HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942_01_22 Town Board Minutes SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK HELD JANUARY 22, 1942 At the Town Offices, 158 'Priest Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, N. Y. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 5 P. M. Present: Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Brewer, Griffin and Is2andeville Absent: None The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne, Town Attorney Delius, Assessor Smith, Town Engineer and Superintendent of Highways Foote . The minutes of the meeting of January 7, 1942, were approved as presented. The Supervisor asked if there was any one present who wished to address the Board. Mr . Anthony Sansone, Village Attorney of the Village of Mamaroneck, appeared to request the settlement of certain tax arrears on Block 902, Parcel 558, old numbers, Section 9, Block 10, Lot 1B . He explained that the property was improved property situated near the intersection of Mount Pleasant Avenue and Mamaroneck Avenue and that the Village of Mamaroneck had received a deed for same from the Bonded Municipal Corporation. He stated that the income from rentals was less than $100 a month but that the village officials were ne- gotiating with a buyer and that his reason for attending the meeting was to find out on what basis the 'Town would go along with the Village . He read off the tax arrears on the property and outlined the proposal for the sale , Councilman Bates stated that he thought that the Town Board should have more of the particulars than given by Mr. Sansone . Councilman Brewer also stated that more particulars were needed and suggested that the Village officials prepare the deal and then put it un to the Town Board. Councilman Griffin suggested that Attorney Sansone report back to the Village Board that the Town Board was in a receptive mood. Attorney Sansone stated that he had another parcel on which the;, Village had received a proposal. He referred to Block 817, Parcel 635, old numbers, Section 8, Block 51, Lots 42 to 50 inclusive, and gave the terms of sale. Councilman Brewer suggested that the matter be referred to Assessor Smith and that he be requested to give his opinion as to whether or not it was a good deal for the Town. Following some discussion it was on motion by Councilman Brewer, seconded by Councilman Bates, upon roll call; unanimously RESOLVED, that Assessor Smith be and he hereby is directed to study the proposal submitted by the Village of Mamaroneck for the sale of Block 817, Parcel 635, and to report back to the Town Board as to whether or not in his opinion the proposal should be accepted. Mr. William E. Schramek, attorney, representing the Home Owners ' Loan Corporation, appeared to request the Town Board to consider the settlement of certiorari proceedings affecting eighty- 653 three (83) parcels of land ovined by the corporation. He pointed out that other communities throughout the count had settled and that he was negotiating with more, including the Village of Larchmont. He was asked if it was not true that the Board of Review of the Town after receiving written protests had granted certain re- ductions in assessments on these parcels . He stated that it was true that they did grant reductions but that the total only represented 22 1/2 per cent of the amount asked. He compared this with reductions as high was 60 per cent of the amount asked in other sections of the county. He presented a list of the parcels and asked that as businessmen the riembers of the Board sit with him and go over the matter. Follovaing some discussion during which some of the members of the Board stated that thee; were not familiar