HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932_06_23 Town Board Minutes4:30 P. Y. SPECIAL L T'TING Or TH7 TO`,VIT BOARD TOWN OF 119,.IAR017CK, 177v YORK held June 23, 1932. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at Present: Supervisor ?urton Justices Boyd, Leeds, Messersmith and Burbank Town Clerk Ma ry in The presence was also noted of Counselor Ralph A. Gamble. 211 The Clerk read the call of the meeting giving notice that sealed bids or estimates would be received for contracts for the removal and disposal of swill, garbage and ashes from buildings in districts in the Town of Iiamaroheck known as (1) Fire, Lighting and :Vater Supply District No. 1 and (2) Fire District No. 2, respectively. The call was ordered approved as printed and the affidavits of publication were ordered received and placed on file. The Supervisor asked if there was any bidder present who did not thoroughly understand the call and the terms and conditions of the bids. There being no response,, lie directed the Clerk to proceed to open the bids. Bids were submitted as follows: I'AM7 OF BIDDER DISTRICT NO, I District No. 2 Frank Carullo Vm. Carullo DeFolco & Donfri Lo-oreato, 11brandi & Oarriero Westchester Removal & Disposal Co., Inc. Edwin Dimond 1 -A 1-B 49000 3150. 5,000 300. 16",770 - 6,300 - 6,750 6,750. 8,000. 1-f! 1-D 1-a 1-b $129000 X450. ,0350. 139500 800. 500. - - 1$540. 18x000 - 700. 20,250. 20,250. 18000. $1,050. 1,350. 24000. 3,000. 21,000. - 600. 18800. The Board thereupon recessed to consider the bids in executive session. After the executive session the Board reconvened and upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice T-�essersmith, it was unanimously RFSOL77D, that the bids and deposit checks be retained from the two lowest bidders, namely; Frank Carullo and 1,Villiam Carullo,- and be it further R_FSOLV'FD, that the checks of the other bidders be returned to them by the Clerk upon his securing a proper receipt therefor. The regular order of business was suspended in order to hear Yr. Lrichael J. Jennings of 50 Voran PlaceB Dillon Park, who addressed the Board in regard to his application for r4zoningto erect and use a portable garage to be placed on lots 6 and 7B, Block 14, Section 58 about 55 feet from the Poston Post Road. After discussion Yr. Jennings withdrew his application for rezoning with, the intention of submitting an application for a temporary permit to the same effect. 213 The Supervisor stated that the Board had at a meeting held on December 8th, 1931, authorized him to borrow the sum of ;;:21,813.72 upon Town of Mamaroneck tax lien certificates of indebtedness, being 1930 taxes sold Play 27, 1931, and not theretofore paid off and redeemed and A89,374.02 certificates of indebtedness on account of unpaid taxes for the year 1931. lie stated that no Certificates of Indebtedness had been issued pursuant to the authorizations contained in said resolutions and that as he desired to have the Board authorize him to sell tax lien certificates of indebtedness for the years 1929, 1930 and 1931 represent— ing taxes sold in the r-espective years 1930, 1931 and 1932, said resolutions should be rescinded. Upon motion duly seconded, it was RFSOL7TFD, that the resolutions heretofore adopted by this Board at an adjourned meeting held on December 89 1931, authorizing the Supervisor to borrow upon the faith and credit of the Town of Mamaroneck (1) the sum of $21,813.72 upon. Town of Mamaroneck tax lien certificates of indebtedness representing taxes le-ied and assessed for the year 1930, and sold pursuant to law on May 27, 1931 and which had been purchased by the Supervisor in the name of the Town of Mamaroneck, and (2) $89,374.02 certificates of indebtedness representing uncollected State, County, Town and Special District taxes and assessments of the 1931 general tax roll, be and the same hereby are rescinded and the authorizations therein granted cancelled. The Supervisor stated to the Board that at its meeting held June lst, 1932, he had been authorized to sell