HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986_03_20 Conservation Advisory Commission Minutes 4 corrected t,E'u�) ° APR 24 ,,� TOWN OF MAMARONECK 'CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMISSION bRp BECK AND WATER CONTROL COMMISSION JOINT MEETING A regular meeting of the Town of Mamaroneck Conservation Advisory Commission and the Water Control Commission was held on Thursday, March 20, 1986, at the Weaver Street Firehouse. The meeting commenced at 8:00 P.M. Members present: Robert Komitor, Chairman, CAC Susan Amlicke, Emeritus Elinor Fredston Robert Funicello Marilyn Faust Gloria Allen Robert Hohberg Also present: Clifford Emanuelson, Conservation Consultant Tom Leddy, Beautification Director Jane Moss, LI.F.E. Director Irma Volk, E.M.C. Caroline Silverstone, Town Liaison r Administrative Matters: The minutes for the February meeting were corrected and approved; the next scheduled meeting for the CAC and WCC is Thursday, April 17, 1986, at 8:00 P.M. , at the Weaver Street Firehouse. The Annual Report was discussed and suggestions were incorporated into final draft. Mrs. Volk discussed her report on the Water Resources Committee of the Environmental Management Council (copy is attached) . Environment: Mr. Komitor and Mr. Santos will be attending the Sewage Treatment Upgrade meeting at Hommocks School on April 15th at 8:00 P.M. ; recommendation will be to use the same site and expand it. Mr. Komitor volunteered to review the site improvement report for the present site. ® Page. 2, Environment (Cont'd) : The Wetlands Law is being updated along with the Coastal Zone Management; it will be completed by September 1986. Development Projects: The Beechtree subdivision and Emerson subdivision were discussed. The Town has been notified; Dr. Mason will attend the hearing. The letter to Mayor Noto regarding the leaf composting site on Taylors Lane was discussed (copy is attached) . Mr. Emanuelson reported the siltation basins at Berringer Property will be maintained by the homeowners association. He also reported the siltation basin at Cherry Lawn is full; Mr. Altieri will contact New Rochelle officials and follow up with a letter regarding maintenance of the basin. 11:1 Water Courses and Water Bodies: Mrs. Fredston reported the revised draft of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program for the Village of Larchmont and the Town of Mamaroneck was presented to the two Boards at their meetings on March 18 and 19 and the required resolution was adopted. This step does not commit either Board to the present text and further revision is expected with mapping requirements and local laws still to be completed. The LWRP is now forwarded to the N.Y. Secretary of State for review, SEQR hearings, with due notice must be held probably in April or early May (60 day time frame within which SEQR hearings must be scheduled) . The goal is to have this land use legislation placed by the time the Town of Mamaroneck's moratorium expires. Recycling: A general discussion of aluminum and metal recycling was held. Mrs. Moss stated L.I.F.E. Center will be developing a poster contest and she requested Page 3. 0 facts regarding recycling of aluminum and metal to be distributed to students at the local schools. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. Dated: March 20, 1986 410 o Town of Mamaroneck Conservation Advisory Commission 740 West Boston Post Road Area Code 914 Mamaroneck, N. Y. 10543 698-4929 698-3441441 March 12, 1986 Mayor Paul Noto Mamaroneck Village Board of Trustees Village of Mamaroneck Municipal Building Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Re. Leaf Composting Site at Taylors Lane Dear Mayor Noto and Village Trustees: It is our understanding that the Village Board is considering the development of the village owned Taylors Lane leaf composting site for senior citizens' housing. This comes as quite a surprise as we thought that we had assurances that Taylors Lane would continue to be available for leaf composting for at least three years and possibly longer, as a result of a series of meeting held during the summer of 1985, at which Village Manager Joseph Fraoli participated. 1 It is imperative that this site not be destroyed as its loss would cause a great financial burden for both the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town. By processing these leaves locally we save hauling and tipping charges in excess of $125,000 per year. These figures are based on fifteen years experience-. Well over a million dollars has been saved in the last ten years alone. It is also probable that the Westchester County resource recovery facility at Charles Point will refuse to accept leaves in the near future. In 1985, 740,000 tons of solid waste was processed at the Charles Point facility and another 80,000 2 was diverted to the Croton Land Fill, which is due to be closed June 30, 1986. The permit capacity of this plant, 657,000 tons, is already being exceeded! This is occurring without the 6,400 tons of leaves from our two communities. If leaves are no longer accepted at Charles Point, and we have no local composting site, there will be no place to dispose of our leaves. The leaves would have to be burned, which is not permitted under state law, or be composted by each home owner, an unworkable alternative for most of the community. The Conservation Advisory Commission applauds building housing for senior citizens. The need is great and expanding. We do, however, feel that Taylors Lane is not an appropriate site. It is on top of an old dump, which in itself could be a hazard to those living there; this site is itself a wetland; it is adjacent to a critical environmental area important for wildlife preservation; 1 Others in attendance: Ben Larkey, P. Thomas Leddy, Thomas R. Amlicke, Gloria Allen, Susan Amlicke, C. Alan Mason, and Louise Calman. 