with the properties listed, it was on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Bates, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that Supervisor McCullcch, Attorney Delius and Assessor Smith be and they hereby are requested to make a thorough study of the application of the home Owner' s Loan Corporation and that a report be made to the Town Board. The Supervisor asked if there coas any one else who tivished to appear before the Board. There being no one he suggested that the meeting proceed with the regular order of business . The Supervisor announced the appointment of the following coimiittees . Sewers and Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rir . Bates Fire, Insurance and Home Defense. . . . . . . . . ..hIr. Brer;,er ':welfare and Parrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mr. Griffin - Highways and Garbage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :sir. Mandeville Finance and Pd. P. A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11fir. McCulloch Councilman Mandeville presented to the Board the Annual Agreement for the Expenditure of Iiighuay tuloneys for the Year 1942. The exc)enditures as agreed upon are as follows: Average per mile, ',739 .52 for 25 .37 miles . . . . . . . . . . ..118 769.23 Reservefund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,080 .15 Payment of orders ilos . 1 to 1 inclusive, for expenses incurred and paid from the) 1st day of January to date of this ag- 1. 141.30 eement, shown separately items 1 and 2 ) which should not exceed. balance from ) previous year. ) Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,990.68 On motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Bates, it seas upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED that the Annual Agreement for the -- E- penditure of Highway idoneys for the Year 1942 be and it hereby is approved. The Board. thereupon signed the agreement. Councilman Mandeville reported that he had discussed with Engineer Foote the possibility of completing the Fenimore Road project with the regular highway force rather than W.P. A workmen. He said. that Mr . Foote was preparing the estimate and that it might prove that the Torn could save money with this plan. He promised a full report on the matter at the next meeting. 655 He also reported that a. steel separator was being placed in the second gara.be truck; also that the department had hauled over 37 tons of ash material during the previous month. Mr . Mandeville stated that there were two compensation claims which the State Insurance Fund seemed to be reluctant about settling and that he had asked Mr. Keeler about transferring the policy to some other carrier. He said that he had received a letter from Mr . Keeler advising against it. He also reported that Mr. Keeler was going to go over the insurance matters of the Town with him on the following Sunday morning. He asked Mr . Brewer if he could be present and stated that the meeting was to be held at 11 o' clock. Mr . Bremer said that he would attend. The Supervisor stated that he wished to be present and that 12:15 o' clock would be a more convenient time to meet. Ali agreed that if He. Keeler was not away on a business trip, the meeting would. be arranged for 12:15 P . M. on Sunday, January 25, 1942. Councilman Bates reported that the sewer in Garfield Street is coil-clete and that the house connection requested by the New Rochelle Federal Building & Loan Association for a house at No. 2 Garfield Street was completed. He said that the department found very poor ground material at the sewer level and had to excavate the trench 5 feet lower and re-fill it with suitable material. He also reported that the