HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017_10_11 Planning Board Minutes 1
OCTOBER 11,2017
Present: Ralph Engel, Chairman, Edmund Papazian, George Roniger, Ira Block, Ron Mandel
Also Present: Lisa Hochman, Counsel to Planning Board, Elizabeth Paul, Environmental Planner, Robert
Wasp,Town Engineer, Ralph Tarchine, Interim Building Inspector, Anthony Oliveri PE Consulting
Engineer, Francine M. Brill, Secretary to Planning Board
Motion: To approve the minutes of September 13, 2017
Action: Approved
Moved by Ira Block, seconded by George Roniger
Vote: all
2. 32 Doris Avenue Residential Site Plan Approval Consideration/Public Hearing
Fred Grippi,the applicant's architect, addressed the Board, stated that CZMC approved the proposal.
Mr. Oliveri, stated that the plan was missing a few required details, but they could be addressed as
conditions in a resolution or corrected before next month's meeting. Mr. Wasp agreed.
The Board discussed the request.
Motion: To open the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by Edmund Papazian, seconded by Ira Block
Vote All
There were no public comments or questions.
Ms. Hochman suggested that if the vote will be taken next month the meeting should be left open.
Larry Nardecia the applicant's engineer confirmed that the sewer is 44 feet from the water line. Steve
Mr. Engel directed Ms. Hochman to prepare a draft resolution.
3. 615 Fifth Site Plan Approval Consideration/Public Hearing
Tony Gioffre,the applicant's attorney, stated that the application started November 2016, they have
received Zoning Board approval, been to a number of Peer meetings, been before CZMC,the Fire
commission, BAR,WJWW, and the Traffic committee, addressed all comments. CZMC requires a ramp
to the loading dock. He further stated that they were just handed then Fire Commission's memo. He
then asked if Mr. Oliveri's and Mr. Wasp's comments could be addressed as a condition of approval, as
they have to close by November 4, 2017.
Mr. Engel stated that the Fire conditions could be a condition of approval but Mr. Wasps memo is to be
Mr. Wasp stated that the spill has been confirmed by the DEC as being closed, Phase 1 was submitted,
excavation monitoring protocol must be received, and the erroneous foot note regarding the parcel
across the street is to be clarified.
Ms. Paul stated that stated the plan must show the ramp to the loading dock, Mr. Gioffre stated it has
been done.
Mr. Oliveri stated the Fire code has been resolved,variance for flood permit can be granted by the
Planning Board, inspection of the culvert and sewer and repairs made prior to construction if deemed
necessary, details to be corrected regarding the driveway entrance concrete apron to be updated on
the final set of plans. The traffic diagram can be adjusted. Demonstrate with minor adjustments.
Mr. Engel referred to the Chairman of the BAR letter and stated they are an advisory board and 2
members of the Planning board not currently present would like to discuss the signage.
The BAR suggestion to change the canopy was discussed and agreed that it is more elegant as changed.
Mr. Engel stated that he sees no problem with the BAR suggestion to plant pollinators.
Ms. Katz,Town Board stated that the traffic commission found the proposal fine.
The parcel across the street is being removed from the proposal. Mr. Gioffre stated that plan to leave it
gravel and undeveloped but do some landscaping.
Motion: To open the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by Edmund Papazian, seconded by Ira Block
Vote: All
Rona C., owner of 8 Valley, stated her concerns regarding water as the properties are in a flood zone
and she has sustained monetary damage in the past.
Mr. Engel explained that the applicant is building a blue roof to contain rain water to reduce flooding,
the proposed building not larger than the present building and things should improve.
Jim Caris the project manager stated they are designing the building to convey all water on the property,
away from the neighbors, reducing the footprint of the building, reducing he impervious area,to not
negatively impact the surrounding area. There will be no gutters leading to the outside of the building.
Mr. Engel stated that the Board is at a point to request counsel to prepare a resolution with conditions
for the next meeting.
Mr. Gioffre requested the Board to schedule a special meeting as they are working on an extension but
the seller is not willing to allow one.
The Board discussed changing the meeting date.
Ms. Hochman stated that SEAR needs to be completed.
Thursday November 2,was discussed, Mr. Bonilla offered to pay any overtime expense the Town would
The matter was adjourned
4. 1195 Old White Plains Road Residential Site Plan Approval Public Hearing
Mr. Engel discussed the grade of the property stating that as shown water flows towards the property
line and must be corrected.
Mr. Senor the applicants engineer stated he discussed the plan with Mr. Oliveri on how to deal with
water. Building up the driveway, swales or curtain drains were suggested. Mr. Senor asked if shrubs on
a raised berm would be sufficient.
The landscape plan was reviewed.
The drainage plan was discussed. Mr. Oliveri stated adjustments to the plan are required. Mr. Wasp
stated water must be channeled to not create ponding on the property.
The footing drains were discussed.
Connection to the Town catch basin was discussed.
The Board discussed the proposal.
Motion: To open the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by Edmund Papazian, seconded by Ira Block
Vote: All
There were no public questions or comments.
Mr. Engel stated that the matter will remain open for the final plans to be reviewed.
Mr. Papazian stated his concern with the overflow pipe thru the tree roots to the catch basin, Mr.
Senor stated that they can move the pipe slightly to avoid the roots.
Mr. Engel suggested that the engineers and Ms. Paul meet in the field to view the tree .
Mr. Senor requested a draft resolution be prepared, and asked if they can also be heard on November 2,
7. 851 Fenimore Road Site Plan Approval Consideration
Joe Cermele, the applicant's Engineer, Tony Panza, the applicant's and Colin Burns Manager of the
Club were present to answer questions.
Mr. Cermele stated the Turf care facility, maintenance area is long overdue for an upgrade, as the club
is hosting the US open in 2020. He showed behind the scene photos, and explained the neighboring
parcels some of which are owned by the club.
Current conditions and proposed improvements were explained. Currently much of the equipment is
stored behind the building and will be moved inside or in front of the new building.
Mr. Cermele explained all work must be completed by the fall of 2019. He further stated he is hoping to
be referred to the CZMC, BAR,
Phasing was discussed, as the facility must be operational during construction.
Mr. Cermele stated that they have met with the Health Department,WJWW and DEC as well as having
PEER meetings.
Mr. Cermele further stated that the location is between 2 locally regulated ponds and no DEC permits
are required. All existing structures except pump house will be demolished and replaced. They are
working with WJWW to move the storage bins in front of the water tower, installing protection and
gated access.
Mr. Panza explained the interior fill and wash down areas, stating all spills can be totally contained
within the building,therefore preventing contamination to the ponds. There is a carb-trol system
being installed to clean spills and what is left will be water. The vehicles are cleaned to remove the
clippings and contain fertilizer. The building is heated and ventilated. The equipment is currently gas
but they will be moving to all electric in than future.
There is a generator on site to totally power then facility.
Fire access around the building was discussed, Mr. Cermele stated the plan was submitted to Fire chief,
they have no response back yet.
Parking was discussed it is now first come first serve, with the new plan it will be formalized 44
dedicated spaces and 2 ADA compliant spaces.
Drainage presently finds its way in to the lower pond the proposal will collect all roof and parking area
runoff to be collected and cleaned and treated and sent to the upper pond.
There will be a 20% reduction.
The Sanitary system is now a seepage pit,they plan to install a low pressure force main system,to the
public system in Elmcroft. The main there was sized for the subdivision, in meeting with the Health
Dept. the system was designed for all 5 lots to be developed.
There is a hot box back flow protection.
New fire and domestic services are from Elmcroft.
There will be some new trenching for the water&sewer lines but most will be in the existing trench.
The phasing schedule was discussed.
A rain garden will be planted in the rear of the building.
Ms. Hochman discussed SEQRA
Mr. Pasqua stated he has the only home that adjoins the project, his concerns with noise, runoff, and
screening will all be remediated with the new building. The end result will be an improvement and he
has no objections.
Motion: to hold a public hearing November 2, 2017
Action: Approved
Moved by Ron Mandel, seconded by Ira Block
Vote: All
Motion to close adjourn 9:40 P.M.
Minutes prepared by
Francine M. Brill
Planning Board Secretary