HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943_09_15 Town Board Minutes REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK HELD SEPTEMBER 15, 1943 In the Council Room of the !"leaver Street Firehouse , Town of Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Mandeville at 8 p.m. (Eastern War Time) . Present: Supervisor Mandeville Councilmen Griffin, Breyer and Stiner Present: Councilman Keeler The presence was also noted of Town Clerk Payne , Attorney Delius , Assessor Smith , Town Engineer & Supt. of Highways Foote , Alexander Finson , Clerk to the Supervisor, Clair V. Johnson, Chair- man of the Board of Police Commissioners , and Police Chief Paul A. Yerick. The minutes of the meetings of September 1 and 7, 1943 were approved as presented. The Supervisor opened the meeting and the matter of park- ing throughout the Town was discussed by the members of the Town Board and the Police Commissioner. The Town Clerk handed to the members of the Board copies of a circular put out by Joseph P. Day, Inc. , Auctioneer , advertising the auction sale to be held on October 2, 1943 , for the former First National Bank Building. A letter dated September 3, 1943 was received from Paul A. Yerick, Chief of Police , informing the Board of the re- signaticn of temporary Patrolman Aloysius Tighe , as of September 1, 1943. The letter was ordered received and filed. A letter dated September 9 , 1943 was received from Henry R. Dillon, Receiver of Taxes , stating that an application had been made by Mrs. Robert S. McCarthy for the payment of certain tax arrears at a reduced amount. He advised that Mr. McCarthy is a warrant officer in the United States Navy and is now serving on foreign waters . Both the Supervisor and Councilman Griffin advised that Mr. Dillon had discussed the matter with them and following some discussion it was on motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Council- man Brewer , upon roll call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to accept payment of the following taxes on the following de- scribed property, the liens for which are held by the Town at the face amount of the liens , provided payment is made within thirty days: Year of Year of Amount of Block Parcel Sale Tax Lien 210 15 1939 1938 8.87 1940 1939 8.60 1941 1940 8.67 1942 1941 6.34 1943 1942 41.46 -73.94 A letter dated September 14, 1943 was received from Louis Giancola , in which he offered to purchase and remove the old develop- ment real estate office at the corner of Winged Foot Drive and Fenimore Road. A sealed bid accompanied the letter. Members of the Board advised that there had been other in- quiries about the building , and following some discussion it was de- cided to wait until some disposition was made of the surrounding acreage owned by the Town. The Town Clerk was requested to advise Mr. Giancola. The following reports for the month of August were ordered received and filed: (1) Report of the Building Inspector; (2) Re- port of the Plumbing Inspector; (3) Report of the Town Clerk; (4) Report of the Mamaroneck Health Center. Councilman Griffin presented and read the report of the Department of Welfare for the month of August , 1943 , which showed as follows : Cases Year Case Individuals Total Grasslands Load Expenditures Hospital Amount 1943 30 60 $1,387.16 20 $2 ,107. 56 1942 118 395 4,444.33 23 2 ,295.00 He compared the report with the report for the same month for the year 1941 and pointed out that the case load that year was 191 , Individuals 1127, total expenditures , $6,766.76. He stated that these figures proved a great reduction in welfare costs. He presented and read the statement of Bank Balances as of 9 a.m. , September 15, 1943 and furnished the members of the Board with copies of the Comptroller ' s report for the period, September 1 to 15, 1943. He stated that there was nothing to report for the Park Department , only that he intended to take up with the members of the Park Commissioh the question of payment of part of the expenses for the printing of the new ordinance book including the Park Or- dinances. Councilman Stiner informed the Board that he had visited Councilman Keeler at his home and that he was happy to report to the Board that Mr. Keeler is improving rapidly and is able to be up part of the time. The members expressed their best wishes for Councilman Keeler and that he would soon be among them. Councilman Stiner reported that he had inspected several times with Engineer Foote the work being done by the Town and that everything was going along as usual. He said that there was nothing to report on Personnel. Councilman Brewer reported that in connection with Recreation the school board had indicated that they would be willing to undertake direction of Recreation, if the referendum is passed by the voters . He advised that Mr. Ahern is making a survey in the schools this week on which to base an estimate of the number of children who would be interested in the recreation program. And that when this is completed, a budget would be made up. Following this , he advised, a plan would be drawn up to give publicity to the proposed program. He informed the Board that he had received a letter from Mayor Goeckler and that this letter , with a copy of his reply, would be filed with the Town Clerk. He explained that Mayor Goeckler feels that if the school board is to handle recreation it should be put in the school budget and not in the Town budget. Councilman Brewer stated that suggestions are being con- sidered in order to formulate a general plan so that the voters will know just what they are voting for at Election time. He said that he felt that the Town should not be extravagant but should appropriate sufficient money to do the job right or not at all. Supervisor Mandeville presented copies of a lease between the County of Westchester and the Town of Mamaroneck for the continued use by the Town of the property known as Parcel 45 and part of Par- cel 1B, Sheet 9 , Pelham-Portchester Parkway right-of-way, for a nursery for the Town Park Department. The consideration being S1.CO and the term being one year from November 1, 1943. It was on motion by Councilman Stiner , seconded by Council- man Griffin, upon roll call , unanimously RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign the renewal of the lease between the County of West- chester and the Town of Mamaroneck, for the use of Parcel 45 and a portion of Parcel 1B , Sheet 9 , Pelham-Portchester Parkway right-of-way, for use by the Park Department of the Town for a nursery. The Supervisor reported that everything is in good order in . the Highway Department, that he inspected the drain along Brookside Drive , and that everything was working all right. He called to the attention of the Board that when the Buick Sedan was purchased for a Fire Chief' s car , it was done so to replace the old Ford sedan, which was getting beyond its usefulness. He stated that some remarked that it burned more oil than gasoline and _ that aside from this it was dangerous to have the car on the road unless a large amount of repairs were made. He added that most of the time it was standing out in the parking space in back of the -- Firehouse because there was no room for it in the building. He recommended that the car be removed to the Town year and placed on the market for sale. Councilman Stiner informed the Board that he had driven the car to the Town yard and that it is in very bad condition. It was also decided to sell the 1934 Ford Station Wagon formerly used by the Engineer ' s Department, and following some dis- cussion the Town Clerk was authorized to give public notice offering the cars for sale. The bids to be opened at the next regular Board meeting. On motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to publish the following Notice: LEGAL NOTICE Pursuant to a resolution by the Town Board, Town of Mamaroneck, New York, dated September 15, 1943 , notice is hereby given that separate sealed bids will be received by the Town Board and publicly opened and read at 8 p.m. , October 6 , 1943 , in the -" Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse , Town of Mamaroneck, for the sale, as is , of the follow- ing: One (1) 1934 Ford 4-Door Sedan One (1) 1934 Ford Station Wagon The cars ban be seen at the Town Yard off Palger Avenue near Weaver Street, every day except Sunday, between the hours , 7: 30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. —Town Clerk The Town Attorney informed the Board that it would be necessary for him to make a trip to Albany to discuss certain matters with the State Tax Commission, and also to attend the conference of town attorneys on proposed legislation affecting towns. On motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney be and he hereby is authorized to make a trip to Albany on official business , and that his expenses are not to exceed $30.00 and are to be paid out of the item in the Attorhey' s Budget for 1943 for traveling expenses. At 9:45 p.m. the Board unimously resolved to adjourn. Town C C/P -