREAS,the Property is located at 851 Fenimore Road and known on the Tax Assessment map
of the Town of Mamaroneck as Parcel Number 3-47-1.1 (the"Property")in the Recreation District;
WHEREAS, the Coastal Zone Management Commission ("CZMC") reviewed the Application
at its meeting on May 22, 2017 and issued a letter to the Planning Board dated May 30, 2017
which stated, inter alia, as follows:
CZMC found the proposal to be technically consistent with the policies of the
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) because the project mitigates
the net increase in stormwater from the project area. However, this system is
insufficient to accommodate the runoff from the 1,465 square foot roof area and
portions of the pavement surrounding the building, making the system completely
ineffective. It appears that in most storm conditions, the system will be
inundated and overflow to the existing drainage system. CZMC recommends
that a larger infiltration system be installed that will accommodate the
stormwater from the entire project area, or at least the roof area of the proposed
WHEREAS, the Town's consulting engineer reviewed the Application and issued a memo to the
Planning Board, dated May 31, 2017, which stated as follows:
This office recommends approval of the plans with the condition that the
stormwater calculations be revised to reflect the correction to 25-year rainfall
depth of 6.4"
WHEREAS,the Applicant revised the plans in accordance with such recommendation; and
WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing for the Application was held on June 7, 2017; and
WHEREAS, at the June 7 public hearing, based on statements of the Town's consulting
engineer, the Planning Board determined that the stormwater system will sufficiently
accommodate the flow of water and reduce the peak rate of runoff through the 100-year storm;
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has considered the Application; comments and responses to
questions by the Applicant and its representatives; the memos, letters, reports and comments of
the Town's consulting engineer and CZMC; and has held a public hearing to solicit comments
from interested members of the public; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant provided all information required by Chapter 177 of the Code of the
Town of Mamaroneck(the "Town Code"); and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that the Application conforms to the standards established by Sec.
177-5 of the Town Code; and
WHEREAS, this is a Type II action having no significant impact on the environment pursuant to
6 NYCRR§ 617 et. seq. and Section 92-8(A)(8) of the Town Code and, accordingly, no further
action under SEQRA is required; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that the Application conforms to the standards established by
Section 177-5 of the Town Code.
Application for an amendment to the site plan which proposes improvements to the area located
on the southern portion of the Property as reflected in the following plans submitted in
connection with the Application:
• Golf Bag Storage Building Site Plans prepared by Kellard Sessions Consulting, last
revised on May 15, 2017
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board APPROVES the Application subject to the
following terms and conditions:
1. All site work shall be in accordance with the latest revised plans, as herein referenced.
2. Any and all applicable county, state and regional permits shall be obtained prior to the
issuance of any Town permits. In the event that such permit(s) require any modification
to the site plan approved by this resolution, a determination shall be made by the Town
Building Inspector and Town's Consulting Engineer as to whether the modification is
substantial and should be returned to the Planning Board.
3. The Applicant will arrange a pre-construction meeting with the Town's Consulting
Engineer and the Town Building Inspector prior to any site disturbance.
4. The Applicant shall submit a schedule for all earthwork and land disturbance to the
Town's Consulting Engineer and the Building Inspector for approval prior to
commencing site work.
5. Prior to the issuance of any Town permits, the Applicant shall furnish to the Town an
erosion and sediment control bond in an amount to be established by the Building
Inspector, to be held for a period of one year from the date of the issuance of a letter of
completion by the Building Inspector.
6. The Applicant shall furnish an "as built" survey when construction is completed.
7. In accordance with Section 177-6 of the Town Code, no certificate of occupancy shall be
issued until all of the required conditions of the site plan approval have been met. The
continued validity of any certificate of occupancy shall be subject to continued
conformance with the approved site plan and conditions attached thereto. Any amendment
of a site plan shall be subject to the same approval procedure as set forth in Chapter 177 of
the Town Code.
5. 2 and 4 Fairway Drive
Mike Charitou, the owner, addressed the Board and gave a brief history and synopsis of the
proposals. Larry Nardeccia, the applicant's engineer, stated that he did a storm water analysis
using a virgin lot to calculate reduction and added additional dry wells resulting in retention of
195.3% of the required water.
Mr. Oliveri stated that the subdivision was approved with 100-year storm calculation stipulation.
He further stated that there were new test pits and the calculations were reviewed and checked
Ms. Paul stated that the applicant has addressed all comments and concerns raised by the CZMC.
Mr. Papazian asked if that area is causing a water problem. Mr. Landi responded that, in its
current state the property is causing a water problem but once built the situation will improve.
Mr. Nardeccia stated that the soil has been compacted by the demolition and therefore can't
absorb water. Also, drywells have not yet been installed. The Board and Mr. Oliveri discussed
the timing of drywell installation. Mr. Charitou stated that he created a fabric covered wood chip
berm to filter and slow the water flow during the construction. He added that a siltation trap was
installed behind 1179 Old White Plains Road. Mr. Landi stated that Mr. Charitou's system will
reduce the water problem but not necessarily solve it.
Mr. Block asked how long construction would take and Mr. Charitou responded he would like to
start immediately and complete both houses in 9 months.
Motion: To open the public hearing for both 2 Fairway and 4 Fairway Drive
Action: Approved
Moved by: Ira Block, seconded by Edmund Papazian
Public Comments
Adele Fader of 3 Fairway Drive stated that she feels that this has gone on forever, that the fence
is not safe and that there is a section of the street where the Applicant connected to the sewer
system that needs to be patched. Mr. Charitou responded that he will patch it. Mr. Engel stated
that the Board could make that a condition of approval. Mr. Landi stated that he will check the
construction fence.
Bruce Fader of 3 Fairway Drive requested that the Applicant construct the building as soon as
Jeff Millman of 22 Doris Road stated that water from the Applicant's property has been flooding
his property and basement. Mr. Nardeccia stated that the intent of the plan is to intercept water
before it gets to the low point near the property line. Mr. Oliveri stated that he agrees with Mr.
Nardeccia's proposal. Mr. Millman asked if there could be a berm or more trees planted on the
property line. Mr. Oliveri stated that a permanent berm would not be a good idea as it could
cause water to flow in a deleterious direction. Ms. Millman asked for more trees between the
properties, for privacy and to muffle sound. Mr. Charitou presented the planting plan. Mr.
Nardeccia stated that if there is an overhead canopy new plantings can't survive.
Mr. Paul Millman arrived and inquired about the berm and drywells. Mr. Oliveri stated that the
drywells can't be put into use during construction. The berm is to deal with the water now and
during construction as the water naturally flows in the direction of 22 Doris. Mt. Block stated
that the water problem is exacerbated by the undeveloped lots.
Mr. Landi stated that the Applicant has have installed sediment traps to help minimize the runoff.
The Board discussed the planting plan.
The Board discussed potential conditions to approval.
Motion: To close the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by Ira Block, seconded by Donald Kravet
Motion to approve the residential site plan for 2 Fairway Drive
Action: Approved
Vote: Ralph Engel, Chair, Edmund Papazian, George Roniger, Ira Block, Donald Kravet, Ron
On motion of Ira Block, seconded by Donald Kravet, the site plan application of Elite Realty Team
LLC(the"Applicant")was APPROVED by the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck(the
"Board") upon the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted by a vote of 6 to 0.
WHEREAS, the Applicant has applied for residential site plan approval to construct a single
family house (the "Application") at property located at 2 Fairway Drive Town of Mamaroneck,
New York and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 333 Lot
967.1 (the "Property"); and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has applied for approval of a residential site plan pursuant to Chapter
178 of the Town of Mamaroneck Code (the "Residential Site Plan Law"); and
WHEREAS,the Applicant has provided all information required by the Residential Site Plan Law
and the Application was deemed by the Board to be complete; and
WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Planning Board stated that all required referrals were made in
accordance with Section 178-9 of the Residential Site Plan Law and no comments were received;
WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 234 of the Town Code, the Application was referred to
the Coastal Zone Management Commission ("CZMC"); and
WHEREAS, the CZMC considered the Application at its meetings on April 24, 2017 and May
22, 2017 and issued a letter to the Planning Board, dated May 30, 2017, stating that it found the
proposed action to be consistent with the policies of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan; and
WHEREAS, Dolph Rotfeld Engineering, P.C. (the "Town's Consulting Engineer") reviewed
the following plans:
• Site Plan Review—Lot 2 Fairway Corner Subdivsion—2 Fairway Drive, prepared by Larry J.