2 Unoffical figures reorted to the Westchester County Refuse Disposal Advisory Board, Tuesday March 4, 1986. -,C- C '$ C Town of Mamaroneck Conservation Advisory Commission Area Code 914 740 West Boston Post Road 698-4929 Mamaroneck, N. Y. 10543 698-3441 it is poorly served by public transportation, and would serve to isolate the residents from other areas of the community, shopping and other necessary services. This commission has spent a considerable time searching for an alternative composting site within the two communities which share the Taylors Lane composting operation. We have not found a suitable substitute for the present location. We urge the Village Board to consider very carefully any plan that would terminate this operation at its present location and put that location to a use for which it is not suited. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter and for permitting us to be of service. Very truly yours, Robert I. Komi r, hairman C.A.C. C. Alan Mason, Chairman W.C.C. cc. Dolores Battalia Members of Mamaroneck Town Board Miriam Curnin Calvin Weber, West. County Solid Waste Div. Ben Larkey, West. County Recycling Coordinator Life Center, C/O Central School _ R Irma Volk - Water Resources Committee of the Environmental Management Council February 13, 1986 Meeting: Mr. John Muenzinger (EMC staff) reported on the recent Task Force meeting of the EPA's Long Island Sound Study. This is a five year federal government program to study significant estuaries in the Northeast. (L.I. Sound is considered an estuary) . They now have funds for 2 years and will work on protecting and improving water quality to ensure safe swimming and safe consumption of shellfish. This year they are concentrating on studying re-suspension of bottom sediments to see what kinds of pollutants may be there, and measuring oxygen content as it impacts on the larval stage of lobster and other shellfish and bottom fish. They will be publishing a bulletin and plan a public relations tour of the Sound on a research vessel in the future. Stream Evaluation Program: Since more definite guidelines are needed for this study in local communities, the Water Resources Committe has scheduled a presentation by the N.Y. State D.E.C. on Saturday, April 5th, at the Daniel Gray Fishing Club in North Castle. This is intended to be a comprehensive planning workshop with the long term objective of stream management as an approach to planning in the drainage basin units. Laura Tessier said the Soil and Water District has prepared a storm water management strategy. This has been submitted to the County Executive. The support of local governments (CAC's) might hasten the County's approval. March 4, 1986 Meeting: DEC film "Here Lies the Problem: Leaking Underground Storage Systems" was shown. This film is available on request to CAC's or interested organizations. Mr. John Okesson, Senior Engineering Technician (and the only member of this C 4 ti department at the moment) explained the new process of registering all oil 410 and gas tanks over 110.0 gallons. In the future they hope to include ether chemical products. There are seven methods used to test for leaks in underground tanks, all of which sound difficult and expensive especially if leaks must be corrected. This is a purely voluntary program with only one engineer to oversee it thus far. Abandoned tanks are one of the biggest problems to locate and dig up. Several forms were distributed and a copy of the DEC information booklet is included with this report. S .�„ 6 A p r i l 17, 1 '9'8,_ Rte`, ' not ® To Mr . Robert }• om i tor• , Chair Members of Conservation Advisory Commission ky From Caroline Silverstone Re : Recycling questions Some months back members of the CAC made a presentation to the Town Board concerning mandatory recycling and other questions related to r•ecycl i ng. At the close of the • presentation and after a lot of questions and answers, the Supervisor asked the CAC to do several things and report back on the result : 1 . Make similar presentations to both villages and report response . 2. Get copies of mandatory recycling legislation from other communities . • S. Draft a job description for the oversight job CAC had suggested (Cliff Emanuel _.on) Q 4 . Prepare a site plan for the way CAC would like recycling operations to be located at the yard. So far , reports on these items have not come back to the Town Board. In the interim, however , the Jt Sanitation Commissioners did meet with several C A C members la_st week . • As a result , the glass, paper and metal r•ecyc l i ng have all been relocated in order to make recycling more convenient for our residents. The Jt. Sanitation Commissioners , Mrs. Cur•rt i n and Mrs . Battalia , would like to attend the next scheduled CAC meeting to discuss matters of mutual concern and have asked to be informed of the date of the meeting. Since recycling is a function of the qt . Sanitation Commission rather than of the Town or Village boards, it is appropriate to bring questions and concerns to the Commission as a first step . • "