Ferndale Street drain is completed. Councilman Griffin recommended that Welfare Officer DeVinne be granted a leave of absence with pay covering the period from January 10 to February 1, 1942. He explained that Mr . DeVinne had left to visit members of his immediate family in Arizona. On motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Mandeville, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that Welfare Officer DeVinne be and he hereby is granted a leave of absence with pay from the 10th day of January, 1942 to the lst day of February, 1942 . Councilman Griffin presented three petitions dated January 22, 1942, received frora the Assessor for the correction of the assessment roll so as to permit the apportionment of taxes . on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Mandeville, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petitions dated January 22, 1942, for the correction of the assess- ment roll for certain years, pursuant to the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1916, as amended, known as the Westchester County Tax Act; and WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to grant said petitions for the correction of said assessment roll; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment roll for the years 1940 and 1941, taxes of 1941 and 1942, which show property now appearing on the roll as follows: Section Block Lot 5 55 2 to 13 (503-L1 ) (320-154) Owner Bonded Tviunicipal Corp. Land lmn. Total 814,000 7,000 21,000 be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of sub-division 5 of Section 33 : 1 Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 81 55 4, 5, 6 Chas . :64. Villone 3, 500 55000 81500 (803-76) 8 55 2,3 Bonded Municipal Corp. 2035 2,335 (803-91) 8 55 7 to 13 Bonded Municipal Corp. 8,165 2,000 10,165 (803-41) (320-154) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment roils for the years 1940 and 1941, taxes of 1941 and 1942, which show property now appearing on the rolls as follows : Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp. Total 9 12 3,4, 5 Loren H. Conger, Inc. zh23, 500 5, 500 29,000 (901-355) be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of sub-division 5 of Section 33: Section Block Lot Owner Land Imp . Total 9 12 4, 5 Lester 0 . Johnson : 15,675 5, 500 21,175 (901-355) 9 12 3 Loren H. Conger, Inc . 7,825 7,825 (901-365) FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment rolls for the years 1940 and 1941, taxes of 1941 and 1942, which shoe, property now appearing on the rolls as follows: Section Block Lot Ovuner Land Imp. Total 9 12 11 to 16 Loren H. Conger, Inc . $10,000 $10,000 (901-265) be corrected as follows, in accordance with the provisions of sub-division 5 of Section 33 : Section Block Lot Owner Land 9 12 14,15 Lester 0 . Johnson 3,000 (901-280) 9 12 16 (901-290) 9 12 11,12513 (901-265) L. H. Conger, Inc . L. H. Conger, Inc . 1, 500 5,500 Imp. Total 3,000 1, 500 5, 500 Councilman Brewer railed to the attention of the Board that before his election to the office of councilman he had been appointed a member of the Civilian Defense Council of the unincorporated section of the Town. He said that he wanted to know hoer the Board felt about having him continue as an active member of the Council. Councilman Mandeville stated that he thought that Mr. Brewer should continue . Councilman Griffin stated that it was the best way for the Board to get first-hand information. The Supervisor stated that the Board had representation in all departments and that he thought that inasmuch as the Board had to act on their problems, a representative should be present at their meetings . Councilman Brewer stated that he was quite willing to give his time but that he wanted an expression from the Board. He added that the Council would have many problems to solve . 