HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018_03_14 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD
MARCH 14, 2018
Present: Ralph Engel, Chairman, Elizabeth Cooney, Vice Chair, Edmund Papazian, Ira Block
Also Present: Lisa Hochman, Counsel to Planning Board, Robert Wasp, Town Engineer,
Elizabeth Paul, Environmental Planner, Anthony Oliveri, Consulting Engineer, Sabrina
Fiddelman, Town Board Liaison
Absent: Ron Mandel, Eileen Weingarten
The meeting was called to order at 7:32 P.M.
Motion: To approve the minutes of February 7, 2018 with technical corrections
Action: Approved
Moved by Elizabeth Cooney, moved by Ira Block
Vote: Ralph Engel, Chairman, Elizabeth Cooney, Ira Block
Abstain: Edmund Papazian
2. 16 Wildwood Circle—Davidson—Wetlands & Watercourses Permit and Residential Site
Plan - Public Hearing Continued
Anthony Gioffre, the applicant's attorney, addressed the Board, stating that there was a site visit
attended by all the involved engineers and everyone was satisfied that the drainage system would
be adequate. Mr. Oliveri confirmed Mr. Gioffre's comments stating that the applicant is adding a
French drain to the plan. He further stated that he has reason to object to about the project. Mr.
Wasp stated that the previous plans had met the requirements and confirmed that Mr. Salanitro
and the neighbor's engineer had no problem with the proposed plan. The Board had no further
comments. There were no public questions or comments.
Motion: To close the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by Elizabeth Cooney, seconded by Ira Block
Vote: Ralph Engel, Elizabeth Cooney, Ira Block Edmund Papazian. 4-0
The draft resolution was discussed.
Motion: To Approve the Draft resolution with technical corrections
Motion: To approve the resolution with technical corrections
Action: Approved
Moved by Ira Block, seconded by Edmund Papazian
Vote: Ralph Engel, Elizabeth Cooney, Ira Block Edmund Papazian. 4-0
On motion of Ira Block, seconded by Edmund Papazian, the application of Cara and Michael
Davidson(the"Applicant")for approval of a residential site plan and a wetlands and watercourses
permit was APPROVED by the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck(the "Board") upon
the following resolution, which was adopted by a vote of 4 to 0 with no abstentions.
WHEREAS, the Applicant submitted an application for approval of(i) a Residential Site Plan
pursuant to Chapter 178 of the Town of Mamaroneck Town of Mamaroneck Code (the "Town
Code") and (ii) a Wetlands and Watercourses Permit pursuant to Chapter 114 of the Town Code
(collectively, the "Application"); and
WHEREAS, the Property is located at 16 Wildwood Circle and known on the Tax Assessment
Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Section 5, Block 507, Lots 44 and 54 (the "Property") in the
R-10 District; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant proposes to replace an existing pool, repair the sea wall, create new
patio areas and install a stormwater management system with rain gardens at the Property (the
"Proposed Action"); and
WHEREAS,the Applicant has provided all information required by the Residential Site Plan Law
and the Application was deemed by the Board to be complete; and
WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Planning Board stated that all required referrals were made in
accordance with Section 178-9 of the Residential Site Plan Law and no comments were received;
WHEREAS, the Coastal Zone Management Commission ("CZMC") reviewed the Application
at its meeting on January 22, 2018 and issued a letter to the Planning Board, dated January 29,
2018, which stated, inter alia, that it found the proposed action to be consistent with the Local
Waterfront Revitalization Program ("LWRP"); and
WHEREAS, the following plans were reviewed by the Town Engineer, the Town's consulting
Engineer and the Town's Acting Building Inspector (hereinafter collectively referred to as the
• Topographic Survey of Property, prepared by Link Land surveyors, P.C., dated
12/4/2017; E
• Plans entitled: "Site Improvements for the Davidson Residence", prepared by Renee
Byers, Landscape Architect, P.C., dated 1/16/18, last revised February 21, 2018; E
• Plans entitled: "Proposed Pool and Patio, 16 Wildwood Circle", prepared by Hudson
Engineering and Consulting, PC, dated 1/16/18; last revised February 19, 2018; E
• Plans entitled: "Seawall Rehabilitation", prepared by Race Coastal Engineering, PC,
dated 1/16/18; E
• "Stormwater Management Plan and Drainage Analysis", prepared by Hudson
Engineering and Consulting, PC, dated 1/16/18; E
• "Wetlands and Soils Survey" prepared by Paul J. Jaehnig, dated 11/29/17; E
WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing for the Application was held on February 7 and March
14, 2018; and
WHEREAS, the Town Engineer, Town Consulting Engineer and Town Environmental Planner
each stated that he/she finds the above-referenced Plans to be acceptable; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that the Application conforms to the standards established by
Section 178-12 of the Residential Site Plan Law; and
WHEREAS, Ralph Tarchine, the Town's Building Inspector, issued a memo to the Planning
Board dated, January 30, 2018, stating that the application is zoning compliant; and
WHEREAS, this is a Type II action having no significant impact on the environment pursuant to
the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act and 6 NYCRR§ 617 et seq. and Section
92-8.A(8) of the Town of Mamaroneck Environmental Quality Review Law and, accordingly, no
further environmental review is required; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with §114-7(D) of the Town Code, the Board has considered the
1. all available reports concerning the Proposed Action from other commissions,
including the CZMC, and Town, County, State and/or Federal agencies;
2. all relevant facts and circumstances pertaining to the Proposed Action,
including but not limited to:
a. any potential environmental impact of the Proposed Action:
The Planning Board finds the Proposed Action will not give rise to negative
environmental impacts because the improvements constitute in-kind repair and
replacement to existing site components and will result in reduction of on site impervious
coverage, increase the wetland buffer and add rain garden plantings. In addition, the
Board determines that the construction methods for the seawall will result in enhanced
protection of the wetlands and watercourses from degradation that would result from
debris and eroded soil entering the river from the existing deteriorated wall.
