HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932_01_07 Town Board Minutes2:50 P. 11. ADJOURNED DL",TING OF THE TOWIT BOARD TOWN OF MAYARON-TCK9 N. Y. held January 7th, 1932. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at Present: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Imis, Messersmith and Burbank Town Clerk Marvin The presence was also noted of Frank M. Gagliardi, Special Counsel and Ralph A. Gamble, Counsel. Supervisor Burton stated that the zoard had met pursuant to adjournment taken at the hearing held on December 30, 1931, for the purpose of further considering the tax budget for the year 1932. The Board thereupon proceeded to consider the protests and objections made by those who addressed the Board at the hearing held on December 30, 1931® The various items contained in the tax budget were then considered item by item and after a thoro discussion had thereon, Justice Boyd offered for adoption the following. NIiEREAS, this Board has heretofore made, compiled and filed with the Town Clerk a.tax budget containing the estimated probable revenues and estimated expenditures for the several departments, offices and othertown and special districts purposes for the year 1932; and WH-TRTAS9 notice of the completion and filing of said tax budget and calling a public hearing thereon has been duly posted and published in the manner required by law: and ,VHFRFASr a public hearing upon said tax budget was duly held by and before this "board on, December 300,, 1931; and wHFRFAS, this Board has duly considered the protests and objections made against certain items contained in said tax budget; considered, separately, all the items contained in said tax budget and haz rejected and. reduced certain estimated expenditures in said budget contained; NOWt TFFRFFORT, it is RFSOZVED, that the tax budget of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1932, containing the estimated revenues and expenditures for the several departments, offices, special districts and other lawful purposes, as amended, prepared and compiled pursuant to the provisions of Article 6-a of the Town law= be and the same hereby is in all respects adopted; and it is further R1aSOINFD, that there be levied and assessed against the taxable property situated in the Town of Mamaroneck, for general town purposes mentioned and described in the annexed tax budget, and collected, the sum of $,48,565.42; and it is further R',7SOLVFD, that there be levied and assessed against the taxable property situated in the 76wn of Xamaroneck, outside of the Villages of Larehmont and W.amaroneck, for the purposes mentioned and described in the annexed tax budget, and collected, the sum of $141,379.50; and Itis further RESOLVFD, that there be levied and assessed against the taxable property situated in the special districts hereinafter named, within the Town of Mamaroneck, for the purposex mentioned and described in the annexed tax budget, and collected, the sums of money set opposite each special district, respectively¢ tz wit: For purposes affecting District No. 1 $95,205.75 For purposes affecting District No. 2 $ 3,624.00 For purposes affecting Sewer District No. ?, $130;816.25 The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions was put to a vote which resulted as follows: Ayes: Supervisor isurton, justices -Doyd, Leeds, Messersmith and Burbank, Town Clerk Marvin Noes: None The chair declared the resolutions duly adopted. And it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Glerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to deliver to the Superfisor a copy of said tax budget and a transcript of the minutes of thiel meeting duly certified, and to transmit to the Clerk of the.Board of Supervisors of Westchester County a duplicate copy of said tax budget and ;transcript of the minutes of this meeting, also certified, as pro— vid-ed by Section 148 of the Town Law. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was put to a vote which resulted as follows: Ayes: Six Noes: None The chair decia-red the resolution duly adopted. The following is a copy of the estimated revenues and expenditures for the year 1932 as finally adopted by the Town. Board: (See budget attached herewith) Ian WHEREABi the Supervisor has reported- that the sum of $25,000.00 is required to pay audited Town claims and that he has not on hand any funds which can be applied in payment of said claims, or any part thereof; and WHEREAS, this Board has deemed it inadvisable to include in the tax budget for the year 1932 any part of the amolmt required to pay said audited Town claims and desires to raise and provide the said sum of $25;AOO. by the issuance and sale of deficiency bonds, as authorized by Section 149 of the Town Law, as amended by Chapter 92 of the Laws of 1931. TOWN OF MAIAARONEC K PROPOSED