659 Following some discussion on problems known to the Board, it was on motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Griffin, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that Councilman Breyer continue as an active member of the Civilian Defense Council of the unincorporated area of the Town of Mamaroneck; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that he is hereby authorized to act for and retort on all matters of importance to the Town Board. The Supervisor presented the following financial reports for the periods January 1 to November, 30, 1941 and January 1 to December 31, 1941, which were ordered. filed: (1) Summary of Receipts and Disbursements; (2) Analysis of Estimated Revenues; and (3) State- ment of Budget Appropriations and Expenditures. The Supervisor informed the Board that the foreclosure of the Fenimore Cooper Estates property would be complete some time in the near future and that the Board would soon have to make plans for its disposal. Councilman Mandeville referred to an old resolution on the minutes calling for a, committee of real estate men representing the three sections of the Town and members of the Board for the purpose of devising a plan for the sale of all tax lien lots . The Supervisor requested the Town Clerk to furnish him with a copy of this resolution. Attorney Delius submitted the following resolution which was on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Bastes, unanimously adopted: WHEREAS in foreclosure proceedings instituted by the Town of Mamaroneck against Austin K. Griffen, et ai. , the referee, duly appointed for that purpose by order of the Supreme Court, sold to the Town of Mamaroneck proiDerty described as Section 9, Block 74, Lots 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20A, 22B, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 56, on the Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS the said referee has applied to the payment of certain taxes, assessments and tax liens owned by and due to the Town of Iamaroneck, together with interest and penalties thereon to the date of sale, the sum of $42,321.27 which taxes , assessments and tax liens are required to be cancelled by the provisions of Section 54 of the Westchester County ax Act, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following taxes, assessments tax liens are hereby cancelled: and Section 9 . block 74, Lot 1 Year of Year of Amount of Interest or Tax Sale Lien Penalty Total 1934 1935 189 .85 148.14 337 .99 1935 1936 111.24 74.6.1 185 .65 1936 1937 131.68 72 .07 203 .75 1937 1938 139.44 59 .96 199.40 1938 1939 151.48 46.95 198.43 1939 1940 143 .89 27.33 171.22 1940 1941 148 .44 10.39 158.83 1941 79 .61 79.61 1941 65 .77 65 .77 Section 9 Bloch 74 Lot 2 Year of Year of Amount of interest or Tax Sale Lien Penalty Total 1934 1935 $ 189 .85 148 .14 337.99 1935 1936 111.24 74.41 185 .65 1936 1937 131.68 72.07 203 .75 1937 1938 139.43 59 .96 199 .40 1938 1939 151.49 46.94 198.43 1939 194.0 143 .88 27 .34 171.22 1940 1941 148 .44 10.39 158.83 1941 79. 61 79. 61 1941 65 .77 65 .77 Section 9 , Block 74, L ot 4 1934 1935 189 .85 1218.14 337.99 1935 1936 111.24 74.41 185 . 65 1936 1937 131.68 72.07 203 .75 1937 1938 139.81 59 .77 199 . 58 1938 1939 151.86 46.85 198.71 1939 1940 144. 26 27.41 171.67 1940 1941 148.81 10.42 159.23 1941 79 .61 79 .61 1941 65 .77 65 .77 Section 9, Block 74, Lot 6 1937 1938 139 .31 59 .90 199.21 1938 1939 151.36 46.92 198 .28 1939 1940 143 .76 27 .31 171.07 1940 1941 148 .31 10.38 158 .69 1941 79 .61 79.61 1941 65 .77 65 .77 Section 9, Block 74, Lot 7 1934 1935 189 .85 148 .14 337.99 1935 1936 111.24 74.41 185 .65 1936 1937 131.68 72.07 203 .75 1937 1938 139. 