Nardecchia, Jr., P.E., last revised on April 11, 2017
• Drainage Analysis, prepared by Larry J. Nardecchia Jr. P.E., last revised on May 5, 2017
WHEREAS, the Town's Consulting Engineer and Building Inspector stated that the proposed
action complies with the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, after compliance with notification procedures set forth in Chapter 144 of the Town
Code, the Planning Board held a duly noticed public hearing as to the Application on June 7, 2017;
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has considered the Application; comments and responses to
questions by the Applicant and its representatives; the reports and comments of the Town's
consulting engineer; and the comments of interested members of the public; and
WHEREAS, this is a Type II action having no significant impact on the environment pursuant to
the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act and 6 NYCRR§ 617 et seq. and Section 92-
8.A(22) of the Town of Mamaroneck Environmental Quality Review Law and, accordingly, no
further environmental review is required; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that the Application conforms to the standards established by
Section 178-12 of the Residential Site Plan Law.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Board APPROVES the
Application as reflected in the hereinabove specified plans submitted in connection with the
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board APPROVES the Application subject to the
following terms and conditions:
1. All site work shall be in accordance with the latest revised plans, as herein referenced.
2. Any applicable county, state and regional permits shall be obtained prior to the issuance
of any Town permits.
3. Pursuant to Section 178-16 of the Town Code, in the event that the Applicant shall
require any modification to the site plan approved by this resolution, a determination
shall be made by Town Building Inspector, in consultation with the Town's Consulting
Engineer, as to whether the modification is substantial and should be further considered
by the Planning Board.
4. The Applicant will arrange a pre-construction meeting with the Town's Consulting
Engineer and the Town Building Inspector prior to any site disturbance.
5. The Applicant shall submit a schedule for all earthwork and land disturbance to the
Town's Consulting Engineer and the Building Inspector for approval prior to
commencing further site work.
6. In accordance with Section 178-17.A of the Residential Site Plan Law, no building
permit shall be issued until a signed site plan is delivered to the Town Building Inspector.
7. In accordance with Section 178-17.B of the Residential Site Plan Law, no Certificate of
Occupancy shall be issued until all of the required conditions of this approval have been
8. The Applicant shall furnish an "as built" survey when construction is completed.
9. Prior to issuance of a building permit, and throughout the duration of construction, the
Applicant shall repair and maintain the temporary patch in the street located at the sewer
main connection on Fairway Drive. Further, Applicant shall maintain any and all
roadway work throughout the duration of the project.
10. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall make any repair to the
construction fence deemed advisable by the Town Building Inspector.
11. This site plan approval shall be conditioned up the Applicant's submission of an
application for a building permit within ten (10) business days after the date hereof
12. The term "Applicant" as used herein in connection with the intent to impose a future
obligation or condition shall include the Applicant, as defined above, and any successor
or assign in/of ownership interest of the Property or any portion thereof
Motion: to approve the residential site plan for 4 Fairway Drive
Action: Approved
Moved: by Ira Block seconded by Edmund Papazian
Vote: Ralph Engel, Chair, Edmund Papazian, George Roniger, Ira Block, Donald Kravet, Ron
On motion of Ira Block, seconded by Edmund Papazian, the site plan application of Elite Realty
Team LLC (the "Applicant") was APPROVED by the Planning Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck (the "Board") upon the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted by a
vote of 6 to 0.