b. the alternatives to the Proposed Action:
The Planning Board finds the Proposed Action is a reasonable and environmentally
sensitive approach to allow the Applicant to enjoy the Applicant's property while making
significant contributions to the integrity of the wetland and watercourse. Therefore, the
Board further determined that a "No Action"alternative would result in debris and soil
continuing to enter the Premium River and the eventual collapse of the seawall.
c. the impact of the Proposed Action on wetland functions and the benefits as
set forth in §114-1 of the Town Code:
The Planning Board finds that wetland functions will be improved due to increased
wetland buffer vegetation, rain gardens and additional plantings on the Property.
3. the availability of preferable alternative locations for the Proposed Action
on the subject parcel:
The Planning Board finds that alternative locations were properly rejected by the
Applicant because they were deemed no more protective of wetland and environmental
benefits, nor did they meet the Applicant's needs.
4. the availability of further technical improvements or safeguards that could feasibly
be added to the proposal;
The Planning Board finds that the Applicant's proposal includes sufficient technical safeguards
including Tideflex TF-2 Check valves to prevent backflow into the proposed storm water system
as well as a cartridge filter for the swimming pool.
5. the possibility of avoiding reduction of the wetland's or watercourse's natural
capacity to support desirable biological life, prevent flooding, control sedimentation
and/or prevent erosion, facilitate drainage, and provide recreation and open space;
The Planning Board finds that the proposed storm water system,plantings and sea wall repair
will enhance the natural functions of the Premium River and its buffer.
6. the extent to which the public or private benefit derived from such use may or may
not outweigh or justify the possible degradation of the wetland or watercourse, the
interference with the exercise of other property rights, and the impairment or
endangerment of public health, safety, or welfare:
The Planning Board finds that the Proposed Action materially enhances the Applicant's
proposed use of its property and poses no threat to the public health, safety or welfare.
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has considered the Application and Plans; comments and
responses to questions by the Applicant and its representatives; the memos, letters, reports and
comments of the Town Engineer, Town Building Inspector, Town Environmental Planner and
Town's Consulting Engineer and CZMC; correspondence from the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; and has heard
interested members of the public.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Board further finds, pursuant to
§114-7(E) of the Town Code, based on the record before it, that the Applicant's proposed
regulated activity is consistent with the purposes of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan and
the Wetlands and Watercourses Protection Law of the Town of Mamaroneck, as set forth in
§114-1 and that the action to be taken will minimize all adverse effects on such policy to the
maximum extent practicable:
1. To preserve, protect and conserve the Town's tidal and freshwater wetlands
and watercourses; to prevent despoliation and destruction; to regulate their
use and development; and to secure the natural benefits of wetlands and
watercourses that is consistent with the general welfare and beneficial
economic and social development of the town; and
2. To ensure maximum protection for wetlands and watercourses by discouraging
degradation within them and within their buffers that may adversely affect these
natural resources; to encourage restoration of already degraded or destroyed
wetlands, watercourse and buffers; and to ensure "no net loss" of wetlands and
watercourse areas.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Board APPROVES the Application and
GRANTS the Wetlands and Watercourses Permit as reflected in the hereinabove identified Plans
submitted in connection with the Application, subject to the following terms and conditions:
General Conditions:
1. All site work shall be in accordance with the latest revised Plans, as herein referenced.
2. Any and all applicable county, state and regional permits shall be obtained prior to the
issuance of any Town permits.
3. Pursuant to Section 178-16 of the Town Code, in the event that subsequent events may
require any modification to the site plan approved by this resolution, a determination
shall be made by Town Building Inspector in consultation with the Town Engineer as to
whether the modification is substantial and should be further considered by the Planning
4. In accordance with Section 178-17.A of the Residential Site Plan Law, no building
permit shall be issued until a signed site plan is delivered to the Town Building Inspector.
5. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the Applicant shall deliver to the Town
Building Inspector an "as built" survey, including but not limited to, topography, all
constructed site utilities and stormwater management structures.
6. In accordance with Section 178-17.B of the Residential Site Plan Law, no Certificate of
Occupancy shall be issued until all of the required conditions of this approval have been
7. Prior to the commencement of construction, appropriate measures shall be undertaken to
control erosion and minimize water turbidity during construction, including stabilization
of the riverbank.
8. The Applicant will arrange a pre-construction meeting with the Town Engineer and the
Town Building Inspector prior to any site disturbance. The Applicant shall submit a
schedule for all earthwork and land disturbance to the Town Building Inspector for
approval prior to commencing site work. The Applicant shall notify the Town Building
Inspector and Town's Consulting Engineer at least 72 hours in advance of any site
disturbance to inspect the installation of erosion and sediment control devices, and tree and
stream protection measures.
9. Work conducted under Town permits shall be open to inspection at any time, including
weekends and holidays, by the Town of Mamaroneck Building Inspector, the Town's
Consulting Engineer and Environmental Planner or their designated representative(s).
10. The Wetlands and Watercourses Permit shall expire two years from the date it is issued.
11. All permits shall be maintained and prominently displayed at the project site during the
undertaking of the activities authorized by the permits.
12. Violation of any of the conditions imposed herein may result in revocation of the Wetlands
and Watercourses Permit and any other permits the Town may deem appropriate.
13. The development must comply with Chapter 110 of the Town Code to the satisfaction of
the Town Building and Engineering Department.