TAX BUDGET FOR 1932 000 Contents Schedules Page General Town Revenues 1J2 Department of Printing and Publishing 3 Department of Flections 4 Contributions and Donations 5 Department of Village Police Magistrates 6 Debt Service 7 Town Offices 8 Town Hall 9 Department of Supervisor 10 Department of Town Clerk 11 Department of Justices of the Peace 12 Department of Receiver of Taxes 13 Department of Assessors 14 Department of Public 'Nelfare 15 Department of Town Board of Auditors 16 Department of Law 17 Department of Highways 18 Department of Miscellaneous Expenditures 19 Outside of Villages Department of Printing and Publishing 20 Contributions and Donations 21 Department of Health 22 Department of Building Commission 23 Department of Board of Appeals 24 Department of Highways 25-27 Police Department 28,29 Department of Street Lighting 30 District No. 1 Fire Department 31,32 Park Department 33,34 Garbage - District No. 1 35 Water 36137 District No. 2 Garbage - District No. 2 38 Fire District No. 2 39 Sewer District No. 1 Department of Sewer District No. 1 40-43 Miscellaneous Summary of Proposed Tax Levy 44 Assessed valuation and miscellaneous information 45 REVENUES OTHER THAN TAXES Estimated for Amount Allowed 1532 ENTIRE TOWN Earnings of Town Clerk 200.00 200.00 Interest and penalties on taxes 40,000.00 40,000.00 Interest on bank deposits 21500.00 2,500.00 Justices, fines 21000.00 2,000.00 Justicest fees in civil actions 11000.00 1,000.00 Income tax Sec. 382 Tax Law 40,000.00 409000.00 Total 852700.00 85,700.00 TOWN OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Bank tax - Sec. 219 nn Tax Law 11500.00 Dog Licenses 700.00 Fees, Building Commission 22000.00 Franchise taxes 600.00 Mercantile and manufacturing taxes - Sec. 219 h - Sub. 6 Tax Law 1,500.00 Mortgage tax Sec. 261 Tax Law Town Clerk 10,000.00 800.00 Total 17,100.00 -1- 1,500.00 700.00 2,000.00 600.00 1,500.00 10,000.00 800.00 17,100.00 REVENUES OTHER THAN TAXES - Cont. Estimated for Amount allowed 1932 ESTIMATED BANK BALANCE Available for Town outside of Villages 36,000.00 36,000.00 Total 36,000.00 36,000.00 DEPARTT,�NT OF PRINTING and PUBLISHING Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated General Town - 1 General - Town at large PUBLIC NOTICES, ORDINANCES AND REPORTS Town Board - audited Town accounts, etc, 250.00 250W00 Supervisor 175.00 72.75.00 Town Clerk 100.00 int'},010 Receiver of Taxes 500.00 5n0-,nC Assessors 25.00 ?5.00 --- Total 1,050.00 1,0150.00 -3- DEPARTMENT OF FLFCTTONS Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated General Town - SERVICES " PERSONAL Salary of Custodian of voting machines * Salary of Inspectors for; (a) spring primaries 528.00 5?8W00 (b) fall primaries 528.00 5"8.00 (c) registration 1,440.00 1,,�,t0.00 (d) general election 896.00 896,00 CURRENT CHARGES Other expenses including stationery, supplies, trans- portation, moving machines and distributing supplies 850,00 850<.00 Publishing notices 75.00 '75„00 Rent of polling places And equipment 675.00 67 -_00 Total 4,992,00 4: Q9` r)0 The duties of this office will be performed by the Town Clerk without additional salary. -4- CONTRIBUTIONS and DONT TIONS General Town - 3 American Legion, 2 Posts) Veterans of Foreign Wars) Estimated expen- ditures for 1932 Total -5- 200.00 200.00 Amount appropriated ?0O.no ^_,01, n0 DEPARTMENT 01' VILLAGE POLICE MAGISTRATES General Town - 4 POLICE TUGISTRATES IN VILLAGES Stenographic charges Fees in criminal cases Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated 150.00 3,000.00 1Fn,nC 3 0 0 Total 3,150.00_5n.0O -6- DEBT SERVICE - GENERAL TOWN General Town - 5 HIG7UAY IMPROVET E'NT BONDS 1. Weaver Street Part I County Highway improvement bond No. 6 dated June 1, 1922, due June 1, 1932 2, Weaver Street improvement bonds Nos. 1 and 2 dated Sept. 1, 1927, due Sept 1, 1932 3. Street Improvement bond No. 1 dated Feb. 1, 1931, due Feb. 11 1932 INTEREST 4. Interest on 89,000.00 50 Weaver Street Part I, County Highway bonds payable June 1st and Deoember 1st 5. Interest on y$34,600.00 427`0' Weaver Street improvement bonds dated Sept. 1, 1927, due March lst and Sept. lst 6. Interest on $8,900.00 42% Weaver Street improvement bonds dated Feb, 1, 1928, due Feb. lst and Aug. lst 7. Interest on $21,928.94 4 1/4% Street Improvement bonds for 12 months, due Feb. 1, 1932 and for 6 months on $20,000.00 due .Aug. lst, 1932 Total -7- Amount required Amount I or 1932 appropriated 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 10928.94 10928.94 450.00 450.00 1,557.00 1,557.00 400.50 400.50 1,356.98 1,356.98 8,693.42 8,693.42 TOWN OFFICES Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1032 appropriated General Town - 6 SERVICES - PERSONAL Janitor 600,00 600.00 Office assistant 1,320.00 1,320.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Rent of Board Rooms 1,800.00 1,800.00 Furnishing electricity and water 250.00 250&0 Telephone service 800.00 800.00 COMMODITIES Fuel CURRENT CH ROES Stationery, supplies and miscellaneous 100.00 100~00 PROPERTIES Furniture and equipment 250.00 25MOO Total 5,120.00 5;120e00 TOWN H LL Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated General Town - 7 TG47N HALL Janitor service 900.,00 gnO,nO Fuel 400,00 Z100, CIO Repairs and miscel- laneous expenses 200.00 200.00 Telephone 60. 00 6O, no Light and water 135,00 135£00 Total 1,695.00 ,56c,ti nn -9- DEPARTMFPTT OF SUPERVISOR General Town - 8 SERVICES - PERSONAL Salary of Supervisor Salary of Secretary to the Supervisor Salary of office assistant Estimated expen- ditures .for 1P32 Amount appropriated 9,600.00 9,600.00 3,600.00 3;600.00 2,280.00 2,280.00 COTE ODITIES Stationery, postage, ledger, cash books and supplies 500.00 500.100 CtRRENT CIARGES Surety, depositary and highway bonds Traveling expenses P.�OPER^1LS Office equipment 2, 500.00 2500300 500.00 5nrrn0 200.00 ?00 n0 Total 19,180.00 10. DEPARTMENT OF TOWN CLERK -11- Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated General Town - 9 SERVICES - PERSONAL Salary of Town Clerk 4, 4,800.00 4,800.00 Salary of General Office Assistant 1,700.00 1,700.00 COMMODI^1IES Postage, stationery and blanks 250.00 p5n n0 CURFENT CHARGES Surety bond 10.00 n n0 Total 6,760.00 S; Fn,nO The Town Clerk shall also perform the duties of Custodian of voting machines and those of Registrar of Vital Statistics without additional salary. -11- DEPARTMENT Or JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Estimated e=pen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated General Town - 10 SERVICES - PERSONAL Salary of four Justices at $3,600,00 each 14,400.00 14,400.00 COMMODITIES MODITI�S Stationery and office supplies including blanks ar.d consolidated laws 600.00 600,00 RENT Justices+ Court rooms 1,800.00 1,8n0,n0 CURRENT CHARGES Surety bonds 20.00 0,00 Telephone 240.00 �40,0G Stenographic charges in criminal cases 200,00 Total 17,260.00 ?_";060:00 -12- D=ARTMENT OF RECEIVER OF TAXES General Town - 11 SERVICES - PERSONAL Salary of Receiver of Taxes C 01,.9,10DITIES Stationery, stamps and sspplies including tax biils S 7VICES - CONTRACTUAL Surety 'bond. and theft and hold up policy Total The amount allowed to the Receiver of Taxes for salary includes the compensation which he pays to his Deputy Estimated ex_pen- Amount ditures for 1032 appropriated -13- 6,750.00 6,750.00 1,175.00 1_.'i ,� 5Y n0 350.00 750a^O 8,275.00 8,27G504i DEPARTEENT OF ASSESSORS General Town - 12 SERVICES - PERSONAL 3 Assessors at $2,900.00 Services of engineer in correct maps Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated 8,700.00 1,000.00 8,700.00 1.^on,n0 SE3VICES - CONTRACTUAL Transfer and mortgage slips 250.00 ^F 00 CO11MODITIES Printing and binding assessment rolls 500.00 5500,00 Stationery, postage and supplies 155.00 '56n00 CURRENT CHARGES Traveling expenses including vehicle hire for field work 300.00300y00 Total 10,905.00 ?.,an5m00 -14- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated General Town - 13 SERVICES - PERSONAL Salary of Public Welfare Officer 21100.00 2,100.00 Salary of assistant Welfare Officer 1200.00 1,200.00 CT,RRENT CHARGES Office expenses including stationery and supplies 200.00 �n0-.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Telephone 200.00 20(%PO Rent 600.00 600.00 POOR RELIEF 20,000.00 01 0{11.fj Total 24,300.00 "A, 7r"0�0C -15- DEPARTMENT OF TOVIN BOARD OF AUDITORS C-eneral Town - 14 TOWN BOARD OF AUDITORS Salary of Auditors Stationery and supplies Total Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated -16- 1,500.00 150.00 1,650,00 1,500.00 -a 501,110 7,_650£00 DEPARTMENT OF LAtiV Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated General Town - 15 SERVICES - PERSONAL Salary of Town Counsel (for routine matters, attending meetings and advising departments of Town governments) 4,200.00 4,200.00 Compensation of Special Counsel and Special Attorneys 3,500.00 3p500s^0 Stenographic and miscellaneous charges 300.00 300® Total 81000.00 38000.00 -17- HIGHWAY DEPARTDT ENT General Town - 16 MACHINERY FUND Purchase and repair of machinery, tools and implements SNUN AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND For salary and expenses of Town Superintendent For removal of obstruc- tions caused by snow For other miscellaneous purposes including compensation insurance Total Estimate of Amount Town Supt, approved Amount for 1332 by Town appropriated Board 1,500.00 1,500.00 1!500®00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 21000.00 2,000.0'0 21,000:,00 3,500.00 3,500.00 L=10 0 110500.00 110500.00 a,7,>500.nC -18- DEPARTITENT 07::"ISCELLANEOUS F PENDITURES Estimated expen- Amount ditu.res for 1932 appropriated General Town - 17 TOWN BOARD