HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932_01_20 Town Board Minutes9:30 P. M. A IEEETIA?G OF THF TO12T BOARD TOWIT OF MAKAROSFM v IT. Ya held January 20th, 1932. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at Presents Supervisor Burton. Justices Boyd, Messersr.,ith, Deeds, Burbank Town Clerk Yarvin Communications were received from the Chatsworth Coal and Supply Company and R. G. -brewer in regard to the use of devices to economize on the use of coal in the heaver Street Fire House. After a general discussion of the coal problem, it was upon motion by Justice Yessersmith, seconded by the Clerk, unanimously FESOT,VFD, that the matter of devices to save coal at the `+reaves Street Fire House be referred to a special committee to be appointed by the Supervisor and to report back to this Board its recommendation. The Supervisor thereupon appointed to this committee: Justices Ifessersmith, Leeds and Burbank. A communication dated January 15th from Mrs. Winona V. Titman requesting permission to use the fire house for a dancing class, was received and referred to the Fire House Committee above appointed. This committee was by resolution, likewise directed to recommend rules and regulations for the general use of the Fire House. Justice Burbank submitted, for the information of the Board, a survey by Edward J. Gorman, a resident of the town and an officer of the 7mployers Liability Assurance Corporation, the subject of surety bonds, town depositaries, and legal decisions covering same. The Board examined the survey and by resolution thanked Iir. Gorman for his helpful attitude and cooperation. Counsel reported on the request of the Board of Assessors heretofore made authorizing cancellation of a tax on the Bose property, which was heretofore referred to him. He stated that he had conferred with the Board of Assessors on this matter and found the following state of facts: Lots Nos. 349 35, 36, 37 and 38 in Block 25 Section 6 on the Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck were originally owned by one Gilamo who built two houses on the five lots. Gilamo then divided the property by a line crosswise through the same and sold half of each of the five lots, each having a house thereon, one half to Fritz Bose, which was the western: portions and he sold the eastern portions to J. J. Bower. The Assessors have discovered through a recent tax search that due to the complicated transfer which was made the owners and the lots were errorecusly reversed on the Assessment Roll. Bose paid taxes each year erroneously on the wrong lots. Bower had a tax search made when he purchased hia property, which report showed no tax open as they had been previously paid by Bose. The Assessors feel, therefore, that it is unequitable to ask i,,tr. Bose to pay the tax a second time on said parcels for the year 1927 when he has already paid said tax, which through no fault of his was credited to the wrong parcel. They recommend, therefore, that the tax for the 1927 in the amount of $178.65 be cancelled. 39 On the recommendation of the Board of Assessors, it was therefore, on motion by Justice Yessersmith, seconded by Justice Boyd, on roll call unanimously R7SOU77D, that the taxes for the year 1927 in the amount of $178.64, plus penaltiem and interest thereon now open agains_t_._Lo_t. Nos.._ 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 in Block Za., Section 6, be and the same hereby are cancelled. FQRTHrR RFSOLTTFD, :that the Supervisor and Receiver of Taxes be and they hereby are authorized, empowered and directed to cancel said taxes on their books of record and to issue such certificates and/or instruments to this effect as may be necessary so that said taxes may be cancelled. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, the Board unarimouzly resolved to adjourn at 10 P. M. to meet again at the call of the chair to take up such matters as might properly come before it. Town Clerk