14. The Applicant is required to furnish to the Town a bond or cash deposit in an amount equal
to the estimated cost of the improvements within the wetland buffer. This can be combined
with the Erosion and Sediment Control Permit bond to ensure satisfactory completion of
the project and the rehabilitation of the affected or disturbed areas.
15. Any tree removal and planting plan shall be in compliance with Chapter 207 of the Town
Code (Trees) and work shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Town Environmental
Planner. The applicant is required to obtain a tree removal permit and post a $750 bond
for 3 required replacement trees.
16. The term "Applicant" is used herein with the intent to impose a future obligation or
condition, and shall include the Applicant, as defined above, and any successors or
assigns in/of ownership interests in the Property or any portion thereof
Specific conditions:
17. Temporary construction activities and permanent site grading shall not direct or discharge
stormwater runoff onto the adjoining parcel at No. 14 Wildwood Circle.
18. The Applicant shall address all outstanding issues identified by the Town Engineer,
including but not limited to the following items prior to the issuance of any Town permits:
a. Revise drawing sheet "C-2" to clearly delineate the path of construction access
crossing the temporary steel plates installed in the front yard.
b. Show the alignment of the existing water and gas service connections on drawing
sheet "C-2" that will be protected during construction.
c. Revise the stormwater narrative to reference the standards adopted from the 2016
NYSDEC New York Standards & Specifications for Erosion and Sediment
Control, and NYSDEC SPDES General Permit GP-0-15-002.
d. Revise drawing sheets "L-2.0", "L-2.1", L-2.2", "L-6.0" and "C-2" to include an
endorsement block for the Town Engineer in accordance with §178-13 including
the following statement "Approved by Resolution of the Planning Board dated
March 14, 2018."
3. 1262 Boston Post Road-Espresso Cafeto —Special Use Permit
Andrew Spatz, the applicant's attorney, stated that this is the applicant's 3rd appearance before
the Board and the Applicant appeared before the Traffic Committee and received its approval.
The Board discussed the application. Don Mazin, Esq. submitted written testimony and wished
the applicant best of luck.
Motion: To approve the resolution
Action: Approved
Moved by Elizabeth Cooney, seconded by Edmund Papazian
Vote: Ralph Engel, Elizabeth Cooney, Edmund Papazian
Abstained: Ira Block
On motion of Elizabeth Cooney, seconded by Edmund Papazian, the Special Use Permit
application of Magnolio LLC d/b/a Espresso Cafeto (the "Applicant") was APPROVED by the
Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck (the "Planning Board") upon the following
resolution, which was adopted by a vote of 3 to 0,with 1 abstention.
WHEREAS,the Applicant submitted an application for a Special Use Permit for use of the premises
at 1262 Boston Post Road in the B-R zoning district and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the
Town of Mamaroneck as Block 407, Lot 192 (the"Application"); and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has determined that the proposed use is consistent with the
definition of"Luncheonette" as defined in the Town Code; and
WHEREAS, Section 240-30.B.8 (240-30.C.7) of the Zoning Code of the Town of Mamaroneck
lists "Luncheonettes" as a specially permitted use in the B-R zoning district; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant agreed that at no time will the premises have more than 19 seats
(excluding high chairs and child booster seats); and
WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing was held on February 7 with written comments accepted
until March 14, 2018; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board referred the Application to the Town Traffic Committee which
considered the proposal at its meeting on March 6, 2018; and
WHEREAS, a memo to the Planning Board from Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator, dated
March 12,2018 stated that the Traffic Committee determined that the Application will not adversely
impact the adjacent properties and that there is no need to install traffic control devices and that the
existing parking spaces in the Village Square Shopping Center will be sufficient to service the
patrons of Espresso Cafeto; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board considered the Application, the plans, comments and responses
to questions by the Applicant, the reports and comments of the Planning Board staff and
consultants and heard interested members of the public; and
WHEREAS, the Coastal Zone Management Commission ("CZMC") reviewed the Application
at its meeting on January 22, 2018 and issued a letter to the Planning Board, dated January 29,
2018, which stated that it found the proposed action to be consistent with the Local Waterfront
Revitalization Program ("LWRP"); and
WHEREAS,this is a Type II action having no significant impact on the environment pursuant to 6
NYCRR § et.seq. and, accordingly, no further action under SEQRA is required; and
WHEREAS, Section 240-62 of the Zoning Code of the Town of Mamaroneck provides that the
Planning Board shall not grant a special permit unless it determines the standards stated therein
have been met.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board makes findings of fact as set forth in
Section 240-62 of the Zoning Code of the Town of Mamaroneck:
A. That the proposed use is in general harmony with the surrounding area and shall not
adversely impact upon adjacent properties due to the traffic generated by said use or the
access of traffic from said use onto and off of adjoining streets.
B. That the operations in connection with the special permit use will not be more
objectionable to nearby properties by reason of noise, fumes, vibration, flashing of lights
or other aspects than would be operations of any permitted use not requiring a special
C. That the proposed special permit use will be in harmony with the general health, safety
and welfare of the surrounding area and that by the nature of its particular location it will
not adversely impact upon surrounding properties or surrounding property values.
D. That there are not existing violations of this chapter on the property which is the subject
of the application.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board hereby APPROVES the Application subject to
the following terms and conditions:
1 Hours of operation will be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
and from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.
2. This Special Use Permit shall expire on March 14, 2020.
3. This Special Use Permit is subject to the termination requirements set forth in section
240-64 and 240-65 and the use restrictions set forth in Section 240-30B of the Zoning
Code of the Town of Mamaroneck.
4. The Applicant shall comply with all applicable and necessary permits from the
Westchester County Department of Health and the New York Department of
Environmental Conservation.