tax 'Lien, certificates for the years 1930, 1931 and 1932, in tl:e amount of ,95,739.58 and that he had negotiated the sale to the Larchmont National Bank & Trust Oompany of Larchmont, New York, of said certifidates in the principal amount of ?90,000.; said certificates of Indebtedness to be dated June 27th, 1932, to mature June 27th, 1933, to bear interest at the rate of 6% per annum, to be payable at the Larchmont national Sank_ i; 'T'rust 'ompany in Larchmont, Few York, to be numbered IT, 2T and 3T and of the denomination of X30,000. each. He stated that this would leave unsold and to be hereafter negotiated, sold and issued by him of the total amount of tax lien certificates for said years, to wit;.895,739.-58, a balance of $57739.58, and when, as and if said certificates were sold by him pursuant to maid resolution of June 1, 1932, he would advise the Board. The following resolution was offered by Justice liessersmith and seconded by Justide.Burbank. R7SOL17FD, that the report of the Supervisor on the sale of $90,000. principal amount of tax lien cert— ificates for the years 19309 1931 and 1932 be approved and the Supervisor directed to deliver said certif— icates of indebtedness upon payment of the purchase price as heretofore authorized. FUR=R RFSOLVED, that said resolution of June 1, 1932, will remain in full force and effect as to the balance of said tax lien certificates nor said years unissued, to wit, $5,739.589 so that the same may be issued by the Supervisor as in said resolution heretofore provided. Ayes Six id oes : lNone 4215 On motion by Tustice Boyd, seconded by Justice Burbank, the following preamble and resolution were adopted: R7SOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE 07 C7RTIFICATTS OF INDEBTEDNTSS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, IN THE AMOUNT OF X60,000 TO PAY THF' COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF A PORTION OF THE SEWER SYSTEM IN SEWER DISTRICT 1 IN SAID TOWN. WHEREAS, the following report has been received from the Sewer Commissioners of Sewer District #12 in the Town of Mamaroneck.- Isrchmont, N. Y. October 21, 1931 Town Board, Town of Mamaroneck, 8 Elm Street Mamaroneck, N. Y. Gentlemen: We beg to advise that this Commission recently opened bids for the construction of Sewers under Contract #24. Based on these bids, we respectfully report to you that the cost of this Contract, including Engineers* fees and other necessary expenses will be, approximately, $60,000.00. Will you pleaze, therefore, pursuant to the Town law, immediately authorize the issuance and sale of Certificates of indebtedness aggregating this amount, the same to be issued and sold by the Supervisor from time to time as the payments become due under said Contra M Respectfully yours BOARD OF 37WFR COMMISSION= (signed) R. H. Stevens Chairman Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMAROY?aK, IN THE COUNTY OF WTSTCHTST7_R, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. To pay the estimated cost of the construction of a part of_the Sewer System in Sewer District #1, of the Town of Mamaroneck, as enlarged and extended, the Supervisor is hereby auth- orized and directed to issue and sell a Certificate- or Certificates of Indebtedness of said Town, not exceeding the maximum principal amount of Sixty Thousand Dollars (.$60,000.), Section 2. Said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness shall be payable as to both principal and interest ; shall be in such denomination or denominations, shall bear such date, and such rate of interest not exceeding six per centum (6a} per annum, as shall be determined by the Supervisor upon receipt of bids;. shall be numbered consecutively commending from the number of the last Cer- tificate of Indebtedness of the Town, issued for such purposes, and shall be in substantially the form set forth in a resolution entitled: B°Resolution determining the form of Certificates of Indebtedness issued to pay the cost of the construction of the Sewer System in Sewer District rl, of the Town