HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015_12_16 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, DECEMBER 16,2015 HELD IN CONFERENCE ROOM C,OF THE TOWN CENTER 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK NEW YORK Roll Call. Present:Arthur Wexler, Chairman, Irene O'Neill, Elizabeth Cooney,Alternate,Jonathan Sacks (who arrived after the meeting was called to order) Also Present: Lisa Hochman, Counsel,John H. Landi, Building Inspector. Absent/Excused:,Jeffery King, Evans Simpson, Ronald A, Carpaneto, Director of Building, Kevin G. Ryan, Counsel, Ernest Odierna,Town Board Liaison. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 8:00PM. Mr. Wexler, Chairman, explained that at this time there are only three members present and stated that the applicant would need a unanimous vote in favor to be approved. If any applicant would like to adjourn the matter he or she may request to do so. MINUTES The minutes of October 28, 2015 were postponed. APPLICATION NO. 1 CASE NO. 3007 JOHN ELTON 1 EAST DRIVE Adjourned No one appeared before the Board and the matter was adjourned. APPLICATION NO. 2 CASE NO.3008 Mr.and Mrs.Jonah Weintraub 4 Robins Nest Motion: To open the public hearing Action:Approved Moved by Arthur Wexler,Chairman,Seconded by Irene O'Neill. Mr.Jonah Weintraub,the owner, addressed the Board stating that he is seeking to legalize an existing deck that was present when he purchased the house two years ago. Mr. Wexler stated that the survey doesn't show the dimension from Palmer Avenue which could be a potential problem if the variance requested is actually larger and requested the applicant provide an updated "as built" survey. Mr. Wexler asked if the applicant would like to think about it and suggested a temporary adjournment. APPLICATION NO. 3 CASE NO.3010 Gjoko Shkerli 176 Myrtle Blvd. Adjourned 1 APPLICATION NO.4 CASE NO.3011 Ryan Webler 748 Forest Avenue Motion:To open the public hearing Action:Approved Moved by Arthur Wexler, Chairman, Seconded by Irene O'Neill. Mr. Webler,the applicant, stated that he is before the Board to legalize a patio. He further stated that two and a half years ago, when he was debating whether to place a deck or repair patio he got bad advice from his contractor that a permit was not required. Mr. Webler stated they are now before the Board because they have received a violation for the patio. He further stated the patio is behind a retaining wall and not visible from the street. The location of the fence and wall was discussed. The wall is on Mr. Webler's property and the fence is the neighbors' property. Mr. Webler stated that he received a small variance for a rear addition when he purchased the home in 2011. The Board discussed the request. There were no public questions or comments. Ms. Hochman stated that the Board is required to consider the 5 factors. Mr. Wexler suggested that the applicant request an adjournment and allow a site visit as the Board needs justification to grant a variance. Mr. Webler requested an adjournment. APPLICATION NO. 5 CASE NO.3012 Peter Gaito 1435 Boston Post Road Motion:To open the public hearing Action:Approved Moved by Arthur Wexler, Chairman, Seconded by Irene O'Neill. Peter Gaito Jr.,the applicant's architect, addressed the Board stating that Corporate is mandating new signage. The new sign will be at the same location by the entrance to the lot 7 1/2 feet set back from Boston Post Road and the surrounding area will be landscaped. The sign is to be internally illuminated, can be dimmed, and would only be lit during hours of operation. The applicant is requesting 3 variances: height, size and illumination. Mr. Wexler stated they must consider the residential area across Boston Post Road. 2 The Board discussed the request and asked for a smaller sign alternative and an elevation of the building as the sign must be in scale with the building and neighborhood. Mr. Sacks arrived at 8:43 and Mr. Wexler gave him a short recap of the request. Mr. Gaito stated they will talk with Corporate. Mr. Wexler stated he would like the sign proportionally shrunk. The matter was adjourned. APPLICATION NO. 2 CASE NO. 3008 Mr.and Mrs.Weintraub Reconvened Mr. Wexler stated that an "as built" survey would be required to close the permit and asked the applicant to get it so the Board will have the correct calculation to make a decision. Mr. Weintraub stated he will get an updated survey and requested an adjournment. MINUTES Motion: To approve the minutes of October 28, 2015 with a technical correction. Action:Approved Moved by Arthur Wexler, Chairman, Seconded by Irene O'Neill. Minutes prepared by Francine M. Brill Zoning Board of Appeals Secretary 3