5. The Applicant shall have no more than nineteen(19) seats on the premises,
exclusive of high chairs and child booster seats.
Mr. Spatz and Ms. Soto thanked the Board.
4. 725 Forest Ave - Shen Group Reality Estate LLC —Residential Site Plan - Public
Bill Lachenauer, the applicant's engineer, stated he was present to present answers to the
comments received from Town staff
Motion: To open the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by Elizabeth Cooney, seconded by Ira Block
Vote: Ralph Engel, Elizabeth Cooney, Edmund Papazian, Ira Block
The Board discussed the proposed 2-story addition. There were no public questions or
Motion: To close the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by Ira Block, seconded by Elizabeth Cooney
Vote: Ralph Engel, Elizabeth Cooney, Edmund Papazian, Ira Block
Motion: To approve the resolution
Action: Approved
Moved by Ira Block, seconded by Edmund Papazian
Vote: Ralph Engel, Elizabeth Cooney, Edmund Papazian, Ira Block
On motion of Ira Block, seconded by Edmund Papazian, the site plan application of Shen Group
Realty Estate LLC(the "Applicant") was APPROVED by the Planning Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck(the "Board") upon the following resolution, which was adopted by a vote of 4 to
0, with no abstentions.
WHEREAS, the Applicant has applied for residential site plan approval to construct a single
family house (the "Application") at property located at 725 Forest Avenue, Town of
Mamaroneck, New York and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as
Block 220, Lot 412 (the "Property"); and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has applied for approval of a residential site plan pursuant to Chapter
178 of the Town of Mamaroneck Code (the "Residential Site Plan Law"); and
WHEREAS,the Applicant has provided all information required by the Residential Site Plan Law
and the Application was deemed by the Board to be complete; and
WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Planning Board stated that all required referrals were made in
accordance with Section 178-9 of the Residential Site Plan Law and no comments were received;
WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 234 of the Town Code, the Application was referred to
the Coastal Zone Management Commission ("CZMC"); and
WHEREAS, the CZMC considered the Application at its meeting on November 27, 2017 and
issued a letter to the Planning Board, dated December 4, 2017, stating that it found the proposed
action to be consistent with the policies of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan; and
WHEREAS, the CZMC further stated that, due to the presence of ledge rock and the proximity
of the property to a flood zone, it recommended that test pits be dug in the location where the
proposed infiltrators are to be located and any existing stormwater infrastructure on site be
inspected to determine if it is still performing as designed; and
WHEREAS, the Town Engineer, the Building Inspector and Dolph Rotfeld Engineering, P.C.
(the "Town's Consulting Engineer") reviewed the following plans (hereinafter referred to as
the "Plans"):
The following plans prepared by Yestadt Architecture, dated September 14, 2017
• P-1: Radius Map, Zoning Chart, Distance Map, Exist and Proposed Site Plans, last
revised February 8'2018
• P-2: Landscape Plans
• A-1: Exist &Proposed Site Plans, Location Plan, Zoning Chart, Existing Plans, Existing
Elev, last revised February 8, 2018.
• A-2: Basement and First Floor Plan
• A-3: 2nd Floor, Attic & Roof Plans
• A-4: REF. CLG. Plans
• A-5: Exterior Elevations
• A-6: Exterior Elevations
• A-7: Interior Elevations
• A-8: Details
• A-9: Building Section & Details
• A-10: Specification, Load Path Details & Schedules
• A-1l: Finish Schedule, Energy Code, Stair & Chimney Details
• DST: Site Disturbance
The following documents prepared by Hudson Engineering & Consulting, P.C, dated January 22,
• C-1: Stormwater Management Plan, last revised February 13, 2018
• C-2: Details, last revised February 13, 2018
• "Stormwater Management Plan & Drainage Analysis", dated January 22, 2018
WHEREAS, after compliance with notification procedures set forth in Chapter 144 of the Town
Code, the Planning Board held a duly noticed public hearing as to the Application on March 14,
2018; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has considered the Application; comments and responses to
questions by the Applicant and its representatives; the CZMC letter; the reports and comments of
the Town's consulting engineer; and the comments of interested members of the public; and
WHEREAS, this is a Type II action having no significant impact on the environment pursuant to
the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act and 6 NYCRR§ 617 et seq. and Section 92-
8.A(22) of the Town of Mamaroneck Environmental Quality Review Law and, accordingly, no
further environmental review is required; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that the Application conforms to the standards established by
Section 178-12 of the Residential Site Plan Law.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Board APPROVES the
Application as reflected in the hereinabove specified Plans submitted in connection with the
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board APPROVES the Application subject to the
following terms and conditions:
General conditions:
1. All site work shall be in accordance with the latest revised Plans, as herein referenced.
2. Any and all applicable county, state and regional permits shall be obtained prior to the
issuance of any Town permits.
3. Pursuant to Section 178-16 of the Town Code, in the event that subsequent events may
require any modification to the site plan approved by this resolution, a determination
shall be made by Town Building Inspector in consultation with the Town Engineer as to
whether the modification is substantial and should be further considered by the Planning
4. The Applicant will arrange a pre-construction meeting with the Town Engineer and the
Town Building Inspector prior to any site disturbance.
5. The Applicant shall submit a schedule for all earthwork and land disturbance to the Town
Engineer and the Town Building Inspector for approval prior to commencing site work.
6. In accordance with Section 178-17.A of the Residential Site Plan Law, no building
permit shall be issued until a signed site plan is delivered to the Town Building Inspector.
7. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the Applicant shall deliver to the Town
Building Inspector an "as built" survey, including but not limited to, all constructed site
utilities and stormwater management structures.