31 60.09 199 .40 1938 1939 151.36 47 .07 198 .43 1939 1940 143 .76 27 .46 171.22 1940 1941 i48 -31 10. 52 158.83 1941 79 .61 79 .61 1941 65 .77 65 .77 section -9, Block., Z4.. Lot 8 1934 1935 189 .85 148 .14 337.99 1935 1936 111.24 74.41 185 . 65 1936 1937 131. 68 72.07 203 .75 1937 1938 139 .31 60.09 i99.40 1938 1939 151.36 47.07 198.43 1939 1940 143 .76 27.L;6 171.22 1940 1941 148 .32 10 . 52 158.83 1941 79. 61 79.61 1941 65 .77 65 .77 Section 9 , Block 74, Lot 9 1934 19,35 95 .29 74.35 169. 64 1935 1936 56 .01 37 .L3 93 .44 1936 1937 88 .03 48.25 136.28 1937 1938 92.70 39.86 132. 56 1938 10/39 100.74 31.22 131.96 1939 1940 95 . 67 18 .17 113 .84 194G 1941 98 .71 6.90 105 . 61 1941 53 .09 53 .09 1941 43 .86 43 .86 of 60 Section 9 , Block 74, Lot 10 Year of Year of Amount of Interest or Tax Sale Lien Penalty Total 1934 1935 189.46 148 . 53 337.99 1935 1936 110.88 74.77 185 .65 1936 1937 131.30 72.45 203 .75 1937 1938 139.44 59.96 199 .40 1938 1939 151.48 46.95 198.43 1939 1940 143 .89 27.33 171.22 1940 1941 148.44 10.39 158.83 1941 79.61 79 .61 1941 65 .77 65 .77 Section 9 , Block 71, Lot 11 1934 1935 189 .46 145. 53 337 .99 1935 1936 110.87 74.78 185 .65 1936 1937 131.31 72.44 203 .75 1937 1938 139 .44 59.96 199 .40 1938 1939 151.48 46.95 198.43 1939 1940 143 .89 27.33 171. 22 1940 1941 148.4.4 10.39 158 .83 1941 79.61 79.61 1941 65 .77 65 .77 Section 9 , Block_ 74, Lot 16 1934 1935 126.52 100.18 227.00 1935 1936 74.41 49.85 124.26 1936 1937 88.03 43.41 136.44 1937 1938 93 . 3 40.17 133 .60 1938 1939 101. 51 31.46 132 .97 1939 1940 96.41 15 .31 114. 72 1940 1941 99.47 6.96 106.43 1941 53 .09 53 .09 1941 43 .86 43 .86 Section 9 Block 71, Lot 17 1934 1935 126.82 100.18 227.00 1935 1936 74.41 49.85 124.26 1936 1937 88.03 48 .41 136.44 1937 1938 93 .43 40.17 133 .60 1938 1939 101. 51 31.46 132 .97 1939 1940 96.41 13.31 114.72 1940 1941 99 .47 6.96 106.43 1941 53 .09 53 .09 1941 43 .86 43 .86 Section 9s Block 7A, Lot 18 1934 1935 95 .29 75.27 170. 56 1935 1936 56.01 37 . 52 93 . 53 1936 1937 88 .03 48.41 136 .44 1937 1938 93 .43 40.17 1333 .60 1938 1939 101. 51 31.46 132.97 1939 1940 96.41 18 .31 114.72 1940 1941 99.47 6.96 106.43 1941 53 .09 53 .09 1941 43 .86 43 .86 Section 9 , Block 71,, Lot 19 1934 1935 126.82 100.18 227.00 1935 1936 74.41 49.85 124.26 1936 1937 109.86 60.42 170. 28 1937 1938 114.46 49.21 163 .67 1938 1939 124.37 38 . 55 162.92 1939 1940 118 .14 22344 140. 58 1940 1941 121.86 8. 53 130.39 1941 66.29 66.29 1941 54.76 54.76 Section 9 , Block 74, Lot 20A Year of Year of mount of Interest or Tax Sale Lien Penalty Total 1934 1935 95 .29 75 .27 170. 56 1935 1936 56.01 37. 52 93 . 53 1936 1937 66.23 36.42 102. 65 1937 1938 93 .16 40.05 133.21 1938 1939 101.49 31.46 132.95 1939 1940 96.42 18.31 114,73 1940 1941 99.46 6.96 106.42 1941 53 .08 53 .08 1941 43 .85 43.85 Section 9 , Block 74, Lot 22B 1934 1935 158.32 125 .07 283 .39 1935 1936 92.8L 62.20 155 .04 1936 1937 109.86 60.42 170.28 1937 1938 115 .91 49 .84 165 .75 1938 1939 125 .91 39.03 164.94 1939 1940 119.62 22.72 142.34 1940 1941 123 .37 8.63 132.00 1941 66.33 66.33 1941 54.81 54.81 Section 9 , Block 74, Lot 23 1934 1935 126.82 100.18 227.00 1935 1936 74.41 49.85 12L .26 1936 1937 88.03 48.41 136.44 1937 1938 93 .43 40.17 133 .60 1938 1939 101. 51 31.46 132.97 1939 1940 96.41 18.31 114.72 1940 1941 99 .48 6.95 106.43 1941 53 .09 53 .09 1941 43 .86 43 .86 -- Section 9 , Block 7d, Lot 25 1934 1935 189 .85 148 .14 337.99 1935 1936 111.24 74.41 185.65 1936 1937 131.68 72.67 203 .75 1937 1938 139 .44 59 .96 199 .40 1938 1939 151.48 46.95 198.43 1939 1940 143 .89 27.33 171.22 1940 1941 148 .44 10.39 158.83 1941 79 .61 79.61 1941 65 .77 65 .77 I i Section 9 , Block 74, Lot 26 1934 1935 189.85 148.14 337.99 1935 1936 111.24 74.41 185 . 65 1936 1937 131.68 72.07 203 .75 1937 1938 139 .44 59.96 199.40 1938 1939 151.48 46,95 198.43 1939 1940 143 .89 27.33 171. 22 1940 1941 148 .44 10.39 158.83 1941 79 .61 79.61 1941 65 .77 65.77 Section 9 , Block 7L , Lot 27 1934 1935 189 .85 148 .14 337.99 1935 1936 111.24 74.41 185 .65 1836 1937 175 .32 96.42 271.74 1937 1938 183 . 67 78.97 262.64 1938 1939 197.73 61.29 259.02 1939 1940 189.66 36.03 225 .69 1940 1941 198 .16 13 .87 212.03 1941 106.15 106.15 1941 87.70 87 .70 I Section 9 , Block 74, Lot 28 Year of Year of Amount of interest or Tax Sale Lien Penalty Total 1934 1935 158.32 a 125 .07 q 283 .39 1935 1936 92.84 62.20 155 .04 1936 1937 109.86 60.42 170.28 1937 1938 117.62 50. 57 168.19 1938 1939 129.69 40.20 169.89 1939 1940 121.288 23 .04 144.32 - 1940 1941 125 .10 8 .75 133 .85 1941 67.65 67 .65 1941 55.89 55 .89 Section 9 , Block 74, Lot 29 1934 1935 126.82 100.18 227.00 1935 1936 92.8L 62.20 155 .04 1936 1937 109.86 60.42 170.28 1937 1938 116.13 49.93 166.06 1938 1939 126.18 39.11 165 .29 1939 1940 119.84 22.76 142.60 1940 1941 123 .39 8.63 132.02 1941 66.33 66.33 1941 54.81 54.81 Section 9 , Block 74, Lot 30 193L; 1935 126.82 100.18 227 .00 1935 1936 92.84 62.20 155 .04 1936 1937 109.86 60.42 170.28 1937 1938 116.14 49 .92 166.06 1938 1939 126.18 39.11 165 .29 1939 i94G 119 .84 22.76 142.60 1940 19L1 123.39 8.63 132.02 1941 66.33 66.33 1941 54.81 54.81 Section 9 . Block 7L , Lot 31 1934 1935 126.82 100.18 227.00 1935 1936 92.84 62.20 155 .04 1936 1937 109.86 60.42 170.28 1937 1938 116.14 49 .92 166.06 1938 1939 126.17 39.12 165 .29 1939 19L0 119 .85 22.75 142.60 1940 1941 123 .38 8.64 132.02 1941 66.33 66.33 1941 54.81 54.81 Section 9 . Block 7L, Lot 33 1934 1935 63 .78 50.38 114.16 1935 1936 37. 58 25 .17 62.75 1936 1937 44.40 24.42 68.82 1937 1938 46.73 20.09 66.82 1938 1939 50.7L 15 .72 66.46 1939 1940 48.21 9.15 57.36 1940 1y41 49 .73 3 .48 53 .21 1941 26. 53 26. 53 1941 21.92 21.92 - Section 9 . Block 74, Lot 34 193L 1935 63 .78 50.38 114.16 1935 1936 37. 58 25 .17 62.75 1936 1937 44.40 24.42 68.82 1937 1938 46.73 20.09 66.82 1938 1939 50.75 15 .71 66.46 1939 1940 48.21 9.15 57.36 1940 1941 49.73 3.48 53 .21 1941 26. 53 26. 53 1941 21.92 21.92 669 Section 9 , Block 74, Lot 35 Year of Year of Amount of Interest or Tax Sale Lien Penalty Total 1934 1935 63 .78 50.38 114.16 1935 1936 37. 58 25 .17 62.75 1936 1937 44.40 22,..42 68 .82 1937 1938 46.72 20.10 66.82 1938 1939 50.74; 15 .72 66.46 1939 1940 46 .21 9.15 57.36 1940 1941 49 .73 3 .48 53 .21 1941 26.53 26.53 1941 21.92 21.92 Section 9 , Block 74, Lot 36 1934 1935 63 .78 50.38 114.16 1935 1936 37. 58 25 .17 62.75 1936 1937 44.40 24.42 68.62 1937 1938 46.74 20.08 66.82 1938 1939 50.75 15 .71 66.46 1939 1940 48.21 9 .15 57.36 1940 1941 49.73 3 .1.8 53 .21 1941 26. 53 26 . 53 1941 21.92 21.92 Section 9 , Slock 71 , Lot 37 1934 1935 63 .78 50.38 114.16 1935 1936 37. 58 25 .17 62.75 1936 1937 44.40 24.12 68.82 1937 1938 81.50 35.04 116. 54 1938 1939 88.52 27.44 115 .96 1939 1940 84.09 15.97 100.06 1940 1941 86.75 6.07 92.82 1941 39.80 39380 1941 32.88 32.88 Section 9 , Block 7L, Lot 38 1934 1935 126.82 100.18 227.00 1935 1936 74.41 49 .85 124.26 1936 1937 88 .03 48.41 136.44 1937 1938 81.49 35.04 116. 53 1938 1939 88.53 27.44 115 .97 1939 192.0 81 .09 15 .97 100.06 1940 1941 86.75 6.07 92.82 1941 53 .08 53 .08 1941 43 .85 43 .85 Section 9 , Block 74, Lot 39 1934 1935 95 .29 75 .27 170. 56 1935 1936 56.01 37. 52 93 . 53 1936 1937 66.23 36.42 102.65 1937 1938 93 .46 40.18 133.64 1938 1939 101.49 31.46 132.95 1939 1940 72. 