HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017_07_12 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD
JULY 12, 2017
Roll Call:
Present: Ralph Engel, Chair, Edmund Papazian, George Roniger, Ira Block, Eileen Weingarten
Also Present: John Landi, Building Inspector, Lisa Hochman, Counsel to Planning Board,
Anthony Oliveri, P.E., Consulting Engineer, Francine M. Brill, Secretary to Planning Board
Absent: Elizabeth Cooney, Donald Kravet, Ron Mandel, Elizabeth Paul, Environmental
Planner, Jaine Elkind Eney, Town Board Liaison
Motion: To approve the minutes of the June 7, 2017 with technical corrections
Action: Approved
Moved by Ira Block, seconded by George Roniger
Yes: Ralph Engel, Chair, Edmund Papazian, George Roniger, Ira Block
No: None
Abstain: Eileen Weingarten
626 Fifth Ave -Public Hearing
Jim Santoro, the office manager, addressed the Board
Ralph Engel stated that the requested plantings have been done and noted the improvement.
Mr. Engel invited members of the public to address the Board. There were no questions or
comments from members of the public.
Motion: To close the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by Edmund Papazian, seconded by Eileen Weingarten
Yes: Ralph Engel, Chair, Edmund Papazian, George Roniger, Ira Block, Eileen Weingarten
No: None
Abstain: None
Motion: To approve the special use permit renewal
Action: Approved
Moved by Eileen Weingarten, seconded by Ira Block
Yes: Ralph Engel, Chair, Edmund Papazian, George Roniger, Ira Block, Eileen Weingarten
No: None
Abstain: None
On motion of Eileen Weingarten seconded by Ira Block the special use permit renewal application
of McGuire's Service Corp. (the "Applicant") was APPROVED by the Planning Board of the
Town of Mamaroneck (the "Board") upon the following resolution, which was unanimously
adopted by a vote of to 5-0.
WHEREAS, the Applicant submitted an application for a Special Use Permit renewal for
continued use of the premises at 626 Fifth Avenue and known on the Tax Assessment Map of
the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 132, Lot 61 as a contractor's establishment; and
WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to continue to use the subject premises as a contractor's
establishment in a SB-R zoning district; and
WHEREAS, Section 240-31.B.6 of the Zoning Code of the Town of Mamaroneck lists
"Contractors' Establishments" as a specially permitted use in the SB-R zoning district; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly noticed; and
WHEREAS,the Chair invited questions and comments from members of the public on May
10 and July 12, 2017; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has considered the application for the special use permit
renewal, the plans and environmental analysis submitted by the applicant, comments and
responses to questions by the applicant, the reports and comments of the consulting Engineer to
the Town and heard interested members of the public; and
WHEREAS, the Director of Building has indicated to the Planning Board that there are no
outstanding violations; and
WHEREAS, this is Type II action pursuant to SEQRA and MEQR requiring no additional
environmental review; and
WHEREAS, Section 240-62 of the Zoning Code of the Town of Mamaroneck provides that
Planning Board shall not grant a special permit unless, it determines the standards stated therein
have been met.
RESOLVED that this Board makes findings of fact as follows:
A. The proposed use as limited by the conditions set forth herein is in general harmony with the
surrounding area and shall not adversely impact upon the adjacent properties due to traffic
generated by said use or the access of traffic from said use onto or off of adjoining streets.
B. The operations in connection with the Special Use Permit renewal will be no more
objectionable to nearby properties by reason of noise, fumes, and vibrations, flashing of lights or
other aspects than would be the operations of any other permitted use not requiring a Special Use
C. The proposed Special Use Permit renewal use will be in harmony with the general health,
safety and welfare of the surrounding area by the nature of its particular location. It will not
adversely impact upon surrounding properties or surrounding property values.
D. There are no existing violations of Chapter 240 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck on
the subject property.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board APPROVES the application of
McGuire's Service Corp. for a renewal of a previously awarded Special Use Permit for a
contactor's establishment, subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. The hours of operation shall be from 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday,
closed on Saturday and open from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on Sunday.
2. There will be no on-site servicing of vehicles or equipment.
3. There shall be no on-site storage of noxious or hazardous materials.
4. This special use permit renewal shall expire after two (2)years.
5. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with approved plan on file.
6. This Special Use Permit renewal is subject to the termination requirements set forth in
Section 240-64 and 240-65 and the use restrictions set forth in Section 240-30 of the
Zoning Code of the Town of Mamaroneck.
3. 82 Murray Avenue - Consideration.
Mr. Engel stated that the next application has a basic problem with owner authorization.
Eliot Senor, the applicant's Engineer, explained that the plan is to demolish the existing house,
move the driveway to Edgewood Avenue and build a new house on the site. He further stated
that about half of basement is below grade. Mr. Senor further stated perk tests were done and
there was no perk rate. The applicant is proposing a detention system to the storm drain.
Mark Mustacato, the applicant's architect, explained the street scape and site plan and showed a
rendering of the proposed house.
Parking was discussed and Mr. Senor stated that two cars will fit in the garage and two cars
could be parked in the driveway.
Mr. Senor stated that air conditioning condensers will be tucked in corner of the back yard,
screened from neighbors and within the allowable building area. Mr. Senor further stated that
the existing house has a tremendous amount of screening. Mr. Engel requested that the
landscape architect show the AC units on plan.
Tony Acacell, the landscape architect, explained the planting plan. Mr. Engel asked about the
height of the proposed plants when planted and at maturity. The sight distance at the corner was
discussed. Mr. Landi suggested the applicant discuss the planting with the Town Highway
Ms. Weingarten stated that she would like to see more detail regarding the patio.
The matter was adjourned to August.
13-19 Madison Avenue
Mr. Engel stated that when the Cambium was approved the applicant came before the PB for an
advisory opinion. He further explained that a new facade on the sports club building was to
mirror the look of the apartment building, to tie the two buildings together. He advised the
Board that the present owner is now asking for a different facade and the Planning Board is
being asked by the Town Board whether to allow the change, as the Cambium has requested
relief from the original plan.
The Board discussed the facade.
Ms. Hochman stated that the Board could have 60 days to respond and may request more
information if they deem it necessary to be able to make an informed decision. She further
explained that the Board should apply the criteria set forth in Chapter 177, commercial site plan.
Mr. Engel recommended that the Board maintain the arrangement that was approved originally
because leaving as is or simply painting does not bring it into harmony with the look of the
building immediately behind. The Board members agreed that Ms. Hochman should send an
email advising the Town Board that the Planning Board recommends adhering to the original
Fifth Avenue
Mr. Engel stated that he walked Fifth Avenue with the Town Supervisor and learned that the
Town Board would like to see improvements to the area, as it is an entrance into the Town.
Mr. Landi stated that he will check to see if any properties in that area would require a Special
Use Permit.
Mr. Engel stated that parts of the sidewalk on Fifth Ave are not maintained.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 PM