8. In accordance with Section 178-17.B of the Residential Site Plan Law, no Certificate of
Occupancy shall be issued until all of the required conditions of this approval have been
9. The term "Applicant"is used herein with the intent to impose a future obligation or
condition and shall include the Applicant, as defined above, and any successors or
assigns in/of ownership interests in the Property or any portion thereof
10. Revise drawing sheets "Al", "Pl" & "C-1 to include an endorsement block for the Town
Engineer in accordance with §178-13 including the following statement "Approved by
Resolution of the Planning Board dated March 14, 2018."
Specific conditions:
11. Implementation of plantings shown on P-2, hereinabove referenced, shall be to the
satisfaction of the Town Environmental Planner.
12. The Applicant shall address the following items to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer
prior to the issuance of any Town permits:
a. Revise the layout of the proposed infiltration chambers to provide a minimum of 5 feet
horizontal separation to the existing water service intended to be reused.
b. Relocate the proposed temporary sanitary facility to be set back from the curb line as shown
on the current plan.
5. 10 York Road - Laura and Yuval Grill - Residential Site Plan -Public Hearing
Bill Lachenauer, the applicant's engineer, addressed the Board and described the project.
Motion: To open the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by Elizabeth Cooney, seconded by Ira Block
Vote: Ralph Engel, Elizabeth Cooney, Edmund Papazian, Ira Block
The Board discussed the plan. There were no public questions or comments
Motion: To close the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by Ira Block, seconded by Elizabeth Cooney
Vote: Ralph Engel, Elizabeth Cooney, Edmund Papazian, Ira Block
Motion: To approve the resolution
Action: Approved
Moved by Edmund Papazian, seconded by Elizabeth Cooney
Vote: Ralph Engel, Elizabeth Cooney, Edmund Papazian, Ira Block
On motion of Edmund Papazian, seconded by Elizabeth Cooney, the site plan application of
Yuval and Laura Grill (the "Applicant") was APPROVED by the Planning Board of the Town
of Mamaroneck(the "Board") upon the following resolution, which was adopted by a vote of 4
to 0 with no abstentions.
WHEREAS, the Applicant has applied for residential site plan approval to renovate a single
family house (the "Application") at property located at 10 York Road, Town of Mamaroneck,
New York and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Section 2,
Block 228, Lot 395 (the "Property"); and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has applied for approval of a residential site plan pursuant to Chapter
178 of the Town of Mamaroneck Code (the "Residential Site Plan Law"); and
WHEREAS,the Applicant has provided all information required by the Residential Site Plan Law
and the Application was deemed by the Board to be complete; and
WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Planning Board stated that all required referrals were made in
accordance with Section 178-9 of the Residential Site Plan Law and no comments were received;
WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 234 of the Town Code, the Application was referred to
the Coastal Zone Management Commission ("CZMC"); and
WHEREAS, the CZMC considered the Application at its meeting on November 27, 2017 and
issued a letter to the Planning Board, dated December 20, 2017 (the "12/20 CZMC Letter"),
stating that it found the proposed action to be inconsistent with the policies of the Local Waterfront
Revitalization Plan ("LWRP") due to the location of the infiltrators within the flood zone and the
significant increase in impervious surface within the wetland buffer; and
WHEREAS, the 12/20 CZMC Letter recommended that the Applicant (i) use pervious surfaces
for the patios and driveways to minimize the impact on the Sheldrake River and (ii) redesign and
relocate the stormwater management system to an area outside the flood zone; and
WHEREAS, based on the foregoing recommendations, the Applicant submitted an amended
proposal to the CZMC for its January 22, 2018 meeting; and
WHEREAS, the CZMC issued a letter, dated January 29, 2018 (the "1/29/18 CZMC Letter"),
which stated that the amended application does not reduce impervious cover but does relocate the
stormwater system to the front of the property and further noted that it is designed to capture
stormwater runoff for the 25-year storm; and
WHEREAS, the CZMC requested that the system be enlarged to capture runoff for the 100-year
storm and the Applicant agreed to do so and, as stated in the 1/29/18 CZMC Letter, with this
provision it finds the proposed action to be consistent with the LWRP; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant is required to secure a floodplain permit pursuant to Chapter 110 of
the Town Code; and
WHEREAS, The provided design documents demonstrate that proposed development activities
will not result in the loss of volumetric storage capacity within the mapped floodplain limits and
that the new construction will comply with applicable requirements of Town Code §110-12 for
issuance of a Floodplain Development Permit by the Building Department; and
WHEREAS, the Town Engineer, the Building Inspector and Dolph Rotfeld Engineering, P.C.
(the "Town's Consulting Engineer") reviewed the following plans (hereinafter referred to as
the "Plans"):
The following plans prepared by Yestadt Architecture, dated December 20, 2017:
• A-1: Distance Proximity Plan—Zoning Chart.