51 13 .77 86.28 1940 1941 74.78 5 .23 80.01 1941 39.80 39.80 1941 32.88 32.88 -- Section 9 ,Block 74, Lot 40 1934 1935 126.82 100.18 227.00 1935 1936 74.41 49.85 124.26 1936 1937 88.03 48.41 136.44 1937 1938 81 .49 35 .04 116. 53 1938 1939 88.53 27.44 115 .97 1939 1940 84.09 15 .97 100.06 1940 1941 86.75 6.07 92.82 1941 53 .08 53 .08 1941 43 .85 43 .85 7 Section 9 , Block 7L, Lot 41 Year of Year of !mount of Interest or Tax Sale Lien Penalty Total 1934 1935 6 126.82 100.18 227.00 1935 1936 74.4! 49.85 126 .26 1936 1937 68.03 48 .41 136.44 1937 1938 81.49 35.04 116. 53 1938 1939 88 . 53 27.44 115 .97 1939 1940 84.09 15 .97 100.06 - 1940 1941 86.75 6.07 92.82 1941 53 .08 53 .08 1941 43 .85 43 .85 Section 9 . Block 74, Lot 42 1934 1935 111.06 87.73 198 .79 1935 1936 65 .21 43 .69 108.90 1936 1937 77.12 42.41 119 . 53 1937 1938 56.82 24..43 81.25 1938 1939 61.83 !9.16 80.99 1939 i940 94. 54 17.96 112. 50 1940 1941 97. 58 6.83 104.41 1941 46.43 46.43 1941 38.37 38.37 -Section 9 , Block 74, Lot 43 1934 1935 ili.06 87.73 198.79 1935 1936 65 .21 43 .69 108.90 1936 1937 77.12 42.41 119. 53 1937 1938 56.82 24.43 81.25 1938 1939 61.83 19.16 80.99 1939 1940 94. 54 17.96 112.50 1940 1941 97 . 59 6.82 104.41 1941 46.43 46 .43 1941 38.37 38.37 Section 9 , Block 74, Lot 44 1934 1935 95 .29 75 .27 170 . 56 1935 1936 56.01 37. 52 93 . 53 1936 1937 66.23 36.42 102.65 1937 1938 93 .46 40.18 133.64 1938 1939 101.49 31.46 132.95 1939 1940 72 . 51 13 .77 86.28 1940 1941 74.78 5 .23 80.01 1941 39.80 39 .80 1941 32.88 32.88 Section 9 , Block 7L, Lot 45 1934, 1935 95 .29 75 . 27 170. 56 1935 1936 56.01 37 . 52 93 . 53 1936 1937 60.23 36.42 102. 65 1937 1938 93 .46 '40.18 133 . 64 1938 1939 101.49 31.46 132.95 1939 192,0 72.51 13 .77 86.28 19LO 1941 7L.78 5 .23 80 .01 194,1 39 .80 39 .80 1941 32.88 32.88 Section , Block 74, Lot 46 1934 1935 95 .29 75 . 27 170. 56 1935 1936 56.01 37 . 52 93 . 53 1936 1937 66.23 36.42 102 . 65 1937 1938 93 .46 40.18 133 .64 1938 1939 101.49 31.46 132 .95 1939 1940 72. 51 13 .77 86. 28 1940 1941 7/..78 5 .23 80.01 1941 39 .80 39 .80 1941 32.88 32.88 673 Attorney Delius reported that the Town had been served with papers in an action brought by the Johneth-el Realty Corporation to recover certain school tales which it is alleged were paid to Union Free School District No . 1, while the property is situated in Scarsdale School District Iio . 2 . He added that the Trustees of School District No.1 were made parties to the action. It was on motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Council- man Brewer, upon roil call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney be and he hereby is directed to file an answer to the action and defend the Town. Mr . Delius also reported that the Appellate Divsion had ruled in favor of the Zoning Board of Appeals and the 'Town Board in denying the application of Maria De Bartolo for the re-instatement of a permit for the construction of an addition to 108 Murray Avenue. He said that there was another action; pending on an alleged violation Of the Zoning Ordinance at the above mentioned address but that the Town would have to wait until the former building inspector, Mr . Morrison, was well enough to appear. He also mentioned that he had received in- formation to the effect that some of the people had moved out, leaving but one family in the house . Following some discussion it was on motion by Council, Man deville and seconded. by Councilman Griffin, unanimously RESOLVED, that Councilman Brewer and. Attorney Delius contact the residents of the neighborhood and go over with them the recent developments . Mr. Delius informed. the Board that a meeting of the Bar Association of the State of New York would be held on January 23, and January 24, 1942, in New