of Mamaroneck," duly adopted by the Town Board on August 28, 1931. X21 Section 3. Said Certificate or Certificates of Indebt- edness may be sold by the Supervisor from time to time as the money may be needed at private sale for the best terms obtainable, provided that said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness shall not be sold for less than their par value. Section 4. said Certificate or Certificates of Indebt- edness shall be general and unlimited obligations of the Town of Kamaroneck. The full faith and credit of said Town are hereby irrev- ocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest of said Certificate or Certificates of indebtedness as the same shall b4come due, and unless said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness are paid or payment provided for, an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest thereof shall be included in the annual statement for tax purposes. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: George 'sir. Burton, Supervisor WUalter R. Marvin, Jr., Town Clerk Walter C. Burbank William A. Boyd Justices of William D. Leeds the Peace Vlcsley IT. Xdessersmith ITayes: None A tax bill in the amount of n36.03 for the 1930 and 1932 Village tax on Lots 5 and 6, Block 4, Section 6, was received From the Village of Larchmont and ordered referred to Counsel.. A summons and complaint in the case of Doric Realty Corp. vs. Westchester Joint ",Vater OPorks, No. 1, Town of Mamaroneck, et. al. was received and ordered referred to Counsel. A communication dated June 14th was received from the Board of Sewer Commissioners, Sewer District Yio. 1 of the Town of iiamaroneck, enclosing map entitled "Westdhester County Sanitary Sewer C'o:mmission, Mamaroneck Project Enlargement"' dated June 6th, showing additional area to County Sewer District. The communication was ordered received and placed on file. A communication dated June 9th was received from A. J. Foote Engineering Corporation informing the Board that the Contractors, DeLuca Bros., had practically completed work on Chatsworth and Rock- ingstone Avenue known as Contract "M" Sections "A1°and "B" and that the work is ready for the inspection of the Board. The communication was ordered received and referred to Superintendent Coles. A communioation dated June 9th was received from the Receives of Taxes requesting the authority of the Board to clear the roll for lots 26 and 27, Block 41, Section 7, for school taxes of 1929 on property owned by Mrs. M. S. Webb, because of a clerical error made at the time. The communication was ordered referred to Counsel. A claim was received from Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes, in the amount of $52*22 to effect a transfer of this sum from the general fund to that of the tax lien account. An accompanying corimunic- ation dated June 10th was received from Mr. Dillon which stated that the money had been by error deposited in the general fund instead of the tax 'Lien account. On motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice ifessersmith, it was upon roll call unanimously M, OT VTD, that the claim of Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes in the amount of -152.22 as above described be and it hereby is approved and ordered paid. -91( The report of the Supervisor for the five months ended May 31, 19-32 was received and ordered spread upon the minutes. TOWN OF MAMARONFCK G7I7ERAL FOND STAT TEITT OF FSTIMA=- R-rVFNUFS AMD RW!,=TS FOR TAF' FIVE MONTHS FNDrD MAY 31ST, 1932. RfW-11TU-PS "STIMATFD RF CWIVFD BALANCF 1932 Tax Levy for State, County, Town and District $823,498.63 $555,302.08 $268-,196.55 Warnings - General Town Town' Clerk 200.00 ----- 200.00 Int. and Penalties on Taxes 40,000.00 13,499.24 26,500.76 Int. on Bank Deposits 2,500.00 162.21 2,337.79 Justices Fines 2,000.00 315.00 11685.00 Justices Fees 12000.00 823.60 176."40 Income Tax 40,000.00 ----- 401000.00 Miscellaneous Revenues 641.31 641.31 x earnings - Outside of Villages Bank Tag 11500.00 543.09 956.91 Dog Licenses 700..00 