• A-2: Proposed Basement Plan
• A-3: Proposed 1st Floor Plan
• A-4: Proposed Plan
• A-5: Proposed Plan
• A-6: Proposed Elevations
• A-7: Proposed Elevations
• A-8: Proposed Section
• A-9: Proposed Ref Clg. Plans
• A-10: Proposed Interior Elevations
• A-1 1: Proposed Interior Elevations
• A-12: Details
• A-13: Schedules & Spec
• A-14: Framing Heights
• LA-P: Plant List
The following plans prepared by Westover Landscape Design, dated September 20, 2017:
• LA: Landscape Master Plan, last revised October 15, 2017
The following documents prepared by Hudson Engineering & Consulting, P.C, dated December
14, 2017:
• C-1: Offsite Conditions
• C-2: Stormwater Management Plan, last revised February 21, 2018
• C-3: Details, last revised February 13, 2018
• "Stormwater Management Plan & Drainage Analysis", dated December 14, 2017, last
revised January 23, 2018
WHEREAS, after compliance with the notification procedures set forth in Chapter 144 of the Town
Code, the Planning Board held a duly noticed public hearing as to the Application on March 14,
2018; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has considered the Application; comments and responses to
questions by the Applicant and its representatives; the CZMC letters; the reports and comments
of the Town's consulting engineer; and the comments of interested members of the public; and
WHEREAS, this is a Type II action having no significant impact on the environment pursuant to
the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act and 6 NYCRR§ 617 et seq. and Section 92-
8.A(22) of the Town of Mamaroneck Environmental Quality Review Law and, accordingly, no
further environmental review is required; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that the Application conforms to the standards established by
Section 178-12 of the Residential Site Plan Law; and
WHEREAS, the Application was granted certain area variances by the Town Zoning Board of
Appeals (the "Zoning Board") on August 2, 2017 as reflected in a resolution filed with the
Town Clerk on August 14, 2017 (the "ZBA Resolution"); and
WHEREAS, the term of the ZBA Resolution was extended by the Zoning Board at its February
28, 2018 meeting (the "2/28/18 ZBA Resolution"; and
WHEREAS, the 2/28/18 ZBA Resolution requires the extension of the patio to be four (4) feet
shy of the side property line.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Board APPROVES the
Application as reflected in the hereinabove specified Plans submitted in connection with the
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board APPROVES the Application subject to the
following terms and conditions:
General conditions:
1. All site work shall be in accordance with the 2/28/18 ZBA Resolution and the latest
revised Plans, as herein referenced.
2. Any and all applicable county, state and regional permits shall be obtained prior to the
issuance of any Town permits.
3. Pursuant to Section 178-16 of the Town Code, in the event that subsequent events may
require any modification to the site plan approved by this resolution, a determination
shall be made by Town Building Inspector in consultation with the Town Engineer as to
whether the modification is substantial and should be further considered by the Planning
4. The Applicant will arrange a pre-construction meeting with the Town Engineer and the
Town Building Inspector prior to any site disturbance.
5. The Applicant shall submit a schedule for all earthwork and land disturbance to the Town
Engineer and the Town Building Inspector for approval prior to commencing site work.
6. In accordance with Section 178-17.A of the Residential Site Plan Law, no building
permit shall be issued until a signed site plan is delivered to the Town Building Inspector.
7. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the Applicant shall deliver to the Town
Building Inspector an "as built" survey, including but not limited to, all constructed site
utilities and stormwater management structures.
8. In accordance with Section 178-17.B of the Residential Site Plan Law, no Certificate of
Occupancy shall be issued until all of the required conditions of this approval have been
10. The term "Applicant"is used herein with the intent to impose a future obligation or
condition and shall include the Applicant, as defined above, and any successors or
assigns in/of ownership interests in the Property or any portion thereof
11. Revise drawing sheets "Z-1", C-2" & "Landscape Master Plan" to include an
endorsement block for the Town Engineer in accordance with §178-13 including the
following statement "Approved by Resolution of the Planning Board dated March 14,
Specific conditions:
12. The Applicant shall address the following items to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer
prior to the issuance of any Town permits:
a. Extend the illustrated limits of land disturbance to incorporate temporary
construction disturbance within the right-of-way.
b. Revise the SWPPP narrative to reference the updated 2016 NYSDEC Blue Book
and SPDES Permit GP-0-15-002.
c. Incorporate Town of Mamaroneck standard construction detail for replacement
curb construction matching existing conditions.
d. Note that a pipe cleanout or alternative Wye connection shall be installed at the
union of subsurface drainage pipes located north of the detention system.
e. Illustrate proposed surface grades in the area of the expanded patio in the rear yard.
£ Relocate the proposed temporary sanitary facility to be set back from the curb
6. 2434 Boston Post Road-Larchmont Car Wash—Special Use Permit Renewal- Public
Motion: To open the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by Ira Block, seconded by Elizabeth Cooney
Vote: Ralph Engel, Elizabeth Cooney, Edmund Papazian, Ira Block
Michael Lage, the General Manager, addressed the Board to request the renewal of the special
use permit. Mr. Wasp stated that he has inspected the plans as well as the site and has proposed
conditions to be attached to any approval.
There were no public questions or comments.
The Board discussed the draft resolution, including the expiration date.
Motion: To close the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by Elizabeth Cooney, seconded by Edmund Papazian
Vote: Ralph Engel, Elizabeth Cooney, Edmund Papazian, Ira Block
Motion: To approve the resolution
Action: Approved
Moved by Elizabeth Cooney, seconded by Ira Block
Vote: Ralph Engel, Elizabeth Cooney, Edmund Papazian, Ira Block
On motion of Elizabeth Cooney, seconded by Ira Block, the Special Use Permit Renewal
application of 2434 Boston Road Realty Corp. (the"Applicant")was APPROVED by the Planning
Board of the Town of Mamaroneck (the "Planning Board") upon the following resolution, which
was adopted by a vote of 4 to 0, with no abstentions.
WHEREAS, the Applicant submitted an application for the renewal of a Special Use Permit on
the premises located at 2434 Boston Post Road and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the
Town of Mamaroneck as Block 503, Parcel 326.1; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board(the "Planning Board") has determined
that the proposed action is a Type II action and that, therefore, no further action is required under
the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act or the Town of Mamaroneck
Environmental Quality Review Act; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board conducted a Public Hearing on March 14, 2018; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has considered the application of renewal of a Special Use
Permit, the plans and zoning report and environmental assessment completed by the applicant,
comments and responses to questions by the applicant, the reports and comments of the Building
Inspector and/or Consulting Engineer to the Town and any comments by interested members of
the public.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Board makes findings of facts as
1. The proposed use as limited by the conditions set forth herein is in general harmony
with the surrounding area and shall not adversely impact upon the adjacent properties
due to traffic generated by said use or the access of traffic from said use onto or off of
adjoining streets.