Reports, surveys, investi- gations and traveling expenses 500.00 50 (7) 0 School directors SCHOOL DIRECTORS Compensation and allowance for traveling expenses 10.00 C:CO CONSTABLES Premiums on bonds 25.00 u'FaOO BANK SERVICE Charge of fiscal agents for payment of principal and interest on Town bonds 1,000.00 00 Total 1,535.00 ';5319 -OC -19- DEPARTMENT OF PRINTING and. PUBLISHING Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated Outside of Villages - 1 PUBLIC NOTICES, ORDINANCES AND REPORTS Notices of hearing on petitions for public im- provements 150.00 1.5runn Total 150.00.F^,00 -20- GGONTRIBUTIONS and DONATIONS Outside of Villages - 2 Larchmont Public Library Sec. 136-d Town Law 11amaroneck Child 'Welfare Association Larchmont Public Health Association Total Article 3 Section 20-b, Subdivision 8 Public Health Law. Estimated expen- ditures for 1932 -21- 39500.00 19600.00 780.00 5,880.00 Amount appropriated �_5no.nn 7;6n00n 7Rn_n0 5,880,00 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated Outside of Villages - 3 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL For compensation of Pound Master 1,250.00 1,250.00 For food.. care and services of Veterinary 500.00 500,00 Maintenance and operation of car 250.00 215 n0 Total 2,000.00 2anon. no -22- BUILDING COMITTiISSION Outside of Villages - 4 SERVICES - PERSONAL Salary of Building Commis-. sioners (2 at $540.00 each and one at $780.00) Salary of Building Inspector SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Premium on insurance CURRENT CHARGES Postage, telephone, stationery and office supplies, including per- mits and stenographic charges COMMODITIES Printing and binding building code Total Estimated expen- ditures for 1932 -23- 1,860.00 2,600.00 50.00 300.00 5,210.00 Amount appropriated 1,860.00 2,600.00 50 (IC q.r010 0 G _ 1(11 00 DEPARTMENT OF BOARD OF APPALS Outside of Villages - 5 SERVICES - PERSONAL Salary of Clerk CURRENT CHARGES Stenographic charges Publishing notices COMMODITIES Stationery, postage, printing and supplies Total Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated -24- 500.00 500.00 250.00 050.x!0 100.00 1(�n � C) 0 225.00 225G00 1,075.OQ Outside of Villages - 6 HIGHWAY FUND - ITEM 1 For repairing and im- proving highways HIGIMAY DEPARTMENT Estimate of Town Supt. 37,500.00 -25- Amount approved by Town Board Amount appropriated 37, 500.00 37 a 0,0mo DEBT SERVICE Outside of Villages - 7 HIGEWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1. Murray Avenue Widening bonds Nos. 5 and 6, dated Feb. 11 1926, due Feb. 1, 1932 2. Highway Improvement bonds Nos. 10-18, inclusive (Murray Avenue Improvement) dated June 1, 1930, due June 1, 1932 3. Chatsworth Avenue Improvement bond No. 10 dated Sept. 1, 1913, due Septa 1, 1932 4. Highway Improvement bonds Nos. 1-3, inclusive, dated Sept. 1, 1927, due Sept. 1, 1932 5. Highway Improvement bonds Nos. 31-40, inclusive, dated Oct 1, 1928, due Oct 1, 1932 INTEREST 6. Interest on $44,000.00 at 42% Murray Avenue ['didening bonds for 6 months due Feb. 1, 1932 and on $42,000.00 for 6 months due Aug. 1, 1932 Amount required for 1932 2,000.00 9;000.00 1,000.00 3, 000.00 10,000.00 1,935.00 7. Interest on $171,000.00 4.30% highway improvement (Murray Avenue) bonds for 6 months due June 1, 1932 and on $162,000.00 for 6 months due Dec. 1, 1932 7;159.50 8. Interest -on ,1,000.00 5% Chats- worth Avenue Improvement bond No. 10 due Mar and Sept 11 1932 50.00 9. Interest on $45,000.00 42% high- way bonds dated Sept 1, 1927, due March lst and Sept 1st 2,025.00 _26_ Amount appropriated 2,000.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 1,935.00 7,159.50 50.00 2,025.00 DEBT SERVICE - Cont. Outside of Villages - 7 cont. 10. Interest on $170,000.00 42% highway improvement bonds dated Oct 1, 19281 due April ist and Oct. 1st lli Interest on $225,000.00 42% highway improvement bonds dated May 1, 1929, due May 1st and November 1st Total ..27.. Amount required Amount for 1932 appropriated 7,650.00 10,125.00 53,944.50 7,650.00 10,125.00 53,944.50 POLICE DEPARTMENT -28- Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated Outside of Villages - 8 SERVICES - PERSONAL Salary of Captain of Police (3,800.00) 31800.00 3,800.00 Salary of 4 sergeants (at $2,800.00 each) 114,200.00 11,200.00 Salary of 6 patrolmen (at $2,500.00), 9 patrolmen (at $2,400.00) each and one patrolman at (y$2,120.00) 38,720.00 38,720.00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Coal and fuel oil 350.00 35000 Gasoline and oil 11600.00 1e60W)C Car and motorcycle repairs 10200.00 Telephone service and rental of alarm system 2,400.00 Traffic signals 1,650.00 1650W00 Stationery and supplies 300.00 80O„OO Station house equipment 100.00 1'no. n0 Insurance premiums in- cludingliabilityand 1,850.00 8F0rn0 compenation Building maintenance, water and electric light 250.00 - Fc nO EQUIPPIIENT Clothing 1,000.00 j,non, Firearm equipment 300.00 3n0e00 Cars, motorcycles and 900.00 900.00 bicycles -28- POLICE DEPART1=gT - Cont. Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated Outside of Villages - 8 cont. CURRENT CHARGES Medical attendance, temporary employees, janitor service and supplies 2,600.00 Investigations and routine expenses 500.00 Total $68,720.00 -29- 9,600, 00 68;720.00 DEPARTMENT OF STREET LIGHTING Outside of Villages - 9 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Rental of street lights Total Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated -30- 22P500.00 22,500.00 ?n;nOn.no Dist. 1 - 1 SERVICES - PERSONAL Salaries of four firemen: one at A2,400.00 one at n,060.00 one at 1,950.00 one at '1,820.00 Janitor service SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Light and pourer Telephone Water Insurance COMMODITIES Equipment Furnishings CURRENT CHARGES Repairs to equipment Repairs to building Fuel Gasoline, oil, lubri- cants and supplies FIRE DEPARTMENT Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated 8,230,00 8,230.00 600.00 600.00 10150.00 I,750 C0 120.00 12na00 140.00 1/0 n0 20000.00 =;n00.00 11000.00 i- non. 00 50.00 5nen0 500.00 500.00 250.00 250E00 850.00 850.n0 600.00 60,00 Total 15,490.00 (cont.P5,^90.00 -31- FIRE DEPARTMENT - Cont. Dist. 1 - 1 cont. (carried forward) FIRE HYDRANTS Rental of fire-hydrapts DEBT SERVICE 1. Weaver Street Fire District No. 1 bonds Nos. 64-70, in- clusive, dated Nov. 1, 1922, due Nov. 1, 1932 2. ',Veaver Street Fire District No. 1 (fire apparatus) bonds Nos. 7-9, inclusive, dated Feb 1, 1929, due Feb 1, 1932 INTEREST 3. Interest on "6,500.00 5% Fire District bonds due May 1st and November lst, 1932 4. Interest on X9,000.00 420 Fire District (fire apparatus) bonds for 6 months due Feb. lst and on $6,000.00 for 6 months due Aug. lst Total Less amount to be received from Fire District No. 2 Amount to be levied Estimated expen- ditures for 1932 -32- 15,490.0 13,000.00 6,500.00 3,000.00 325.00 337.50 38,652.50 1,864.00 36,788.50 Amount appropriated 15nonaOC l5yn�./�anU 6,500.00 3,000.00 325.00 337.50 y`^46FoF0 00 36,788:.50 PARK DISTRIC^t Dist. 1 - 2 SERVICES - PERSONAL Laborers - wages Engineering services MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Repairs to buildings and improvements Purchase of equipment Trees, shrubs, seeds and fertilizer Compensation and liability insurance Water Electric lights and lighting Lighting of Christmas tree Tot -al Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated 72100.00 7a100300 320.000an0 300,00 7100.00 600,00 60C�n0 600.00 60000 275.00 "75.,00 520.00 5?0,0C 775,00 775,()0 100.00 100.00 101590.00 ^59�y00 -33- PARK DISTRICT - Cont. Estimated expen- ditures for 1932 Dist. 1 - 2 cont. .Amount appropriated (carried forward) 100590.00 ?O,,590600 DEBT SERVICE 1. Town Park District No. 1 bonds Nos. 1-4, inclusive, dated Feb. 1, 1925, due Feb. 1, 1932 4,000.00 4,000.00 2. Town Park District No. 1 bonds Nos. 11-15, inclusive, dated May 13 1929, due May 1, 1932 5,000.00 5,000.00 3. Town Park District No. 1 bond No.. 2 dated June 1, 1930 due June 1, 1932 1,000.00 1,000.00 INTEREST 4. Interest on $148,000.00 42% Town Park District No. 1 bonds for 6 months due Feb, lst and for 6 months on '144,000.00 due Aug. lst 6,570.00 6,670.00 5. Interest on $245,000.00 42% Town Park District No. 1 (2nd issue) bonds for 6 months due S,ay lst and for 6 months on $240,000.00 due Nov. 1, 1932 10,912.50 10,912.50 6. Interest on $29,000.00 4.300 Town Park District No. 1 bonds (Issue of 1930) for 6 months due June lst and for 6 months on $28,000.00 due Dec. lst 1,225.50 1.225.50 Total 39,298.009; w 34 GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated Dist. 1 - 3 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL For collection and disposal of garbage (under contract expiring July 1, 1932 at $14,750.00 ..per annum) Supplemental contract Oat $1,200.00 per annum expir- ing July 1, 1932) Total -35- 14,750.00 1n7750800 1,200.00 ? _00 00 15,QQ0.00 �.F,g50 n0 WATER. DEPARTMENT (Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1 District) Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated Dist. 1 - 4 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Share of cost of operating expenses chargeable against that portion of the Town of Mamaroneck lying within the water district 29,102.50 27,102.50 DEBT SERVICE - AMORTIZATION OF BONDS 1. Water 'Works System bonds No. 10-12, inclusive, dated June 1, 1927, due June 1, 1932 3,000.00 31000.00 2. Grater Distribution System bonds Nos. 13-16, inclusive, dated June 1, 1927, due June 1, 1932 41000.00 4,000.00 3. [Nater Works System bonds Nos. 146-148, inclusive, (2nd issue) dated June 1, 1927, due June 1, 1932 3,000.00 30000.00 4. Water Distribution System bonds Nos. 159 & 160 (2nd issue) dated Feb. 1, 1930, due Feb. 1, 1932 2,000.00 2,000.00 INTEREST 5. Interest on $130,000.00 4 1/4% Water Works System bonds for 6 months due June 1st and for 6 months on $127,000.00 due Dec, 1st 5,461.25 5,461.25 -36- WATER DEPART1:1=T- Cont. (lgestchester Joint [Nater Works No. 1 District) Dist> 1 - 4 cont. 6. Interest on $144,000.00 4 1/4o Water Distribution System bonds for 6 months due June lst and on $140,000.00 for 6 months due Dec, lst 7. Interest on $92,000.00 4 1/4/- Water Works System bonds (2nd issue) for 6 months due June 1st and on y$,890000.00 for 6 months due Dec, lst S. Interest on $$98,000.00 42a Water Distribution bonds (2nd issue) for 6 months due Feb. _. 