Roll Call.
Present: Ralph M. Engel, (Chairman), Elizabeth Cooney(Vice Chairman), Edmund Papazian, George
Roniger, Ira Block, Eileen Weingarten
Also Present: Lisa Hochman, Counsel to Planning Board,Anthony Oliveri P.E., Consulting Engineer,
Elizabeth Paul, Environmental Consultant,John Landi, Building Inspector.
Absent/Excused: Donald J. Kravet, Ron Mandel,Alternate,Jaine Elkind-Eney,Town Board Liaison
Mr. Engel welcomed everyone and wished all a Happy New Year.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30P.M.
Motion:Approve the minutes of December 14, 2016 as modified
Moved by Ira Block, Seconded by Elizabeth Cooney.
2. 12 Stonewall Lane—Residential Site Plan-Public Hearing
Mr. Parker,the applicant's architect, addressed the Board stating that Hudson Engineering had
addressed Mr. Oliveri's comments. He also brought more photos.
Mr. Oliveri stated that he has follow up comments. He stated that he needs more detail regarding the
pool backwash into the sewer service line. It is a plumbing code question.
Mr. Engel asked that the total lot disturbance be shown on the plan. Mr. Parker responded that there
are no changes and that information is on the plan. Ms. Weingarten responded that there seems to be a
lot more lot disturbance.
Lot disturbance was discussed and Mr. Oliveri pointed out that it is listed on Hudson Engineering
drawing C2 at 70%.
Ms. Brill stated that the application was duly noticed for a public hearing.
Motion:To open the public hearing
Moved by Edmund Papazian, Seconded by Eileen Weingarten
The were no public questions or comments.
The architect said that he had letters from neighbors in support of the proposal and Mr. Engel stated
that they were not received 14 days prior to the meeting and, as such,would not be accepted.
Ms. Hochman asked whether the required referrals were made and Ms. Brill responded yes. Ms.
Hochman further stated that the matter is to be referred to the Coastal Zone Management Commission.
Screening & landscape was discussed as shown in the original packet on the architectural plan L101.
The Board discussed the wording of the proposed resolution and conditions as well as the requirement
for a finalized,full set of plans.
The Board discussed the procedure associated with minor modifications to an approved site plan.
Ms. Paul stated that the next Coastal Zone Management Commission meeting is scheduled for Monday
January 23, 2017 and she needs the submittal a week prior.
The matter was referred to the Coastal Zone Management Commission and adjourned to February.
3. 33 Marbourne Drive—Wetlands&Watercourses and Residential Site Plan-Public Hearing
Benedict Salanitro,the applicant's engineer, addressed the Board.
Mr. Engel explained,that because modifications were done after the deadline,they will be reviewed by
the Board for next meeting.
Mr. Oliveri stated that his comments were satisfactorily addressed.
The fence was shown on the plan as requested. The fence placement and material was discussed and it
was decided that the house will be a protective barrier and, therefore,the fence is not necessary behind
the house.
Mr. Landi stated that there are strict NYS codes pertaining to fire and building safety that will be
reviewed by the Building Department.
Mr. Salanitro stated that the applicant intends to apply to the Town Board for removal of a town tree
near the proposed driveway. If the request is denied,the applicant would have to return to the
Planning Board for a change to the site plan.
Mr. Oliveri stated that the architect's and engineer's plans must be coordinated.
Mr. Oliveri stated that the plan should show the fence not being behind the house.
The fence and the fact that a site plan applies in perpetuity were discussed. It was suggested by Mr.
Papazian that the fence should be listed as just a 4 foot high non-climbable protective fence and not a
specific type of fence.
Mr. Landi stated that a site plan is permanent and any changes would require the applicant to return
before the Planning Board with respect to anything that was different, even a change to plantings.
The Board discussed whether or not the Town Board would consider amending the law to make it less
restrictive with respect to whether future changes to the property would require amendments to the
site plan. It was suggested that Town Attorney Bill Maker be made aware of this issue.
The easement was discussed and Mr. Salanitro stated that the owners have not hired an attorney to
prepare it yet.
Mr. Engel stated that the Board needs to know that the easement exists.
Mr. Salanitro further stated that, if the sewer in the street can be reached by gravity,they would not
want the easement and they are researching the cost of the easement vs. possible connection to the
sewer system.
Maintenance of the stream was discussed. Mr. Salanitro stated it is on private property and the owner
is required to maintain it. Mr. Landi added that the property owner is required to maintain it under the
New York State property maintenance code. Mr. Oliveri stated that maintenance should be noted on
the plan.
The matter was adjourned to the February 2017 meeting.
4. 12 Mohegan Road—Residential Site Plan—Public Hearing
Motion:To open the public hearing
Moved by Edmund Papazian,Seconded by George Roniger.
Benedict Salanitro,the applicant's engineer, addressed the Board, stating that the proposal is for a new
single family dwelling with a reduction of impervious surface. He further stated that all required
documents were submitted: a site plan, erosion control plan, landscape plan etc.
Mr. Salanito stated that 395 people were notified and letters from neighbors were supplied in the
Mr. Oliveri stated that, as provided in his memo dated 1/5/2017, the zoning table needs to be
reconfigured, and Items 4 and 5 on the checklist should be addressed.
Mr. Marsh wrote a letter to the chairman of the Board explaining that he is a member of the Zoning
Board of Appeals and the Town Board determined that there is no conflict of interest. Mr. Marsh
further stated that he will write a letter listing all other permits required.
Ms. Paul stated that this is a Type 2 action and therefore no environmental review is required under
Mr. Oliveri questioned the steps to the basement leading into the right of way area. Mr. Marsh
responded that he is attempting to remove the right of way as it only goes back on the property 100 feet
and, if not possible, he will eliminate the steps and move the door.
The third floor bedroom was discussed and Mr. Marsh stated that the entire house will have a sprinkler
The proposed rain garden was discussed.
Mr. Oliveri stated that the whole property has shallow rock.
Mr. Marsh stated that the shuffle board court and patio are to be removed.
Mr. Oliveri asked that the tree species and protection of the remaining trees be shown on the plan.
Mr. Engel asked that a draft resolution be prepared and the matter was referred to the Coastal Zone
Management Commission.
The matter was adjourned to February, 2017
5. 2423 Boston Post Road—Special Use Permit Renewal-MAJESTIC GLASS-Consideration
No one appeared to addressed the Board.
Mr. Engel stated that applicant failed to timely appear before and asked what can be done. Mr. Landi
stated that a violation can be issued or the Town could go directly to a summons to appear in court,
with possible fines levied. He further stated that a violation will be issued but, if the applicant appears
before the Planning Board before the court date it will be dismissed.
6. Other Business
Staff informed the Board that 5 Valley Road will be on the next agenda.
Mr. Engel requested that the revised checklists be supplied in the next package for Board members.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 P.M.
Minutes prepared by
Francine M. Brill
Planning Board Secretary