2. The operations in connection with the Special Use Permit will be no more
objectionable to nearby properties by reason of noise, fumes, vibrations, flashing of
lights or other aspects than would be the operations of any other permitted use not
requiring a Special Use Permit.
3. The proposed Special Use Permit use will be in harmony with the general health,
safety and welfare of the surrounding area by the nature of its particular location. It
will not adversely impact upon surrounding properties or surrounding property
4. The property subject to this Special Permit has no existing violation of the Town of
Mamaroneck Zoning Ordinance.
5. The applicant has demonstrated that there has been no change in circumstances in the
area, which would require the Planning Board to deny this request.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board GRANTS this application for the RENEWAL of
a Special Use Permit subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. There shall be no signage placed on the rear of the site.
2. No gasoline shall be sold at the site.
3. Maximum hours of operation shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through
Saturday and 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Sunday.
4. There shall be no externally audible public address system, bullhorns or walkie-
talkies on the premises.
5. All lights, except for security lighting, shall be turned off at the close of business.
6. All lights, including those for the driveway, shall be directed toward the building and
away from neighboring properties, particularly the residential properties to the rear.
7. This Special Use Permit Renewal shall expire on March 9, 2019.
8. This Special Permit Renewal is subject to the termination requirements set forth in
Section 240-64 and 240-65 and the use restrictions set forth in Section 240-31 of the
Zoning Code of the Town of Mamaroneck.
9. Re-installation of pavement markings shown on the approved site plan shall be made
to the extent determined by the Town Engineer.
10. The Applicant shall prepare and file with the Building Department an updated site
plan drawing, based upon current site conditions, on or before April 30, 2018.
11. A licensed professional engineer shall complete an inspection of all onsite water
management systems within 30 days of the date hereof, at the Applicant's expense.
Such engineer shall prepare a report based upon the inspection findings detailing the
condition and required system maintenance and shall submit it to the Town Engineer
by April 30, 2018, for review and acceptance by the Town Engineer. Submittal of
such maintenance inspection reports shall continue to be made annually on or before
each April 30th.
12. On or before each April 30th, the Applicant shall submit to the Town Engineer
documentation to demonstrate the performance of necessary maintenance for the
proper operation of the car wash water recovery and reuse systems. Maintenance
records must be prepared and submitted by a competent individual having knowledge
of the car wash mechanical systems to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer.
7. 2430 Boston Post Road-Nordone and Sons—Special Use Permit Renewal- Public
Joe Nordone and Sam Nordone addressed the Board to request a Special Use Permit renewal.
Motion: To open the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by Ira Block, seconded by Elizabeth Cooney
Vote: Ralph Engel, Elizabeth Cooney, Edmund Papazian, Ira Block
The Board discussed the request as well as issues related to parking Mr. Engel stated that some
of the parking issues seem to be cleared up. Mr. Engel suggested that the applicant resolve
parking issues with the Town prior to the next renewal. Mr. Wasp stated that he has reviewed the
plans and visited the site. He suggested conditions to be attached to the Board's approval. Ms.
Paul stated she has no environmental concerns. The Board agreed that the permit should be
renewed for one year.
Motion: To close the public hearing
Action: Approved
Moved by Ira Block, seconded by Elizabeth Cooney
Vote: Ralph Engel, Elizabeth Cooney, Edmund Papazian, Ira BLock
Motion: To approve the resolution
Action: Approved
Moved by Elizabeth Cooney, seconded by Ira Block
Vote: Ralph Engel, Elizabeth Cooney, Edmund Papazian, Ira Block
On motion of Elizabeth Cooney, seconded by Ira Block, the Special Use Permit Renewal
application of Nordone & Sons Auto Body, Inc. (the "Applicant") was APPROVED by the
Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck (the "Planning Board") upon the following
resolution, which was adopted by a vote of 4 to 0,with no abstentions.
WHEREAS, the Applicant submitted an application for a Special Use Permit Renewal for
use of the premises at 2430 Boston Post Road and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town
of Mamaroneck as Block 503, Lot 421 to perform auto body and fender repair; and
WHEREAS, this is a Type II action having no significant impact on the environment
pursuant to 6 NYCRR§ 617 et seq., and accordingly, no further action under SEQRA is required;
WHEREAS, an inspection of site conditions for compliance with former conditions of
special use permit was completed by Town staff on November 1, 2017; and
WHEREAS, site observations and recommendations were summarized in a memorandum
to the Planning Board from the Town Engineer, dated January 29, 2018; and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has completed corrective work on the parcel in response to
recommendations by the Town Engineer and has agreed to address remaining issues as conditions
of special use permit renewal; and
WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held on March 14, 2018 pursuant to notice; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board, having considered the application for the Special Use
Permit Renewal, the plans and environmental analysis submitted by the applicant, comments and
responses to questions by the applicant, comments of the Consulting Engineer to the Town and
having heard interested members of the public;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board makes findings of fact as
1. The proposed use as limited by the conditions set forth herein is in general harmony
with the surrounding area and, due to the conditions herein set forth, shall not
adversely impact upon the adjacent properties due to traffic generated by said use or
the access of traffic from said use onto or off of adjoining streets.