1st and on x"96,000.00 for 6 months due Aug. 1st 9. Interest on $218,000.00 5.10% Water Works System bonds (3rd issue) due May 15th and November 15th, 1932 Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated 6,035.00 4,072.50 4,365.00 11,118.00 10. Interest on $40,000.00 5.10% Water Distribution System bonds (3rd issue) due May 15th and November 15th, 1932 2,040.00 74,194.25 Less estimated revenues 69,025.00 Amount to be levied 5,169.25 -37- 6,035.00 4,072.50 4,365.00 11,118.00 2,040.00 7^,194.25 6Q . ling , i)Q 3;7.69. `?5 GARBAGE DISTRICT N0. 2 Dist. 2 - 1 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL For collection and: disposal of garbage under contract expiring July 1, 1932 at '01,400,00 per annum Total Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated -38- 1,400.00 1,400.00 1:5�,'00an0 ?,lno"n0 FIRE DISTRICT N0,.2 Dist. 2 - 2 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Fire protection services as per agreement Rental of fire hydrants Total Estimated e%pen- Amount aitures for 1932 appropriated -39- 10864.00 360.00 2,224.00 DEPARTIFENT OF SEtT ER DISTRICT NO. 1 Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated Sewer Dist. No. 1 - 1 Administration, general expenses SERVICES - PERSONAL Commissionerst per diem compensation 650900 6F0,()0 Inspectors, salaries 2,340.00 2,340.00 Supervision of plant and system 30300.00 3�300m00 Legal services 500.00 Engineering services 350.00 35^-00 Stenographers' fees 700.00 7nOtr00 CURRENT CE.4RCES Publishing notices 50.00 F0,nr1 Stationery and postage 75.00 73�m0 Premium on insurance policies 500.00 500.n0 Miscellaneous expenses 750.00 7rO.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Telephone service 250.010 "FO�nC PROPERTIES Furniture and equipment 50,00 50ttn0 -40- DEPARTIENT OF SE7'1ER DISTRICT NO. 1 Cont. Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated Sewer Dist. No. 1 - 1 cont. Biaintenance and Operation SERVICES - PERSONAL Labor - wages 3,820.00 3,820.00 CO2f.P:70DITIES Fuel 180.00 x.80.00 SERVICES - CONTRACTUAL Lig_nt, power and water 6,340.00 Chemicals 660.00 660.00 PROPERTIES Purchase of machinery 11000.00 1,000300 21,515.00 (cont -)"10?5m 00 -41- DEPARTMENT OF SEINER DISTRICT NO. 1 - Cont. Estimated expen- ditures for 1932 Sewer Dist. No. 1 - 1 cont. (carried.forward) DEBT SERVICE - AMORTIZATION ON BONDS 1. Sewer District No. 1 bonds Nos. 51-55, inclusive (first issue) due July 1, 1932 2. Sewer District No. 1 bonds Nos. 41-44, inclusive (second issue) due July 1, 1932 3. Sewer District No. 1 bond No. 9 (5th issue) due July 1, 1932 4. Sewer District No. 1 bonds Nos. 13-16, inclusive, (6th issue) due Jan. 1, 1932 5, Sewer District No. 1 bonds Nos. 7-9, inclusive (7th issue) due Jan. 1, 1932 6. Sewer District No. 1 bonds Nos. 9-12, inclusive (8th issue) due July 1, 1932 7. Sewer District No. 1 bonds Nos. 3 and 4 (9th issue) due July 1, 1932 rrrm,cR7Q m S. Interest on $80,000.00 6% Sewer District bonds (1st issue) due January and July lst 9. Interest on $80,000.00 6% Sewer District bonds (2nd issue) due January and July lst 10. Interest on $100,000.00 42io Sewer District No. 1 bonds (3rd issue) due June and Dec 1st -42- 21,515.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 500.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,500.00 Amount appropriated 5,000.00 4,000.00 500.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,500.00 DEPARTMENT OF SEhIER DISTRICT NO. 1 - Cont. Estimated expen- Amount ditures for 1932 appropriated Sewer Dist. No. 1 - 1 cont. 11. Interest on $$0,000.00 4.34/ Sewer District No. 1 bonds (4th issue) due January and July 1st 20375.00 2,375400 12. Interest on $5,000.00 5% Sewer District No. 1 bonds (5th issue) payable January and July 1st 250.00 250.00 13, Interest on $168,000.00 42% Sewer District No. 1 bonds (6th issue) due January and July lst 70560.00 7,560.00 14. Interest on {92,-500.00'4 1/40 Sewer District No. 1 bonds (7th issue) due January and July lst 3,931.25 3,931.25 15. Interest on $132,000.00 4 1/40 Sever District No. 1 bonds (8th issue) due January and July 1st 5,610.00 51610.00 16. Interest on $78,000.00 42/ Sewer District No. 1 bonds (9th issue) due January and July 1st 3,510.00 3,510.00 17. interest on $150,000.00 4 1/4% Sewer District No. 1 bonds (10th issue) due Jan. and July lst 6,375.00 60375.00 18. Interest on $425,000.00 4.20/ Sewer District No. 1 bonds (11th issue) due Feb, and Aug. lst 17,850.00 17,850.00 19. Interest on $6400000,00 4.10% Sewer District No. 1 bonds (i2th issue) dated June 15, 1931 for 12 months due Dec 15, 1932 262240.00 260240.00 Total 1315,316.25 130.876,22) -43- SM.MARY OF PROPOSED TA:r LEVY For General Town purposes (Pages 3 to 19, inclusive) $1340265.42 Less Estimated Revenues (p.l.) 85,700.00 Proposed amount to be levied against Town at large $48;565:42 For purposes affecting Town outside of Villages of Larchmont and „Mamaroneck (Pages 20-30, inclusive) 196,979.50 Less Estimated Revenues (p..l) $170100, Less amount available (p.2) 36,000. 53,100.00 Proposed amount to be levied against Town outside of Villages 1430879.50 For purposes affecting District No. 1 (Pages 31-37, inclusive) 97,205.75 For purposes affecting District No. 2 (Pages 38-39) 3,624.00 For purposes affecting Sewer District No. 1 (Pages 40-43, inclusive) 131,316,25 ,: To determine total amount of proposed levy for 41.1 Town pu-poses in district add x48,565.42 -44- ASSESSED VALUATIONS - 1932 ASSESST4ENT..ROLL Entire Town 81,851,925.00 Village of Mamaroneck 26,1190625.00 Village of Larchmont 27,6412525.00 Town outside of Villages 280090,775.00 Fire District No. 1 Town Park District No. 1 and Westchester Joint Water "forks District No. 1 26,226,150.00 Police District 28,0900775.00 Sewer District No. 1 23,5370780.00 Fire District No. 2 1,864,625,00 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Population of entire Town 19,040 Population of Village of Mamaroneck within Town of Mamaroneck 7,110 Population of Village of Larchmont 5,282 Population of unincorporated portion of Town of Mamaroneck 6,648 Area, approximately 8 sq. miles -45- 23 NOW 2 THEREFORE`, it is RESOLVED, that this Town borrow upon its faith and credit the sum of $255000.00 and issue its deficiency bonds therefor pursuant to the provisions of Article 6-a of the Town Law, being Chapter 63 of the Laws of 1909 and acts amendatory* thereof and supplemental thereto; and it is further RESOLVED, that said bonds shall be issued in the name and under the seal of said Town in denominations of $y19000.00 each, numbered 1 to 25, inclusive, dated as of January 1, 1932, and payable in equal annual instalments of $52000.00 each, on the first day of January in each of the years 1933 to 1937, both inclusive, vd th interest thereon at & rate not exceeding 6% per annums payable on the 1st day of July after the date thereof and semi-annually thereafter until the principal is fully paid. Said bonds shall be signed by the Supervisor and attested by the Town Clerk of said Town under the seal thereof and shall be coupon bonds with the privilege of registration, in accordance with the provisions of the General Tlunicipal Law; and it is further RESOLVED, that the interest coupons shall be signed with the facsimile signature of the Supervisor and both principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard weight and fineness, or its equivalent in lawful money of the United States, at Trust Company of Larchmont, Larchmont, New York, in New York exchange, or at Bankers Trust Company, New York city, hew York, at the option of the holder; and it is further RESOLVED, that said bonds shall be sald at public or private sale, as the Supervisor may determine. If a public sale be held, said bonds shall be sold upon sealed proposals to the person who will take them at the lowest rate of interest for not less than the par value thereof, upon notice published at least Five days before the date of said sale, at least once, in the Daily Times, a newspaper published in the County of 'Westchester, which is hereby designated for that purposd, and said bonds shall be in form substantially as follows; the blanks therein being properly filledn viz UNITED STATES OF A16FRICA STATE OF JMW YORK - TOWN OF Y19JARONFCK DEFICIENCY BOND -193_2 No. X1,000.00 g pW grL,!T BY m 7SE PRESENTS, that the Town of Mamaroneck, a municipal corporation in the County of Westebester and State of New York, hereby acknowledges its indebtedness and for value received promises to pay to bearer on the 1st day of January, 193 , the sum of WE THOUSAND (4511000.) DOLLARS; together with interest thereon from the date hereof, at the rate of per centum per annum; payable sera annually on the first days of July and January, upon presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as the same respectively mature. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard weight and fineness, or its equivalent in lawful money of the United States at Trust Company of Larchmont, Larch- mont, New York; in New York exchanges or at Barkers Trust Company, New York City, New York, at the option of the holder. 