York City. it was on motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Elates, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney be and he hereb * is authorized to attend the meeting of the Bar Association of the State of hew York to be held on January 23 and January 2, 1942, in Nel. York City, his expenses to be paid out of the iteu, for traveling in the Law Department bud.get, in the amount of $10.00 . A letter dated January 3, 1962, was received from the lssocia ion of Towns of the State of New York, notifying the Town- Board of the Tenth Annual Meetirg of the Association to be held in the City of Albany, New York, on February 18, February 19 and Februay 20, 1942, and enclosing a certificate of appointment of a representative . It was on motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Bates, unanimously RESOLVED, that Supervisor McCulloch be and he hereby is designated and. authorized. to represent the Town of Mamaroneck at the Tenth Annual bleeting of the Association of Towns of the State of New York to be held in the City of Albany, New York, on February 18, Febrvar - 19 and February 20, 1942; and be it i FURTHER RESOLVED, that Councilman Breyer and Attorney Delius are hereby authorized to accompany the Supervisor at this Annual Eeeting of the Association; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expenses of the trip shall be paid out of items in the budget for traveling expenses . i 65 A letter dated January 22, 19. 2, was received from the New Rochelle Welding and Machine Company, signed by Mr . George Sky, request- ing that property known as Block 407, Parcels 54 and 161, also knovin as Tuts Brady' s Inn be zoned so as to permit the use of the proerty for the business of repairing heavy construction equipment such as cranes, steam shovels, tractors, and so forth. Following some discussion it was on motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Griffin, on roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the above application be and it herebv is denied and that the Town Clerk be directed to advise the applicant of the action of the Board. A letter dated January 7, 1942, was received from Tovn Engineer Foote, together with a, letter dated December 14 1942, received from Colonel William Shea of 20 Stoneyside Drive, 'Town, concerning a condition in the sever line in front of his property which results in his cellar being flooded during stormy weather. Mr. Foote suggested in his letter that the best way to remedy the condition was to install a quick-acting gate valve on the sewer line of the house . He said that he had received two estimates for this work, one for $120.00, the other for $150 .00. Councilman Bates, recommended that the installation be made and it was on motion by Councilman Bates, seconded by Councilman Mandeville upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Engineer be and he hereby is authorized to grant to the lowest bidder the contract for the installation of a. quick-acting gate valve on the sewer, line on property known as 20 Stoneyside Drive, Town of Mamaroneck; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the cost shall not eXceed $120 .00 and that the funds shall be paid out of the DLa.intenance Fund of the Sewer Department. A notice dated January 13, 1962, of the Annual Meeting of the Su-oerintendents of Highways of the County of Westcrester to be held at White Plains on January; 30, 1942, was referred to Superinten- dent of Highways Foote . The following 'reports for the month of December, 1941, were received and filed: (1) Report of the Town Clerk and (2) Report of Mamaroneck Health. Center, Inc . At 7 P. M. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn. Town Clerk