2. The operations in connection with the Special Use Permit Renewal will be no more
objectionable to nearby properties by reason of noise, fumes, vibrations, flashing of
lights or other aspects than would be the operations of any other permitted use not
requiring a Special Use Permit Renewal.
3. The proposed Special Use Permit Renewal use will be in harmony with the general
health, safety and welfare of the surrounding area by the nature of its particular
location. It will not adversely impact upon surrounding properties or surrounding
property values.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board APPROVES the application of Nordone
& Sons Auto Body, Inc. for a Special Use Permit Renewal for an automobile repair facility
performing auto body and fender repair at the premises located at 2430 Boston Post Road subject to
the terms and conditions set forth below:
1. Services on the premises shall be limited to auto body and fender repair. No repairs
requiring breakdown of the motor,transmission or universal joints shall be permitted.
Repairs to the electrical system shall not be performed, except as related to accidents
and theft.
2. Only sanding, painting, polishing and reassembly of vehicles shall be performed on
the lower level.
3. The applicant agrees to provide and maintain the pollution control services and
activities previously set forth in a memorandum from the Coastal Zone Management
Commission, dated December 5, 1990, and such activities shall constitute conditions
of this Special Permit.
4. Hours of operation shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
However, drop-off and pickup shall be permitted outside of these hours.
5. No noise emanating from inside the building shall be audible outside the building
and there shall be no externally audible public address system, bullhorns or walkie-
talkies on the premises.
6. All lights, except for security lighting, shall be turned off when the premises are
vacated for the evening.
7. All lights for the driveway and parking area shall be directed towards the building.
8. All doors shall be kept closed while work is in progress, except for times when the
vehicles are moving in and out of the building. All work shall be performed inside
the building.
9. The applicant shall maintain and use reasonably available odor control technology.
10. The applicant shall promptly furnish current copies of all required permits and
renewals or replacements thereof to the Building Department in the event that any
permit is revoked or lapses, for any reason.
11. The applicant shall use a containment tracking material in the exterior drains ("pig
mat"or equivalent) and have the mats collected by an approved toxic waste removal
company on a regular basis. In addition, the Applicant shall maintain sufficient
absorbent material in the interior floor drain to collect any pollutants before they enter
the sanitary sewer system.
12. The applicant shall maintain all necessary permits from the Westchester County
Department of Health and the New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation relating to air pollution emissions, waste disposal and spray painting
13. This Special Use Permit is subject to the termination requirements set forth in Section
240-64 and 240-65 and the use restrictions set forth in section 240-31 of the Zoning
Code of the Town of Mamaroneck.
14. This Special Use Permit shall expire one year from the date hereof
15. The Applicant shall resolve any outstanding parking and/or environmental issues
prior to the next renewal of this Special Use Permit.
16. Parking on the premises in front of the overhead doors shall be permissible only for
vehicles operated by the Applicant's customers or suppliers making deliveries to the
Applicant, and such parking shall be permissible only for one(1)hour or less.
17. The Applicant shall prepare an updated site layout drawing reflective of current site
conditions including but not limited to structures, refuse containers, parking spaces,
fences, landscaping and exterior drainage infrastructure for review and acceptance
by the Town Engineer and Building Inspector.
18. Commencing no later than March 14, 2019, there shall be no parking or storage of
vehicles on the adjoining Van Guilder Street right-of-way unless such use is
permitted to continue by executed agreement with the Town of Mamaroneck; or the
Applicant enters into contract to purchase or lease or obtain a license to use the
referenced property.
8. 2155 Palmer Avenue -ACURA of Westchester—Commercial Site Plan - Consideration
Jonathan Villani, the applicant's representative, explained the proposed parking deck.
Mr. Wasp stated that current issues include the present use of the site (customer parking and
unloading on Palmer Avenue) and maintenance. The current site plan requires that cars are to be
unloaded solely on the property.
Mr. Engel referred the application to the Traffic Committee.
Mr. Engel stated the current landscaping is not what was originally required and must be
Mr. Wasp stated that both he and the Building Inspector made a site visit and wrote a memo
addressing parking issues. Mr. Villani stated that the proposed parking deck would alleviate the
parking stress. The Board discussed the parking requirements.
Mr. Oliveri stated that Harrison Drive cannot be considered as part of the parking calculations.
He further suggested that the applicant meet with the Building Inspector to fine tune the parking
requirement as a variance may be required.
Mr. Engel stated that there should be no used cars in the front of the site, and he further stated
that there seems to be less customer parking than what is required by the existing site plan.
Landscaping and plantings were discussed.
Mr. Block stated that the deed and ownership need clarification. Mr. Villani responded that he
will straighten out the ownership.
Mr. Engel stated that the matter will be on the agenda for the April meeting, for further
9. 30 Colonial Avenue - Steven Marsh—Residential Site Plan - Consideration
Benny Salanitro, the applicant's engineer, described the proposal for a new house and described
the site conditions and immediate vicinity. He further stated that they have met with staff and
are scheduled to appear before the CZMC on March 26th. Rock removal was discussed.
Landscaping and tree removal were discussed. Mr. Marsh stated that one tree fell during the
storm and he intends to replace the two Town trees with one on the property and a donation of
$500.00 to the Tree Fund. Mr. Engel stated that a public hearing is to be scheduled for the April
10. 280 Weaver Street - Saint John and Paul School—Site Plan Amendment -
The applicant did not appear. Mr. Oliveri stated that he had sent comments to the applicant's
engineer and is awaiting their response.
Ms. Hochman stated that she expects there will be a meeting to discuss the scope and certain
provisions of, and limitations in, the Town's Residential Site Plan Law and that she will keep the
Board informed of any developments.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 P.M.
Minutes prepared by
Francine M. Brill
Planning Board Secretary