1 p"a This bond is one of an issue of bonds of like date, tenor and amount except as to date of maturity, aggregating the sum of:$25000.0D and is issued for the purpose of paying audited Town claims pursuant to and in strict compliance with the Constitution and Statutes of the State of New York, including among others, Chapter 65 of the Laws of 1909= known as the Town Law, and pursuant to proceedings of the Town Board of said Town duly had and taken in all respects authorizing the same. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that allthe actst conditions and things requjmd to exist, to happen and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, exist, have happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by law; that the issue of bonds of which this is one, together with all other indebtedness of said Town, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of the State of New York, and that due provision has been made for raising annually by tax on the taxable property of said Town a sum sufficient to pay the principal and interest of this bond as the same respectively become due and payable® The full faith and credit of said Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest of this bond according to itz terms. This bond may be registered as to principal only as well. as to both principal and interest in accordance with the provisions of the General Uiun-icipal Law. If this bond be registered as to both principal and interest, the interest hereon at the request of the registered owner will be remitted by mail in New York exchange. IN WITH? -SS WfNs'REOF, the said Town of Mamaroneck has caused this bond to be signed by its Supervisor and sealed with the corporate seal of said Town, attested by its 'town Clerk, and the interest coupons hereto a£tnexed to be signed with the facsimile signature of its Supervisor and this bond to be dated as of the let day of January, 1932. TOWN OF hrAVIARONECK, NEW YORK Attest: Town Clerk By Supervisor (FOM' OF COUPON1 No. January On the 1st day of July 19 the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester Gounty, New York, will pay to bearer the sum of ( ) dollars, at Trust Company of Larch- mont, Larchmont, New York; in IITew York exchange, or at Bankers Trust Company, New York City, New York, at the option of the holder, being six months- interest then due on its Deficiency Bond - 1932, dated January 1, 1932, No. Supervisor CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION AS TO PRINCIPAL, ONLY This bond may be registered by the owner in his name as to principal under the signature of the 'Town Clerk of the down of 7Tamaroneckt County of destchester, Mew York or other Registrar, below, and shall -thereafter be transferable only upon the written assignment of the registered owner or his attorney$ duly acknowledged or proved, such registration and transfer to be made on the books of, said Clerk or other Registrar, and a notation thereof to be made hereon.. Such transfer may be to bearer, after which this bond shall be subject to subsequent registrations and transfers as before. The coupons will remain payable to bearer notwithstanding such registration unless this bond shall be converted into a fully registered bond by the surrender and cancellation of coupons, which surrender and cancellation shall be noted on said books and upon this bond. The principal of this bond, if registered, will be payable to the registered owner or his legal representatives, successors or ass2.gns. Date of Registry: Name of Registered Owner Signature of Registrar: CERTIFICATE OF CONVERSION INTO A FULLY RFGISTFRFD BOND Upon the written request of the owner of the within bond for tLts conversion into a fully registered bond, I have thischy cut off and destroyed coupons annexed to this bond amounting in the aggregate to ($ ) Dollars, and the interest on this bond at the rate and on -- the dates as was provided by the coupons as well as the principal thereof will hereafter be paid to legal representatives; successors or assigns, at the place of payment specified therein, or, at the request of the registered owner, the interest will be remitted by mail in New York exchange. This bond hereafter will be transferable on the books of the Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck, County of Westchester, New York, or other Registrar only on presentation of the same with a written assignment duly ack- nowledged or proved. Dated, 19 Date of Registry : Upon motion to recess &t 8 F. M. such matters am might official title Name of Registese Ownera Signature of Registrars duly made and seconded the Board unanimously resolved to meet again at the call of the chair to take up properly come before it. Tocan Clerk