839.94 139.94 x Fees - Building Commission 2,000.00 395.83 11604.17 Franchise Tax 600.00 331.06 268.94 Mercantile and Manufacturing Tax 1,500.00 ---- 1,500.00 Yortgage Tax 10,000.00 ---- 10,000.00 Town Clerk's Fees 800.00 397.55 402.45 Other Available Funds 36,000.00 36,000.00 --- Water Revenues 69,025.00 10,000.00 599025.00 TOTAL RPMTUTS $ 1,031,323 63 $619,250.91 $4129;072.72 _... x SURPLUS TOWNT OF YIAMAROT17CK GENERAL FUND STATFDTNT OF BLmGFT APPROPIATIONS AND E)UWNDITURFS FOR THE FIVE MONTHS 7NDWD MAY 31st,- 1932. General Town Budget Amount Amount Appropriation Expended Available Printing and Publishing $ 19050.00 $ 259.69 $ 790.31 Dept. of Flections 4,992.00 750.46 42241.54 Contributions and Donations 2.00.00 --- 200.00 Dept. of Police Magistrates 31150.00 249.90 2,900.10 Debt Service, Redemption of bonds 4,928.94 2,928.94 2,000.00 Debt Service, Interest on bonds 3,764.48 1,669.74 2,094.74 Town Office 5,120.00 1,824.78 31295.22 Town Hall 1,895.00 657.85 11237.15 Dept. of Supervisor 195180.00 71362.88 112817.12 Dept. of Town Clerk 61760.00 2,635.08 4,124.92 Dept. of Justice of Peace 169310.00 5,375.71 10,934.29 - Dept. of Receiver of Taxes 8,275.00 31131.61 52143.39 Dept. of Assessors 10,905.00 4,392.72 61512.28 Dept. of Public Welfare 25,050.00 10,490.11 14,559.89 Dept. of Board of Auditors, 10650.00 624.90 1,025.10 Dept. of Law 85000.00 1,761.31 6,238.69 Highway Dept. 11,500.00 1,500.00 10,000.00 Dept. of Miscellaneous Expenditures 1,535.00 153.25 1,381.75 $ 134,265.42 $ 45,768.93 $ 88,496.49 221 Outside of Villages Budget Amount Amount A=opriation 7xpended Available Dept.. of Printing and Pub— lishing 150.00 -------- 150.00 Dontributions and Donations 5,S80.00 ------- 5,880.00 Dept. of Health 29000.00 ------- 2,000.00 Building Commission 5,210.00 1,997.80 39212.20 Board of Appeals 1,075.00 212.26 862.74 Highway Department 37,500.00 25,000.00 123,500.00 Debt Service, Redemption of Bonds 25,000.00 11,000.00 14,000.00 Debt Service, Interest on Bonds 28,944.50 14,591.50 14,353.00 Street Lights 20.000.00 -- -- .20,000.00 125.759.50 52,801.56 72,957.94 Fire District No. 1 38,652.50 11,450.62 27,201.88 Park District 39,298.00 21,472.84 17,825.16 Garbage District No. I 15,950.00 69645.80 90304.20 Water District 72,194.25 28,676.50 43,517.75 Garbage District Yo. 2 1,400.00 583.30 816.70 Fire District No. 2 2,224.00 1,864.00 360.00 Sewer District vo. I 1309816.25 418269.57 892546.68 Police Department 68,720.00 278000.00 41,720.00 State and County Taxes 403,907.71 150,000.00 253,907.71 TOTAL DISBURS=NTS X1,033,187.63 ' 387,533.12 $645,654.51 Respectfully submitted, G"TO. W. BURTON SUPERVISOR DATED, Tune 8th, 1932 A communication dated Tune 17th was received from the Fidelity and Casualty Co. of id. Y. requesting a certification of the fact that Rufus K. Allerton has satisfactorily accounted for the funds in his possession belonging to the Police Pension Fund during the year 193.11 ending April 21, 1932. The matter was referred to the Clerk to obtain an audit. A communication dated Tune 20th was received from the Alpha Alpha Phi Sorority inviting the members of the Board to attend the third annual dance of the Sorotity at the Weaver Street Fire House on Tune 25th. The communication was ordered received, placed on file and all the members who could possibly do so were urged to attend. Tustice Burbank advised the Board that one of the concerns which had purchased tax liens at the sale held by the Town on May 25th was writing letters to owners of the properties on which the liens were based informing these owners that "your property has been sold...." etc. Whereas, he said, these letters should state that the "tax liens have been sold...." etc. He declared that this was unnecessarily ter- rifying tc the property owners and suggested that the Company which bought the liens be directed to amend its letters. The matter was referred to Counsel. 220 At 6:10 P.M. the Board unanimously resolved to recess to meet again at the call of the chair, to take up such matters -- as might properly come before it.