HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941_08_19 Town Board Minutes . SPECIAL AND STATUTORY MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD AUGUST 19, 1971 At trie 'Town Offices; 153 Best Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck , N . Y. The meeting rjas called to order by Supervisor McCulloch at 10:30 A. A. Present: Supervisor -'McCulloch Councilmen Bates, Griffin and Mandeville Absent: Councilman Megiiniss The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne, 'Town Attorney Delius, Assessor Smith, Comptroller Luceno and Engineer Foote . The Supervisor stated that the meeting had been called in accordance with the provlsions of Section 66 of the Election Law for the purpose of deslgnating the place in each election district in tl:e Town of Mamaroneck the meetings for the registration of voters and elections and primaries shall be held in the vear following the ensuing first day, of October . The Supervisor asked the To-on Clerk if there were any requests for cn nges in the list of pclling places used for the 1940 election. The Town Clerk reported that all comments received at his office favored the locations given in last year' s "list . Following some discussion, it was on motion by, Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Griffin, upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions of Section 66 of the Election Lail, being Chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York as amended, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby designates the place in each election district in the 'Town at which the meetings for the registration of voters and elections and primaries shall be held in the year following the ensuring first day of October: DISTRICT N0. 1 Mamaroneck Avenue School Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck, N. Y. DISTRICT DO. 2 Prlahlstedt Office Building 560 Fenimore Road., Mamaroneck, N . Y. DISTRICT 140. 3 Mamaro Fire House Palmer Avenue, Mamaroneck, N. Y. DISTRICT NO . Central School Boston Post Road, Mama.roneck, N. Y. DISTRICT 140. 5 Westchester Joint Water Works, No . 1 Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck, N. Y. DISTRICT PIO. 6 Tdew Building, Chatsworth Avenue School, Forest Park Avenue, Larchmont, N. Y. 493 DISTRICT N0. 7 Kevr Building, Chatsworth Avenue School, Forest Park Avenue, Larchmont, i7. Y. DISRTCT N0 . 8 Larchmont Village Hall Boston Post Road, Larchmont, N . Y. DISTRICT N0 . 9 1961 to -- 1969 Palmer Avenue, Larchmont, 1N . Y. DISTRICT 7110. 10 325 Boston Post Road, Larchmont, N. Y. DISTR=T N0. 11 Chatsworth Gardens Apartments 14, N. Cnatsworth. vvenue Town of Mamaroneck, N . Y. DISTRICT NO. 12 Murray Avenue School Town of Mamaroneck; N. Y. DISTRICT NO. 13 Murray Avenue School Town of Mamaroneck, N. Y. DISTRICT NO.14 Second Floor, Weaver Street Fire House, Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck N. Y. DISTRICT 1140 . 15 First Floor , Weaver Street Fire House , Cleaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, Iv. Y. DISTRICT NO. 16 Mott House, Larchmont Acres, Fichbell Read, Town of Mamaroneck N. Y. Following a short recess the Supervisor arrnounced that it would. be in order to areceed ,with the special meeting of the 'Town Board. He informed the Board that he had received that it would Meginniss was irarroving and that he expected that it vrculo not be long before he would, return to the meetirigs . 'The Supervisor requested the Town Clerk to read the cormuni- cations. The 'Town Clerk stated that in reply to inquiries he had - - received letters from two book binding companies in which they esti­iatted .he cost of preserving .and binding two volumes of old town records . He pointed out that one volume, the old deed book with the record of transfers for the pears 1756 to 1870 inclusive, was very much. in need of attention The other volume, the original book of book of Town Board minutes from 1697 to 1581, was being; viewed quite often by instructors and residents . He recommended that the pages of both 'gooks be covered with a strong, transparent material. Following discussion the Board directed the Town Clerk to include in his estimate for the 1942 budget an amount sufficient to cover this work. The Supervisor stated that he recommended the settlemnent of the certiorari proceedings instituted by Chemical Bank & Trust Company as 'Trustee under the Will of Morris Schinasi for the benefit of Laurette Schinasi, , Victoria. S. Ross , Altina- Sanders and Juliette Schinasi, to review the assessment upon a parcel of property in the Village of Larchmont known as Section 7, Block 6G., Lots 2A (new numbers Bloch 722,, Parcel 298) , which settlement is agreeable to the relators and involves also the discontinuance of the certiorari proceeding to review the assessment of 1939 (tax of 19 0) , on th.e basis of a reduction in the assessment from .$110, 000 to $85,000 for the year 1940, tax of 1941. Councilman Mandeville: introduced the following resolution which was seconded by Councilman Bates : WHEREAS, heretofore and on or about the 9th dap of October, 1940 a writ of certiorari was obtained by Chemical Bank & 'Trust Company as Trustee, etc . for Laurette Schinasi, et al, owner of Section 7, Block 64,. Lot 2A (nevv numbers Block 722, Parcel 398) to review the assessment for the year 1940 (tax of 1941) ; and WHEREAS, a, return to the writ was duly filed by the Assessor and Board of Review on or about the 15th day of November, 1940; and WHEREAS, the Supervisor and Assessor recommend to this Board that the proceedings be settled and dis- continued upon the reduction of the assessment frog: $110,000 to 85, 000 (tax of 19/;1) ; NOW , THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED, that the assessment for the ;year 1940 upon property known as Section 7; Block 6L, Lot 2A, (new numbers Block 72:2, Parcel 395) be reduced from 4110,000 to $85,000, provided the certiorari now pending in the name of Chemical Bank u Trust Company as 'Trustee, etc . for Laurette Schinasi, et all be discontinued without costs to the Town of Mamaroneck FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to sign the necessary stipulations to obtain orders of the Supreme Court providing for such reductions and. tlhe refund of any excess taxes paid., as well as the discontinuance of tyre 1939 certiorari proceed- ing. Comptroller Luceno called to the attention of the Board that the collection of 1941 school taxes wilt start on September 1, 1941, and that the reciuired resolutions should be adopted in regard to the publication of the notice, the order to the Receiver of Taxes to mail tax bills, and the acceptance of installment payments if the, are to ' n. be oermitted. On motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Bates, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 96A to Chapter 62 Of the Laws of 1909 as amended, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck does hereby authorize and empoirer the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck to collect the 1941 school taxes for Union Free ,School District 1941 in the Town of Iamarcneck, which, under the provisions of Chanter 105 of the Laws of 1916 as arrended, known as the Westchester County Tax Law', become a lien and are ;payable on September 1st, 1941, in two partial payments each amounting to fifty per cent (50%) of and such school tax as levied; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck is authorized and empowered to receive the pament of such partial payments or instalments of the 1941 school taxes for Union Free School District Rc . 1 in the Torvn of Mamaroneck at any time but subject to the same ienalties as are specified. and provided in Section 16 of Chapter 105 of the was of 1916 for the neglect to pay the total amount of the school taxes after the levy thereof: FURTHER RESOLVED, that the acceptance of any such partial or instalment payment of the 1941 school taxes for Union Free School Distriction . 1 in the Town of Mamaroneck shall not be deemed to affect in any manner any right of the Town of Mamaroneck under any general or special Act, to enforce collection of the un»a.id balances of such taxes as may remain due and owing to said Town, but such rights and rowers shall remain in full force and effect to enforce collection of the unpaid balance of such school taxes, together with interest, penalties and other lawful charges . On motion by Councilman Griffin, seconded by Councilman Bates, it as upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board do and it hereby does designate The Daily Times" a daily newspaper published. in the village and town of Mamaroneck, and "The Larchmont Times", a. weekly newspaper published in the village of Larchmont, town of Mamaroneck for the purpose of publishing the notice of the collection of the 1941 school taxes as required by law and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said ncti ce be published in "The Daily Times" on 3Ionday, August 26, 1941, and in "The Larchmont Timesti on Thursday, August 28, 1941; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions of Section 26 of the Westchester County Tax Act, the Town Board do and it hereby does direct the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments to mail to each taxpayer of the Tmin of 14lamaroneck, whose address is l novm to said Receiver of Taxes and Assessments , a tax bill for 19.%1 school taxes, the expense thereof to be a town charge . Councilman Mandeville rep orted that the new joint incineration plant would go into operation. on September 1, 1941. He recommended that tlae proposed set of regulations for the unincorporated area for the collection and disposal of refuse be adopted and that printed copies be delivered to the residents . On motion duly made and seconded .. it was RESOLVED, that the regulations be approved and that To-inn Engineer Foote be directed. to have printed and distributed copies of the regulations . Councilman Mandeville reconmaended that some study be given to the possibility oi. consolidating several departments and setting up a public works denvr. tment . He suggested that the .Supervisor and 'Iown Attorney determine whether or not the Tovm Lava would permit such an arrangement . Councilman Mandeville suggested that the Supervisor be authorized to contact the real estate boards of the villages of Larch- wont and Mamaroneck, also individual brokers of the unincorporated area, for the purnnse of setting up a plan for the sale of vacant land owned by the town. He said that he thought a committee with one representa- tive from each section should sit in with the Supervisor and go over the matter . On motion duly made and seconded, the Supervisor was authorized to take the matter up viith the real estate brokers and act with power . The Town Clerk called to the attention of the Board that tliere were several reouests for a title to the utnamed street Opposite Merritt Street off Palmier Avenue. Following some discussion it was decided that out of respect to George ''. Burton, former supervisor of the 'Town, the street be named "Burton Road!' . The following resolution was on motion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Bates, upon roil call, unanimously adopted: RESOLVED, that the paved street opposite Merritt Street off Palmer Avenue and bordering the Larchmont Acres development be and it hereby is officially named "Burton Road" , this parcel of land being the same property shorn as Parcels A and B on a Town map dated February 26, 1936, by A. J. Foote, 'Torn Engineer and described in the following deeds : (1) Deed between Ida 0 . Campbell and Gerald. J. Campbell, and Colin B . Campbell, the distributees of Alexander C. Campbell, deceased, and the 'Town of Mamaroneck, recorded in the Office of the Register of the County of Westchester in Liber 3515 of Deeds Page 294 on the 11th da of June, 1936 . (2) Deed between Morris Petigor and Anne Petigor, and the Town of Mamaroneck, recorded in the Office of the Register of the County of Westchester in Liber 3515 of Deeds Page 303 on the llth day of June, 1936. At 11:15 A. M. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn.