HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941_07_02 Town Board Minutes REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK HELD JULY 2, 1941 At the Town Office, 158 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, 14. N.Y. Tine meeting was called. to order bir Supervisor McCulloch at 8:30 P. M. Present: Supervisor McCulloch Councilmen Griffin, Mandeville and Meginniss Absent: Councilman Bates The presence was also noted. of Town Clerk Payne, Town Attorney Delius, Comptroller Luceno, Tovan Engineer Foote and Assessor Smith. The minutes of the meetings of May 21 and. June 4 were approved as presented. The Supervisor reQuested the Town Clerk to read the communications . A resolution dated June 2 , 1941; was received from the Republican 'Town Committee in which they expressed their objections to the location of a proposed county airport on the property of the Wined Foot Golf Cliub in the Town of Mamaroneck. It stated, that chile their were in favor of doing everything possible for national defense, they were opposed to the location because it is in one of the most congested. areas of Westchester County. This was one of several reasons given in the resolution. The resolution was ordered received and filed. The Town Clerk reported that he had received from the Fire Chief of the City of New Rochelle copies of their ordinances covering the installation of oil banners . He explained that he could not obtain a copy of their fire prevention code which included the require- ments for liceinses for fuel trucks . Town Attorney Delius reported that Chapter 791 of the Laws of 1941 amends the Vehicle and 'Traffic Law of the State so as to give the State Motor. Vehicle Department jurisdiction over the transportation of inflammable liquids also that it is stated in the amendment that no local ordinance shall conflict with the State regulations . Following some discussion the members of the Board referred the copies of the New Rochelle ordinance for the installation of oil burners to 1,1r . Foote and Mr. Mlorrison for study. Councilman Mandeville suggested that it would be a good idea to contact the Board of Fire Underwriters on the proposed ordinance for oil burners . The Supervisor ammounced that he had appointed Dr. H. Conway and Arthur J. Foote as members of the Defense Council of the unincorporated area of the Town. On motion duly made and seconded, the action of the Subervisor was ratified. Mr . Hunter Meighan of the office of Melghan & Necarsulmeer , attorneys, appeared to discuss the possibility of settling certiorari proceedings instituted to revievz the assessments on the property known as the Schinasi Estate, also known as Block 722, Parcel 398, (old description Section 7, Block 64, Lots 1 and. 2B) . He informed the Board that the bank in charge of the estate was desirous of effectilis a sale of tile property at the earliest possible moment and at the present they were seriously considering an offer which, if accepted, and tine sale consummated, would result in the commencevnent of building operations on the property in the spring of 1942. He }S thn,t the proposed sale was conditional upon the reduction of assessments . Following some discussion the hoard decided to take the matter under advisement . Town Attorney Delius reported that he was representing Town officials in the action brought by Lillian E. Ravenscroft and that he thought that it was important to have sonlethin,g on the record showing that he was authorized to defend the officials named in the action. On .notion by Councilman Mandeville, seconded by Councilman Meginniss, it was upon roll call (the Supervisor not voting unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney be and he hereby is authorized to appear for and represent Supervisor Bert C . McCulloch and Comptroller Vito F. Luceno in the action brought in the United States District Court, Southern District of New York, by Lillian L. Ravenscroft arid that the necessary expenses and dis- bursements be charged to the Town Attorney's budget. Councilman Mandeville stated that there was nothing to report for his departments . Councilman Griffin reported that the Park Department since September 15, 1940 had trimmed approximately 1900 street trees at a cost of $1200.34 out of the Special Tree Fund. This included the cost of the electric hammer and chisels . He said that there are 300 more trees to be done and they have ample money to complete this work, which will be taken care of after the busy season in the parks . While removing all broken and dead wood from the finished trees, they also raised the low branches to a height of 12 feet to allow headroom for the new fire truck. He reported further that the cost of material, gas and oil and the salaries of the foreman and assistant foreman were taken out of the Park Department budget and amounted to $1,095 .45 or a combined cost of $2,295 .79, the cost per tree being 1.21 against the commercial rate of $3 .00. While doing the work the Park Department many times removed branches of trees that were not on town property but were dangerous to automobile and pedestrian traffic and this was done with permission on of the property owner, he explained. He added that the Park Department, was very efficient in carding out its duties throughout all seasons . He presented the report of the Public Welfare Officer for the month of June, 1941,which showed as follows: He pointed out that the figures were the lowest for the same month since June, 1933 and that the nest lowest figures for the same month were in the year 1937. Councilman Meginniss stated that there was nothing to report on finances . He reported that the Town Fire Department received the highest award, a silver cup, for the best appearance in the village of Port Chester annual parade held. July 11 1941. June June 190 1941 Case Load 297 226 Individuals 1126 847 Case Days 8273 6592 Total Relief Expended 11,240.40 8,622.87 Average Cost Per Case 37.85 38 .15 Average Cost Per Individual 9.98 10.18 Average Cost Per Case Day 1.36 1.31 Average Cost Per Individual Per Date .359 349 Councilman Griffin informed the Board that Councilman Bates was improving as well as could be erected. The following reports for the month of June were received and filed: (1) Report of the Receiver of 'Taxes; (2) Report of the Building Inspector and (3) Report of the Plumbing, Inspector. At 9: 50 P. R. the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn.