HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932_08_03 Town Board MinutesE7ETING OF TH7 TOWN BOARD
August 3rd, 1532
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Banton
at 10 P. M.
Present: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, T,e us and Iv!essersmith
Town Clerk karvin.:
The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble.
The Clerk presented the minutes of the meetings of May 4,
18, 26, June 1, 8, 23, 27, which were ordered approved as printed.
A communication dated July 26th was received from Villiam
M. Lawson, president of Larc miont Ridge Inc., thanking the Board for
its action taken at the meeting on July 20th in connection with the
elimination of the sewer tax erroneousiy levied against certain of
Mr. Lamson's properties. The conua.unica.tion was received, placed on
file, and the Clerk directed to acknowledge it with thanks.
A co:munication dated July 27th vv as received from Thomas
B. Buhler,. Insurance .Aant of Larcnmont, concerning the fire insurance
rates on property located on -Dean Place. The communication was
ordered referred to Counsel.
A communication dated July 25th was received from Frank A.
Francis of North Tarrytown, N. Y. applying for a position on the police
force. The communication was ordered referred to the Police Cor;miislion.
A communication dated July 23rd was received from Mark Wolff,
Public Utility Consultant.of 261 Broaama-, New York, requesting a
contribution in the amount of 4398.00 as the town's share of the cost
of investigation of the rate=* of the Westchester Lighting Company which
recently resulted in a rate xx reduction. Counselor Gamble explained
the situation, saying. that Mr. Wolff had rendered very valuable services
to the committee engaged in seeking lower rates and that while the town
was under no legal obligation to pay anything to Mr. Wolff, the reduction
had nevertheless been secured and the Town Board ,eight well desire to
meet its share of the costs. After discussion the matter was ordered
laid over until the preparation of the 1933 budget.
Notice that he has a claim against the Town of Mamaroneck in
the sum of 42,031.47, together with interest thereon_ from Hay 27th, 1931,
covering certain tax liens, said notice being dated July 28th, 1932, and
signed by Frank B. Hirshstein, was received from. Posner and Posner,
attorneys for Mr. Hirshstein. The matter was ordered referred to Counsel...
A claim in the amount of ,`3,350.00 covering legal services
rendered the Tcvn during the year 1927 was received from Counselor
Upon motion by Justice Ilessersmith, seconded by the Clerk,
the claim was upon roll call unanimously approved and ordered paid.
The Supervisor advised the Board that pursuant to authority
heretofore given to him he had appointed Howell F. Dobbs Inspector of
Sanitation at a salary of 4§30. a week, which includes transportation,
to serve at the pleasure of the Board and he requested that his action
be ratified and approved.
Upon motion duly seconded, upon roll call, it was unanimously
HISOL7ED, that the appointment by the
Supervisor of Mr. Howell F. Dobbs as
Inspector of Sanitation at a salary of
t3O. a week, including transportation,
beginning July 14, 1932, for a. term
at the pleasure of the Board be ratified
and confirmed.
The Supervisor advised the Board that it will be necessary
to make certain alterations in the additional space taken at the office
of the Public Welfare Cfficer, tc wit, installation of a partition
and a gate at the store adjoining the present welfare office and the
procurement of certain furniture® He stated the cost woula not exceed
On Motion duly seconded, it was upon roil call unanimously
R7SCL71D, that the Supervisor be ana he hereby is
authorized and empowered to have certain alterations
made in the auditional space taken at the Public
Welfare Officer's office, to wit, the installation
of a partition and a, gate, also additional furniture
at a cost not to exceed n?200.00.
The Supervisor advised the Board that aue to the recent
lack of sufficient rainfall, tae water in the Larchmont Gardens lake
was quite low ana that there as a considerable accumulation of sec_ge
grass and other debris therein, which in the interests of the public
health should oe cleared out and removed, ana which he believed could
be done economically at this time. He suggestea that the County
Department of Health be requested tc authorize under work relief the
Town Board and/or the Superintendent of Highways to undertake this
On motion, duly seconded, it was
R!SCL?'FD, that the Testchester County Department of
Health be and it hereby is requested to authorize
under work relief the removal from the Larchmont
Gardens lake the accumulation of sedge grass and
other debris now therein; said work to be done under
the direction of the Superintendent of Highways.
The Supervisor ane_ Counsel reported to the Board on the
several conferences held by the Supervisor, the Chairman of Sever
District No. 1 and Counsel with the representatives of the test -
cheater County Sanitary CoLmission in connection with the nego-
tiations for the taxing over of the Sanitary Sever Commission of a
portion of the trunk line sewers of the Town of Mamaroneck for use
in ana as part of the County system.
The Supervisor stated that it would be necessary to
furnish the Sanitary Sewer Commission with considerable additional
data, and information regarding the cost of construction, the lengths
ana sizes of pipes ani: the number of manholes of the Town system, and
he recommended that Counsel oe authorized to procure such information
from time to time as may oe fo n a necessary ana auvis•able.
Upon notion duly seconded and upon roll call, it was
=SCL`•.n D, that Counsel be and he hereby is authorized
and empowered in connection with the negotiations vi.th
the Westchester County Sanitary Serer commission for the
sale and transfer of a portion of the trunk lire sewers
of the Town of Mamaroneck to said Commission, to obtain
such necessary data and information as may be requested
and/or required in connection with said negotiations
from time to time.
The following resolution was mcved by the Clerk,
seconded by Justice Messersmith, and upon roll call unanimously
approved, to wit:
WH REAS, claim has peen received from Georga H.
McClelland in the amount of .0.1,564.30, covering
the cost of premium on automobile liability in-
surance for the Weaver Street Fire Company; and
WHEREAS. the budget ada appropriation for insurance
for theWeaverStreet Fire Company is insufficient
to cover the full amount of this claim; and
WHEREAS, there exists a surplus in the budget ap-
propriation account for the collection of garbage
in Fire, Lighting and `Nater Supply District No. 1
in the Town of Mamaroneck; therefore be it
R-77,SOLITI D, that there be transferred from the ap-
propriation account for the collection of garbage
in Fire, Lighting and Water Supply District No. 1,
to the appropriation account for Fire District No. 1,
the sum of Q,000.00 and the Supervisor be an, he
hereby is authorized and directed to record such
transfer upon the books of record in his office.
Upon motion duly made and seconded the Hoard una-
nimously resolved to adjourn at 11 P. M. to meet again at the
call of the chair to take up such matters as might properly
come before it.
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