WHEREAS, the Applicant has applied for residential site plan approval to construct a single
family house (the "Application") at property located at 4 Fairway Drive, Town of Mamaroneck,
New York and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 333 Lot
967.2 (the "Property"); and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has applied for approval of a residential site plan pursuant to Chapter
178 of the Town of Mamaroneck Code (the "Residential Site Plan Law"); and
WHEREAS,the Applicant has provided all information required by the Residential Site Plan Law
and the Application was deemed by the Board to be complete; and
WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Planning Board stated that all required referrals were made in
accordance with Section 178-9 of the Residential Site Plan Law and no comments were received;
WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 234 of the Town Code, the Application was referred to
the Coastal Zone Management Commission ("CZMC"); and
WHEREAS, the CZMC considered the Application at its meetings on April 24, 2017 and May
22, 2017 and issued a letter to the Planning Board, dated May 30, 2017, stating that it found the
proposed action to be consistent with the policies of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan; and
WHEREAS, Dolph Rotfeld Engineering, P.C. (the "Town's Consulting Engineer") reviewed
the following plans:
• Site Plan Review—Lot 3 Fairway Corner Subdivsion—4 Fairway Drive, prepared by
Larry J. Nardecchia, Jr., P.E., last revised on April 11, 2017
• Drainage Analysis, prepared by Larry J. Nardecchia Jr. P.E., last revised on May 5, 2017
WHEREAS, the Town's Consulting Engineer and Building Inspector stated that the Proposed
Action complies with the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, after compliance with notification procedures set forth in Chapter 144 of the Town
Code, the Planning Board held a duly noticed public hearing as to the Application on June 7, 2017;
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has considered the Application; comments and responses to
questions by the Applicant and its representatives; the reports and comments of the Town's
consulting engineer; and the comments of interested members of the public; and
WHEREAS, this is a Type II action having no significant impact on the environment pursuant to
the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act and 6 NYCRR§ 617 et seq. and Section 92-
8.A(22) of the Town of Mamaroneck Environmental Quality Review Law and, accordingly, no
further environmental review is required; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that the Application conforms to the standards established by
Section 178-12 of the Residential Site Plan Law.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Board APPROVES the
Application as reflected in the hereinabove specified plans submitted in connection with the
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board APPROVES the Application subject to the
following terms and conditions:
1. All site work shall be in accordance with the latest revised plans, as herein referenced.
2. Any applicable county, state and regional permits shall be obtained prior to the issuance
of any Town permits.
3. Pursuant to Section 178-16 of the Town Code, in the event that the Applicant shall
require any modification to the site plan approved by this resolution, a determination
shall be made by Town Building Inspector, in consultation with the Town's Consulting
Engineer, as to whether the modification is substantial and should be further considered
by the Planning Board.
4. The Applicant will arrange a pre-construction meeting with the Town's Consulting
Engineer and the Town Building Inspector prior to any site disturbance.
5. The Applicant shall submit a schedule for all earthwork and land disturbance to the
Town's Consulting Engineer and the Building Inspector for approval prior to
commencing further site work.
6. In accordance with Section 178-17.A of the Residential Site Plan Law, no building
permit shall be issued until a signed site plan is delivered to the Town Building Inspector.
7. In accordance with Section 178-17.B of the Residential Site Plan Law, no Certificate of
Occupancy shall be issued until all of the required conditions of this approval have been
8. The Applicant shall furnish an "as built" survey when construction is completed.
9. Prior to issuance of a building permit and throughout the duration of construction, the
Applicant shall repair and maintain the temporary patch in the street located at the sewer
main connection on Fairway Drive. Further, Applicant shall maintain any and all
roadway work throughout the duration of the project.
10. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall make any repair to the
construction fence deemed advisable by the Town Building Inspector.
11. This site plan approval shall be conditioned up the Applicant's submission of an
application for a building permit within ten (10) business days after the date hereof
12. The Applicant shall construct and maintain throughout construction a berm, which shall
be extended if deemed advisable by the Town's Building Inspector or the Town's
Consulting Engineer.
13. As condition precedent to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the Applicant shall
plant additional trees with the location, type, number and size of trees to be approved by
the Town's Environmental Planner. Such trees shall be reflected on a revised landscape
plan, which shall be filed with the Town Building Department prior to the issuance of a
certificate of occupancy.
14. The term "Applicant" as used herein shall include the Applicant, as defined above, and
any successor or assign in/of ownership interest of the Property or any portion thereof
Upon the motion of George Roniger, seconded by Edmond Papazian, the meeting was adjourned
at 9:43 P.M.
Prepared by
Francine M. Brill
Planning Board Secretary